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Author Topic: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen  (Read 6585 times)

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Offline Old Crow

Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« on: August 28, 2012, 02:09:00 AM »

Check it out. Thoughts?

Could this be a true study that it does affect you more then you think? (for users) Remember this is outside the states and being reported by the ever reliable source BBC News
I've proved people wrong on so many occasioans

Oh wow I do.Its because. I'm really active on the forum.

3 Days isn't log

Offline stewieisevil

Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2012, 02:21:15 AM »

Check it out. Thoughts?

Could this be a true study that it does affect you more then you think? (for users) Remember this is outside the states and being reported by the ever reliable source BBC News

i assume that bbc news is the equivalent to fox news when it comes to reliability.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2012, 02:21:15 AM »

Offline Old Crow

Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2012, 02:44:39 AM »

Check it out. Thoughts?

Could this be a true study that it does affect you more then you think? (for users) Remember this is outside the states and being reported by the ever reliable source BBC News

i assume that bbc news is the equivalent to fox news when it comes to reliability.

No I was not being sarcastic, they are usually considered the best source, or at least the most unbiased.
I've proved people wrong on so many occasioans

Oh wow I do.Its because. I'm really active on the forum.

3 Days isn't log

Offline Wholegrain

Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2012, 02:54:29 AM »
They did statistics though

besides one thing they may not have accounted for is

1.  Those that smoke weed are more likely to drink alcohol (which WILL kill brain cells on a greater scale)

2.  The study was 1,000 people from a specific geo graphic location.  Not only are the numbers on the low side (another survey about weed and its affects of cancer was about 40,000+ I think if I remember correctly) but also it is a different region with a different culture.

3.  How early  are these teens starting to smoke?

All in all teens should not smoke or drink in general as it will affect their brains as they are still developing.  I agree partially with the study in that regard.

If so what is the that magic age where people can start to smoke?

no scientific evidence was brought forward in this study which makes it just a theory based off of statistics

Offline Waffuls the Huntress

Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2012, 03:33:07 AM »

Check it out. Thoughts?

Could this be a true study that it does affect you more then you think? (for users) Remember this is outside the states and being reported by the ever reliable source BBC News

i assume that bbc news is the equivalent to fox news when it comes to reliability.

Someone does not watch news enough.

Moderator Comment If you are not going to further the discussion do not post these kind of comments.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 11:22:02 AM by TowerSheep »

Offline arth987

Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2012, 09:44:13 AM »
Nguni weed actually helps your seplling.

Offline Sammy

Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2012, 10:12:43 AM »

Check it out. Thoughts?

Could this be a true study that it does affect you more then you think? (for users) Remember this is outside the states and being reported by the ever reliable source BBC News

i assume that bbc news is the equivalent to fox news when it comes to reliability.

Someone does not watch news enough.

BBC news is essentially a British thing as it stands for 'British Broadcasting Channel' (not sure if the Channel is right but...) Actually BBC is rather reliable so merh.

And no shit, doing Weed in my opinion (no offense to any users here) is an awful thing that destroys peoples lives and the 'MAJORITY' of users are lowlife thugs/criminals or who use government money to live and not bother getting a job...
Its a fact...

Dick Figures Movie! :) http://ykr.be/1p9g102w6a

Offline Boxman

Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2012, 10:14:42 AM »
Does it really matter? My IQ is well above average and on that note, IQ means absolutely nothing considering I'm a high school drop-out

Demons only lead to no sales when your game sucks
Quote from: Inject OH 4
wtf r u challenge me to game? u r on u little pussey, i bet u cant evn gt 4 gfs like me
i tuch theyre bxxbs ALL DAY
&then we all go 420 on dat crank shiett and hav good time
but anywaes u wanna go? u wanna go rite now> lets do this
il meet ur face any time in leage o legens
wat? u scared/????

