Project AACS or Admin Automation Controller System is going to be something that makes CG's life for the CL's and admins easier quicker and more automated.
A long time ago wholegrain suggested I look for something to automatically set forum ranks from Regular Admin to Veteran after X amount of time, to make things move along faster and automatically. Which is a great idea except no such thing appears to exist and I think it should be about more then just the users time however... There is some kind of automated system needed here, that we know! I believe this application will be just that
The application will run permanently on the server box and will take nearly no resources at all and runs a simple task. This will however change how admin applications go through...
This could either require HA's to download a software and add in new admins, Email a CL when a new user becomes an admin or some sort of system that allows us to know someone is now an admin.
That part isn't really a big deal right now lets get into what the software does first then we will talk about that issue. Now the software works like a nice sweet database. Admins are added into the system with their appropriate rank, Steam ID, Forum Username, Alias's w/e etc etc. It's all pretty easy and automatic. We also track user comments (Rep) this is still under the idea phase in how that will work. Regardless when the user has passed X time they will be upgraded from Trial to Regular, the application will email me with instructions on how to do this when the time comes looking something like this:
Email From:
Subject: User X Promotion to Regular
User X (X replaced with the user) has passed the required time to become a regular, my records show this user is admin on TTT, please insure his admin powers are upgraded correctly on that server as well as on the forums. When this action is complete please email back with Key Code: F3$%jk2
Thank you.
-Game On-
Something along those lines. Remember this application is still very much in the Idea phase and will go through many changes as well as variations. Also as well as Verions (IE Log in... Welcome CL... or Welcome HA... or Welcome User would you like to rate an admin or file a report?)
Everythings still being thought out the off site version type thing would be to enter data into the on sight version if that happens not sure though.
Nothing is final at the moment.
However I very much think this will make things easier.
A CL meeting will take place soon however that's for another thread.
Thanks and leave your suggestions
-Game On-