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Author Topic: TTT admin feedback  (Read 21506 times)

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Offline BladeTwinSwords

Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #60 on: May 28, 2013, 06:46:49 PM »
Cortez - Fantastic HA, always open for suggestions.
Ashes Relandi - You will never hide from me. Excellent.
Tendovvi - When he's drunk, he is ok. Otherwise, good.
Mystery - Great.
TowerSheep - Add more P228 and I'll throw in a bench. Great.
Neltharion - Don't see him a lot but great.
Arth - Seen maybe 2 times in 7 months.
Mr.TheDoctor - Good, slightly inactive.
HolyDeath - Slightly inactive but good.
Muffins - Dem Muffins. Excellent.
Blazyd - Excellent.
Nexus - Taking a break but excellent.
Caboose74 - Superb. Takes the job like it is.
Yankees - Great.
Tyber - Great.
Andredem - Great.
UnknownError - Great with a little hint of insanity.
Klutonec - Great.
StormOfAshes - Don't see as often recently but good.
Billy - :parrot: Great.
Link - Good.
Bonkino - Seen maybe 6 times in 7 months.
Sprite - Seen maybe 6 times in 7 months.
Leetgrain - Taking a break but good.
Gustavio - Great.
Bladetwinswords - I don't tend to review myself but, should be on LESS.
Mercy - Great.

Offline Tendovvi

Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #61 on: May 28, 2013, 08:19:26 PM »
Cortez - Fantastic HA, always open for suggestions.
Ashes Relandi - You will never hide from me. Excellent.
Tendovvi - When he's drunk, he is ok. Otherwise, good.
Mystery - Great.
TowerSheep - Add more P228 and I'll throw in a bench. Great.
Neltharion - Don't see him a lot but great.
Arth - Seen maybe 2 times in 7 months.
Mr.TheDoctor - Good, slightly inactive.
HolyDeath - Slightly inactive but good.
Muffins - Dem Muffins. Excellent.
Blazyd - Excellent.
Nexus - Taking a break but excellent.
Caboose74 - Superb. Takes the job like it is.
Yankees - Great.
Tyber - Great.
Andredem - Great.
UnknownError - Great with a little hint of insanity.
Klutonec - Great.
StormOfAshes - Don't see as often recently but good.
Billy - :parrot: Great.
Link - Good.
Bonkino - Seen maybe 6 times in 7 months.
Sprite - Seen maybe 6 times in 7 months.
Leetgrain - Taking a break but good.
Gustavio - Great.
Bladetwinswords - I don't tend to review myself but, should be on LESS.
Mercy - Great.

Wait so when I'm sober I suck at admining? XD Oh I misread, when I'm drunk I'm okay, but when I'm sober im good, okay okay! XD
Doll023: ur from finland? thats in ireland right?
Blazyd: why do you accept random friend invites from fans you've never met
Blazyd: Your friends list is packed
Blazyd: packed as hillary clintons ass


Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #61 on: May 28, 2013, 08:19:26 PM »

Offline Composer

Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #62 on: May 29, 2013, 11:09:51 PM »
Cortez - I think his HA app speaks for itself?
Ashes Relandi - On more often than not, always gets me for spamming chat with map names at endround-- because I hate when we play the same 5 maps over and over again. Reliable adman.
Tendovvi - On fairly often, his presence usually changes the mood of the server (I'm looking at you, fanboys). Even a somewhat functional admin when he's wasted.
Mystery - To the point with his admin-ing. Good player, good contribution to TTT.
TowerSheep - Even if there were a tower made of sheeps, it still wouldn't be as awesome as him.
Neltharion - Yes.
Arth - Seen him on TTT only a few times, definitely not as much recently.
Mr.TheDoctor - Good admin, haven't seen him too much (but definitely not too little) recently, but is a good admin and overall contribution to the TTT server when he's on.
HolyDeath - Fungi, gewd adman. yolo. swag?
Muffins - Although some times slow to respond (maybe just to ensure he doesn't fuck up), a good admin, seems to be on fairly often.
Blazyd - When pronounced correctly, his name is fucking cool. Oh, he's a good admin too.
Nexus - Always seem to get t a lot when he's a d, always packs my shit in, makes me rq hard. But as a good player he's good to have around in TTT, there may have been a couple of times he made the wrong call on a slay but I wouldn't remember exactly because I didn't have enough fucks in my pocket to give.
Caboose74 - Just listen to his voice for a second, now listen to your own, notice the difference? He may have ESL, but he's swift with the punishments and a great overall player, good to have in TTT. Although thanks to Snak I will always refer to him as Caboosey in my head.
Yankees - Although at all other times he seems to respond only when he wants to, when he is doing his admin business in the server, he does it seriously, quickly, and well. Enjoyable to have around.
Tyber - Where?
Andredem - Good admin as far as I'm concerned.
UnknownError - Fun to be around, on pretty often, fine player and good at delivering the bbc of justice. Tightest ass you'll ever stick your dick in.
Klutonec - The only one with a cooler voice than caboose's, fun player, his presence usually heightens the mood of the server.
StormOfAshes - Good admin, doesn't seem to be on as much as he was months ago, but he does his jerb.
Billy - Good admin/player
Link - Good player/admin
Bonkino - What the fuck is a bonkino? There's this bokino guy who is a pretty good admin when he happens to be on.
Sprite - Haven't seen him on in so long I had myself thinking the other day whether or not we had an admin named Dr. Pepper.
Leetgrain - Take wholegrain, replace the whole with leet, you get something superior. Good guy.
Gustavio - On very often, good admin.
Bladetwinswords - On very often, on late EST sometimes the last admin on for the night. Fun to play with, does his admin-ing quickly and well. He may be a newer admin but one would never guess.
Mercy - Good admin, pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything.