Offline TowerSheep

Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2012, 10:31:22 AM »
besides one thing they may not have accounted for is
1.  Those that smoke weed are more likely to drink alcohol (which WILL kill brain cells on a greater scale)
"Having taken into account other factors such as alcohol or tobacco dependency or other drug use, as well the number of years spent in education,"

2. The study was 1,000 people from a specific geo graphic location.  Not only are the numbers on the low side (another survey about weed and its affects of cancer was about 40,000+ I think if I remember correctly) but also it is a different region with a different culture.
This was a study that followed people's lives over 25 years. A survey is nothing but a correlation-type study which means very little to the scientific community (Correlation =/= Causation). This is also a important study because it gives other scientists reason to invest the time and money in their area. You don't start studies on a worldwide scale, no one would fund such a costly study without these types of studies to prove they are worth the money.

3.  How early  are these teens starting to smoke?
This should have been stated in the article but remember this is a new report of the study. They actual study should clarify this.

All in all teens should not smoke or drink in general as it will affect their brains as they are still developing.  I agree partially with the study in that regard.
If so what is the that magic age where people can start to smoke?
"It is such a special study that I'm fairly confident that cannabis is safe for over-18 brains, but risky for under-18 brains."

no scientific evidence was brought forward in this study which makes it just a theory based off of statistics
A theory backed by a 25 year in-depth study. There is more to this report than the page wrote by the news. Do not discount the report based on what someone else writes about it. If you read the paper/report and have the same issues with it I'd be shocked it even got press.

What would you consider Scientific evidence? (Seriously)

I don't mean to be mean nor am I trying to insult you. I have had a good deal of experience with psychological research and just wanted to help people understand what was actually going on. You actually raised questions I could respond to!

by Kwaurtz

Offline Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!)

Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2012, 10:44:55 AM »
I'm not going to take part in this debate because there are too many people in CG that get ragey when you tell them that smoking is dumb but, the C in BBC stands for corporation. kthxbai

Moderator Comment If you are going to post make it relevant to the topic. Do not derail threads with comment like this that add nothing to the discussion.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 11:17:42 AM by TowerSheep »
Does this look like a ball field to you sucka? This is a sandbox. For making sandcastles.

Post Count
A Novel by Inject OH 4
Conjoint Gaming
"You thought a Human Centipede was bad, wait till you get a load of us."
Bears, beer and bitches. That's everyone's motto.
Quote from: some guy on PC gamer
First of all, books were all but dead until tablets rejuvenated the industry
Quote from: Blazyd
Cortez I'm actually on black tar heroin fyi
Only been in it once didn't really pay attention to the staff, I think their was an eatable thong... but that may have been a totally different store, ANYWAYS... lol.
The plunger could simply be out of view, the pants + it's location behind the toilet may hide it... Or it's a fraud and we need to take down the system with out golden axes while destroying the rest of the demon-spawn so that we may live in a utopia.

Offline Boxman

Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2012, 10:51:58 AM »
I'm not going to take part in this debate because there are too many people in CG that get ragey when you tell them that smoking is dumb but, the C in BBC stands for corporation. kthxbai

Smoking IS stupid, but they know that too and need to defend themselves. Video games are equally as stupid as getting wasted every night, smoking weed with a bunch of people, or having sex with random people because you're lusting for them. Honestly... If people get angry because someone holds a different opinion then them, they shouldn't even be able to debate. Keeping a cool-head during these things are required, otherwise Cadaver has to punish... And Cadaver doesn't like to punish.

Demons only lead to no sales when your game sucks
Quote from: Inject OH 4
wtf r u challenge me to game? u r on u little pussey, i bet u cant evn gt 4 gfs like me
i tuch theyre bxxbs ALL DAY
&then we all go 420 on dat crank shiett and hav good time
but anywaes u wanna go? u wanna go rite now> lets do this
il meet ur face any time in leage o legens
wat? u scared/????

