Fraps is a POS just use MSI Aferburners built in video capturing. Not only can you overclock your GPU you can also on the fly record shit and it does not lag my game nearly as much as Fraps does. Also since its an OC prog it is always running so you don't have to be like DAMMIT I don't have fraps on!
This is just my opinion...plenty of ppl use fraps, but why pay for something like this in 2013?
Also just about every time I say online oh I use fraps I get told its a PoS and I should use x or y instead...I threw fraps to the side and gave some of these x and ys a shot...I have never looked back.
tru story bro,
Ehh, if you want the best video quality, use bandicam OR and HD PVR. That's what youtubers would use.
MSI Afterburner doesn't record audio.
If I remember correctly MSI depends on your video card where fraps depends on your standard PC Specs.
So for weaker PC's not sure MSI Afterburner would help. I'm told it has problems recording in 1080p as well.
Bandicam is my favourite. Way more options. And no frame rate issues like Fraps