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Author Topic: Do you think it was a mistake for Obama to be elected?  (Read 2191 times)

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Do you think it was a mistake for Obama to be elected?
« on: December 26, 2012, 04:46:47 AM »
I mean, he hasn't changed anything in the past 4 years, what will he change in another 4 years? I would like to hear and try to read your ideas. :D
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Offline Kwaurtz

Re: Do you think it was a mistake for Obama to be elected?
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2012, 05:24:54 AM »
First of all, I understand you are fairly young, and so a lot of what you hear politically will be based on your parents and whatever other adults whom influence your life either agree with or disagree with. And yeah, you're gonna be exposed to other sides of arguments and you are gonna form your own opinion on subjects like this. However, lets look at the possibilities and what exactly Obama has or hasn't done.

Obama is a single person, and while he is an important person, he doesn't have the sort of power that people think he has. In order for a bill to become a law, it must be introduced into one of the various levels of government, usually, this starts at the base level, the house of representatives. Members of the house are elected from their states populations, and the number of representatives a state gets is based on its population, the more people you have, the more people you need to represent them, hoping to expand the vast possibilities of conditions of life in your state and individual regions needs and concerns. Unfortunately, this hardly works. Especially when things like this happen.

As you can see by this graph, the republicans outweigh the democrats, but a lot of the republicans are closer to being centralist than people give them credit for. However, this is still a large number of democrats whom are die hard liberals, and a cluster of republicans who are a tight-knight and hard set in their conservative ways. This makes it hard for ANY sort of piece of legislation to make a move through congress due to the opposition that most liberal bills will face, due to the fact that Republicans outnumber Democrats.

Now, lets say something does get through. It goes to the Senate now.

This is the current makeup of the United States senate. Democrats have the majority at this point, which doesn't necessarily mean every piece of legislature will pass through, but for Obama, and the fact that he has a like-minded majority here, it gives him better leverage on a piece of legislation than in the house.

So yeah, just before we jump to blame the figurehead, we have to look at the whole picture, hes just one man, and is not an absolute ruler. As much as I dislike Obama's politics in terms of economical reasons, and a couple of his social issues, I'd rather have him over Romney, even though in all reality, they aren't that different.

Also, if my post doesn't help you, this website will: http://whatthefuckhasobamadonesofar.com/

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Do you think it was a mistake for Obama to be elected?
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2012, 05:24:54 AM »

Offline (QC) Spell Bound

Re: Do you think it was a mistake for Obama to be elected?
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2012, 06:09:35 AM »
Either way, it's a win win situation for the Us government if either of them got elected as long as they follow their agenda, so it's not a question of electing these days, it's how you can change the way the country is runned.
*DEAD* (TEAM) (=CG=) StormOfAshes: you can't even spell.
*DEAD* (TEAM) HamsterAtWar: bitch i can spell wright

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Offline Scottitot

Re: Do you think it was a mistake for Obama to be elected?
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2012, 03:02:01 PM »
Starting the topic with he hasn't changed anything in the past 4 years doesn't really start a valid argument since he has done things since he has gotten into office.

Offline Pillz

Re: Do you think it was a mistake for Obama to be elected?
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2012, 04:03:21 PM »
He hasn't changed ANYTHING? Really.

Should I even waste time in this thread? Are you exaggerating to be a troll or have you really heard nothing?

Blame your media for making you think Obama has done nothing, thank your uninformed Republican friends/parents/news stations and whoever else lead you to believe so.
This whole thing is a travesty.

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Offline Boxman

Re: Do you think it was a mistake for Obama to be elected?
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2012, 04:12:43 PM »
So yeah, just before we jump to blame the figurehead, we have to look at the whole picture, hes just one man, and is not an absolute ruler. As much as I dislike Obama's politics in terms of economical reasons, and a couple of his social issues, I'd rather have him over Romney, even though in all reality, they aren't that different.
Let me dissect this a little further.

While Obama isn't necessarily a leader by literal terms, he's more of a spokesman & salesman for our country. Although, he has attempted to pass bills and thus far has done a great job in terms of rebuilding a fallen economy (in my opinion), if we were to allow Romney or even in the first election, McCain, to pass bills/legislature/etc., we'd more than likely slowly grasp our way out of debt and cause more turmoil for the lower/middle class. Now, for what he's trying to do, Obama has done his job and that's all we can ask of him... We can't just attach him due to the fact that he's got the least amount of power.

He hasn't changed ANYTHING? Really.

Should I even waste time in this thread? Are you exaggerating to be a troll or have you really heard nothing?

