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Author Topic: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town  (Read 27400 times)

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Offline TowerSheep

[Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« on: September 22, 2011, 05:30:42 AM »

This is where all suggestions to TTT will go.
Any suggestions not following the format will be deleted.

Code: [Select]
What type of suggestion?: (Map, Equipment, Weapon, Model, Icon, Feature, Etc.)
What does it do?: (Describe what the suggestion will do and add to the gameplay/server.)
Why should it be added?: (Self explanatory)
Link to download/addon: (On applies if it is a suggested server map or addon. If it doesn't exist I am more than willing to script it myself.)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 11:50:30 AM by TowerSheep »

by Kwaurtz

Offline Shifty Pete

Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2011, 11:01:10 PM »
What type of suggestion?: A map (Made by me)
What does it do?: It is a map. You play on it.
Why should it be added?: It's a well made, fun map!
Link to download/addon: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=125612

Here's a quick picture to convince you:

No problem, i'm just going around to various servers and getting publicity for my maps :)

Basically, it's split into 3 main areas - the shack/watchtower, the crashed train and the area with the water tower & silos. There's pathways between each area, there's plenty of hiding spots too. You can hang bodies in trees to hide them :P. The map features a spectator course like 67thway (I think these are the only 2 maps to ever have them). There's also a scary train tunnel, an evil garden gnome & other crap I can't remember. It's fairly large so many players aren't a problem. I've made sure it's optimised as much as possible, you'll get a great FPS even on a bad PC.

It's on other servers too and it's quite popular, but if you're still unsure you should have a look at it yourself.

Oh yeah, you don't need any other games for the map to work either.

Moderator Comment Added
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 11:50:56 AM by TowerSheep »

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2011, 11:01:10 PM »

Offline Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!)

Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2011, 03:00:12 PM »
What type of suggestion?: Equipment, hitman gloves
What does it do?: leaves less dna when you kill people or plant equipment
Why should it be added?: It would encourage traitors to use the different types of traitor tools
Link to download/addon: N/A

Moderator Comment If someone codes it we can try it out
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 11:51:32 AM by TowerSheep »
Does this look like a ball field to you sucka? This is a sandbox. For making sandcastles.

Post Count
A Novel by Inject OH 4
Conjoint Gaming
"You thought a Human Centipede was bad, wait till you get a load of us."
Bears, beer and bitches. That's everyone's motto.
Quote from: some guy on PC gamer
First of all, books were all but dead until tablets rejuvenated the industry
Quote from: Blazyd
Cortez I'm actually on black tar heroin fyi
Only been in it once didn't really pay attention to the staff, I think their was an eatable thong... but that may have been a totally different store, ANYWAYS... lol.
The plunger could simply be out of view, the pants + it's location behind the toilet may hide it... Or it's a fraud and we need to take down the system with out golden axes while destroying the rest of the demon-spawn so that we may live in a utopia.

Offline Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!)

Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2011, 10:05:48 PM »
What type of suggestion?: Equipment
What does it do?: Adrenaline shot, makes you faster and increases your turn speed
Why should it be added?: It would give the traitors/detectives a chance to escape when they're about to die or if they've                      just killed someone
Link to download/addon: N/A

Don't know if you can just change the speed for a single player but if you can that would be awesome

Moderator Comment Denied
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 11:51:50 AM by TowerSheep »
Does this look like a ball field to you sucka? This is a sandbox. For making sandcastles.

Post Count
A Novel by Inject OH 4
Conjoint Gaming
"You thought a Human Centipede was bad, wait till you get a load of us."
Bears, beer and bitches. That's everyone's motto.
Quote from: some guy on PC gamer
First of all, books were all but dead until tablets rejuvenated the industry
Quote from: Blazyd
Cortez I'm actually on black tar heroin fyi
Only been in it once didn't really pay attention to the staff, I think their was an eatable thong... but that may have been a totally different store, ANYWAYS... lol.
The plunger could simply be out of view, the pants + it's location behind the toilet may hide it... Or it's a fraud and we need to take down the system with out golden axes while destroying the rest of the demon-spawn so that we may live in a utopia.

