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Author Topic: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint  (Read 10711 times)

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Offline Waffuls the Huntress

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2012, 12:49:32 PM »
Homophobia is sexism.
Well.. it's a form of discrimination, which should be included in the rules as an FYI.

What do you think the admins are going off of when we say "no sexism/racism/homophobic speech?"

Offline Coreybush11

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2012, 12:51:27 PM »
Why should anyone care what other people do with their lives? If it isn't hurting anyone, why do we need media coverage and crazy old men telling us we should kill those who live their lives this way?

It's because we let them. We let people tell us hateful things and teach more children to hate. The media like Faux News keeps on teaching to the less educated adult section, while we have the parents forcing their children to partake in going to their place of worship that they probably don't want to go to.

Then the country families that haven't had a lot of outside contact in history find that we can communicate with all people from across the world, and are shocked that people are different.

The parents sneer at two gay men, and the child asks why. The parent cleverly tells them how it is wrong and they will be punished. If the child is very religious already, they will take it in. If the child is still bright and open-minded to everything, they will be confused as to why two people receive hate when they are clearly just enjoying their life.

From my own experiences

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2012, 12:51:27 PM »

Offline Pillz

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2012, 01:28:52 PM »
Well first off (I'll keep this one short so you can read it> EDIT: NEVERMIND LOL); I'm not completely atheist as I believe in the possibility of God. I just do not agree with any religious text nor do I believe in taking the texts literally. Using the stories of the bibles as guidelines for your morals is one thing; but taking it literally is another.

Not to mention it was written so many years ago, and times were much different then. There was already tons of homosexuality before the times of the bible; as depicted in Greek/Roman/other works of art. Later on as polytheism died out, most the monotheistic religions adapted anti-gay standpoints. Sadly homosexuality never died out; it continued living on and people were punished for it over and over.

Muslim religion forbids anal sex(not sure if between two men or just in general), but doesn't forbid gayness altogether. Christianity/Catholic texts say the famous "One man shall not lay with another man; for it is an abomination"; and hell if you wanted to get extra literal, it just means you shouldn't lie next to them. Sex is okay though. Regardless there are still thousands of gay Christians/Catholics out there who are trying to keep their hearts with God, and are just hoping that he'll still love them.

So basically homosexuality has always existed, the Gods didn't care, then God did, and people who were gay were gay anyway, or living in extreme unhappiness and denial hoping to get passage to heaven. I'm almost certain that the bible and other texts were written by humans though, and were subject to additional rules made by those humans. Homosexuality probably didn't exist too much around those people at the time and it was a general rule; gays were probably treated like witches.

I highly doubt God wanted us to overrule "Love thy neighbor" when we find out people are gay. It is an abomination to God, and what happens to them is Gods business; not everyone elses. Spreading parades of hate around is counterproductive and more sinful than the single act of homosexuality. You're not doing anyone any justice, you are doing nothing but making people angry. Good job; if there is a God he's probably not the spiteful asshole the bible depicts him as, that was the fault of the humans that wrote it.

TLDR: People have been gay for centuries, the bible was written a long time ago by humans with old timey values, and to take the bible literally in this day and age is foolish. It has some good values and stories to follow as guidelines for your morals; but it's not a rule book. That's why there's separation of church and state. Stop worrying about other people and worry about yourself. Who cares if someones gay, bi or straight; if you choose to look at someone and judge them based on one detail, you need to rethink your morals. Idunno doode; homosexuality is cool though. If you don't like it cause you're straight, cool beans; don't be a dick about it. I may not like the football team you like but I'm not telling you to go to hell over it.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Boxman

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2012, 02:19:51 PM »
Homophobia is sexism.
Well.. it's a form of discrimination, which should be included in the rules as an FYI.

What do you think the admins are going off of when we say "no sexism/racism/homophobic speech?"
Discrimination is more.. broad than that.

Demons only lead to no sales when your game sucks
Quote from: Inject OH 4
wtf r u challenge me to game? u r on u little pussey, i bet u cant evn gt 4 gfs like me
i tuch theyre bxxbs ALL DAY
&then we all go 420 on dat crank shiett and hav good time
but anywaes u wanna go? u wanna go rite now> lets do this
il meet ur face any time in leage o legens
wat? u scared/????