I perform sexual favors for virtual money.

Offline Tyber

Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #63 on: May 30, 2013, 01:32:27 AM »
To remind everyone, I'm on time away, but I do plan on returning soon.

Offline Dante

Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #64 on: May 30, 2013, 01:37:52 AM »
Bladez(Bladetwinswords)- Little to quick on the gun and I had some irl friends playing that were new to ttt and they told me you were coming across rude. I felt the same way once on crummy cradle where you insulted my intelligence for killing an inno after he killed another (My radar showing 2 peps not 3).

Also: This thread in a nutshell.
Spoiler for Hidden:
*Masturbation Noises*

Offline BladeTwinSwords

Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #65 on: May 30, 2013, 04:48:46 PM »
Bladez(Bladetwinswords)- Little to quick on the gun and I had some irl friends playing that were new to ttt and they told me you were coming across rude. I felt the same way once on crummy cradle where you insulted my intelligence for killing an inno after he killed another (My radar showing 2 peps not 3).

I remember that. Usually when I'm just getting home from work, I tend to be tense since I work 10-12 hours a day. Even I have to admit I went a little overboard on you and I apologize.

Offline Link236

Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #66 on: May 30, 2013, 06:24:56 PM »
To remind everyone, I'm on time away, but I do plan on returning soon.
Just to note... Me too...
Welcome to the Hotel ConjointGaming...
you can check out anytime you like- but you can never leaveeeee
*guitar solo time*
I'll show you the world, Link. Just take my hand and come with meeee~
Quote from: Gustav
(TEAM) Guztav: I totally want to slap his ass right now
Quote from: All of Haiti

Offline Leetgrain

Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #67 on: May 30, 2013, 06:39:16 PM »
To remind everyone, I'm on time away, but I do plan on returning soon.
Just to note... Me too...
An FYI, so am I, I don't know when I'll return though, I want to say I'll come back soon but blah, I still want to help any way I can, but I'd just make a shitty forum mod I think, and Idk when I'll get back on Gmod... feck, what can I do to help without making myself want to bang my head against a wall repeatedly on TTT? I can't handle that shiz atm.
Quote from: Inject OH 4
The whole point of CG is ruined if no one post.
I know what you would do you would hump the shit out of that car, then you would get run over  :D
Quote from: Inject OH 4
It's an ulgy dem file.
And you're do not look any thicker. I've had Creaps.


  • Guest
Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #68 on: August 11, 2013, 01:25:01 PM »
Cortez - I personally don't see him often, but I'm thinking it's just time schedules.
Ashes Relandi - He's been a pretty good admin from what I've seen.
Tendovvi - He plays on the server?
Mystery - He plays on the server?
TowerSheep - Does well in the way of admin.
Arth - Haven't seen him, retired?
Mr.TheDoctor -  Haven't seen him either, retired?
HolyDeath - Haven't seen him much on the server, does an okay job.
Muffins - Usually does a good job, haven't seen him do anything wrong on the server, either. Slays for the right reasons, I find.
Blazyd - Usually good as well, same as above.
Nexus - Same as above; stop with 'shitboxes' though please. It's the only thing I hear on the server now. Look what you did, Nexus.
Caboose74 - Haven't seen him too much this week, but he's a pretty good admin as well, same as above.
Yankees - Haven't seen him on as much either, again, he's still a pretty good admin.
Andredem - I don't see him on often, but when I do, don't see too many slays outta you, sir. However, he does catch leavers, and can ban 'em quite quick.
Klutonec - He admins? :s
Billy - I haven't seen him on the server in about a month or two. Does RDM, and doesn't slay himself, though.....
Bonkino - Haven't seen him, either.
Sprite - Nor him.
Leetgrain - Nor her.
Gustavio - Guztav seems more wandering than anything, but in ZPS he's a pretty good admin, I'll assume he is in TTT.
BladeTwinSwords - When he does admin, he admins fairly well.
Mercy - Decent admin.
Soap - Learn to take initiative, Soap. While we might make a few mistakes, you'll learn quickly. Otherwise, he's a pretty good admin in my opinion.
Dylan - So far from what I've seen, he does a decent job in the few days I've seen him play.
Dante - I'd like him to read the MOTD more. He gets frustrated quite quickly, and has seemed that way for a while. I'd suggest getting a thicker skin, you let trolls under it too often, right now.
Blood Mage Merrill/Ðeath. - Needs to read in to stories more, in my opinion. Should look into RDM's sooner rather than later.

