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Messages - Blazyd

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GarrysMod / Re: Concerning the Rules
« on: December 03, 2013, 10:42:30 PM »
First off I think we need to change the "Cancel" button on the MOTD to say "I agree". Sure, 90% of them won't read it but when they click on "I agree" that means they've accepted our rules whether or not they actually read them which means if they break the rules, they're liable for punishment so they can't say they didn't know that something was RDM (because they agreed to our rules). I know we have a very extensive rule list covering nearly every aspect of RDM and gameplay rules. That can be a lot for new people to take in, but it's there for a reason - everyone's well being (including theirs!!)

Another suggestion that I have come up with is to have two lists of rules. We keep these rules, and add a new set of simplified rules to actually display in the MOTD. If they wish to look at the current rules ( the in-depth rules) then we should add a link or something of the sort to show them the extended rules. This way we get to keep the current rules, which is pretty lengthy, and replace it with a shorter to the point MOTD that won't scare people away with a big wall of text.

That big wall of text is necessary because the simplified MOTD won't cover everything. Our strict rules is what makes us one of, if not THE best TTT server around. Why do we need to loosen them up? Looser rules would only make it easier for people to RDM and get away with it, and for trolls to take advantage of this and make everyone's time less enjoyable. It'll also make people not take our RDM punishments as seriously because we don't punish as severely for it.

Also, the "if you run out the time as a traitor with less than 2 kills" rule should stay. 95% of the time the "traitors better trait! if you run out the time with etc etc etc" messages never work because most new people seem to be incapable of reading chat so if they won't read the chat, why would they read the motd? From my experience, new people I slay tend not to break any more rules once I punish them once or twice. Once they see that we'll actually punish them for things, they won't want to be punished anymore and will take reading the rules into higher consideration. Anyway, they waste everyone's 8 minutes so wouldn't it only seems fair to make them sit out a round so their 8 minutes is "wasted" as well?

If they won't listen to us (which most new people don't because they won't read the chat or listen to people talk on the mic), then how else are we gonna deal with them but punish them each time they break a rule?

This confuses new players when they ask why they were slain, and makes them mad and leave.

I don't know about everyone else, but I always tell people the reason that they're being slain before I slay them so it really shouldn't confuse them as to why they were slayed.

GarrysMod / Re: Concerning the TTT server
« on: November 24, 2013, 12:17:30 AM »
On the subject of looser rules, I think they're just fine the way they stand now. Why do we need to loosen them up? That would only make it easier for people to RDM and get away with it, and for trolls to make everyone's time less enjoyable. It'll also make people not take our RDM punishments as seriously because we don't punish as severely for it.

When people join a new server, they should read the rules. Hell, they even click on that "I agree" button on our motd. Sure, 90% of them don't read it but when they click on "Agree" that means they've accepted our rules whether or not they actually read them which means if they break the rules, they're liable for punishment. I know we have a very extensive rule list covering nearly every aspect of RDM and gameplay rules that can be a lot to take in for new people, but it's there for a reason - everyone's well being.

Also, definitely this:

The jihad bomb is a degenerate item that will only increase the amount of traitor on traitor RDM, and lead to more people being buttangry over losing their t round. Thats why it was never added to our server, even when we had one of the highest rank TTT servers, we never resorted to adding the jihad bomb. You know whats killing TTT off? There is hardly any replay value and we have no brand power/advertising power. CG stays on CG, and doesnt advertise on other sites, they don't go looking for members, they expect members to come to them. For the oldgaurd for the most part TTT is just becoming a stale game, I know thats why myself, Jorgen etc don't play it anymore. Its a stale game mode, which is the same beef I have with most of the servers we run; they are only source games and they are all collectively old with the exception of NMRIH, which nobody in the community ever seems to play.

Jihad bombs are generally a terrible weapon for TTT. It requires no thought process or skill to use (things that traitors should be using) and causes a lot of unintended traitor buddy deaths by your jihad. Also, couldn't you just go in the barn on 67thway, charge up the jihad then go in the teleporter causing nearly everyone in the basement to die? I know we have a rule against doing that with C4.

Donator perks should also be added asap. They shouldn't be too gameplay altering either. In my opinion they should just be subtle things like colored smoke grenades or colored names in the TAB player list (though people would probably confuse them with being an admin.) Also perhaps adding a votekick/voteban/voteslay/votegag/votemute for trusted donators? This'll be so even if there's no admin around, a donator can do their best to stop trolls/mass rdm'ers.

my 2 cents

Admin Applications / Re: [CL] Ðeath.
« on: November 16, 2013, 09:44:00 PM »
I agree with Old Crow


Admin Resignation / Re: UnknownError's Final Resignation
« on: November 12, 2013, 07:17:04 PM »
Looks like the WG incident with all the resignations.

Anyway, you were a ton of fun to be friends with, whether it be playing civ, TTT or just talking on steam. And you're the only person that's heard me use my voice in CG. I hope you continue to do well in school (which shouldn't be a problem for a Chinese guy), and remember the fun we had together!

Even if that .1% chance happened, couldn't we just nuke it?

Causing billions of meteorites to rain all over earth and cause widespread damage? I don't think so.

