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Author Topic: Fourth Dimension  (Read 7311 times)

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Offline Blackllama

Re: Fourth Dimension
« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2012, 01:19:00 AM »
The 4th dimension is time/space. It is a very confusing concept but I find it fascinating when I can understand it. The only thing that I can remember at this time is that time and space are relative. So the speed of light is the same for all observers but this is where you get into time travel. If your able to somehow go faster the the speed of light for about a year and then return to earth you would have aged 1 year while the rest of us aged 60 or 70 years. It is so much more complicated then that but that's all I got.

Problem is in order to go the speed of light you have to be light, and matter can't turn into energy.
Umm matter turns into energy every single time a fission takes place or a fusion takes place E=MC^2.
Let me rephrase that: People and objects can't be transformed into energy, carried around faster than the speed of light, and put back together in one piece.

Offline Jorgen

Re: Fourth Dimension
« Reply #31 on: April 23, 2012, 07:33:45 AM »
The 4th dimension is time/space. It is a very confusing concept but I find it fascinating when I can understand it. The only thing that I can remember at this time is that time and space are relative. So the speed of light is the same for all observers but this is where you get into time travel. If your able to somehow go faster the the speed of light for about a year and then return to earth you would have aged 1 year while the rest of us aged 60 or 70 years. It is so much more complicated then that but that's all I got.

Problem is in order to go the speed of light you have to be light, and matter can't turn into energy.
Umm matter turns into energy every single time a fission takes place or a fusion takes place E=MC^2.
Let me rephrase that: People and objects can't be transformed into energy, carried around faster than the speed of light, and put back together in one piece.
Almost correct, light = information and from information we can recreate. Which means we could potentially recreate said object but it would be extremely energy consuming among other things + if it was a person the personality of that person would already be completely dead and you would just have created a clone basically.

@Pillz I would wish a human being could last as far into a black hole that it would notice the time distortions and also notice how our natural laws are being demolished in front of us, but sadly the spagethisation or dismemberment starts way earlier than the part of the black hole that does that stuff.
Also from what it seems (to me) the stuff that comes out of a white hole is only light, which would mean a full conversion from matter to energy.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Fourth Dimension
« Reply #31 on: April 23, 2012, 07:33:45 AM »

Offline Pillz

Re: Fourth Dimension
« Reply #32 on: April 23, 2012, 07:22:46 PM »
Almost correct, light = information and from information we can recreate. Which means we could potentially recreate said object but it would be extremely energy consuming among other things + if it was a person the personality of that person would already be completely dead and you would just have created a clone basically.

@Pillz I would wish a human being could last as far into a black hole that it would notice the time distortions and also notice how our natural laws are being demolished in front of us, but sadly the spagethisation or dismemberment starts way earlier than the part of the black hole that does that stuff.
Also from what it seems (to me) the stuff that comes out of a white hole is only light, which would mean a full conversion from matter to energy.


So basically a black hole would destroy you and spit you back out, just like it does to the stars it swallows. It definitely isn't a portal of any kind, it's just a hurricane in space.. It's a "storm" of gravity and other elements from the collapsed star it once was and whatever else it swallows. After looking at a few videos and reading on it; I don't think it's any kind of portal or anything other than a destructive force. White holes are intriguing though..
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 07:26:20 PM by Pillz »
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Sniper no Sniping

Re: Fourth Dimension
« Reply #33 on: April 25, 2012, 12:16:24 AM »
Took Government's best engineers to make a ship with the ability to go 20x the speed of sound and something still went wrong with the skin of the aircraft.


Offline Multigrain

Re: Fourth Dimension
« Reply #34 on: April 25, 2012, 02:53:47 AM »
Random fact for fun I learned in one of my physics lectures since it relates here. 1 second is equal to 9, 192, 631, 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom.

