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Author Topic: Your views on Marijuana 2  (Read 13661 times)

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Offline Pillz

Your views on Marijuana 2
« on: October 17, 2011, 09:31:59 PM »
For anyone who wants to continue discussion about the legalization, consumption, distribution, medical uses, fallacies and benefits of Marijuana. If you absolutely despise marijuana for whatever reason, feel free to explain, kindly. Personal attacks due to choices in lifestyle, such as "Everyone who does this is dumb" are very unwelcome.

Do you think it should be legal? Why or why not?

What about in comparison to Alcohol? Is it better or worse?

What are positive or negative benefits of smoking it?

Do you believe Marijuana can be helpful in the long term? Or only harmful?

Just remember not to use personal experiences as examples, that's against the rules. Use your friend Jimmy to explain things, not yourself. That way when the cops decide to scope out CG for possible evidence leading to your arrest, they'll only have info on Jimmy smoking weed, not you.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Jorgen

Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2011, 09:51:17 PM »
Well it obviously depends what side of it you are, are you on the substance abuse side or the I use it every now and then side.
Thing about Marijuana is, 1: When you do it you tend to get the feeling that man, I did so much good work, then when you are off it your like, hmmm or not... 2: Marijuana is obviously what you call a gateway drug, now I know you stoners are like NO OMG!!!!, but really it is. I mean, any experience that crosses previous boundries can be viewed as a gateway, in which you prepare yourself to break new boundries... 3: There is a really really low percentage that just snap when they first experience it and an even lower percentage that does so later on. 4: Mixes, beware of mixes fellas alot of dealers lets call it thin out their product kind off so that could be less than benefactory 5: after long term overusage there are some problems with the fact that it is now your main release of endorphines meaning you can become somewhat dependant on it.

all of theese things aside, I still believe it should be allowed, first off all because it would limit the dangers of going trough a middle man (the dealer). Second off all because every man should have the choice to do what he deems fit with his life. 
also, for those of you going OMG THIS DUDE OBVIOUSLY DOES NOT KNOW WHAT THIS IS!!! AGDAS something along those lines, my friend Tim has tried it several times *nerp derp*.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2011, 09:51:17 PM »

Offline CamperStrike

Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2011, 09:55:13 PM »
Never used any drug (even tobacco) and don't pretend to use one. Why should I use something that, even by a bit, causes damage to my health just to feel good for a couple of 10 minutes, or even less?

And it shoudn't be legal since most teenagers don't have a good sense of judgement and some don't even know it causes harm to their health.
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Offline Jorgen

Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2011, 09:57:25 PM »
Ummm camper obviously it would be 18+ like alcohol and normal tobacco...

Offline CamperStrike

Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2011, 10:02:44 PM »
Ummm camper obviously it would be 18+ like alcohol and normal tobacco...

Oops, I forgot to mention in my post that most teenagers see adults as their "model". If it's already bad to have tobacco/alcohol advertising on the TV when ANYONE can watch, even underage kids, imagine what it would be with Marijuana or any other drug.
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Offline Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!)

Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2011, 10:05:58 PM »
Ummm camper obviously it would be 18+ like alcohol and normal tobacco...

It's funny because the drinking age in the states is 21 ahahahaha fools
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Only been in it once didn't really pay attention to the staff, I think their was an eatable thong... but that may have been a totally different store, ANYWAYS... lol.
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Offline Jorgen

Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2011, 10:07:39 PM »
it's funny because that is like one of the only places in the world where the laws are like that so, HAHA.

Offline TowerSheep

Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2011, 10:17:57 PM »
Do you think it should be legal? Why or why not?
Yes, we legalize alcohol. It is as dangerous as alcohol, due to it's illegality there are few REPORTED incidents because not all cops are dicks. Many people also ignore that DUI does include alcohol AND other drugs. That aside, I do drink (I'm 22 so it is legal) and assuming that people will follow laws put in place I do not think we should stop them. [Those we should impose a law that prevents them from saying they are high more than 2 times per high.]

What about in comparison to Alcohol? Is it better or worse?
The same. Both are mind altering drugs. They are two different things, it's like saying what is better Computers or Oranges. What are they better or worse for? If you mean in terms of danger, they are equal,see above question for reasoning.

What are positive or negative benefits of smoking it?
Positive: Has been shown to reduce stress, help with glacoma (not cure) and speculated to help with several other medical problems (no studies that I have seen were proper studies. Mostly magazine bullshit, not a scholarly study.
Negative: Alters mental state to an extreme level. Increases appitite, which can be harmful to people who have over-eating disorders.