Offline Sammy

Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2012, 11:43:31 AM »
I'm not going to take part in this debate because there are too many people in CG that get ragey when you tell them that smoking is dumb but, the C in BBC stands for corporation. kthxbai

If you are going to post make it relevant to the topic. Do not derail threads with comment like this that add nothing to the discussion.

Actually (mod) this was rather referenced to the thread, as he was responding to what I said when correcting the 'C' in 'BBC'.

Thankies Cortez :)

Moderator Comment Which has 0 to do with smoking weed. That's why I put one at the end of original quote tree as well. This is a debate about the effects of weed, not what BBC means. Please return to the topic.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 11:57:26 AM by TowerSheep »
Its a fact...

Dick Figures Movie! :) http://ykr.be/1p9g102w6a

Offline Pillz

Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2012, 01:31:34 PM »
It's mostly true. It's the reason I didn't start smoking weed until I was about seventeen, it's still a bit early, as you should wait until at least 20, or 24. From all the research I've done, 24 seems like that magic number where you're brains pretty done developing. Like wholegrain said, your brain gets much worse alongside drinking alcohol, which is even worse for you and your brain. This is why if weed were legalized, I think it'd be fair to make the age requirement 21. People are still going to smoke underage, but then the cops can have their fun with putting kids with juvie instead of full grown adults in jail.

I have family and friends who started smoking when they were 11 and 12, and I can't really say they're less intelligent than other people.. There are still people who DON'T smoke weed who seem like they have less going on upstairs than them. I do believe they'd be better off if they had waited another 10 years to smoke though. Yet every single person is different and constant weed smoking could make them a more social and happy person; for other people it can be a problem, and for the already less intelligent it probably just makes them completely retarded.

The reason I started smoking around 17ish is because of the five years of hating it when my younger cousin and her friends always wanted me to smoke it, and her friends were fucking idiots. They got me to take a few GBs in the woods and I just felt sketch and annoyed, so anytime I got high I just was angry and went to bed when I got home. Told my mom I hated it and was all anti-pot, I'm too smart for a good 4-5 years. Later I realized I'm really not that smart, and everyone else is dumb also.

Then some of MY friends started smoking and eventually I tried it with them, in a more positive environment, and was down with smoking it every once in a while. Then after my cousin moved in with the BF, they had weed EVERY DAY, ALL DAY; and after a year of them living here I'm sure I've lost a few IQ points/potential IQ points.

Kinda got the GF on that schedule after she moved in but we're both kinda done with it. It's hard when all your friends smoke too and are always coming over to use your bong, and since we're in community college and in drug-test-free jobs; it might be a few more months before we do. I've already fucked up my endorphins a bit, but I've also already had serious depression problems before marijuana. It helps now and hurts in the long run. Most other days though I realize I'm still an over-active ADHD kid and can think much clearer than when I'm high, and don't even want to; until it's in my face and I'm like.. meh.. why the fuck not.

It's still less dangerous than legal anti-depressants and other drugs though.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Pillz

Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2012, 04:31:41 PM »
I'm not going to take part in this debate because there are too many people in CG that get ragey when you tell them that smoking is dumb but, the C in BBC stands for corporation. kthxbai

If you are going to post make it relevant to the topic. Do not derail threads with comment like this that add nothing to the discussion.

There are also people who get ragey when you say religion is retarded and now we can't discuss it at all. Telling someone their opinions/actions are stupid never goes well. Lets try to avoid that before another thread gets locked. I mean the thread topic is how weed may lower your IQ so it's the perfect opportunity, but I'll be glad to hear any anti pot opinions you have to share. Just don't be a cunt about it and the potheads won't either. It's not in our nature :p

Edit: Double post for topic change and less TL:DR
« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 06:54:45 PM by Pillz »
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline arth987

Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2012, 05:51:27 PM »
I have seen 14 year olds smoke weed constantly that are now 16 and he has staight A's except dat honors chem.... But I think the studies were done on people that were dumb fucks to begin with.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Weed lowers your IQ if you do it as a teen
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2012, 05:51:27 PM »


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