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Messages - Christovski

Pages: 1 ... 65 66 [67] 68 69 ... 160
The Art Forum / Re: Favorite Game Tracks?
« on: August 13, 2013, 09:01:01 AM »
But is it one of your favourite game tracks

Months ago when I beat the game it was hilarious and excellent.  But you know Tic.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Pokemon X/Y.
« on: August 13, 2013, 12:52:44 AM »
Instead of retyping all my many thoughts on X and Y ( I will be getting X and hoping they release a special 3DS for these games) here are all the threads where I've talked about the games




The Art Forum / Re: Favorite Game Tracks?
« on: August 13, 2013, 12:43:20 AM »
Tictac will hate me for beating him to it but I had to do it trollface

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRbQVgmq1TE" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRbQVgmq1TE</a>

I did!  Because you play all the time and need to have your voice heard dammit

Zombie Master / Re: ZM_Noodle, nominate or admin only?
« on: August 12, 2013, 06:47:47 PM »
Tested that zm_nominate_addmap, don't think that works for maps in admin only.

You're the one who told me that works :|

Zombie Master / Swap in ZM_ASDF in place of ZM_random?
« on: August 12, 2013, 06:39:51 PM »
I have heard a few people who prefer ASDF over Random, and while I think Random is a little better because there aren't giant colored floor panels that say "FREAK OUT THERE IS A TRAP HERE" other people think it doesn't matter.

Either way, if people want it instead Random, and it brings in more people (we can always manually change the map when trying to populate the empty server) as long as that is what people want I will change it.

So VOTE!  Move ASDF to nominate, and Random back to admin only?  Or leave it as it is?

(note: ANY admin can use sm_nominate_addmap [name of map] to nominate any admin-only map at any time and it will come up in the map vote like normal)

Zombie Master / ZM_Noodle, nominate or admin only?
« on: August 12, 2013, 06:36:47 PM »
Title.  I moved it off nominate because it seemed like I was the only one who got nostalgic and liked this map.

I mean it's one of the few maps I always think of when I think of playing on Bunn3h's old ZM server

So VOTE!  Does anyone else like this map?  Or is it just me and leave it on admin-only for the few times people actually give a fuck?

(note: ANY admin can use sm_nominate_addmap [name of map] to nominate any admin-only map at any time and it will come up in the map vote like normal)

Way Off Topic Box / Re: The Pet Thread!
« on: August 12, 2013, 06:32:18 PM »
Wow Pyro, that large black square sure is interesting :P

Maybe theres something in there somewhere, but all the scrolling to try and see something (since the forums limits the size that can be displayed at a time) and all i saw was


Admin Resignation / Re: I'm out.
« on: August 12, 2013, 05:06:02 PM »
I'm sorry you had such issues with communication and compromise, I hold no ill will towards you, just seemed to be a lot of miscommunication on both sides.

Zombie Master / Re: ZM map addition requests
« on: August 12, 2013, 04:08:58 PM »
#1: No.
#2: I don't care... I just want it back.
#3: I do recall you removing it due to something with the elevator, I didn't re-check when I posted.
#4 Gasdump will be wanted, everyone I told about the removal from public nomination was hugely pissed.
#5 So you're saying you're removing deathruns cause you dont want to do your job as an admin? Jesus christ YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO MAKE THEM MOVE... THATS WHAT ADMIN IS FOR.
In the future: Consult your oldest vet before making any major changes, I utterly detest the manner in which this was done completely behind my back. Its pathetic.

Read the forums.  For the love of god.  I posted these map lists originally over a week ago and asked people to debate them before I made them final.  You didn't post anything about these grievances then.  It's not behind your back, its you not paying attention.

Also stop throwing a temper tantrum.  I'm making many choices based on the fact that ADMINS CANT BE ON 24/7 ALL THE TIME.  Seeing as we have a total of only 4 admins, and most of us are too busy to play more than a few hours each day.
Not to mention we also like to have fun, and noone likes having to hear us yelling at players to move the entire time we are playing.

I've had zero complaints on the lack of Gasdump, so I have no idea who you are talking to.  Tonight there's going to be a vote to switch random for ASDF, since a few people have asked for ASDF back.