Do you believe Marijuana can be helpful in the long term? Or only harmful?
It can be helpful but under VERY limited circumstances. I have seen several studies proving that it helps with glaucoma. I have not seen any other scholarly studies (ones with actual proof not some bullshit from a magazine with no real proof) that claimed it helped with anything else.

by Kwaurtz

Offline Pillz

Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2011, 10:31:19 PM »
Never used any drug (even tobacco) and don't pretend to use one. Why should I use something that, even by a bit, causes damage to my health just to feel good for a couple of 10 minutes, or even less?

And it shoudn't be legal since most teenagers don't have a good sense of judgement and some don't even know it causes harm to their health.

Do you eat at fast food restaurants sir? Or perhaps, eat candy? Those seem to, by a bit, damage your health. Perhaps you should stop eating food that's bad for you, if you're so set on being 100% healthy. While you're at it, exercise every day, don't sit on the computer for hours, take a break every hour to rest your eyes-

Point being, marijuana causes as much damage to your body as smoking a cigarette can. If you SMOKE it. If you VAPORIZE it, not causing any combustion, carcinogens, or smoke, it hardly does any damage at all. Rendering it just as dangerous as a big mac or two. Worse case scenario you start smoking it every day, and have problems being happy without it, a few years down the road.

Role models? Lol. I don't think MOST teenagers have role models. I never had one. If they want one for pot though, there are already thousands, silly. Bob Marley, Sublime, Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa. Making songs about smoking pot every day. On the radio. For all the kids and people to hear. You don't follow something you don't believe in, if you've been raised to believe pot is bad, like a lot of people, you're going to stick with that, unless you decide to open up and actually try it, so you can realize why people smoke it and enjoy it..

It's the safest drug out there. Safer than splenda, safer than asprin, safer than Hydrocodone, safer than morphine and all these other drugs we've created.
Can you die from smoking weed? No.
Can you die from taking too many asprin? Yes.
Can you live past 90 smoking weed every day? Yes.
Does it make you happier and act a little bit more goofy? Yes.
Does it decrease your intelligence? No.

Also, yes America sucks. But I think we're better off with the 21 limit. Anyone underage who wants a drink, can get one via friend.  /sip

What about in comparison to Alcohol? Is it better or worse?
The same. Both are mind altering drugs. They are two different things, it's like saying what is better Computers or Oranges. What are they better or worse for? If you mean in terms of danger, they are equal,see above question for reasoning.

What are positive or negative benefits of smoking it?
Positive: Has been shown to reduce stress, help with glacoma (not cure) and speculated to help with several other medical problems (no studies that I have seen were proper studies. Mostly magazine bullshit, not a scholarly study.
Negative: Alters mental state to an extreme level. Increases appitite, which can be harmful to people who have over-eating disorders.

A) How are they the same? Alcohol damages completely different parts of your body, destroys brain cells way more, can cause red splotches on your face, and can actually deform your face over long periods of alcoholism. It impairs your ability to walk, almost completely removing it sometimes, and you can die from drinking too much. I remember my health teachers always stressing how much worse alcohol was, and showed tests comparing a 40 year old sober brain, with a 40 year old alcoholics brain. Just the image of the alcoholics brain was enough to convince me, it looked like it was on the way to becoming pudding. While the sober mans brain looked like, a brain. I don't remember what the scan was exactly showing, sadly, haha, but yeah.. Didn't pay THAAAT much attention.

B) Alters mental state to an extreme level? Wat. Define extreme. Because I was under the impression it wasn't extreme at all, unless you're unfamiliar with it. Potheads hardly notice a difference between not high, and high. Usually the difference is simply feeling happier, and content with yourself. Like meditating, without meditation. Usually eating blows ones high a bit, so eat before you smoke, stoners. Helps avoiding the munchies.

Also, did the last thread really need to get locked? Why is necroing a debate thread bad? Honestly I had to keep myself from raging all over the place about the stupidity of locking it, the most popular debate topic. You guys would rather have 2, and possibly 5 one day, Marijuana threads than one long one?

« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 10:35:38 PM by Pillz »
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Old Crow

Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2011, 10:37:59 PM »
Do you believe Marijuana can be helpful in the long term? Or only harmful?
It can be helpful but under VERY limited circumstances. I have seen several studies proving that it helps with glaucoma. I have not seen any other scholarly studies (ones with actual proof not some bullshit from a magazine with no real proof) that claimed it helped with anything else.

This. Michigan passed a medical marijuana law about a year ago but i don't understand why. From what I know its far too easy for anybody to get a license to use it so hell why not just make it legal anyway. Most people here say they have some back pain or bull like that, pay 200 bucks and bam its legal for them.

