Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name:
In game name: innershea წsPწ
Link to your steam page:
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041694092/Steam ID: Innershea STEAM_0:0:40714182
Do you have past admin experience: no
Why you wish to be admin: to help stop those that abuse the servers of cg, either through team killing, spamming, or insulting people. I have enjoyed many of cg's servers and feel that hidden needs some people to watch over it as well.
What are some good qualities you possess: I am not easily aggrivated and thus do not make snap decisions based on quick emotion, i am very patient, and am always open to talking through problems to help others when needed. (these were the few i could think of, I don't like complimenting my self)
What country are you from: Canada
Microphone: (yes or no) yes
Additional Notes:I am on most days, and also late into the night, I find we lack admins on late at night. I am always willing to help out anyone.
If you do not follow this format, your application will be automatically denied.