Offline mau5_V_

Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2011, 07:09:16 PM »
What type of suggestion?: Weapon
What does it do?: Magnetron Grenade, i have seen this on a couple of servers essentially it is a grenade that stops at the top of the arc of the throw. then it sucks in all of the props/guns in the surrounding area. then after three seconds shots them all out in random directions
Why should it be added?: I think it is a very useful traitor wep and it gives people some new ways to kill
Link: i am sory i dont have the link on since i am on my school comp but i might be able to get it soon, but i can give you the name of the server it is from if needed
Moderator Comment Denied
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 11:52:21 AM by TowerSheep »

Offline Pancake Of Doom

Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2011, 02:01:17 PM »
What type of suggestion?: Traitor Weapon, Trip mine
What does it do?: Red laser of death that if your being crosses it, you explode horrifically
Why should it be added?: It will actually get people to pay more attention, obviously if there are tripmines in an area a traitor is there, or he is hiding something etc. Plus it gives traitors a decent defense on a last stand sort of deal(Could explode when shot)
Link to download/addon: N/A Though S.L.A.M.S. are already in Gmod and many other types of weapons such as this are EVERYWHERE, Sounds good K? K.
Moderator Comment Denied
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 11:53:03 AM by TowerSheep »

Offline mau5_V_

Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2011, 05:37:32 PM »
What type of suggestion?: Equipment, Iron boots
What does it do?: Traitors take no fall damage
Why should it be added?:It can come in handy if you are on a roof, high ledge, or any other precarious situation if you need a quik getaway, or just are terrible and fall alot
Link to download/addon: N/A
Moderator Comment Needs to be coded
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 11:53:38 AM by TowerSheep »

Offline Whitellama

Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2011, 12:14:50 AM »
Inspired by the iron boots idea, something I thought of a while back...

What type of suggestion?: Equipment, Oxygen Mask
What does it do?: It allows the traitor to breathe underwater, for either an extended amount of time, or an unlimited amount of time, or whatever you believe is balanced.
Why should it be added?: It presents new sniping/attack opportunities on maps like roy the ship and it allows safer escape, making it harder to spot the traitor in the water. It's just a bit of an edge.
Link to download/addon: (On applies if it is a suggested server map or addon. If it doesn't exist I am more than willing to script it myself.)


Moderator Comment Denied
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 11:53:58 AM by TowerSheep »

Offline Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!)

Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2011, 10:28:46 PM »
What type of suggestion?: Map
What does it do?:

Why should it be added?: It's a cool map made for the ttt gamemode

Link to download/addon: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8098217/Maps/indianisland/ttt_indianisland_a1.bsp

ttt_indianisland_a1 is a creation of a friend of mine. It is based on a Agatha Christie novel so I believe it will make a good ttt map. Also there are loadsa traitor buttons, just sayin.

Moderator Comment Added
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 11:56:10 AM by TowerSheep »
Does this look like a ball field to you sucka? This is a sandbox. For making sandcastles.

Post Count
A Novel by Inject OH 4
Conjoint Gaming
"You thought a Human Centipede was bad, wait till you get a load of us."
Bears, beer and bitches. That's everyone's motto.
Quote from: some guy on PC gamer
First of all, books were all but dead until tablets rejuvenated the industry
Quote from: Blazyd
Cortez I'm actually on black tar heroin fyi
Only been in it once didn't really pay attention to the staff, I think their was an eatable thong... but that may have been a totally different store, ANYWAYS... lol.
The plunger could simply be out of view, the pants + it's location behind the toilet may hide it... Or it's a fraud and we need to take down the system with out golden axes while destroying the rest of the demon-spawn so that we may live in a utopia.

Offline Just Put The Change In

Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2011, 01:56:13 AM »
What type of suggestion?: Map
What does it do?: It's a good map that I've played on other servers.
Why should it be added?: It's a good map
Link to download/addon: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=58676
Moderator Comment Added
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 11:49:52 AM by TowerSheep »

Offline Lolnub1337

Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2011, 06:21:54 AM »
What type of suggestion?: Equipment: detective's hover/stakeboard or detective's running shoes.
What does it do?: Allow the detective to travel faster (maybe by 2x normal speed), but only only allows detective to use secondary or have large wider cross hair (don't' really know how to word it).
Also has to recharge after 15 seconds of use.
Why should it be added?: Useful for when people call detectives to bodies or to escape hordes of innocents asking health station  trollface
Link to download/addon: None. i will try to find something similar on toy box or something.

What type of suggestion?: Equipment: Detective's Glasses.
What does it do?: makes blood splatters glow up.
Why should it be added?: Makes perusing wounded traitors easier. 
Link to download/addon: None.

What type of suggestion?: Weapon: Detective's Sniper
What does it do?: Deals damage while showing a blue bullet tracer that last for 3-5 seconds
Why should it be added?: Detectives should have some kind of sniper to counter the vintor and having a bullet tracer would allow innocents and fellow detectives to spot where the culprit is easier.
Link to download/addon: none.

