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Author Topic: Athlonz  (Read 12845 times)

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Offline TowerSheep

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #30 on: January 15, 2012, 05:13:30 AM »
Since I am the one that banned you, I'm not going to say my word is law. I will allow one of the CL's to decided as their are my superiors in the community. We've both presented our arguments and I see no need for a flame war so I will ask one of them to decide.

by Kwaurtz

Offline Old Crow

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2012, 05:17:13 AM »
Ok lets take a look at some things we see

For Athlonz

1. He was a regular, been on the server for a long time and im sure quite a few of us know who he is. I have not seen him break rules in the past personally and it would be kinda odd to start hacking one day (but still possible)

2. Some of us don't think it looks like hacking. This kinda goes with the whole beyond a reasonable doubt thing, which is not a rule of ours but i feel kinda applies here

3. He's trying to get unbanned. Most trolls/hackers give up pretty quick

4. No Vac bans and as far as I can see no bans for hacking on other servers

Against Athlonz

1. Towersheep says it looks like hacks. That carries weight because he is the head admin, he has tons and let me stress tons of experience with dealing with these things and on top of that blackllama saw it as well, which is 2 admins that saw possible hacks and recorded it.

2. Your attitude sucks atm. Take a chill pill or something. Fighting back as hard as your doing makes is seem worse then it is. I can understand why you would not want to be permabanned but personal attacks need to stop

3. Other admins and Inject see it as hacks
I've proved people wrong on so many occasioans

Oh wow I do.Its because. I'm really active on the forum.

3 Days isn't log

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2012, 05:17:13 AM »

Offline Athlonz2012

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #32 on: January 15, 2012, 05:20:24 AM »
Yes, I'm quite fired up now : / sorry for this. we might see tomorow I'm quite tired now, I rest my case.  :o

Does that mean I have to be .. less good next time with the TMP? or just get another weapon of choice so I dont end up at 2:25 in the morning, with anger level throught the roof, to explain myself? I thought it was clear I always been good with it. the amount of people I killed with this gun is unthinkable.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 05:27:10 AM by Athlonz2012 »

(LAST WORDS) ]AthlonZ []-R.G-[]: I wished you guys speak french--

Offline Just Put The Change In

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #33 on: January 15, 2012, 06:25:31 AM »
Thank you crow, finally someone who looks at the whole thing instead of just saying he was hacking or he wasn't hacking.

Offline Athlonz2012

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #34 on: January 15, 2012, 06:39:46 AM »
This whole thing is based on pure speculative reasoning

There is only 2 thing that is true

1 : I am the only one to know for sure what happened
2 : This steam account, only had one owner, is the only one I used, since october 20th 2003 and has, is and will always be clean of hacks/aimbot/helpbot or else programs that enhence my chances of winning, the only thing that might help me win more is a good computer with good components and my fine muscles reaction.

Dig, Dig, Dig as long as you want, lose your time with it. go for it, I have ab-so-lut-ly nothing to hide

Nothing else need to be added. I'm tired of been treated like I'm guilty of anything here.

I permit myself to go deep into this, I tell you, In the end I will win, I Did not hack at all...
Even if the verdict of your own judjment is else, that doesn't change the fact that I did not hack.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 06:42:25 AM by Athlonz2012 »

(LAST WORDS) ]AthlonZ []-R.G-[]: I wished you guys speak french--

Offline Sejo Mino

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #35 on: January 15, 2012, 06:57:39 AM »
Thank you crow, finally someone who looks at the whole thing instead of just saying he was hacking or he wasn't hacking.
Crow is just stating he is Neutral in this matter. Everyone is entitled to their own statement which is why they are people. If we had everyone just saying Neutral things then it will be confusing. In the end it will just end with the final decision that the CL will make. Making Hostile remarks does not help your case. Just like Tower Said " His word is not Law " which means that he just banned you and you do have the choice to come on the forums and represent your case in any way.

Just too state, i am Neutral in this.

Offline Athlonz2012

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #36 on: January 15, 2012, 07:08:16 AM »
Thank you crow, finally someone who looks at the whole thing instead of just saying he was hacking or he wasn't hacking.
Crow is just stating he is Neutral in this matter. Everyone is entitled to their own statement which is why they are people. If we had everyone just saying Neutral things then it will be confusing. In the end it will just end with the final decision that the CL will make. Making Hostile remarks does not help your case. Just like Tower Said " His word is not Law " which means that he just banned you and you do have the choice to come on the forums and represent your case in any way.

Just too state, i am Neutral in this.

Justice is there to punish the wrong doers and to clear of charges the innocents.
Not otherwise.

(LAST WORDS) ]AthlonZ []-R.G-[]: I wished you guys speak french--

Offline Sejo Mino

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #37 on: January 15, 2012, 07:39:08 AM »
Thank you crow, finally someone who looks at the whole thing instead of just saying he was hacking or he wasn't hacking.
Crow is just stating he is Neutral in this matter. Everyone is entitled to their own statement which is why they are people. If we had everyone just saying Neutral things then it will be confusing. In the end it will just end with the final decision that the CL will make. Making Hostile remarks does not help your case. Just like Tower Said " His word is not Law " which means that he just banned you and you do have the choice to come on the forums and represent your case in any way.

Just too state, i am Neutral in this.

Justice is there to punish the wrong doers and to clear of charges the innocents.
Not otherwise.
Seeing how you quoted me in this matter. I was just informing In Change. Well seeing how. their are 2 admins seeing you do, and well some people who just put their 2 cents in saying u didn't. In the matter it comes down 2 who has the most proof and who is more likely 2 be believed. It doesn't mean you are/are not a hacker it just mean it was a decision made by the CLs. Based on the proof and the argument all i can say is their is some misjudgement but then again it is still foggy for me since i never been their.

