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Author Topic: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?  (Read 7779 times)

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Offline Wholegrain

Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2012, 03:52:51 AM »
Okay well, Let's just get this out there. Just because there are high restrictions on guns, to the point where no one has a fire arm, People will still have guns. Specifically criminals. Take prohibition for example. The government banned alcohol, and look what it caused. Prohibition formed organized crime and people still had alcohol. Entire towns would fight federal agents to keep their beer. Don't you think a ban on firearms would spike criminal activity like Prohibition did? Just because you take one dealer out, an addict will find another source.

Chicago we say only the crinimals are allowed to have guns.  You have no real legal ground to stand on with any protective weapons.  I have been to parties where people have gotten shot and it is those type of things
that make me want to keep my switchblade with me or purchase a firearm.

The police don't really protect here and only sometimes find the culprits in cases of robbery.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 03:55:49 AM by WholeGrain »

Offline Pancake Of Doom

Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2012, 07:12:50 AM »
Okay well, Let's just get this out there. Just because there are high restrictions on guns, to the point where no one has a fire arm, People will still have guns. Specifically criminals. Take prohibition for example. The government banned alcohol, and look what it caused. Prohibition formed organized crime and people still had alcohol. Entire towns would fight federal agents to keep their beer. Don't you think a ban on firearms would spike criminal activity like Prohibition did? Just because you take one dealer out, an addict will find another source.

Chicago we say only the crinimals are allowed to have guns.  You have no real legal ground to stand on with any protective weapons.  I have been to parties where people have gotten shot and it is those type of things
that make me want to keep my switchblade with me or purchase a firearm.

The police don't really protect here and only sometimes find the culprits in cases of robbery.
Well WG, Don't bring a knife to a gunfight. Simple rule. I'm going to get a concealed weapon permit when I come of age, so yeah.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2012, 07:12:50 AM »

Offline Old Crow

Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2012, 10:24:03 AM »
Totally agree with you Pancake. Thats honestly how it is, because any gang that doesn't have guns will be pushed out by gangs that have guns. Its kinda like the cold war, either you have the best stuff or you die.
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Offline Doc. Mentalist S.

Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2012, 12:16:32 AM »
Those that have access to guns (White Canadians) are usual seen as trigger happy lumber jacks. In reality, they're pretty mellow people. I haven't recalled any abusing their privileges.

Those that illegally have access to guns are in a higher advantage than Canadians who do not have access to them and would abuse that. Recently (i mentioned this once before) a hitman intentionally targeting 1 person, accidently shot several others.

I wish Canada was more like Norway. I understand that Norwegian law enforcement officers are seen without any firearms. In fact, it has the lowest crime rate and prisons, are less like rehab centers.

Point being, firearms are a slight significant contributors to crime rates.

Offline Old Crow

Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2012, 12:29:59 AM »
Those that have access to guns (White Canadians) are usual seen as trigger happy lumber jacks. In reality, they're pretty mellow people. I haven't recalled any abusing their privileges.

Those that illegally have access to guns are in a higher advantage than Canadians who do not have access to them and would abuse that. Recently (i mentioned this once before) a hitman intentionally targeting 1 person, accidently shot several others.

I wish Canada was more like Norway. I understand that Norwegian law enforcement officers are seen without any firearms. In fact, it has the lowest crime rate and prisons, are less like rehab centers.

Point being, firearms are a slight significant contributors to crime rates.

Yes but it just tends to be more illegal weapons used in crimes, then legal ones.

Also yeah everybody should take a page from Norway when it comes to that stuff esp here in the US. Look at Cal, they have that stupid get tough on crime mentality and their jails are overflowing, and most of the prisoners come back or are repeated.
I've proved people wrong on so many occasioans

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Offline Jorgen

Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2012, 12:42:20 AM »
Those that have access to guns (White Canadians) are usual seen as trigger happy lumber jacks. In reality, they're pretty mellow people. I haven't recalled any abusing their privileges.

Those that illegally have access to guns are in a higher advantage than Canadians who do not have access to them and would abuse that. Recently (i mentioned this once before) a hitman intentionally targeting 1 person, accidently shot several others.

I wish Canada was more like Norway. I understand that Norwegian law enforcement officers are seen without any firearms. In fact, it has the lowest crime rate and prisons, are less like rehab centers.

Point being, firearms are a slight significant contributors to crime rates.

Yes but it just tends to be more illegal weapons used in crimes, then legal ones.

Also yeah everybody should take a page from Norway when it comes to that stuff esp here in the US. Look at Cal, they have that stupid get tough on crime mentality and their jails are overflowing, and most of the prisoners come back or are repeated.
Sadly that is also what contributed to how unready we were for a massacre, there was also many reasons for that though =/
It was only 1 nutcase, but 1 nutcase is too much. Now Norway has helicopter snipers able to move swiftly in.

I believe Norway has shown that gun restrictions can very easily work and can bring down crime rates.
You can argue that this will not at all work for America, but remember Norway used to be one of the most heavily armed countries in the world, they literally sold shotguns over the counter in normal convenience stores. I still think we remain one of the most heavily armed countries in the world actually, but our gun restrictions have still seriously cut down the crime rates.