Blame your media for making you think Obama has done nothing, thank your uninformed Republican friends/parents/news stations and whoever else lead you to believe so.
Take into consideration that this guy is young. What affects us doesn't come to mind when he hears others speak of Obama. What the news/radio/media says is absolutely false and if he wishes to dig into what Obama has done SO FAR, there are PLENTY of reliable sources. I think he's going off what he's been told, which is fine, but ignorance isn't always bliss.

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wtf r u challenge me to game? u r on u little pussey, i bet u cant evn gt 4 gfs like me
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but anywaes u wanna go? u wanna go rite now> lets do this
il meet ur face any time in leage o legens
wat? u scared/????

Offline Cadaver

Re: Do you think it was a mistake for Obama to be elected?
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2012, 05:44:50 PM »
I will wait with my answer, as I have a degree in Poli Sci.   I do wish every voter was required to, at the very least, take a civics class to understand how government works, which division is responsible for what, etc.

I also wish more people had knowledge on how the system works, how it is failing, and being gamed.

But, again, I will wait.

Offline Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!)

Re: Do you think it was a mistake for Obama to be elected?
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2012, 07:16:51 PM »
In my opinion the United States needed a leader like Obama opposed to Romney. A country in economic termoil is more likely to follow extremists and become polarized. Although the Obama government's policies are considered very left wing by many they hardly compare to other democratic countries that already have things like universal health care whereas Romney's policies were very right wing in an already right wing country. Granted Romney probably would've done a better job with the economy Obama is a better overall politician.

Obama may be just one man but one man can make all of the difference. The people follow the president not the senate or house of representatives. In the end the blame and the glory fall on the president so it is most defiantly fair to judge them on their governments because it is their job to represent the government in the public eye.
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Offline Inject OH 4

Re: Do you think it was a mistake for Obama to be elected?
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2012, 09:12:40 PM »
For Americans I feel it was the right choice probably. For myself I'd maybe rather that Romney won, only because it would in some ways benefit Canada. He want's to approve a pipe line, where we would basically be selling you Americans fule.
Reffering to Keystone Canada-U.S pipeline. However, I'm being told now that Obama may approve it as well.

Either way I don't think that this will be bad for Americans. (refereeing to having Obama)
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Offline eternalseph

Re: Do you think it was a mistake for Obama to be elected?
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2013, 01:36:06 AM »
I rather wished he didn't, but it really doesn't change republicans hold the house and the democrats hold the senate so it going to be 4 years of stalemates and back and forth blame games. Im not so much against obama as I am the policy the democrat party tends to follow.  Either candidate would help the economy I feel, both their policies are fine, the republicans generally wish to cut spending and lower taxes or not raise them, while the democrats tend to favor more spending and raising taxes generally towards the rich but with full honesty their favor  to expend social programs tends to create new taxes for everyone or  at least something kin to them. For instance obamacare has a tax which takes effect in a year or so and it a penalty more or less, if you do not have health insurance it a 1% tax or 90$ which ever is more for anyone, except those in poverty if I remember correctly.
Both the republicans and democrats fiscal plan should work, in periods of decline or slow economic growth lower taxes tend to bolster an economy, and increasing spending does, especially if you tend to be more Keynesian in your views, that said both parties do things that would hurt it, reducing spending and raising taxes also hurt an economy. So to me either party would of gotten the job done.

Now the reason I favor the republicans is because of our current problem, we keep hitting the debt ceiling, and spending more then we should. This I feel would of been a problem better handled by republican policy. Because to me the republicans idea of trying to cut spending and reevaluate what exactly we spending to me is much more appealing then the democrats cut less but  tax more solution. To me that doesn't solve the problem it encourages it or lets it go unchecked, oh we running out of money well ok raise taxes, that just seems rather bad to me. If a household was run like that they be homeless in weeks. To me the republicans idea is much more fiscally responsible, while it may hurt and suck because yes social programs would be cut it be better then trying to keep expanding and allowing them and then turning into Greece and having to enforce austerity  cuts and really hurt people because we wouldn't take cuts to what we have. 

Thats about it for our current situation I do like the republican approach and thus don't favor the current president since he rallies and is a spokesman with a republican president bills I favored would have a better chance to pass although with the split congress rather unlikely either way.

Offline Inject OH 4

Re: Do you think it was a mistake for Obama to be elected?
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2013, 09:24:14 AM »
Administrator Comment Bit of a necro, but in the grey line of a week so It'll pass this time.

Quote from:  Winston
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Quote from:  Zombie
Valuve Admin Steve: If not we at valve can act as a "guardian gateway".
Valuve Admin Steve: I will be your daddy.
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Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Do you think it was a mistake for Obama to be elected?
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2013, 09:24:14 AM »


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