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Messages - Boxman

Pages: 1 ... 37 38 [39] 40 41 ... 73
General Gaming Talk / Re: Desura or Steam?
« on: May 25, 2011, 09:23:18 PM »
Desura looks terrible, and almost an exact replica of steam. The theme i the same where they put stuff on the client is the same. Just dont try it.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Tendovvi - Aimbot + Proof
« on: May 25, 2011, 05:13:33 PM »
Not meaning to offend you but your are wrong. The second demo last kill shows the wiggle from his shot. Please re-watch it. And if you can't see it then i'd like to request another admin to watch it.
Rewatched it twice with Jorgen... The final headshot seemed to be lag & bad hitboxes. Again with the no consistency with twitching, flailing, etc... Seeing as in the demo, Tendovvi was yo-yo'ing, I could only assume he was lagging as his ping was in 170 or so and was reverting back a step every so often.

It would be stupid to use an aimbot when you already have the crosshairs aligned with someones head/shoulders/neck... The problem is that if it were an aimbot, he'd be snapping if he was even slightly off.. which he never was nor did he ever do.

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Tendovvi - Aimbot + Proof
« on: May 25, 2011, 04:57:19 PM »
Waste of time... He simply kept his crosshairs on head level.. There was no type of flailing, snapping, vigorous movements, or anything of the sort. This 'proof' is inconsistent with aimbotting.

Requesting a lock...

Solved Ban Requests / Re: Tendovvi - Aimbot + Proof
« on: May 25, 2011, 04:51:46 PM »
Watching now..

Debate Forum / Re: Intelligence/Wisdom/Idk?
« on: May 25, 2011, 04:34:40 PM »
EVERYTHING changes things, even if it may be insignificant to you... Bragging about your intelligence is conceited behavior, and I am somewhat displeased that anyone would ever brag about it.. The entire idea is that every human is different, and we've all gone through different life experiences, no matter how pleasant or unpleasant as they may be. Intelligence isn't measured by some sort of test that gives you a rough idea of how well ones mind processes material. IQ Tests are nothing more than a false observation of ones intelligence, hence why IQ means nothing...

I'm just going to ignore the giant fucking quote train you all started///

Well you can't really measure your intelligence any other way, but it's not like if you're really intelligent, you'll score below ninety or anything. And "retarded" people, literally, won't score over 100.

The only problem is guessing. I don't believe anyone should ever guess on an IQ test, if you really don't know, put what you think might be the most likely correct answer, or don't answer. One girl got like 130 something and I called bullshit and she said she guessed on like at least 10 questions. So I agree it isn't FOOLPROOF yet, but until they can find a way to do so.. You can tell by talking to someone how generally intelligent they are, but I suppose it really DOESN'T matter, but that's just an opinion on it, not fact, given millions of others beg to differ. Then again facts and opinions never cease people from believing what they want to believe.

Idunno. This is less about IQ tests and more about how your intelligence accumulates to higher than average levels, and all that neat stuff.
It gives you a rough idea but it's not an accurate observation, I suppose. In terms of the facts and opinions statement, Ignorance is bliss...

I mean, in reality? You have have the spelling of a 5 year old and be considered a genius, or even be illiterate... You can have a vast vocabulary and be considered mentally retarded... It's just, illogical to assume that by the way someone speaks, you can judge their intelligence. I, personally, don't see any form of intelligence in myself. In fact, I believe I'm well below average in terms of intelligence... but the IQ test, friends, family, girlfriend, and acquaintances beg to differ...

Debate Forum / Re: Intelligence/Wisdom/Idk?
« on: May 25, 2011, 03:27:45 PM »
Also, dick move here.. but..

Funner = Not a word.

Debate Forum / Re: Intelligence/Wisdom/Idk?
« on: May 25, 2011, 03:25:49 PM »
Well that's not exactly what I'm getting at, I believe it does change things, not drastically, but every single little insignificant thing in everyone's life, affects them somehow. IQ doesn't mean you're better than everyone else, and thinking so is counterproductive. Whilest I brag of my intelligence, I don't knock people down anymore for being "dumber" because like I said before, we all had different experiences, and they're going to know things I don't know, and vice versa. All we can do is help each other out and try to figure IT OUT TOGETHER. I dunno.

