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Author Topic: Permamute Appeal: Anuv  (Read 8286 times)

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Offline Anuv

Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« on: July 10, 2011, 02:39:27 AM »
Who were you permamuted by: Waffuls

Why were you permamuted : Talking on the mic.

What server where you permamuted from: ConjointGaming.com #1 | Customized (TTT)

What date and/or time around were you permamuted: 7/6/11
Steam ID:

Your in game name: Anuv

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Anuv/

Additional comments:

I'll try to not be too long. I have the Creative WoW headset (http://www.creative.com/soundblaster/worldofwarcraft/welcome.aspx) and it includes free voice modulation software. I was attending a raid before I joined TTT and it was activated for Ventrilo. The control panel of the voice mod software minimizes into the bottom right tray when you close the window, similar to Ventrilo (seen here):

So, when I thought I closed the window, it was actually still running - and, ergo, still changing my voice. I joined CG after the raid and was playing on the Minecraft map. Waffuls was on at the time. I had no idea who she was and that she was an admin and I didn't show an ounce of disrespect towards her (unlike some players). It was only after a few rounds that someone mentioned me/my voice. Waffulls immediately told me to stop talking. I was a bit taken aback and, unaware of the voice mod on me, said that was pretty disrespectful/rude. I was immediately permamuted following that. Only after people started to talk about a "squeaker" did I realize that my WoW voice mods were still online (seen here):

Needless to say, the permamute was a big surprise. I've been playing on CG for a very long time. I've played with AK Commando, Tower, Ace, Fullmetal, Caesar, and a lot of other guys for a while, off and on - and the only time I've ever received a punishment/ban was after this incident, when I tried to defend myself. (http://www.conjointgaming.com/sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=anuv&Submit=)
She wouldn't listen in any capacity and hastily banned me for a day. I don't RDM and I try to enjoy TTT as it was meant to be played. That includes using a mic, which is something I now cannot do. I never once showed any disrespect towards her. Several other players were, including some regulars. Lots of people chose to make sexist jokes. Never did I partake in such junk, nor did I spam my mic/purposefully act obnoxious.

Now, I wasn't thinking about posting this thread for a bit until I started playing on the server tonight. I just got off the Clue map and Waffuls happened to be on at the same time. We were both traitors and I explained that, if I was unmuted, we could better function as a team. What I got instead was disrespect and taunting, with her saying "QQ Anuv?" over mic repeatedly. Not only that, but she said the same taunt in admin chat after she died from a C4 I planted (and warned her about repeatedly in chat). I can't help but think that she might have lived if I could have verbally warned her.

To add insult to injury, she accused me of planting the C4 next to her on purpose so she would blow up while she was AFK. Other traitors (one being an admin, I think) said that no, I planted it in the basement, out of sight of her. I didn't even know that she was AFK.

Anyways. I've always had a lot of fun on the CG servers in the past. It's just this single experience that has left a really bad taste in my mouth. AK, Tower, Fullmetal, Mattt, Bjork, Caesar and a bunch of other admins have all been very respectful in the past and have done a good job of enforcing the rules. I just don't understand what I did to receive such harsh punishment and continued harassment from an admin I've never met before.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 06:03:22 PM by Inject OH 4 »

Offline Leomire

Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2011, 02:42:20 AM »
Hmm Interesting... I still require Waffuls' side of the story. But for the most part i see enough evidence to say you require an unpermamute.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2011, 02:42:20 AM »

Offline Anuv

Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2011, 02:54:55 AM »
Thanks. I understand that voice modifiers aren't accepted on most servers and I thought that a mute/mic timeout would have been just fine when I realized that I left it on. But the permamute was pretty unexpected!

Offline TowerSheep

Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2011, 03:30:07 AM »
Hmm a known troll gets perma-muted. Why does it not suprise me he claimes abuse and wants it removed.

He always trolls and talks over people. Also, I've told you 3 times not to use voice changers.  If you were using a voice changer again you deserve it.

If this is lifted and you use a voice change around me I will perma-mute you. You've been given more than enough warning.

by Kwaurtz

Offline Waffuls the Huntress

Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2011, 03:31:19 AM »
I am having serious problems remembering this at all.

Today, Anuv was asking me constantly to un-permamute him, which I told him many times to go on the forums. Other admins were complaining that he was spamming us about this and were telling him the same exact thing, as well. However, the story was different. He said that he only had the voice changer on for "five seconds," when in fact it was about 2 maps. If he didn't know, I suppose that's fine; but he should have at least checked to see if it was on if he knew that he did have one installed. I personally thought he was a young child until someone brought up that he was using a voice changer. But, I don't think I'm the one that permamuted.. I think Acecool did that. However, he fought and disrespected both of us, and after continuous warning to quit, I banned him for ignoring us as admins.