Offline Mr.TheDoctor

Re: Fourth Dimension
« Reply #36 on: May 02, 2012, 12:29:46 AM »
So I actually just read a book on this, and I'm not sure if I understand some of it yet (Maybe once I get my Physics major), but from what I read there is another concept of a "fourth dimension" that people tend to confuse with time being the fourth dimension. In theoretical physics, time is the fourth dimension, and that's where you get into Einstein, light, general relativity, and all that jazzy stuff. But in Mathematics, there is another concept of the fourth dimension classified as a "Euclidean Dimension". Basically, it follows the logic (I'll try to explain it the best I understand it) that in a 0 dimension universe, nothing would exist. The universe would exist as a point, no more, no less. A 1 dimension universe would exist as a line. No height or width, just length. (See where I'm going with this? x,y,z coordinates. Purely mathematical, no physics involved in this concept). A 2 dimension universe would exist as a plane. no height. It's hard to imagine anything existing without any height, but that's just due to how we humans perceive our universe, which brings us to 3 dimensions, the world we live in. (Again, excluding time because this is conceptual mathematics, not theoretical physics.) Three dimensions, width, length, height; or the x, y, and z coordinates, respectively. Then we move on to the fourth dimension. So with 0 dimensions, we drew a line 90 degrees to that point and made a 1 dimensional universe. Draw a line at 90 degrees to the 1 dimension, and we get 2 dimensions. Draw yet another line perpendicular to the planar universe, and we have our 3 dimensional one. NOW. Try to imagine drawing another line, at 90 degrees to the other lines already drawn, and you have your fourth dimension. Sorry for such a lengthy explanation (hopefully I made it clear enough), but that's just another view of the fourth. 
10:53 PM - ??Mystery??: you could just tape their mouth shut and then rape them with a pencil and call their family and say you're the insurance guy and need they need to come in for the life insurance and when they get there tape their mouths and rape them with a pencil and then rinse and repeat with relatives
10:54 PM - ??Mystery??: but i mean
10:54 PM - ??Mystery??: you could just ignore it


Re: Fourth Dimension
« Reply #37 on: May 02, 2012, 12:32:26 AM »
It must be impossible! Defining the laws on physics and math!! AHHHH  Meme8

Offline Mr.TheDoctor

Re: Fourth Dimension
« Reply #38 on: May 02, 2012, 12:43:08 AM »
Another way of explaining: If you took a point, added another point, connected them with a line, you'd have one dimension. Add another point equally spaced from the others, connect that to the other 2 points, you have a 2D triangle. Add a 4th point (again equally spaced from all of them), connect it to the 3 already existing points, you have a pyramid. Add one more point (equally distanced again) , connect it to the others, you have a hyperpyramid. (Four dimension triangle)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 12:47:03 AM by Mr.TheDoctor »
10:53 PM - ??Mystery??: you could just tape their mouth shut and then rape them with a pencil and call their family and say you're the insurance guy and need they need to come in for the life insurance and when they get there tape their mouths and rape them with a pencil and then rinse and repeat with relatives
10:54 PM - ??Mystery??: but i mean
10:54 PM - ??Mystery??: you could just ignore it


Re: Fourth Dimension
« Reply #39 on: May 02, 2012, 12:45:21 AM »
Another way of explaining: If you took a point, added another point, connected them with a line, you'd have one dimension. Add another point equally spaced from the others, connect that to the other 2 points, you have a 2D triangle. Add a 4th point (again equally spaced from all of them), connect it to the 3 already existing points, you have a pyramid. Add one more point (equally distanced again) , connect it to the others, you have a hypertriangle. (Four dimension triangle)

Offline Wholegrain

Re: Fourth Dimension
« Reply #40 on: May 02, 2012, 11:52:22 PM »
So I actually just read a book on this, and I'm not sure if I understand some of it yet (Maybe once I get my Physics major), but from what I read there is another concept of a "fourth dimension" that people tend to confuse with time being the fourth dimension. In theoretical physics, time is the fourth dimension, and that's where you get into Einstein, light, general relativity, and all that jazzy stuff. But in Mathematics, there is another concept of the fourth dimension classified as a "Euclidean Dimension". Basically, it follows the logic (I'll try to explain it the best I understand it) that in a 0 dimension universe, nothing would exist. The universe would exist as a point, no more, no less. A 1 dimension universe would exist as a line. No height or width, just length. (See where I'm going with this? x,y,z coordinates. Purely mathematical, no physics involved in this concept). A 2 dimension universe would exist as a plane. no height. It's hard to imagine anything existing without any height, but that's just due to how we humans perceive our universe, which brings us to 3 dimensions, the world we live in. (Again, excluding time because this is conceptual mathematics, not theoretical physics.) Three dimensions, width, length, height; or the x, y, and z coordinates, respectively. Then we move on to the fourth dimension. So with 0 dimensions, we drew a line 90 degrees to that point and made a 1 dimensional universe. Draw a line at 90 degrees to the 1 dimension, and we get 2 dimensions. Draw yet another line perpendicular to the planar universe, and we have our 3 dimensional one. NOW. Try to imagine drawing another line, at 90 degrees to the other lines already drawn, and you have your fourth dimension. Sorry for such a lengthy explanation (hopefully I made it clear enough), but that's just another view of the fourth. 

