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Author Topic: Gun control: Due to recent events  (Read 19688 times)

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Offline theyankees213

Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2012, 09:33:35 PM »
Stalker much? but i guess your logic makes since

"Thats my fucking couch!!! NOOO! The humanity!!!!"  -Tyber
"Leet, only blade knows what my butt was meant for."-oobla
"It's all fun and games until one of the midgets pulls out a battleaxe" -Tyber
Why is this even a cloud? -Cortez

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Offline CamperStrike

Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2012, 09:38:59 PM »
I think you guys over in the US should ban crime. No more crime = no more killing. There, problem solved. It's not rocket science, guys!
at least one person will take this seriously
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Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2012, 09:38:59 PM »

Offline Tictactoe360

Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2012, 09:46:31 PM »
Stalker much? but i guess your logic makes since
Once again though, I apologize for using your post as an example, I had focusing on one person, but you were the only way I could state my point. Now that I'm on my Laptop, I can make a proper post.

When I say Kid, I'm referring to everyone below 19, (Including myself) Sure you can't control everyone who has a gun, but when you make it illegal for anyone say, under the age of 21 to own or operate a fire arm outside of Firing Range, you've already lowered it the crime rate.

There's no more parents thinking Timmy is read for his first shotgun at the age of 13. Sure the cops can't make sure ever kid doesn't have a gun, but the parents can.

And that at the very least is a start, you've already removed such a large chunk of the population in a single shot, then you can begin a proper clean up of the other age ranges.

Offline Hair Slut

Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2012, 09:53:10 PM »
Schools are "Gun Free" zones.  Supposed to prevent such from occurring.  Did not this time.   

Reminded me of this picture for some reason~

Also I allegedly know two people who have had illegal pistols in their possession before, how they got them or where from I'm not really sure. All I know is "My boy always know where you can get a piece"; so if my idiot ex-friends know where to find guns that aren't registered to them I'm sure many more organized and intelligent people out there know how to.

Guns are stupid, and I hate their existence. Destroy all of them and bring back swords and safer means of protection. I don't care if the gov't has all the guns, they already have nuclear warheads.

The only reason I feel the need to buy a gun to defend myself is because of all the crazy morons out there with guns. They should make them 99% more impossible to obtain.

Agree 100%. Honestly all you need if you want to protect yourself is a sword or some shit. Hopefully Obama reads this is which very unlikely LOL.

This is only marginally better than ghetto trash teen mothers posting on facebook, both of you should be ashamed.

Offline Blackllama

Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2012, 09:59:39 PM »
It's the same as saying that smoking should be illegal and cannot buy it anymore.
It does have affect, every number counts. Just like a presidential vote.

Sure someone can kill someone with a bat, but it's harder to kill people with.

You can never fully control a thing in a country. But you damn well sure as hell can try to prevent it.
Just make it damn illigal.

(we had an incident where a schitsofranic killed 7 people including himself)
that if someone wants to go to a gun club/ shooting range. People need to have a mentality check.

weed is illegal too, but you can find it on any corner street of America.

Yeah but weed can't kill a person in the blink of an eye.

I apologize for using you as an example
But Yankee, in a previous post you said

Im just saying that I own multiple guns, and enjoy the right to own and use them.

I checked out your page hoping to get a better understanding of who you are and I noticed that your 15.

This alone should raise red flags when it come to gun control.
You're 15, you're a long way from being an adult and yet you own "Multiple Guns".          I want to know which moron thought it's even remotely right for kids to have the ability to own an item designed to kill.

Don't try to argue oh "I'm responsible" or "I'm mature" your 15 and not only do you own them you enjoy them.

Something is seriously fucked up with a country when its kids can say that.
The point isn't that weed is dangerous, it's that it is very accessible and also illegal. If guns were made illegal, people would just buy from gun dealers. At least this way a lot of them can be tracked.

Guns will probably never be completely illegal in the US due to 2nd amendment.

EDIT: Removed shit.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2012, 10:01:10 PM by Blackllama »

Offline oobla37

Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2012, 10:07:04 PM »
good lord, does this thread even need to exist? Gun's (and the ownership of) are constitutional, so that shows how far you're going to get on gun laws. As for the shooting in Oregon, It was pretty close to me, roughly 1 hour and 45 minutes away. Think I feel safe? Not at all.

By kwuartz
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Offline Blackllama

Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2012, 10:08:22 PM »
good lord, does this thread even need to exist? Gun's (and the ownership of) are constitutional, so that shows how far you're going to get on gun laws. As for the shooting in Oregon, It was pretty close to me, roughly 1 hour and 45 minutes away. Think I feel safe? Not at all.
That shooting was only 20min from me and I know a decent amount of people who were there at the time, I could've easily had been there and shot. I know that feel bro.

Offline theyankees213

Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #22 on: December 14, 2012, 10:11:51 PM »
good lord, does this thread even need to exist? Gun's (and the ownership of) are constitutional, so that shows how far you're going to get on gun laws. As for the shooting in Oregon, It was pretty close to me, roughly 1 hour and 45 minutes away. Think I feel safe? Not at all.
That shooting was only 20min from me and I know a decent amount of people who were there at the time, I could've easily had been there and shot. I know that feel bro.
:o  glad your safe.

