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Author Topic: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!  (Read 4623 times)

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Offline Inject OH 4

Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« on: January 23, 2013, 11:18:27 AM »
So, I got a little something, something in my spam box...
lol, you should read it and tell me what you think.
Sandy Hook Shooting Never Happened!

Excerpt from Muad'Dib's January 7th, 2013 Critical Mass Radio interview:

...They used a poster child for this to get everybody's sympathy and to get everybody's emotions up so that they could hopefully bring in a gun ban. They used a little poster child, a little blonde-haired blue-eyed six year old girl. She was the face, the poster child. She was supposedly killed along with the other 19 six year olds and seven year olds at Sandy Hook. Three days later Obama was there doing a photo op and she's sitting on his knee. She's supposed to be dead, used as a poster child, this little girl died - she's sitting on Obama's knee three days later. The same little girl.

And then they have her parents interviewed. It shows that they're all actors. It never really happened, because the guy that was supposedly her dad, is shown in the video where he's to the side and he's laughing and joking with other people and then he's called up in front of the camera. He's off to the left. Then he's called to the center, to the focus of the camera to be interviewed and to give his speech about Sandy Hook and about his daughter. And he goes from on the side from laughing and joking with everybody, he comes up to the center and ... he takes the joking, smiling face off and you can see him physically trying to force his face to look sad and then he starts talking about how his daughter's been killed. They're actors. There were no bodies.

It was a made for TV drama to try to ram through the gun control laws, because they want to kill the American people and they can't kill armed people. That's why Hitler disarmed the Germans, it's why Stalin disarmed the Russians, it's why chairman Mao disarmed the Chinese and they killed between them something like 120 million of their own people. And that's what they want to do in America and they can't do it because the people have the Second Amendment and they have guns. So they have to do all of this, and they'll keep doing it. There will be more incidents like this, which are made for television, until they manage to persuade the American people to give up their guns. And then they'll start killing the Americans. Because the Americans are the only people stopping them from doing what they want to do already. They know they can't put their next phase, which is reducing the world's population, they can't put that phase into operation whilst the Americans have got millions
of guns.
Quote from:  Winston
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Quote from:  Zombie
Valuve Admin Steve: If not we at valve can act as a "guardian gateway".
Valuve Admin Steve: I will be your daddy.
Looking for graphic artist, Photoshopers, and other graphic related people. Hit me a PM if you can help!

Offline CamperStrike

Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2013, 12:23:51 PM »
Cookies go here?

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2013, 12:23:51 PM »

Offline Old Crow

Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2013, 12:33:35 PM »
Worst thing I have ever read in my life. Possibly the most uneducated person in the world, as he neither knows others history about guns (guns were never outlawed in any of those countries) or the fact that he would honestly think that the United States would kill its own people, just to TRY to pass gun laws. I say try because nothing is really going to happen since the NRA has nearly every Republican in their pockets, and guess who is in control of the House and Senate? Sure some stuff will happen, and that can't prevent the states from making their own laws, but man this guy must have been 12 or something, cause he clearly is not an intelligent person in any sense.
I've proved people wrong on so many occasioans

Oh wow I do.Its because. I'm really active on the forum.

3 Days isn't log

Offline Cadaver

Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2013, 12:39:27 PM »
Lets see.  The internet has allowed the lunatic fringe a platform to spew their version of reality. 

Examples:  Birthers.  This fellow.  9/11 conspiracy theorists.  etc.

Ignore the idiots.  It is the only way they will go away.

Offline Old Crow

Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2013, 12:57:26 PM »
Lets see.  The internet has allowed the lunatic fringe a platform to spew their version of reality. 

Examples:  Birthers.  This fellow.  9/11 conspiracy theorists.  etc.

Ignore the idiots.  It is the only way they will go away.

Problem is, there are people out there that will believe these things. Why? cause they do not care for facts. If it agrees with their views (and they are extremists mind you) then they shall ignore reality and believe the lies.
I've proved people wrong on so many occasioans

Oh wow I do.Its because. I'm really active on the forum.

3 Days isn't log

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2013, 04:21:23 PM »

Offline Christovski

Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2013, 05:33:43 PM »
Now my brain is trying to leave my head because I read some of that.  The fuck is wrong with other human beings.  ERGH

Luna started the rover's engine.  "AEIOU!" She shouted as she slammed the gas and crashed through the wall.
whenbananasattack: Hot stuff is my life
Toukun: I wanna rock the fuck out.
Ninja Bunn3h: !sex @all

Offline MeOwMoO

Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2013, 06:10:34 PM »
Confusing shit is confusing.

[FL:RP] X Armless Gamer X: if you were a potato
[FL:RP] X Armless Gamer X: you would be a good potato
(=CG=) Mrs.TheNurse(MeOwMoO): if you are a tomato
(=CG=) Mrs.TheNurse(MeOwMoO): i would fuck you
(=CG=) Mrs.TheNurse(MeOwMoO): so hard
[FL:RP] X Armless Gamer X: O_O
    ๖ۣۜNexus: Turns out Im actually a MALE
๖ۣۜNexus: LIKE
๖ۣۜNexus: WAT DA FUQ

Offline Inject OH 4

Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2013, 08:42:56 PM »
I have nothing agenst a good old Conspiracy theory, but when you have no backing what so ever and just make up the most retradedly hallirious claims like this, it... it gets insane lol.
Quote from:  Winston
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Quote from:  Zombie
Valuve Admin Steve: If not we at valve can act as a "guardian gateway".
Valuve Admin Steve: I will be your daddy.
Looking for graphic artist, Photoshopers, and other graphic related people. Hit me a PM if you can help!

Offline Justice

Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2013, 09:32:29 PM »
I'm sure the Holocaust didn't happen either; it was all just a way for the Jewish to move to other countries without having to pay fees.