Offline Old Crow

Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2012, 12:47:22 AM »
Those that have access to guns (White Canadians) are usual seen as trigger happy lumber jacks. In reality, they're pretty mellow people. I haven't recalled any abusing their privileges.

Those that illegally have access to guns are in a higher advantage than Canadians who do not have access to them and would abuse that. Recently (i mentioned this once before) a hitman intentionally targeting 1 person, accidently shot several others.

I wish Canada was more like Norway. I understand that Norwegian law enforcement officers are seen without any firearms. In fact, it has the lowest crime rate and prisons, are less like rehab centers.

Point being, firearms are a slight significant contributors to crime rates.

Yes but it just tends to be more illegal weapons used in crimes, then legal ones.

Also yeah everybody should take a page from Norway when it comes to that stuff esp here in the US. Look at Cal, they have that stupid get tough on crime mentality and their jails are overflowing, and most of the prisoners come back or are repeated.
Sadly that is also what contributed to how unready we were for a massacre, there was also many reasons for that though =/
It was only 1 nutcase, but 1 nutcase is too much. Now Norway has helicopter snipers able to move swiftly in.

I believe Norway has shown that gun restrictions can very easily work and can bring down crime rates.
You can argue that this will not at all work for America, but remember Norway used to be one of the most heavily armed countries in the world, they literally sold shotguns over the counter in normal convenience stores. I still think we remain one of the most heavily armed countries in the world actually, but our gun restrictions have still seriously cut down the crime rates.

I dunno, most criminals here will not jump through the hoops to get pistols legally. Here you have to be 21, you have to register it with the county sheriff, you have to pay a tax, you have to wait 3 days for it, you need a license from the county sheriff to even buy one unless you have a CPL and you have to take a gun safety  class that usually costs 200 dollars or more to get your CPL.

Criminals will not do that, normal people will but again, most of the crimes here are committed by illegally gained pistols. Like WG said, in Chicago its very hard to get one, while the criminals can just find a black arms dealer and get one from them. ATF really needs to get off their fat asses and do something about that.
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Offline Blackllama

Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2012, 02:21:44 AM »
In Oregon here you need a licence to carry a concealed weapon, but nothing but an ID to buy a gun.  Gotta be 18 for a rifle/shotgun.  21 for a pistol.  I honestly don't think the 3 years makes much of a difference, but it does keep pistols out of dump college kids' hands.

Rifles and shotguns are generally used for recreational purposes or hunting.  You can shoot a handgun at the range, but you usually are not hunting with them.  Even if people own these weapons strictly for recreation and no self defense, (they will never be shooting people) people can still get hurt.

I believe all firearm should require a simple licence.  Basically just a gun safety course and a background check.  Gun safety is important, background check is even better.

No matter what happens though, the 2ND amendment will still exist in the US so people will always have guns.  I like it this way.  If they banned all firearms I would not be happy.  The zombie Apocalypse would just be that much more difficult.  And as stated before, you take away guns, the thugs just get more creative and find more painful ways to kill people.

Offline Liam Neeson

Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2012, 02:27:22 AM »
Ya i dont think completely making guns illegal will ever be the right answer(at least in the US) it would just end the same way as prohibition hopefully we have already learned our lesson

Offline Pillz

Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2012, 02:43:20 AM »
Age, license and restrictions are irrelevant as long as someone out there is allowed to buy guns. You don't need to be 18, or have anything on you at all for your "friend" to hand you a loaded gun. Sometimes all you need is money, and until guns are illegal completely, they'll always be in arms reach if someone wants to shoot somebody.

Guns makes killing easy and fast; and giving every idiot who joins the police force a gun isn't to bright either.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Old Crow

Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2012, 03:18:01 AM »
Age, license and restrictions are irrelevant as long as someone out there is allowed to buy guns. You don't need to be 18, or have anything on you at all for your "friend" to hand you a loaded gun. Sometimes all you need is money, and until guns are illegal completely, they'll always be in arms reach if someone wants to shoot somebody.

Guns makes killing easy and fast; and giving every idiot who joins the police force a gun isn't to bright either.

Ok take away guns however and nothing will change, crime is an arms race, criminals will always try to get the best stuff, take away guns from law abiding citizens and police and we will see crime go through the roof. It may work in Europe but it sure as hell isn't gonna work here, there are just too many illegal guns and they are just too easy to get.

That's why I've never understood anarchists, if that ever happened here in the U.S. it would be so easy for gangs and criminals to take over, they have millions/billions and connections to arms dealers, it would be like taking candy from a baby for them to take over large patches of the U.S.

Basically since guns were invented they are here to stay, your not gonna be able to get rid of them all. Also say the Chinese ever did get a good shot at invading America, what are we gonna do? Make snide remarks at them? Charge them with swords? I agree that these NRA nuts take the 2nd Amendment too far but there is a reason why its an Amendment and not just a law.