Offline arth987

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2012, 02:56:04 PM »
This topic is just going to end like any other religious debate thread... We religious types are outnumbered. But anyway as a catholic I have NOTHING against homosexuality. Even my mother and father that are very strong catholics and they have nothing against homosexuality and even have many friends that are gay. But we all think the same on gay marriage even most of their gay friends think the same way. Marriage is between a man and a woman and any other way is wrong I think they can love eachother any other way but marriage is just not one of those ways.

Offline Old Crow

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2012, 04:57:00 PM »
This topic is just going to end like any other religious debate thread... We religious types are outnumbered. But anyway as a catholic I have NOTHING against homosexuality. Even my mother and father that are very strong catholics and they have nothing against homosexuality and even have many friends that are gay. But we all think the same on gay marriage even most of their gay friends think the same way. Marriage is between a man and a woman and any other way is wrong I think they can love eachother any other way but marriage is just not one of those ways.

What about a civil union, same rights and all, just not marriage in name.
I've proved people wrong on so many occasioans

Oh wow I do.Its because. I'm really active on the forum.

3 Days isn't log

Offline Coreybush11

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2012, 05:07:43 PM »
This topic is just going to end like any other religious debate thread... We religious types are outnumbered. But anyway as a catholic I have NOTHING against homosexuality. Even my mother and father that are very strong catholics and they have nothing against homosexuality and even have many friends that are gay. But we all think the same on gay marriage even most of their gay friends think the same way. Marriage is between a man and a woman and any other way is wrong I think they can love eachother any other way but marriage is just not one of those ways.

What about a civil union, same rights and all, just not marriage in name.

I've always been under the impression that civil unions had less rights, more than just the name and security of marriage. This is what Google had to tell me: http://www.now.org/issues/marriage/marriage_unions.html

Offline Spadie

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #22 on: June 05, 2012, 08:00:04 PM »
What I don't get is why the people whom are against homosexuality are so concerned about something that is really none of their business to begin with. If two men or women want to have sex, let them, it's not your place to tell them what they can and cannot do because of an archaic belief system, which is also why I believe that Religion has no place in lawmaking because if one group dominates that section of our lives, there will be so many people being oppressed because someone from another religion or belief system decided to take his or her crusade to the next level, trying to pass laws against something that their religion tells them is wrong, not common sense.

I dislike how I hear many Christians, Catholics and the like saying that they are a religion of peace and understanding and acceptance, but all you ever hear about is how they hate gays, hate evolutionists, hate all of these people who don't agree with them.. Of course they are not all like that. Still a very loud group, no?

Also, I thought this may be informative (Circa late 2011)

Oh goddammit.

Offline Accan

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #23 on: June 05, 2012, 08:30:25 PM »
What I don't get is why the people whom are against homosexuality are so concerned about something that is really none of their business to begin with. If two men or women want to have sex, let them, it's not your place to tell them what they can and cannot do because of an archaic belief system, which is also why I believe that Religion has no place in lawmaking because if one group dominates that section of our lives, there will be so many people being oppressed because someone from another religion or belief system decided to take his or her crusade to the next level, trying to pass laws against something that their religion tells them is wrong, not common sense.

I dislike how I hear many Christians, Catholics and the like saying that they are a religion of peace and understanding and acceptance, but all you ever hear about is how they hate gays, hate evolutionists, hate all of these people who don't agree with them.. Of course they are not all like that. Still a very loud group, no?

Also, I thought this may be informative (Circa late 2011)

This thread is actually about hearing what Christians have to say and what they think about accepting gays vs. what their religion and what they're supposed to believe. We're not here to discuss intolerance, you're in the wrong thread. We're not here saying we're intolerant. I think everyone who has posted here is fine with homosexuality. you kinda missed the point man...

Offline arth987

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #24 on: June 05, 2012, 08:33:42 PM »
First crow that is what I mean by other ways im totally fine with that, and spadie what you have to realize is marriage between first cousins has been around since ancient times even between brothers and sisters I'm not sayin it's right... It's disgusting but it's been around for so long is now in modern day society considered to be wrong in most places while same sex marriage has always since ancient times been illeagle and considered an abomination by many.

Offline Spadie

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #25 on: June 05, 2012, 08:42:57 PM »
This thread is actually about hearing what Christians have to say and what they think about accepting gays vs. what their religion and what they're supposed to believe. We're not here to discuss intolerance, you're in the wrong thread. We're not here saying we're intolerant. I think everyone who has posted here is fine with homosexuality. you kinda missed the point man...