Offline Cadaver

Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2013, 09:39:02 PM »

Problem is, there are people out there that will believe these things. Why? cause they do not care for facts. If it agrees with their views (and they are extremists mind you) then they shall ignore reality and believe the lies.

Sadly, this is true, even within CG.  And they are not extremists. It is a flaw in Human Character to do this.  The "I cannot be wrong" aspect of human nature pushes all to find info, even stuff which is patently false, to cover their position as being correct and right.  See 60%+ of all politics in the U.S. and the world.

Offline Pillz

Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2013, 11:29:38 PM »
How about you twats watch Camperstrikes video; it might take you some time but then you'll have some of the proof you claim doesn't exist. You know what else doesn't exist? Fullproof witness stories that are consistent or any video/photo proof that anything happened besides grieving families hanging outside the school. Did you know there are teams of people who move around and grieve for the news? I wonder if they act too.

A) Medical Examiner present at the school describing the situation for news teams often laughs and has no clue what he's talking about, claims he doesn't know to half the question, and offers no useful information and seems to find the whole situation hilarious.

B) Parents that got to meet Obama from the school shooting b/c of their loss created their facebook page as the shooting was "happening" and posted that their child was dead; then later that day said THE SCHOOL IS STILL ON LOCKDOWN PLEASE PRAY. They later posed with Obama for pictures, and somehow a picture gets out of Obama with their two children.

C) They claim there was ONE Shooter with an assault rifle and two guns. Four pistols were found in the school according to the news teams and there's video of police finding the gun in the back of the shooters car. The medical examiner claims the wounds of the victims were AR-15 rounds as do many other sources. There's from helicopter near the beginning of the shooting that shows a man being chased from the school into the forest and the camera falls him until the pursuer has them laying on the ground in the woods. Another man was reported walking past parents and getting into the front of a police car handcuffed telling people "He didn't do it". The alleged killer we heard of shot himself in the school and only entered it once. He didn't use the assault rifle; and many people are wondering if many kids were killed at all, if any.

D) 3-5 separate families that appeared on the news for interviews seem almost happy their children are gone, while one father who spoke was unaware filming had started; entered the room laughing, smiled and said "are we ready to start" then he gets into character and starts acting solemn about the shooting. Another parent who supposedly lost their child the day before. One couple has the mom talking in an interview smiling and remaining happy through through the whole video despite losing their child.

E) Facebook pages were created 1-3 days before the shooting happened, pages for shot children along with support fund pages that were later taken down; and FEMA had scheduled a Disaster training program for children 20 minutes away from Sandy Hook elementary.

F) There was a blockade recorded from helicopters of the school during the shooting, and there were hundreds of cars parked up the road with the Ambulance and EMS team a block away from the school. Many people were filmed walking around the school bored, some just patroling around and talking to each other. There were no children seen running from the school that day or no sense of urgency. The only photo evidence found was a single picture of children being lead out of the school by a teacher looking person. 7-8 kids in a picture, and then all the other pictures are post-shooting of the memorials and everything set up.

G) Children who were allegedly in the school for the shooting described what they could hear during the incident as "People banging on doors loudly", not shooting, screaming and death all around. He seemed to giggle about what happened and despite everyone saying assault rifles murdered many children he heard nothing but "banging on doors". There was ONE news video of a man WAY DOWN THE STREET because of the police blockade complaining, but then suddenly a stretcher rushes by but he doesn't manage to catch it on film or see any wounds; nor do any other stretchers get pushed 200+ feet up the street from the school to the SINGLE Ambulance that parked two blocks away.

So TLDR the families of the dead children on the news are happy their kids are dead, the medical examiner was wasted, the children were on LSD, there were others chased from the school and handcuffed that nobody ever mentions, FEMA had a training run 20 minutes down the road from 9am-4pm that day, and children were dying on facebook before shit even happened.

I thought it was forreal at first too, and it's not like I'm trying to make this up to troll; but when you look at all this shit you have to at least WONDER what the fucks going on.

Like the video says, we know what's going on; the debate for gun control.

If anyone has "FACTS" to back up that this isn't a blown-out of proportion media story like EVERY OTHER MEDIA STORY (see treyvon mathews) PLEASE do tell. It's hard to tell what's real at all these days and you all know that; you're not completely ignorant FOX news sponges, are ye?
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 11:31:55 PM by Pillz »
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Pillz

Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2013, 11:34:42 PM »
IMO it was a training excercise that the news tried to film; and it somehow turns into a school shooting with 30ish dead and 2-3 wounded. Apparently the no experience autistic kid who shot them all down a single rifle managed to make every shot count where the professional shooters at past shootings had problems getting more than 18-25 kills in all their experience and extra ammo.

I don't know what to believe; but I know not to trust the news and fuck the police
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!)

Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2013, 11:36:58 PM »
Pillz you might need to talk to a psychologist...
Does this look like a ball field to you sucka? This is a sandbox. For making sandcastles.

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A Novel by Inject OH 4
Conjoint Gaming
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Bears, beer and bitches. That's everyone's motto.
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Cortez I'm actually on black tar heroin fyi
Only been in it once didn't really pay attention to the staff, I think their was an eatable thong... but that may have been a totally different store, ANYWAYS... lol.
The plunger could simply be out of view, the pants + it's location behind the toilet may hide it... Or it's a fraud and we need to take down the system with out golden axes while destroying the rest of the demon-spawn so that we may live in a utopia.

Offline Pillz

Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2013, 11:39:55 PM »
I just don't get why everyone has 0% doubt that what you've heard might not be completely true. Is it really that crazy to believe? I didn't really think too much about it until today and I have little reason to think it happened the way we think it did.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2013, 11:39:55 PM »


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