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This whole thing is a travesty.For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.
Rated R for Retarded
I'm the devil.
So me and the fiance decided to move into her parents house instead of mine since her parents have a 3-story house and a bit mo money; so we'll be hanging here for some time. Right now we're working on getting internet set up for my computer since it has no wireless card and we need to buy one or get a longass wire; and it might be a few days before I'm really back to gaming.After doing speedtests on grace's laptop next to the modem I can only get like 0.60-2.00Mbps download and 2.00-4.00mbps upload, and I don't think my connection would improve much on that even if I was wired into the modem. So we're probably going to see if her dad will up the ante on the internet speeds and I should have internet in general by the end of today if I'm lucky.ALL THAT ASIDE; I might be on even less in general, but I'll dedicate my playing time to ZPS when I can instead of Minecraft and Pokemon like I have been doing. The annoying Invalid SteamID problem shouldn't happen to me anymore hypothetically since I don't have two other people on steam in the house, unless grace gets her laptop fixed and then we'll both be playing! That or I get my life together, get a job and have even less time for CG; but I doubt that'll ever happen. I'm going to really cut back or completely stop smokindaganja, hopefully; so if I seem different that's why.So I'll close this thread when I'm back and ready for action; I really should of made an away thread a month or two ago when I slowly fell off the face of ZPS. Either way I can check forums still with this laptop so I'll be around. Luv u guiese <3
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Valuve Admin Steve: If not we at valve can act as a "guardian gateway".Valuve Admin Steve: I will be your daddy.
Holy crap. Moving a tad fast..? I guess it's not my place but just make sure you aren't moving to fast. Anyways, hope I didn't over step my bound with that, was going to say more but lol.Anyways good luck on your move and I honestly wish you all the best.
Demons only lead to no sales when your game sucks
wtf r u challenge me to game? u r on u little pussey, i bet u cant evn gt 4 gfs like me i tuch theyre bxxbs ALL DAY&then we all go 420 on dat crank shiett and hav good timebut anywaes u wanna go? u wanna go rite now> lets do thisil meet ur face any time in leage o legens wat? u scared/????