EVERYTHING changes things, even if it may be insignificant to you... Bragging about your intelligence is conceited behavior, and I am somewhat displeased that anyone would ever brag about it.. The entire idea is that every human is different, and we've all gone through different life experiences, no matter how pleasant or unpleasant as they may be. Intelligence isn't measured by some sort of test that gives you a rough idea of how well ones mind processes material. IQ Tests are nothing more than a false observation of ones intelligence, hence why IQ means nothing...

I'm just going to ignore the giant fucking quote train you all started///

General Gaming Talk / Re: Duke Nukem Forever Gold
« on: May 25, 2011, 01:20:01 PM »
Demo right?
The demo is June 3rd.
Honestly? I'm going to wait until July 4th when I can legally buy the game without going "MOMMY, MOMMY! TITTIES!" :I

General Gaming Talk / Re: Duke Nukem Forever Gold
« on: May 25, 2011, 01:03:36 PM »
Anyone notice that there are like 10 games abreviated to DNF?
For me when some one says DNF I think: Korean Dungeon Fighter Online.
Only one has been in development for 12 years. Granted, they scrapped the project and Gearbox had to start from scratch.. but 12 years nonetheless.

Debate Forum / Re: ADHD
« on: May 25, 2011, 04:21:10 AM »
perhaps but it improves concentration and lessens the symptoms of ADD/ADHD that would possibly cause an School Like Disadvantage.
I suppose.

Debate Forum / Re: ADHD
« on: May 25, 2011, 03:33:44 AM »
I haven't heard or thought about any of thoes. Are any true for sure?

I have ADD and I have Ritalin. Never used it tho.
I would highly doubt that ADD/ADHD medication can actually cause ones intelligence to rise. Awareness isn't key in intelligence.

Debate Forum / Re: Intelligence/Wisdom/Idk?
« on: May 25, 2011, 03:27:36 AM »
It's a little bit more than that. It changes nothing as it is, but if you're IQ changes, same with your weight, your life changes. You might encounter different things. For example, with a higher IQ, perhaps think differently, faster, etc, and with weight, attract more girls maybe, repel girls, heart attack, bad cholestoral, bad health in general.

It isn't JUST a number. Just like your heart rate, if your heart rate is 5, or fucking 500, for whatever reason, it's no longer JUST A NUMBER. It never was.

But you can look at it like that if you want, I guess.
That wasn't what I was referring to. I referring to the numbers ability to change over time. In that sense, it is just a number. Whether it has an emotional impact on you is irrelevant. My IQ is above average but it's not as if I spot things that others don't. The only thing it changes is my anxiety as it further complicates it. Your life isn't going to turn upside down because you scored 160 on an IQ test...

Debate Forum / Re: Intelligence/Wisdom/Idk?
« on: May 25, 2011, 02:17:27 AM »
I used to be pretty indiscriminate about it, but I think I've actually gotten more conscious of differences in the IQs of the people around me and I feel like I've gotten less tolerant which I guess doesn't make sense.

To be fair, your IQ is nothing more than a number...

So is your weight/age/speed/moneyinwallet/penis size/etc
That's the point. It's nothing more than a representation of what might or might not make you happy... It's just a number. It changes NOTHING.

You score below average on an IQ test? You're displeased, but you are constantly learning. You're overweight? Oh well, just make life adjustments. Penis small? Oh well, I'm sure it's enough to please a woman. You as old as Cadaver? Do not worry, you'll live forever at THAT age. It's guaranteed.

Debate Forum / Re: Intelligence/Wisdom/Idk?
« on: May 25, 2011, 02:03:07 AM »
I used to be pretty indiscriminate about it, but I think I've actually gotten more conscious of differences in the IQs of the people around me and I feel like I've gotten less tolerant which I guess doesn't make sense.

To be fair, your IQ is nothing more than a number...

General Gaming Talk / Re: BF3 Server/Trailer/Info
« on: May 24, 2011, 04:48:57 PM »
Well, I look  forward to it consider I was a big BF2 player..

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