Offline Coreybush11

Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2012, 08:53:00 PM »
What type of suggestion?: Weapon/ Traitor Equipment
What does it do?: A Vulcan. Not the moving vulcan, but a stationary, more powerful one. Instead of the bullets only doing like half a health a bullet, make it do more, but have less ammo. Instead of changing what you have been trying to do to slow down, look for another variable to stop you completely. If that isn't possible, I don't know.
Why should it be added?:In place of the Vulcan until it can be fixed, or, if it can be fixed an alternative to the mobile machine gun.
Link: N/A

Offline TheSlyder

Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2012, 04:12:40 PM »
What type of suggestion?: Re-balance C4
What does it do?: Make C4 more difficult to successfully defuse.
Why should it be added?: I've been talking about this for a while, but never took initiative on it. C4 is borderline useless at this point. I've been playing for a long time and I've only failed to defuse a C4 2-3 times. I don't know the mechanics of it, but I believe the C4 should be more difficult to defuse. Tweaking the balance of C4 defusal would also give the Detective's Defusal Kit a purpose to exist. (Has anyone ever used it before? Why would they at this point?)

What type of suggestion?: Re-balance binoculars
What does it do?: Remove the charge-time for binoculars.
Why should it be added?: This is another useless item. On the very rare occasion that a Detective needs to identify a body from afar, it's never worth it to spend a credit in order to stand still and scan a body for such a long period of time. I would like to try removing the charge time all together, but if you (Towersheep) feel it's necessary to balance the item, I'd love to experiment with maybe two seconds or less.

I'd like to discuss with you in more depth going over our items and balancing them. We have a ton of things to choose from, but only a handful of items that actually see action on a semi-regular basis. I'd like to change that so each item genuinely gives its user a reason to spend a credit on it.

Offline TowerSheep

Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2012, 04:21:30 PM »
What type of suggestion?: Re-balance C4
What does it do?: Make C4 more difficult to successfully defuse.
Why should it be added?: I've been talking about this for a while, but never took initiative on it. C4 is borderline useless at this point. I've been playing for a long time and I've only failed to defuse a C4 2-3 times. I don't know the mechanics of it, but I believe the C4 should be more difficult to defuse. Tweaking the balance of C4 defusal would also give the Detective's Defusal Kit a purpose to exist. (Has anyone ever used it before? Why would they at this point?)

What type of suggestion?: Re-balance binoculars
What does it do?: Remove the charge-time for binoculars.
Why should it be added?: This is another useless item. On the very rare occasion that a Detective needs to identify a body from afar, it's never worth it to spend a credit in order to stand still and scan a body for such a long period of time. I would like to try removing the charge time all together, but if you (Towersheep) feel it's necessary to balance the item, I'd love to experiment with maybe two seconds or less.

I'd like to discuss with you in more depth going over our items and balancing them. We have a ton of things to choose from, but only a handful of items that actually see action on a semi-regular basis. I'd like to change that so each item genuinely gives its user a reason to spend a credit on it.
For the C4 if you know someone willing to either:
A. Dig up the old c4 swep
B. Redo the C4
I'd happily bring that back but I doubt I have the patients to completly redo that weapon. (Working 40 hours/week and it's all coding so I need a break when i come home.)

I think a recharge time rather than a chage time would make them balanced. (Instant ID body but you have to wait 3-5 seconds before you can id the next!) This way you're not just going nuts with it. Maybe it should be able to scan dna, to make it really useful (though that might but a bit op).

by Kwaurtz

Offline TheSlyder

Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2012, 05:08:15 PM »
For the C4 if you know someone willing to either:
A. Dig up the old c4 swep
B. Redo the C4
I'd happily bring that back but I doubt I have the patients to completly redo that weapon. (Working 40 hours/week and it's all coding so I need a break when i come home.)

I think a recharge time rather than a chage time would make them balanced. (Instant ID body but you have to wait 3-5 seconds before you can id the next!) This way you're not just going nuts with it. Maybe it should be able to scan dna, to make it really useful (though that might but a bit op).

I'm confused about the C4 issue. Is it not possible to just open the game's files and modify a few lines of code to make it so you have a 1/5 chance of successfully defusing instead of 3/5 (Or whatever it currently is.)? I have very little knowledge of lua, so please excuse my ignorance.

Your idea sounds really solid. A recharge time would work fantastically I think. I'm not sure about DNA scanning, though. I think Traitors should have a little incentive to "dispose" of bodies. Keeping DNA out of reach of detectives is a good one.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: [Suggestions 2.0] Trouble in Terrorist Town
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2012, 05:08:15 PM »


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