Lastly, You say it would be easy to give somebody a weapon right? When I listed all the things above to get a pistol i meant it, that's what most states require. Commit a crime with said weapon, and if they can piece it together, the person that bought the gun and let the other "borrow" it is screwed, because its legally their responsibility, unless they report it stolen. Legal guns are easy to track, illegal guns are much harder.

The stupid over used by NRA nuts "guns don't kill people, people kill people" has some truth to it. Whether it be a blunt object or a gun, if your want somebody dead, and i mean want somebody dead, then your not gonna give two craps about how its done.


Crazy but true, my dad grew up with this kids dad, even played baseball with him.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 03:21:40 AM by Old Crow »
I've proved people wrong on so many occasioans

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Offline Pillz

Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« Reply #26 on: June 15, 2012, 12:10:05 AM »
The people who would go out of their way to get an illegal weapon are probably going to kill them regardless; while they would never cease to exist, it'd be nice if any idiot off the street could get a gun. I mean I myself am waiting to get a gun and if the situation called for it I would use it. I'm all for being able to protect myself but the only reason I need to is because anyone out there could have a gun.

Most armed criminals don't use them to kill either; they're a last resort tool of intimidation. It gives people power who don't deserve iit and while many people get caught for their crimes; lots of others don't. There are many murders at go unsolved regardless of if someone was shot. Having the bullet type isn't as helpful as most people think; usually it's prexisting quarrels or witnesses who help identify killers..

I don't know.. We should just make the only legal guns tranqs, but wed probably just see an increase in rapes.. :x You should have the right to disable a threat; not end their life. Also if another country attacked I don't think us suburbians would run into the steets with guns. We could sign up for the military though.

I wish we cloud use tranqs in war too, but guns just make murder amongst ourselves so much easier than if we weren't allowed to have guns. You wouldn't have the angry kids taking dads gun, or joe blow gangsta getting his first gun to do whatthefuck ever.

I  don't have any specific stance on the subject but I don't like how the weak can overpower you because they have a gun. We can fight amongst ourselves with fists and blades but that'd be impossible I suppose. Senseless killing wll happen regardless; who knows what would help prevent it..
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Old Crow

Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« Reply #27 on: June 15, 2012, 12:16:34 AM »
The people who would go out of their way to get an illegal weapon are probably going to kill them regardless; while they would never cease to exist, it'd be nice if any idiot off the street could get a gun. I mean I myself am waiting to get a gun and if the situation called for it I would use it. I'm all for being able to protect myself but the only reason I need to is because anyone out there could have a gun.

Most armed criminals don't use them to kill either; they're a last resort tool of intimidation. It gives people power who don't deserve iit and while many people get caught for their crimes; lots of others don't. There are many murders at go unsolved regardless of if someone was shot. Having the bullet type isn't as helpful as most people think; usually it's prexisting quarrels or witnesses who help identify killers..

I don't know.. We should just make the only legal guns tranqs, but wed probably just see an increase in rapes.. :x You should have the right to disable a threat; not end their life. Also if another country attacked I don't think us suburbians would run into the steets with guns. We could sign up for the military though.

I wish we cloud use tranqs in war too, but guns just make murder amongst ourselves so much easier than if we weren't allowed to have guns. You wouldn't have the angry kids taking dads gun, or joe blow gangsta getting his first gun to do whatthefuck ever.

I  don't have any specific stance on the subject but I don't like how the weak can overpower you because they have a gun. We can fight amongst ourselves with fists and blades but that'd be impossible I suppose. Senseless killing wll happen regardless; who knows what would help prevent it..

Gotta understand from a police standpoint who is going to be easier to catch? The guy with an illegal gun, or the guy with a legal gun.

Illegal gun: Hard to trace, hard to find out who had it or sold it

Legal gun: Easier to trace, easy to find out who has one. If a suspect in a murder has the same caliber gun used in the murder, all it takes is a simple test to find out if it was said weapon, since guns are the same as fingerprints, they all have a unique pattern when they fire. If the gun is lost or hidden, well the guy is still screwed because it can be enough evidence to use against him in court, granted that there is other evidence.

Tranq guns eh, that would be pretty funny, your friend annoying you?? just tranq him, Cat being a bother? Tranq the cat and now it is no longer a problem

Also i mean militia, yeah in the event of a total war every able bodied person will go into the service but there will still be alot of people left over, so they have to be able to defend themselves as well.
I've proved people wrong on so many occasioans

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Offline Athlonz2012

Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« Reply #28 on: June 28, 2012, 04:39:15 PM »
Gun control is like prohibition of anything, Just like alchool and cannabis, It doesn't work.

It's a waste of the precious taxpayer's money into an endless battle of nothingness, It will not reduce violent crime, if not increase it.

Criminal don't give a fuck about registering their weapons, and obviously they need illegal equipment, so that means more police forces coming down to your doorstep asking to see all of your papers and privacy information. These federal programs of "grande envergure" is nothing more than tactic to strip away your last bit of freedom you still have, a well controlled population is well more desired than one that can rebels against it's government.

(LAST WORDS) ]AthlonZ []-R.G-[]: I wished you guys speak french--

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: What is your Opinion on Gun Control?
« Reply #28 on: June 28, 2012, 04:39:15 PM »


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