Nonreligious people can post too

I was wondering, what are some of you believers out there thinking concerning homosexuality?

Also this is directed more toward the religious individuals here, but atheists, if you have some good input i'd like to hear it :D

I gave input where I saw fit. My view as an Ignostic is live and let live. So yeah.

First crow that is what I mean by other ways im totally fine with that, and spadie what you have to realize is marriage between first cousins has been around since ancient times even between brothers and sisters I'm not sayin it's right... It's disgusting but it's been around for so long is now in modern day society considered to be wrong in most places while same sex marriage has always since ancient times been illeagle and considered an abomination by many.

Murdering people for being witches has been around a long time too. And so was racism, and on a related note, a white and black person having relations was unacceptable and viewed as an abomination. Same with women voting. Hell, the bible also says women were made to serve men.

''For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.''

''Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church''

I'm a dude. Women should, and do have the exact same rights as me. So do people of different colour. And so should the LGBT community.

Point is; all of these things have changed. People need to evolve, society needs to evolve, and religious groups need to stop oppressing people who don't agree with their beliefs.

Edit: And that's the view of a person of a different belief, which the original post asked for [''if you have some good input i'd like to hear it :D'']
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 08:46:27 PM by Spadie »

Oh goddammit.

Offline Old Crow

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2012, 09:38:27 PM »
This topic is just going to end like any other religious debate thread... We religious types are outnumbered. But anyway as a catholic I have NOTHING against homosexuality. Even my mother and father that are very strong catholics and they have nothing against homosexuality and even have many friends that are gay. But we all think the same on gay marriage even most of their gay friends think the same way. Marriage is between a man and a woman and any other way is wrong I think they can love eachother any other way but marriage is just not one of those ways.

What about a civil union, same rights and all, just not marriage in name.

I've always been under the impression that civil unions had less rights, more than just the name and security of marriage. This is what Google had to tell me: http://www.now.org/issues/marriage/marriage_unions.html

Yes but I'm talking about making it the same. Its a good compromise, its not a "marriage" by terminology but if it gives the same exact rights as a marriage, then we should shoot for that.

@Spadie: Try not to paint one group with such a broad brush, not everybody has the same feelings about it just because they are Christian or Catholic or whatever. About the only people we can paint broadly is racists/trolls and their ilk.
I've proved people wrong on so many occasioans

Oh wow I do.Its because. I'm really active on the forum.

3 Days isn't log

Offline Spadie

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2012, 09:42:54 PM »
@Spadie: Try not to paint one group with such a broad brush, not everybody has the same feelings about it just because they are Christian or Catholic or whatever. About the only people we can paint broadly is racists/trolls and their ilk.

I dislike how I hear many Christians, Catholics and the like saying that they are a religion of peace and understanding and acceptance, but all you ever hear about is how they hate gays, hate evolutionists, hate all of these people who don't agree with them.. Of course they are not all like that. Still a very loud group, no?

Oh goddammit.

Offline Pancake Of Doom

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2012, 09:43:35 PM »
What I don't get is why the people whom are against homosexuality are so concerned about something that is really none of their business to begin with. If two men or women want to have sex, let them, it's not your place to tell them what they can and cannot do because of an archaic belief system, which is also why I believe that Religion has no place in lawmaking because if one group dominates that section of our lives, there will be so many people being oppressed because someone from another religion or belief system decided to take his or her crusade to the next level, trying to pass laws against something that their religion tells them is wrong, not common sense.

I dislike how I hear many Christians, Catholics and the like saying that they are a religion of peace and understanding and acceptance, but all you ever hear about is how they hate gays, hate evolutionists, hate all of these people who don't agree with them.. Of course they are not all like that. Still a very loud group, no?

Also, I thought this may be informative (Circa late 2011)

Where'd you get this information? Last I saw the legal relation was Third cousin.

Offline Spadie

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2012, 09:46:25 PM »
Where'd you get this information? Last I saw the legal relation was Third cousin.

..It says right on there. Bottom left and right. And, white is prohibited, that strange greenish blue is where it's legal. So it may not be like that in your state

Oh goddammit.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Homosexuality, from a religious viewpoint
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2012, 09:46:25 PM »


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