What server are you applying for: CG's GMOD TTT
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name:
In game name: Hanson185
Link to your steam page:
http://steamcommunity.com/id/Hanson185Steam ID: 0:1:11676925
Do you have past admin experience: Yes I was an admin on a sandbox server (Aprilon Dynasty), I have also ran my own CSS server and I have moderated Necropolis RP's forums for a short time (
http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/200/modcontrolpanel.jpg), been admin in several other places including some other gmod servers and Bf2 ( on a padding server was quite fun
What are some good qualities you possess: I like to think I can keep my cool, also I like to think I am responsible and dedicated and often operate behind the scenes, I consider myself to be an adaptable person, I am considerate of others, thoughtful and reliable and can easily get along with strangers.
What country are you from: UK
Age: 19
Additional notes: I know this is only my third post but I'm giving it a go anyway, I will try to get my play time up on the TTT server but I'm just really here to have a good time and have a laugh with some other people.