"Thats my fucking couch!!! NOOO! The humanity!!!!"  -Tyber
"Leet, only blade knows what my butt was meant for."-oobla
"It's all fun and games until one of the midgets pulls out a battleaxe" -Tyber
Why is this even a cloud? -Cortez

Yankees is easy to get mad tell him about the New York Nursing Home team

Offline Leetgrain

Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2012, 10:25:47 PM »
good lord, does this thread even need to exist? Gun's (and the ownership of) are constitutional, so that shows how far you're going to get on gun laws. As for the shooting in Oregon, It was pretty close to me, roughly 1 hour and 45 minutes away. Think I feel safe? Not at all.
That shooting was only 20min from me and I know a decent amount of people who were there at the time, I could've easily had been there and shot. I know that feel bro.
:o  glad your safe.

Holy shit, happy to see you safe!
Quote from: Inject OH 4
The whole point of CG is ruined if no one post.
I know what you would do you would hump the shit out of that car, then you would get run over  :D
Quote from: Inject OH 4
It's an ulgy dem file.
And you're do not look any thicker. I've had Creaps.

Offline Pillz

Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2012, 10:32:27 PM »
It's the same as saying that smoking should be illegal and cannot buy it anymore.
It does have affect, every number counts. Just like a presidential vote.

Sure someone can kill someone with a bat, but it's harder to kill people with.

You can never fully control a thing in a country. But you damn well sure as hell can try to prevent it.
Just make it damn illigal.

(we had an incident where a schitsofranic killed 7 people including himself)
that if someone wants to go to a gun club/ shooting range. People need to have a mentality check.

weed is illegal too, but you can find it on any corner street of America.

Only because it's a plant you can grow in your garden or closet in 2-4 months, and you can legally buy seeds for it online. Illegal my asshole; there was a 1968 TIME Magazine with a joint being smoked on the cover titled Marijuana, over 18 million have tried it, should it be legalized? Then the seventies happened maaaaann, and everyone was high. It was illegal though.

Though if you think about it, what else is illegal that happens ALL THE TIME? This is a whole other argument though.

If guns were made illegal they would very much still be around, but it would do what it did to pot. Anyone who has a gun is a criminal. This would also prevent normally rational people from having the option to kill someone if they happen to own one, etc. Sure someone's dad is going to have a pistol hidden away somewhere, and some people are going to refuse to part with their weapons it would make me feel safer knowing lesser people have access to them. The mob, or the gov't? I don't care if they have them, if they're after me, I'm going to die one way or another anyway.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Link236

Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #25 on: December 14, 2012, 10:39:54 PM »
On the topic of gun control, I believe the problem isn't so much the guns, it's the people...

Seriously, as the saying goes,"Guns don't kill people. People kill people."

Now, without guns, it obviously would've been harder for these events to take place, but it's still possible...

Take this for example:

He didn't have a gun, but people were still hurt (they didn't die... but  that isn't the point). Sure, it wasn't as easy as going on a gun rampage, but it still happened...

Now, I'm all for some form of gun control. Not just anyone should be allowed to have a gun, but that option should still be there. If you're a clean-cut guy, why shouldn't you be allowed to have a gun? But, if you have an doubt that the potential gun owner could be a problem, don't let them have it. But, to go to the extreme of banning guns outright wouldn't help the problem. Just like drugs, even if they are banned, people will still find ways to smuggle them in.

Anyway, my point is... guns aren't the problem (I use that lightly, they obviously pose a threat, but if moderated correctly, I believe they wouldn't be a problem), the people are. We need to treat the people, not the guns. The one thing that has been a constant in all these killings is some pyschological problem with the people(s) involved. Sure, guns are dangerous, but, the human mind is the real killer.
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Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #26 on: December 14, 2012, 11:04:46 PM »
To a degree "guns don't kill people, people kill people" is true. Although there's the topic of what purpose guns serve. I'll need to research before I can confidently say it and be correct but guns were made with killing/stopping people in mind.

Guns themselves shouldn't be outright banned but I think they really need to work on who can purchase guns and such.

Offline Sniper no Sniping

Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #27 on: December 14, 2012, 11:13:14 PM »
UK banned guns. Higher crime rate than US.

Just google it.

Offline Leetgrain

Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #28 on: December 14, 2012, 11:49:50 PM »
UK banned guns. Higher crime rate than US.

Lotta crime here I have to admit, a lot of rough areas nowadays.

But anyway, on a basis you have to take into account the sizes of population, There will be more crime in more populated areas, and seeing as how the US is widespread...
Quote from: Inject OH 4
The whole point of CG is ruined if no one post.
I know what you would do you would hump the shit out of that car, then you would get run over  :D
Quote from: Inject OH 4
It's an ulgy dem file.
And you're do not look any thicker. I've had Creaps.

Offline Link236

Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #29 on: December 15, 2012, 12:01:53 AM »
UK banned guns. Higher crime rate than US.

Lotta crime here I have to admit, a lot of rough areas nowadays.

But anyway, on a basis you have to take into account the sizes of population, There will be more crime in more populated areas, and seeing as how the US is widespread...
Yeah, but we also have plenty of heavily populated areas

       ie: New York City, Chicago, Washington D.C., etc...
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I'll show you the world, Link. Just take my hand and come with meeee~
Quote from: Gustav
(TEAM) Guztav: I totally want to slap his ass right now
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Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Gun control: Due to recent events
« Reply #29 on: December 15, 2012, 12:01:53 AM »


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