The man that stunned all the stoners in CG

Offline Blackllama

Re: Fourth Dimension
« Reply #41 on: May 03, 2012, 12:00:23 AM »
So I actually just read a book on this, and I'm not sure if I understand some of it yet (Maybe once I get my Physics major), but from what I read there is another concept of a "fourth dimension" that people tend to confuse with time being the fourth dimension. In theoretical physics, time is the fourth dimension, and that's where you get into Einstein, light, general relativity, and all that jazzy stuff. But in Mathematics, there is another concept of the fourth dimension classified as a "Euclidean Dimension". Basically, it follows the logic (I'll try to explain it the best I understand it) that in a 0 dimension universe, nothing would exist. The universe would exist as a point, no more, no less. A 1 dimension universe would exist as a line. No height or width, just length. (See where I'm going with this? x,y,z coordinates. Purely mathematical, no physics involved in this concept). A 2 dimension universe would exist as a plane. no height. It's hard to imagine anything existing without any height, but that's just due to how we humans perceive our universe, which brings us to 3 dimensions, the world we live in. (Again, excluding time because this is conceptual mathematics, not theoretical physics.) Three dimensions, width, length, height; or the x, y, and z coordinates, respectively. Then we move on to the fourth dimension. So with 0 dimensions, we drew a line 90 degrees to that point and made a 1 dimensional universe. Draw a line at 90 degrees to the 1 dimension, and we get 2 dimensions. Draw yet another line perpendicular to the planar universe, and we have our 3 dimensional one. NOW. Try to imagine drawing another line, at 90 degrees to the other lines already drawn, and you have your fourth dimension. Sorry for such a lengthy explanation (hopefully I made it clear enough), but that's just another view of the fourth.

I can't fucking picture it!  Just like trying to picture a color that doesn't exist.

Offline (=CG=) Scooby

Re: Fourth Dimension
« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2012, 01:09:23 AM »
its ok blackllama things like this make every1s head hurt

Offline Mr.TheDoctor

Re: Fourth Dimension
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2012, 01:14:59 AM »
So I actually just read a book on this, and I'm not sure if I understand some of it yet (Maybe once I get my Physics major), but from what I read there is another concept of a "fourth dimension" that people tend to confuse with time being the fourth dimension. In theoretical physics, time is the fourth dimension, and that's where you get into Einstein, light, general relativity, and all that jazzy stuff. But in Mathematics, there is another concept of the fourth dimension classified as a "Euclidean Dimension". Basically, it follows the logic (I'll try to explain it the best I understand it) that in a 0 dimension universe, nothing would exist. The universe would exist as a point, no more, no less. A 1 dimension universe would exist as a line. No height or width, just length. (See where I'm going with this? x,y,z coordinates. Purely mathematical, no physics involved in this concept). A 2 dimension universe would exist as a plane. no height. It's hard to imagine anything existing without any height, but that's just due to how we humans perceive our universe, which brings us to 3 dimensions, the world we live in. (Again, excluding time because this is conceptual mathematics, not theoretical physics.) Three dimensions, width, length, height; or the x, y, and z coordinates, respectively. Then we move on to the fourth dimension. So with 0 dimensions, we drew a line 90 degrees to that point and made a 1 dimensional universe. Draw a line at 90 degrees to the 1 dimension, and we get 2 dimensions. Draw yet another line perpendicular to the planar universe, and we have our 3 dimensional one. NOW. Try to imagine drawing another line, at 90 degrees to the other lines already drawn, and you have your fourth dimension. Sorry for such a lengthy explanation (hopefully I made it clear enough), but that's just another view of the fourth. 