I would never use the stuff personally but I think that since it really isn't any worse then alcohol just legalize it already, tax it like liquor. Do that you get rid of what is essentially petty crime at this point and you help the economy. What I mean by tax is require the same regulations for alcohol production the same for it a.k.a. you need a license to make and sell large amounts of it, anybody that doesn't get a license and produces/sells it en mass (like gangs)  you can put them in jail for x amount of time.
I've proved people wrong on so many occasioans

Oh wow I do.Its because. I'm really active on the forum.

3 Days isn't log

Offline CamperStrike

Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2011, 11:05:33 PM »
@Pillz (so I don't have to quote that giganormous text)

Except I don't eat to feel high nor "happy". Well, except the Happy Meal, I love the toys that comes with that.  parrot
Jokes on you, I rarely eat any fast food and literally haven't touched any candy in like 3 years. To sum up that part of the text, you pretty much just said "We either do everything that's bad for our health or don't do any". Do you honestly think a 16 year old boy eating a Big Mac, a chocolate bar or w/e once every 2 weeks is more harmful than smoking Marijuana? ANYTHING in excess is bad, yes. You mentioned stuff that only do harm if you consume like them like crazy (like chocolate). So, chocolate is worse than marijuana by your line of thinking? Really?

And you just said you don't use it. Have you been with people that use it already? The point of marijuana is to smoke whenever people feel bad or just want to feel a little better. Most people want to "relax" all the time so they don't stop smoking ever. Plus, it's addicting.

As the Role Model part, do you honestly believe the media doesn't influence the society in any way? Not even in a bad way? And who said songs which lyrics talked about drugs/smoking/drinking aren't bad? How often to you see a kid singing a rap song about murder and suddenly get interested for guns or something similar? The only reason those haven't been prohibited yet is because of liberals and "freedom of speech".

And, again with the blatantly "Marijuana is safer than".
Look at you just said
"Can you die by taking too much aspirin? Yes. Can you die by smoking Marijuana? No."
Well, consider the following: Can you die by smoking too much Marijuana? Yes. Face it, this "hur dur Marijuana never killed anyone" is fucking BS and whoever trust that doesn't know anything about Marijuana. Now, can you die by taking too Aspirin? Yes, of course.
Now, can you die by smoking Marijuana once a month? Of course not. Can you die of taking 1 pill of Aspirin a month? Don't make me answer it.

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Offline Pillz

Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2011, 11:35:31 PM »
Wait, WHAT?
To sum up that part of the text, you pretty much just said "We either do everything that's bad for our health or don't do any". Do you honestly think a 16 year old boy eating a Big Mac, a chocolate bar or w/e once every 2 weeks is more harmful than smoking Marijuana? ANYTHING in excess is bad, yes. You mentioned stuff that only do harm if you consume like them like crazy (like chocolate). So, chocolate is worse than marijuana by your line of thinking? Really?

No. I didn't anywhere, say chocolate was WORSE. I said 2 big macs can be just as bad as a hit of weed, this isn't an actual belief, I was just poking at the "health" issue. You missed the point completely though. The point was, yes, smoking pot can be detrimental to your health. So are a whole lot of other things we do all the time, and we don't really care that it's hurting us a little bit, because we believe the positive outcomes outweigh the negative. The presence of the negative hardly existing at all. You eat McDonalds, you might get fat. You smoke a joint, you might get fat too. What other damage does it cause? My friend "Tim" uses a vaporizer so I don't think there's any lung damage. Sure he's already done his fair share of damage to his lungs, but he can still breathe can't he? His grandma who smokes pot everyday is still breathing also, perhaps a cough here and there but that's not unbearable.
And you just said you don't use it. Have you been with people that use it already? The point of marijuana is to smoke whenever people feel bad or just want to feel a little better. Most people want to "relax" all the time so they don't stop smoking ever. Plus, it's addicting.

You clearly missed the first post, where I said talk about your friend Jimmy smoking pot, instead of you. We're not allowed to post our personal experiences or anything due to forum rules, and I will break them just to clarify, yes. I smoke pot. A whole lot. Also, No that isn't the point of marijuana. While it works as an anti-depressant, and a damn good one might I add, that is not it's sole purpose. At all.

As the Role Model part, do you honestly believe the media doesn't influence the society in any way? Not even in a bad way? And who said songs which lyrics talked about drugs/smoking/drinking aren't bad? How often to you see a kid singing a rap song about murder and suddenly get interested for guns or something similar? The only reason those haven't been prohibited yet is because of liberals and "freedom of speech".

