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Author Topic: JailBreak Add's To Draw New Eye's And Population  (Read 1529 times)

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Offline PistolWhip

JailBreak Add's To Draw New Eye's And Population
« on: June 10, 2011, 01:17:13 AM »
First Like A 30-90 second mute at the beginning of every round.Dead Players Cant Talk Rule?Also i would like to add that the map rotation is very big and alot maps are nice but sometimes a problem. I'm just making suggestions.Also i've noticed that alot of the t's rebel every round. Mabye a rule about that would be very nice. Like a 3 round max back to back rebels.I am very new to this clan but not the servers or the players. I've logged countless hours of scripting and making server's with zukuto.We work well together.


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Re: JailBreak Add's To Draw New Eye's And Population
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2011, 01:59:05 AM »
Interesting suggestions.

Also for further reference, we are a COMMUNITY NOT A CLAN!

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: JailBreak Add's To Draw New Eye's And Population
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2011, 01:59:05 AM »

Offline PistolWhip

Re: JailBreak Add's To Draw New Eye's And Population
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2011, 01:15:24 PM »
Ok COMMUNNITY but still and also a rule of no talk over warden.

Offline Coreybush11

Re: JailBreak Add's To Draw New Eye's And Population
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2011, 01:38:46 PM »
Also i've noticed that alot of the t's rebel every round. Mabye a rule about that would be very nice. Like a 3 round max back to back rebels.I am very new to this clan but not the servers or the players.

The point of the terrorists is to rebel and win, that is why it is called jailBREAK.

If they all start rebelling then you need to shoot better. :P

Offline Whitellama

Re: JailBreak Add's To Draw New Eye's And Population
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2011, 02:30:50 PM »
I'm glad someone had started this thread, as I wanted to do it eventually. What we really need first, is an area for suggestions like we have for TTT in the forums. A few rules in the motd are bugging me, so I think I'll run through them, and see what other people think.

8) CTs must not give text orders.
I think this could be revised, so that if there is server-wide microphone lag/cutting out, text orders are allowed. T's have just been using the server's mic problems as an excuse to scream freeday, and I find it annoying.

10 ) If Cells are opened before orders are given, it is FREEDAY.
- Please DO NOT be warden if your voice is irritating to others, or your mic isn't working properly.
The first bullet here should be it's own rule, for the sake of organization.

13 ) CT must repeat orders if asked before cells open.

For good measure, you might put a limit on 2-3 repeats, otherwise trolling players might keep asking you, yelling over you, when they probably did hear you.

14 ) Unless told otherwise, Ts can go anywhere they want, including Armory.

There should be a rule stating whether if someone just says "freeday" armory is automatically restricted or not. I believe not, because of rule 14, however other players argue that you must specify the unrestricted property of the freeday, for the armory to be left unrestricted.

15 ) Once Jail Cells open on a freeday, CTs may not give any restrictions or orders to Ts.
- If there are 2-3 non rebelling Ts left alive, CTs may give them orders even on a freeday.

Instead of counting by 2-3 non rebelling Ts, you might instead go with a set time, as it's very annoying when there is 1, or 4, T's not rebelling, hiding, or hesitating to LR, since I've seen nothing that says CTs may order Ts to LR, and doing so on a freeday, would violate the first part of rule 15. The time limit might be after somewhere between 2-4 minutes. This is mostly to stop the round going on and on forever.

19 ) Last CT may kill any T with any gun, holstered or not.

I just wanted to say, I like this rule a lot. However, people fail to realize that this is ONLY if the T has a gun. Regardless, this is a very good rule.

- Do not manipulate the Race/Hot Potatoe points to glitch or caus

This looks to have been cut off, probably a typo.

- In Noscope, you must start at the S4S walls, and then you may move around

While I'm getting into the typos, this could use a period.

21 ) Ts may kill any CT that comes within the area they are orders to go to.

While this rule is good for some situations, such as isolation days and cage days, it's more annoying than useful. CTs rarely realize this is a rule, and Ts that use the rule to their advantage usually get free-killed from either the CT they attack or another CT that sees them painted red. In situations such as soccor days, this can also be annoying for CTs, not being able to monitor Ts. Also, players often mistake this as a rule about baiting, and it's tiring to hear players whining that "NO NO he was near so I stabbdd him and hez nut sssuposed to scoot me because he was baitinggg!". I am not suggesting that we get a rule on baiting either. I have always found baiting rules obnoxiously stupid. Ts can walk straight through CTs. There is no uncontrollable force that makes you damage a CT nearby you, and you deserve to die, as you are choosing to rebel by stabbing him. Baiting is more like a stupid complaint that when you stabbed a player nearby, it wasn't a one hit kill. In fact, a CT who is "baiting" you, is actually an easier kill than one who isn't. So players have no right to complain on that one. Okay, my rant is done.

25 ) You are allowed to tell T's to freeze.
As you, Zukuto, often put bullets under related rules, this might be placed underneath rule 22, as they are closely related. Also, I'm not sure I understand 22 if we have this rule, but whatever. It matters not.

Also, I'm done butchering the rules. These suggestions are mostly aimed towards Zukuto, but I would like to hear additional opinions.

Offline Zukuto

Re: JailBreak Add's To Draw New Eye's And Population
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2011, 02:43:31 PM »
Actually, Whitellama, these rules are based off of another servers rules, I didn't 'copy' them, but I did use them as a base. I have been meaning to start a suggestion thread, so people can tell me what rules need to be changed, or need to be clarified.

The text rule will remain, I have put a plugin on that mutes T's for 30 seconds at the start of the round, and all dead players are muted. So there should be no problems when it comes to orders being given, regardless of mic issues. On a side note, the no text rule is in place so that only CT's with mics will be giving orders, as to have a fun time :D

I'm going to start a thread, and copy your post over to the first post on it Whitellama.
So we can have a specific suggestion thread.

Okay, new suggestion thread.

Thanks for the input! :D
« Last Edit: June 10, 2011, 02:50:45 PM by Zukuto »

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: JailBreak Add's To Draw New Eye's And Population
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2011, 02:43:31 PM »


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