The man that stunned all the stoners in CG

Not such a bad way to start my reputation on the CG forums. :D
10:53 PM - ??Mystery??: you could just tape their mouth shut and then rape them with a pencil and call their family and say you're the insurance guy and need they need to come in for the life insurance and when they get there tape their mouths and rape them with a pencil and then rinse and repeat with relatives
10:54 PM - ??Mystery??: but i mean
10:54 PM - ??Mystery??: you could just ignore it

Offline Pillz

Re: Fourth Dimension
« Reply #44 on: May 03, 2012, 01:19:58 AM »
So I actually just read a book on this, and I'm not sure if I understand some of it yet (Maybe once I get my Physics major), but from what I read there is another concept of a "fourth dimension" that people tend to confuse with time being the fourth dimension. In theoretical physics, time is the fourth dimension, and that's where you get into Einstein, light, general relativity, and all that jazzy stuff. But in Mathematics, there is another concept of the fourth dimension classified as a "Euclidean Dimension". Basically, it follows the logic (I'll try to explain it the best I understand it) that in a 0 dimension universe, nothing would exist. The universe would exist as a point, no more, no less. A 1 dimension universe would exist as a line. No height or width, just length. (See where I'm going with this? x,y,z coordinates. Purely mathematical, no physics involved in this concept). A 2 dimension universe would exist as a plane. no height. It's hard to imagine anything existing without any height, but that's just due to how we humans perceive our universe, which brings us to 3 dimensions, the world we live in. (Again, excluding time because this is conceptual mathematics, not theoretical physics.) Three dimensions, width, length, height; or the x, y, and z coordinates, respectively. Then we move on to the fourth dimension. So with 0 dimensions, we drew a line 90 degrees to that point and made a 1 dimensional universe. Draw a line at 90 degrees to the 1 dimension, and we get 2 dimensions. Draw yet another line perpendicular to the planar universe, and we have our 3 dimensional one. NOW. Try to imagine drawing another line, at 90 degrees to the other lines already drawn, and you have your fourth dimension. Sorry for such a lengthy explanation (hopefully I made it clear enough), but that's just another view of the fourth.

I can't fucking picture it!  Just like trying to picture a color that doesn't exist.

This text below makes things a little more clear. You still can't really picture it, because we can only really imagine things in our third dimension. We are not fourth dimension entities.. Carl Sagan sometimes made it seem like he could perceive the fourth dimension; but later Hawking said he has troubling imagining the 3rd dimension, let alone a fourth.

Quoted from some website forum somewhere:
Alright. So you guys already know that the first dimension is simply a line (according to our 3-space perspective).
The second dimension extends a line at 90 degrees from the first, creating a plane.
Adding yet another line 90 degrees from the first two lends a cube. You may spare no great expense visualising the corner of a 'box' to see the corner has three line elements; all at 90 degrees from each other, that lend it the property of the cube.
Now here comes the tricky part: Add another line to the corner of our cube; 90 degrees in relation to the other three lines, and we obtain the hypercube ("Tesseract"), which is the fourth-dimension analogue of our regular, ol' cube.

Now I'm asking if the human mind is capable of visualising something like this. I have a hypothesis that answers this in the affermative, but I still need help. But first, some background.

    A 3-D sphere entering then leaving the second dimention would appear as a circle that starts from a point, grows to the max diameter of the sphere, then shrinks back into nothingness
    Likewise, a hypersphere entering our 3-D space would appear to us as a regular ol' sphere beginning at a point, growing to the maximum diameter of the hypersphere, then decreasing in size to nothingness.
    A 2-D organism would observe the sphere entering his universe as an object with depth and height, but no width. We may interpret this as an infinitely-thin sliver; an infinitely thin slice of a 3-D sphere.
    As 3-D organisms, we percieve the 4-D hypersphere entering our universe as a regular ol' sphere having height, depth and width but not omega (omega is the fourth-dimensional line element. Thus, we have width, length, height and omega). The fourth-dimensional organism would interpret the sphere we see as an infinitely thin slice of his hypersphere.

Interesting properties:
When we, as 3-D organisms, look at any surface in our universe, what we're actually looking at is second-dimentional planes. Just look at a box if you don't believe me: The box you're looking at is consisting of three planes joined in 3-space to form a cube.
Likewise, the organism in 2-space, when looking at his square, is actually looking at lines. Two of them, provided the corner of the square is seen.

It stands to reason, therefore, that any fourth-dimentional organism looking at the surface of his hypercube would actually be looking at cubes. That's right: The surface of the hypercube is the cube, just like the surface of our cube is the plane.

Here are some helpful pictures and shit.

Supposedly, the hypercube. What the cube is to the square, the "Tesseract" is to the cube. This is a famous gif kind of showing how it works.

This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Fourth Dimension
« Reply #44 on: May 03, 2012, 01:19:58 AM »


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