Sorry but no.. just no. As far as I can see it, it's you three and then me on the side. I'm not going to sit here and let 3 admins who left and came back run the ZM server without consulting me... Regardless of whether you were or not a ZM admin before makes no difference. Chris claims he spoke to regs and admins.. but hey I'M AN ADMIN... Again: LONGEST SERVING.

If I had any proper say in this these changes wouldn't have been made, but nope as usual I'm just bypassed...

You are an admin yes, who told people you were transferring from ZM to go to ZPS because of the Head Admin debacle, you specifically told me you were leaving to go work with Pillz because you were upset, via steamchat.

You ALSO left and came back just like we did.  You came back AFTER we came back as well, so I fail to see how this a relevant point, as you did the same thing we did.  We revived a dead server that had no admins and noone cared about it.  If it weren't for me, Death, Dante, Tictac, Otter, Bananas, etc, THERE WOULDN'T BE A CG ZM SERVER.  They were threatening to delete it if noone did anything, so you should be glad we saved it so it was here WHEN YOU CAME BACK.

If we are talking longest serving, take a look at my history of being an admin since the founding of CG, I only left due to wholegrain and returned after he was removed.  Also Tictac was HA for a bit either before or after you were here, but he was HA for a time.

Either way, if you've noticed I've made threads for everything I've changed, and my regulars who actually post, and my admins have all pretty much agreed on everything, you are the only one against most things.  How would it be fair to do what YOU want, when everyone else who posts on these threads wants something different?

I frequently tell people to register on the forums and make suggestions, and noone does which tells me players don't care enough
* Christovski shrugs

Any further rageposts/temper tantrums/posts not using the format listed in the OP will be COMPLETELY IGNORED by me.

edit: merged to avoid double-post

Zombie Master / Re: ZM_Gasdump, return to nominate?
« on: August 12, 2013, 11:56:20 AM »
Sounds like everyone so far wants it to stay where it is.

Anyone have anything else to add?

Zombie Master / ZM_Gasdump, return to nominate?
« on: August 10, 2013, 12:06:34 PM »
Title.  I moved it off nominate due to frequent instances of people glitching the elevator (I can think of two separate occasions when I was doing something else and had to be called in to ZM to deal with people glitching the map) and due to people camping instead of doing the objectives, so the dead folks quit after sitting in spectator for over 15 minutes.

So VOTE!  Do you all want it back?  Or is it better left to admins discretion when we have a good enough crop of people with no trolls? 

(note: ANY admin can use sm_nominate_addmap [name of map] to nominate any admin-only map at any time and it will come up in the map vote like normal)

Zombie Master / Re: ZM map addition requests
« on: August 10, 2013, 11:59:49 AM »
#1 follow the format

#2 the map lists thread is the place for this request as that thread is for changing a map from one list (admin only) to another list (nominate)

#3 Asylum is currently on the nominate list, dunno what the issue is there

#4 Gasdump was taken off nominate due to constant glitching of the elevator, but might go back on nominate if enough people want it, I will make a vote to see what people want, if the majority want it back, I will put it back on nominate.

#5 ASDF was moved to admin-only with Bubbles due to requests from admins and much of our regulars to have less trap maps where everyone camps at the beginning of the map or block everyone because they're trying to trick the ZM into wasting the trap and generally wasting everyone's time.

I may make a vote to put ASDF back on nominate.

In the future, calling something I/we did "Insanely dumb" will result in your request being completely ignored.  I don't take kindly to that.

In my experience gasdump is not that popular and people leave because of how long people make the round last by camping upstairs and not playing the map.  ASDF is, but seeing as how we already have plenty of trap maps in deathrun, random, and tetris epic, we wanted to cut down the amount of time we spend yelling "JUST GO stop BLOCKING!" in a given day.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Picture Wars? Picture Wars.
« on: August 09, 2013, 04:36:24 PM »

Solved Applications / Re: Re-App
« on: August 09, 2013, 10:54:41 AM »
It will give me a good chance to test out setting admins with Sourcebans (my experience before Sourcebans it was just a config under the sourcemod on the server) I'll do it when I get home from work (on break right now weeeeee)

Pages: 1 ... 65 66 [67] 68 69 ... 160

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