All in all though, I think a few admins need to learn to take initiative, not just Soap. (Sorry for pointing you out, Soap. You're still doing good, though.)

Also, I'm unaware if anyone else is on time away.

Offline Billy

Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #69 on: August 11, 2013, 01:54:02 PM »
Billy - I haven't seen him on the server in about a month or two. Does RDM, and doesn't slay himself, though.....

But  I was on just two days ago. ;_; In fact, I'm on right now! Tabbed out to type this.

And I honestly don't know what you're talking about. Whenever I do accidentally RDM, I usually kill myself that round, and nrslay myself. That's when I know I was wrong. Most of the time my "RDM" is in self-defense or because of a false call-out, etc; that doesn't warrant a slay on my part.
Purity of heart;

corruption of man.


  • Guest
Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #70 on: August 11, 2013, 01:59:30 PM »
Billy - I haven't seen him on the server in about a month or two. Does RDM, and doesn't slay himself, though.....

But  I was on just two days ago. ;_; In fact, I'm on right now! Tabbed out to type this.

And I honestly don't know what you're talking about. Whenever I do accidentally RDM, I usually kill myself that round, and nrslay myself. That's when I know I was wrong. Most of the time my "RDM" is in self-defense or because of a false call-out, etc; that doesn't warrant a slay on my part.

I'll only give one example, since I don't really want to argue about this.

On ttt_rooftops, you threw a barrel at..I think it was a D, and just ran away. You did nothing the following round...

Offline Billy

Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #71 on: August 11, 2013, 04:37:55 PM »
I'll only give one example, since I don't really want to argue about this.

On ttt_rooftops, you threw a barrel at..I think it was a D, and just ran away. You did nothing the following round...

Oh. Yeah. You're right.
Purity of heart;

corruption of man.

Offline Andredem

Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #72 on: August 12, 2013, 11:12:00 PM »

Andredem - I don't see him on often, but when I do, don't see too many slays outta you, sir. However, he does catch leavers, and can ban 'em quite quick.

I only look into rdms if they're reported, it's too much of a mess to bother with unreported stuff. Either that or are you saying I let other admins do the slaying and I sorta sit back?
"Get busy livin' or get busy dying"


  • Guest
Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #73 on: August 12, 2013, 11:14:01 PM »

Andredem - I don't see him on often, but when I do, don't see too many slays outta you, sir. However, he does catch leavers, and can ban 'em quite quick.

I only look into rdms if they're reported, it's too much of a mess to bother with unreported stuff. Either that or are you saying I let other admins do the slaying and I sorta sit back?

It's probably the second, or more, people get to it before you do, I suppose? I just haven't seen your name come up too many times when a slay is asked is all. Nothing big.

Offline Andredem

Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #74 on: August 12, 2013, 11:20:16 PM »
Cortez - Back around TTT again, saw him messing with all sorts of ha/cl commands and experimenting with ulx. Seems like he's doing something    ;)
Ashes Relandi - Haven't seen him on much lately, of course I'm not the most active
Tendovvi - Where did he go?
Mystery - Where did he go?
TowerSheep - All good, I just wonder when we'll get 'ulx who' back or if we even will
Neltharion - Haven't seen him much
Arth - Haven't seen him much
Mr.TheDoctor - See him occasionally. He's suffering from missing the old playerbase  :P
HolyDeath - See him occasionally, fine as usual
Muffins - Good
Blazyd - Good, watches Shawshank a lot
Nexus - One of the best admins around, we understand each other pretty well too so I have a more biased opinion
Caboose74 - Mature as usual, so all good
Yankees - Good
Tyber - Gone
Andredem - Should be removed
UnknownError - See him occasionally, good
Klutonec - All good
StormOfAshes - I've seen him some.. I dunno
Billy - Good
Link - See him every so often, good
Bonkino - Where did he go?
Sprite - I miss Sprite man always using the huge and talking with a low voice
Leetgrain - Good
Gustavio - See him occasionally, alright
Bladetwinswords - Good
Mercy - New, doing good
Dante - I agree with Nexus on a statement, he gets real defensive and tunnel visioned in to his argument and sort of messes with his judgement. I understand people will mess around and you're more on the serious side, which is good for admin, but it may affect you're reputation as an admin and whatnot. Other than that, you are all good dealing with rdm reports and general admining.
Soap - New to it, so far haven't seen any bad things
Dylan - New to it also, seems like he's doing fine just sort of has the jitters
Scooby - Somehow he retains the ability to admin fine through his incredibly intense concentration on the game. Good ol' Scoobs
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 12:47:15 AM by Andredem »
"Get busy livin' or get busy dying"

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: TTT admin feedback
« Reply #74 on: August 12, 2013, 11:20:16 PM »


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