For the QQ and the RDM thing.. I was saying QQ to others, too. I was just trolling, and if you asked me to stop, I'm sorry if I missed it. But, I wasn't only "targeting" you. I also did it to Tennisballer and Emo (earlier I was even saying that Emo was on his period because Acecool said his name looked like a period to him). I troll everyone, and if I notice that you're asking me to stop, I will. I am NOT trying to ruin your gaming experience AT ALL. I never mentioned the C4 as RDM; I didn't even realize until near the end of the round. I was talking to Slyder via Steam chat about Project Zomboid and I noticed I had died and simply said to him "I totally just died from a C4" and he said back "I did too." I didn't even know I was a T. And, I didn't slay next round for it, I completely dropped it and continued on with my game. Others were saying that the C4 was in the basement (which it's a pretty damn small map, so a C4 can kill anyone from anywhere), so it couldn't have been RDM.

Besides all of that, sure, unmute him. I don't really care. Just as a fair warning, however, if you use a voice changer, you will be warned/muted (I always warn before I mute, so I'm pretty sure it was Acecool who permamuted you). Please check to see if you have it on or not before coming into game.

Offline Yahtzee

Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2011, 12:26:52 PM »
Mic Changers of any degree are REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING. If you have been warned in the past about using them multiple times, I honestly don't see a reason for you to be un-permamuted

Offline Finniespin

Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2011, 12:51:48 PM »
Well how could people not notice he was using it?

Surely you must have been warned at first?
I say unmute him. If he does it again. (Or "forgets" to turn it off).

Perma mute again...

Offline TowerSheep

Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2011, 12:55:37 PM »
Well how could people not notice he was using it?

Surely you must have been warned at first?
I say unmute him. If he does it again. (Or "forgets" to turn it off).

Perma mute again...
I've warned him 3 times when he said he forgot to turn it off.
The first time I let it go, but time 2 and 3 I muted him. So he has been muted for this before.

by Kwaurtz

Offline Finniespin

Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2011, 01:09:04 PM »
I've warned him 3 times when he said he forgot to turn it off.
The first time I let it go, but time 2 and 3 I muted him. So he has been muted for this before.

What is your side on this story Anuv?

Offline Yarou

Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2011, 03:20:25 PM »
This is getting ridiculous. More then one admin has warned this kid to stop using it, if he kept doing it and 'forget' thats his responsibility. the first warning should be enough for someone to not forget about it.
fast talking admin

Offline Anuv

Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2011, 06:56:40 PM »
Hmm a known troll gets perma-muted. Why does it not suprise me he claimes abuse and wants it removed.

He always trolls and talks over people. Also, I've told you 3 times not to use voice changers.  If you were using a voice changer again you deserve it.

If this is lifted and you use a voice change around me I will perma-mute you. You've been given more than enough warning.

I don't think I'm a troll. Do I joke around sometimes while I'm playing? Sure. But if Waffuls can do the same thing and she's an admin, why can't I? The only time I left the voice changer on was the day that Waffuls muted me (June 6th). I haven't had it left on at any time before, and no one bothered to point it out to me directly before the permamute. I'm sorry if I didn't hear your warnings with lots of other players talking on mic.

Mic Changers of any degree are REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING. If you have been warned in the past about using them multiple times, I honestly don't see a reason for you to be un-permamuted

I've never used them "multiple times" or even more than once beyond this accident. This was a single incident that happened over a few minutes.

Well how could people not notice he was using it?

Surely you must have been warned at first?
I say unmute him. If he does it again. (Or "forgets" to turn it off).

Perma mute again...

That's fair.

This is getting ridiculous. More then one admin has warned this kid to stop using it, if he kept doing it and 'forget' thats his responsibility. the first warning should be enough for someone to not forget about it.

Huh? When have I been warned about this before? It was on for one map, Minecraft, and that was it. I've never had it happen before where it's been left on with any other day or map. Who was the more than one admin? Because unless it was during Minecraft on the 6th, I've never had to have someone talk to me about it, because I've never left it on before. It was a single incident, and a mistake at that, and I've never spammed the mic/been punished for -anything- on CG before the 6th.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 07:29:59 PM by Anuv »

Offline Monp

Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2011, 07:38:40 PM »
It wasn't just a one time thing. I remember towersheep warning you and muting on 67thway. You claim it was only on minecraft which it wasn't.

Offline Anuv

Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2011, 08:27:14 PM »
It wasn't just a one time thing. I remember towersheep warning you and muting on 67thway. You claim it was only on minecraft which it wasn't.

I thought I only played one map with it on. But if that's the case then it was on the same day, and in the same incident. I could've sworn that I only had it minimized for one map, but if it was two, okay. I never rejoined to avoid that mute and no one brought it up, all the same.

Offline Bjork

Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2011, 08:43:41 PM »
That WoW voice changer thing is pretty easy to forget since if you enable it - It stays on I've had a friend come on and talking like a gnome when people laughed he had no idea why :P

Perma mutes should only be used on OFFENSIVE mic users. And don't "troll" as an admin unless its with people who are regulars on CG and understand that its a joke.
(=CG=) Bjork! : Its an old cat aswell so its gonna look like a war vet
(=CG=) Bjork! : It also has a beard
Maurice Moss   : How old is it?
Maurice Moss   : Wait a BEARD?

Offline Dinomoto

Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2011, 10:12:16 PM »
And don't "troll" as an admin unless its with people who are regulars on CG and understand that its a joke.
Phim Bogason

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Permamute Appeal: Anuv
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2011, 10:12:16 PM »


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