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Author Topic: New TTT Weapons/Items  (Read 26112 times)

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Offline Remscar

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2010, 10:57:08 PM »
Yes Double Post.

Beretta is done, but there is a slight problem. Every TTT map we have has to be redone since the beretta is going to be a weapon for everyone we have to add beretta's to every map so people can use them. Ill download the item locations from the FTP and then reupload ones that are complete.

I used this model for the Beretta (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=showimg&v=14161_1)

Beretta Stats:
Recoil   = 2
Damage   = 24
Delay       = 0.35
Cone        = 0.04
ClipSize    = 15
Uses Desert Eagle Ammo

Normal Pistol Stats:
Recoil   = 1.9
Damage = 20
Delay = 0.4
Cone = 0.02
ClipSize = 20
Uses Pistol ammo (dur)

Desert Eagle Stats:
Recoil = 6
Damage = 30
Delay = 0.6
Cone = 0.02
ClipSize = 8
Desert Eagle ammo

Beretta will still need some balancing however, probably a speed increase.
Part of my pride was dead the second that you talked to me
And I knew that no matter what lied ahead you wouldn't walk with me
So alone I traveled

Offline Remscar

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2010, 02:22:47 AM »
Finished a special Detective shotgun. I would love to test it but the test server is down.
Please turn it back on :3
Part of my pride was dead the second that you talked to me
And I knew that no matter what lied ahead you wouldn't walk with me
So alone I traveled

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2010, 02:22:47 AM »

Offline agentorange

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2010, 11:40:41 PM »
VIP only weapons, auto sniper for detective, tmp for traitor, and something for innocent, for vip members only, lets get the cash rolling in.

Offline Global_Meltdown

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2010, 11:43:22 PM »

9:04 PM - (=CG=)Lone Mudkips: Something happened to me that is so vile, that I want to go out in a rampage
9:05 PM - (=CG=)Lone Mudkips: brb
9:05 PM - Global_Meltdown: k
9:05 PM - Global_Meltdown: :\
9:05 PM - (=CG=)Lone Mudkips: Do you want to know?
9:05 PM - Global_Meltdown: yeah
9:05 PM - (=CG=)Lone Mudkips: Do you REALLY want to know?
9:06 PM - (=CG=)Lone Mudkips: There is a Justin Bieber sticker on one of my binders for school.
9:06 PM - (=CG=)Lone Mudkips: That makes me mad
9:06 PM - Global_Meltdown: hahahaha
9:06 PM - Global_Meltdown: pwned
9:06 PM - (=CG=)Lone Mudkips: EFF U WURLD

Offline Remscar

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2010, 02:40:16 AM »
I can give Donator's Elites pretty easy i think. Just need to add in a hook for Donation. Special items for Traitor and Detective may be slightly harder, i would have to recode part of the purchasing system.
Part of my pride was dead the second that you talked to me
And I knew that no matter what lied ahead you wouldn't walk with me
So alone I traveled

Offline Global_Meltdown

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2010, 12:47:35 PM »
I'd love that, something about blasting people with two hand guns seems fun, even if the guns suck :P (in CS:S)

9:04 PM - (=CG=)Lone Mudkips: Something happened to me that is so vile, that I want to go out in a rampage
9:05 PM - (=CG=)Lone Mudkips: brb
9:05 PM - Global_Meltdown: k
9:05 PM - Global_Meltdown: :\
9:05 PM - (=CG=)Lone Mudkips: Do you want to know?
9:05 PM - Global_Meltdown: yeah
9:05 PM - (=CG=)Lone Mudkips: Do you REALLY want to know?
9:06 PM - (=CG=)Lone Mudkips: There is a Justin Bieber sticker on one of my binders for school.
9:06 PM - (=CG=)Lone Mudkips: That makes me mad
9:06 PM - Global_Meltdown: hahahaha
9:06 PM - Global_Meltdown: pwned
9:06 PM - (=CG=)Lone Mudkips: EFF U WURLD

Offline agentorange

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2010, 02:47:00 AM »
is there a way to copy code from other servers? its not against the law is it?

Offline Epsilon

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2010, 02:56:34 AM »
is there a way to copy code from other servers? its not against the law is it?

No but it might make the owner/coder mad.