What are you talking about? I just said the media is filled with people who smoke weed, there all over the place. I was just voiding your argument that legalizing weed will cause minors to start smoking it cause it's on TV. That's already happened. Also, if a kid doesn't believe in marijuana, he's not going to smoke it. If you're an atheist, you won't change to christianity due to a commercial. Same thing for drugs. People who smoke weed, smoke weed, and people who don't, don't. How much ANYONE, let's the media affect them, is their fault, and their decision. Also, I never see a kid singing a rap song about murder, and suddenly getting interested in guns. I have friends who sing rap songs they hear on the radio, but again, if you don't like rap, or the idea of guns and killing doesn't appeal to you, you won't listen to that song. If you are fucked up, and like the idea of guns and killing, it will. Fucked up people find things in common, with fucked up songs. Blah blah blah.

Well, consider the following: Can you die by smoking too much Marijuana? Yes. Face it, this "hur dur Marijuana never killed anyone" is fucking BS and whoever trust that doesn't know anything about Marijuana. Now, can you die by taking too Aspirin? Yes, of course.
Now, can you die by smoking Marijuana once a month? Of course not. Can you die of taking 1 pill of Aspirin a month? Don't make me answer it.

Please, for the love of god explain to me how one dies by smoking Marijuana. MY FRIEND TIM, has TRIEEEED to overdose. It's impossible, there's a video on youtube of 6 black guys putting together the biggest blunt ever, and smoking it. Did they die? No. Is Wiz Khalifa going to die because he smokes an ounce a day? Nope, still alive. I don't understand your point at all, nor can I find anywhere, at all where someone died because of marijuana. Enlighten me, oh carrier of information that the masses are unaware of.

EDIT: In the previous thread, we discussed addiction with marijuana. Most people seemed to agree it's mentally addictive. As can be anything. Call of Duty, Chocolate, Sex, etc. I'll let someone else elaborate on the psycological addictiveness of it, since I think Jorgen has it mastered.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 11:48:41 PM by Pillz »
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Blackllama

Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2011, 11:38:38 PM »
I don't drink or smoke.  Tobacco or weed.  I'm 14 so obviously I shouldn't be.  I don't plan on trying them either.  From what I know about pot it doesn't seem very bad, obviously smoking is bad for you and from what you guys have said a vaporizer isn't but I don't know how that works anyway.

I think that alcohol should be in weeds place.  Compared to tobacco and alcohol weed seems the least harmful.  Tobacco is insanely addictive.  Alcohol is also very addictive and widely available.  It's a lot more dangerous than tobacco though.  As for weed, I really don't know how addictive it is but I don't think it's nearly as bad as tobacco. 

IMO weed should be legal and alcohol and possibly tobacco should not.  Of course there's no way they are becoming illegal now it would never happen.  Keep in mind I don't really know what I'm talking about.

Offline Pillz

Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2011, 11:42:45 PM »
and from what you guys have said a vaporizer isn't harmful but I don't know how that works anyway.

How Weed Vaporizers Work

A vaporizer is a device that instead of burning herbs, merely heats them to sufficient levels so that the chemicals in the plant boil off into a vapor that can then be inhaled. This is a much safer method of taking in herbs as it has much less side effects than smoking or ingestion and also allows for a greater amount of control over dosage.

So how do weed vaporizers work? There are three main ways that a vaporizer can heat the plant placed in it to the right temperatures and they are thermal conduction, thermal radiation, and convection. Convection vaporizers work indirectly to heat up the herbs by heating up the air first and then having the air heat up the plant. Radiation is a less indirect way of heating the herbs and it is the method of using an intense light source to send energy into the plant, which is why they are less commonly used. The most typical type of heat source for vaporizers is conduction heating, in which the substance is placed on a surface that is heated by butane or some other heat source, which in turn heats up the substance and causes it to release its chemicals in vaporous form.

The most important factor in vaporizers is their ability to control temperature. This is very important, because different substances have different natural vaporization temperatures. For example, the optimal vaporization temperature for cannabis is 177 °C, but the optimal vaporization temperature for tobacco is 140 °C. This is crucial, because if you are trying to achieve the right temperature so that you can get the most chemicals out of your herbs, you are going to want a device that will allow you easy access to temperature control.

How weed vaporizers work, although somewhat simple in terms of the basics, is still a little confusing when you look at all the possible methods of vaporization and what each one entails. However, this piece should have helped you understand at least the basics of vaporization more and hopefully you will use this knowledge to assist you in either using, buying, or even thinking about vaporizers.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Sniper no Sniping

Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2011, 12:13:18 AM »
I think this discussion got more popular, faster than the previous one.

Anyway, my low attention span prevents me from reading all your posts.

Marijuana has more uses than just smoking it.
It does not kill brain cells, that is a myth from a failed experiment.
It might decrease how many people smoke ciggarettes, marijuana doesn't kill you.
It isn't addictive, people just like it, and people get bored, doesn't take much effort.
 parrot parrot parrot <- Also Green.
 frogface Evolves into  discofrog

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Your views on Marijuana 2
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2011, 12:13:18 AM »


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