Offline Wholegrain

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #38 on: January 15, 2012, 08:54:56 AM »
Since I am the one that banned you, I'm not going to say my word is law. I will allow one of the CL's to decided as their are my superiors in the community. We've both presented our arguments and I see no need for a flame war so I will ask one of them to decide.

Since this case is a bit on the fence here is a proposition

I want to hop on vent with Towersheep Cadaver and Inject and get their input

I am going to check sourcebans and other servers (google his steamid) and see if he has caused any trouble on any other servers.

if not and if leadership is ok you will be unbanned immediately taking into account you HAVE been with us for nearly 2 years now.

I never remembered you being a problem in the past.

Not saying you are innocent or not but it is now a matter of "should we have this player on the server" and "is their enough evidence"

it isn't like it is a final decision and if they suspect it in the future and have enough proof than it can just as easily have the decision reversed and just re perma banned.

I am hesitant to just perma ban a 2 year old member of CG.

 I don't have a decision yet as I am still sifting through evidence and yet to make a background check on his steamid and yet to talk to anyone else besides Athlonz

sound fair at least?

Offline Wholegrain

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #39 on: January 15, 2012, 08:57:54 AM »
Since I am the one that banned you, I'm not going to say my word is law. I will allow one of the CL's to decided as their are my superiors in the community. We've both presented our arguments and I see no need for a flame war so I will ask one of them to decide.

If you didn't ban him but agreed with another admin CL's would have really no right to step in

If anything it is good just to check with others even if they aren't CL's

(also Towersheep Head Admins and Community Leaders are BOTH Leadership I.E same rank just specific/general tasks within CG)

as long as you confer with ANYONE in leadership really and get some more input you will be gravy 100% of the time

Offline Jorgen

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #40 on: January 15, 2012, 11:30:19 AM »
first one down, as far as I can see in this one there is no conclusive proof. on to the next one. I guess I saw somewhat what you meant in the begining he stops and stares at the corpses head for a litle while. Again though, didn't feel like it snapped to them.
second one down, same footage, except this one shows that he fails at one kill later on.

my view on it, no snapping, this body tracing you are talking about is not shown in the sense that you people say in any off the videos.
It is fluent movements towards the head, kill, look at the kill, done.
I mean even Tendovii looks more hacky than this, at least tendovi has super high sens so he goes extremely fast at their heads at times.

interesting, jump on with Cadaver and Inject. Last time I checked I was the one who used to be HA for TTT, and still am leadership.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 11:32:35 AM by Jorgen »

Offline Zukuto

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #41 on: January 15, 2012, 12:17:47 PM »
I'd like to point out Athlonz, that Towersheep's word is technically law when it comes to this server, and by allowing other view-points and speculation he is giving you a chance.

Anyways, to the point. A few years back I had used 'hacks' if that's what the script-kiddies call them now-a-days, and from another persons view there is obvious snapping. Now, in the demo's I cannot see completely blatant proof of hacks, plus he is a ~2 year old member. I feel as if, he could be hacking, the evidence is there to doubt, but honestly, to those of you who have played CSS with Taco and I, we pull stuff off that has gotten us banned from servers just like this, and we've been completely clean.

Now Athlonz, your attitude towards this issue is understandable, but not needed, and it is certainly NOT helping your case. Be calm, rationalize your argument, and please, don't piss us HA's off, it makes things very bad for you, because we then see you as a player we do NOT want on the server, with or without hacks.

End point, don't be a dick because you got banned on speculation, and be rational. My final standing on this is, meh, could be or couldn't be.

Offline Dinomoto

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #42 on: January 15, 2012, 01:48:13 PM »
I must say I was surprised to see this thread. Athlonz has been a long time regular for CG, back in 2010 I believe, and you banned him for aimbot. The question is, why? Why would a long time regular, such as Athlonz use aimbot?
Phim Bogason

Offline TowerSheep

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #43 on: January 15, 2012, 02:27:49 PM »
I must say I was surprised to see this thread. Athlonz has been a long time regular for CG, back in 2010 I believe, and you banned him for aimbot. The question is, why? Why would a long time regular, such as Athlonz use aimbot?
The same reason he had admins tell him to not throw incins randonly as an inno (doing 50+ dmg to 3 people) as Black Llama can tell you.

I slayed him for RDM with a discombob and his response was "I can't be bothered to explain every kill" when I was asking why he killed 1 person.

It seemed like he no longer cared about the server so hacking wouldn't be a far stretch. I was suprised and i'd be happy if I just don't quite understand every type of aimbots. (Everyone says I'm amazing at it but I'm not.) Ask any of the other players that were online what I said after, "Athlonz was always good with a tmp but I never thought he was hacking." I felt like he was snapping at times and there did not seem to be nearly enough recoil. (It has more than the mac10)

by Kwaurtz

Offline Blackllama

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #44 on: January 15, 2012, 02:34:30 PM »
Athlonz kind of disappeared for a while and he seems like he changed, yeah he was throwing random nades, possibly hacking, and overall even before he was banned he's been a generally obnoxious (not trying to flame) I believe I had to mute him for singing a few days ago after warning a couple of times.

EDIT: By the way I had the suspicion he was aimbotting before those last kills, that's why I was speccing and recording him.  I don't remember what made me want to spec him though.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 02:36:32 PM by Blackllama »

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Athlonz
« Reply #44 on: January 15, 2012, 02:34:30 PM »


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