What server are you applying for:TTT Conjoint Gaming | Terror Town
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name:Proboly Kondor.
In game name:{TBN}/{}Soul|sucker{}\
Link to your steam page:http://steamcommunity.com/id/webhead000/
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:30422626
Do you have past admin experience:Nope
What are some good qualities you possess:Nice,Strict,a 2nd chance kinda person,not abusive
What country are you from:Texas
Additional notes:I love TTT servers and iv played on your TTT server for like 20 hrs and it was epic! plus i luv yalls admins espicially kondor,and i hate rdmers,rdmers,haxers,haxers,haxers,and anything else thst involves ruining the fun.