-Silenced Automatic Weapon in buy menu for traitor.
-More weapons for detective in buy menu
-Knockout stick for a quick getaway and does partial damage (like 10 or 15?)
if(cop=1) then{shot}
elseif(terrorist=1) then {profit}

Offline Wholegrain

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2010, 03:09:09 AM »
yea cg wont go there ill tell you that thats just too low for cg i think to sink
stealing from others without permission and pissing others off isnt what we are about

most of what we have now has been hard earned by the community members and administration

Offline SmotPoker

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2010, 03:15:08 AM »
Handcuffs for the detective, if you know how to implement it.

Any person who is cuffed will be unable to attack/forced to holstered  (but allowed to move) and the detective can remove it to re-use when necessary.

To prevent griefing, it could be limited to only 1 per detective and set on a timer of 5-10 seconds to cuff and uncuff a player or limited to one use. The traitors could gain an ability to uncuff fellow traitors by pressing & holding E for 5-10 seconds to force it off, possibly destroying it in the process (if the handcuffs aren't limited to 1 use). Another alternative would be to kill the detective and pick off a key to uncuff someone.

Offline Epsilon

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2010, 03:30:00 AM »
yea cg wont go there ill tell you that thats just too low for cg i think to sink
stealing from others without permission and pissing others off isnt what we are about

most of what we have now has been hard earned by the community members and administration

I don't know what exactly we could steal from to gain anyways. But yeah, agreed.

Handcuffs for the detective, if you know how to implement it.

Any person who is cuffed will be unable to attack/forced to holstered  (but allowed to move) and the detective can remove it to re-use when necessary.

To prevent griefing, it could be limited to only 1 per detective and set on a timer of 5-10 seconds to cuff and uncuff a player or limited to one use. The traitors could gain an ability to uncuff fellow traitors by pressing & holding E for 5-10 seconds to force it off, possibly destroying it in the process (if the handcuffs aren't limited to 1 use). Another alternative would be to kill the detective and pick off a key to uncuff someone.

I like this except traitors should have to get a lockpick from the store or something. Otherwise it would be useless to use for detectives. So you could force it or buy a lockpick and guarantee it.
if(cop=1) then{shot}
elseif(terrorist=1) then {profit}

Offline Remscar

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2010, 05:42:16 PM »
Cuffs is a mingeable device. Under debate.

What is Done:

AK-47 for Traitors
MP5 for Detectives
USAS12 AutoShotgun for Detectives
Beretta Handgun for Everyone
What Needs to be Finished:
Pre-set spawn points for Beretta (Only will spawn in random locations)
AK-47,MP5,USAS12 Icons. (Currently AK47 borrows M16, MP5 borrows UMP, and USAS12 Doesn't have TTT style icon)

is there a way to copy code from other servers? its not against the law is it?
Not going to give away the codes. Only Community Leaders and I have access.

-Silenced Automatic Weapon in buy menu for traitor.
-Knockout stick for a quick getaway and does partial damage (like 10 or 15?)
Automatic silenced weapon? Isn't that rigged, the point of silenced is for stealth. If you give them a powerful stealth item it will be overused.
Knockout stick sounds cool, but more detail would be nice. "What does it do? Blind?"
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 06:04:06 PM by Remscar »
Part of my pride was dead the second that you talked to me
And I knew that no matter what lied ahead you wouldn't walk with me
So alone I traveled

Offline Epsilon

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2010, 09:32:58 PM »
Knockout stick would cause their screen to fade to black momentarily. Should player's health be below, say 15 then it would kill them.

Or knockout could cause sever dizziness by using motion blur, eh I don't exactly know how to get the scree to move with lua but make it slowly move along with motion blur.

Name: Knockout Stick
Icon Width/Height: 2, 1
Model: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=19146
Description: Use for a sneaky attack or quick getaway.
Uses: 1
Special function: Hold secondary to reel back for more damage(?)
Damage: 10-15

What I meant by silenced automatic was an smg or something. But yeah I can see what you mean. So I'll stick with the stick  8).
if(cop=1) then{shot}
elseif(terrorist=1) then {profit}

Offline Remscar

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #28 on: July 14, 2010, 11:02:13 PM »
Sounds like an interesting idea, but you could just go on a crowbar frenzy and then annoy the fuck out of everyone.
Part of my pride was dead the second that you talked to me
And I knew that no matter what lied ahead you wouldn't walk with me
So alone I traveled

Offline Epsilon

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2010, 11:54:56 PM »
I'm not sure what you mean by crowbar frenzy, but there is only one hit per stick (1 credit to buy it).

Don't know if I mentioned it but it's for traitors only.
if(cop=1) then{shot}
elseif(terrorist=1) then {profit}

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: New TTT Weapons/Items
« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2010, 11:54:56 PM »


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