Also, it's more like 1 in 60,000 chance that it'll actually hit earth. There's a better chance of this asteroid striking earth than you winning basically any lottery.

Admin Applications / Re: [TTT] HerpDerpMike
« on: October 15, 2013, 09:17:39 PM »
I'm just gonna point this out there right now: if you continue to use your mic, you're going to be a very easy target for trolls because they love to pick on kids. I'd suggest you develop some thick skin because you should expect people to say a lot of nasty insults and shit to you (it's going to happen no matter what, it'll just be more often if you use your mic.)

With that said, I'm gonna +0. You have a pretty rough history of trolling and being a general nuisance. You've gotten a lot better and are a good player to have around but I'm just not sure that you're admin material yet.

Spoiler for Hidden:
If you do get accepted, I'd love to teach you the ropes.


+1 For Derpy  trollface

Is this supposed to be sarcasm and is really a -1 because the troll face?

Admin Time Away Forum / Broken computer
« on: September 17, 2013, 05:33:59 PM »
I'm posting from my phone so I can't really use the format, so here's the jist of it:

I got another BSOD today, but this time it wouldn't let me restart and it looks like I'm gonna have to take it in for repairs. I probably won't be on the forums that much, if at all until I get my computer fixed.

I don't know how long this is going to take.


My computer fixed itself apparently, so this time away isn't applicable anymore.

though my PC has been really unstable lately so just gonna leave this up in case something happens and I'm offline for a while this is probably why

GarrysMod / Re: New Server Ideas
« on: August 23, 2013, 09:59:54 PM »
1944 RP All RP servers nowadays are basically filled to the brim with annoying 10 year old kids being general trolls/mingebags RDMing, random demoting, mic spamming, getting a power thrill out of abusing the cop/mayor job, fail RP'ing, and the list goes on. RP is shit nowadays unless you have a small private server with your friends. I don't think gmod needs another server of this

In my opinion the best idea would to have a sandbox server with some well-written rules. All we really need is  prop protection, some tool addons (like stacker, advanced dupe and maybe a few other ones), and admins to enforce the rules. Just like a 10 or 12 slot server on construct or something would be great imo. Garry's mod is seeming to lose its touch on what it was originally about - building contraptions/buildings and having fun.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: (=CG=)Lilg0218; Cheating and Ghosting.
« on: August 10, 2013, 05:03:01 PM »
Hmmmm, a big ERROR sign in place of a small weapon. That's about the equivalent of making your guns 50 feet long so they stick out of everything, essentially giving you wallhacks.

Regardless if you were dead or alive, posting a KOS at all in admin chat is breaking the rules for potential ghosting as well as trolling.

I expect someone who has played on the server for a while to know the rules.

Ill put the textures back and I didnt relize he was still alive im so sorry.

You didn't realize he was alive??? It really only takes 3 seconds to hold tab and say to yourself "hmm 2 admins are alive and 1 is a traitor so I shouldn't say KOS DYLAN in admin chat because that would be considered ghosting and I know that's against the rules because I play on this server a lot!"

and let's say you really didn't know Death was alive. Then what's the point of saying in admin chat "KOS DYLAN" if dylan is the only admin alive? Seems kinda pointless right?

Admin Resignation / Blazyd
« on: June 25, 2013, 02:09:52 AM »
In-Game Name: Blazyd

Which server(s) are you resigning from?: Hidden

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:6005401

Reason for resignation: In my opinion the punishment standards for team killers are too lenient. I enjoyed it when I could decide what the ban length should be myself (before there were punishment standards). But with the influx of a lot of new hidden admins there had to be some sort of standard made to keep all the new admins and everyone from giving unfair punishments, and I respect that. I don't know, I just don't feel comfortable with these punishment standards, and I haven't even been playing hidden that much since they were made. I'm probably overreacting, but I'm not gonna abide by standards that I don't agree with.

Temporary?: Maybe - depends on if I ever wanna come back again to hidden.

Solved Applications / Re: [Hidden] Muffins
« on: May 12, 2013, 08:41:27 PM »
I don't really think you need to make an app since you're a vet. You can just ask pyro

Solved Applications / Re: [TTT] Leetgrain
« on: March 31, 2013, 05:22:09 PM »

Would be great to have you back as an admin

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Random Screenshot time!
« on: March 27, 2013, 01:06:32 AM »
from a while back

I asked this guy why he was calling me sir...

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Unban request thing...
« on: March 24, 2013, 02:35:55 AM »

Hail saying this is the reason I banned him for revenge rdm.  I'm alright with unbanning you though because you really never break the rules.

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: Kacey - Banned for not propkilling.
« on: March 24, 2013, 12:51:14 AM »
People seriously need to lay off the prop killing because it's a huge grey area that it's extremely difficult to tell who killed who and what happened since most of the time it never shows in the damagelogs. Good job on Nexus for getting footage of it.

Kacey - can't you just like, stop fucking with props so much and prop killing so things like this won't happen?? You "narrowly escaped a permaban" (according to you) and propkilling 3~ people in that video doesn't help your case at all. I know ashes sort of gave the green-light to do it, but still, if you know it's wrong then don't.

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