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Author Topic: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal  (Read 2639 times)

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Offline CamperStrike

Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« on: June 02, 2011, 01:47:11 AM »
Who were you banned by: Shisa

Why were you banned: I checked the "ban" tabs right after i got banned, said it was for multihacking. Nope, no hacks at all.

What server where you banned from: ConjointGaming.com 1# | Customized

What date and/or time around were you banned: June 2

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11795881

Your in game name: Migger

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/camperstr1ke/

Additional comments: Shisa went apeshit and banned a bunch of people for no apparent reason, though i heard him mentioning something about people trying to spam commands on console trying to DDOS the server, but i was not one of that people.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 06:11:19 PM by Inject OH 4 »
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Offline Dinomoto

Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2011, 02:09:05 AM »
I have a problem with your ingame name so no sympathy from me..
Phim Bogason

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2011, 02:09:05 AM »

Offline Ashes Relandi

Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2011, 02:17:10 AM »
Might as well wait until Shisa replys to this

Offline Shisa

Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2011, 02:17:50 AM »
I banned a bunch of people who were trolling and spamming the console with props. It's not my fault you thought it would be fun, incite in racism, and get caught up in their bans for "multi-hacking" (since I didn't know what else to call it).

You technically deserve to be unbanned, but try finding a part of CG that would want to unban an obvious troll, who decided to troll along with other trolls. I used to not mind you, but then you started to become a detrimental part of the community. So insult people all you want, most people in CG resent racism and will think your week long ban will be appropriate anyway.

On top of that, I can't unban people. So get a Community Leader to unban you. You technically deserve it.

Offline CamperStrike

Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2011, 02:18:55 AM »
I have a problem with your ingame name so no sympathy from me..

Well, that's my name, if you don't like it, i can't do anything about it.  trollface

Ok, jokes apart, i'll take this chance to do a huge admin complaint here: Admins that close their eyes to OBVIOUS offensive/racist nicknames. Not long ago, actually less than 30 mins ago, i was playing in that same server i got banned from and there were about 5 or 6 people there with "indirect direct" racist nicknames, i.e "Big Nick Digger", "Reggin", "I hate Reggins", "Negger", etc. You find that bad? Well, there were about, including that same 5 people, 15 people doing racist comments about black people, ranging from the same "indirect direct" comments like "oh lol i just don't like the black... color, do you have a problem with that?" to more "direct" comments like "I don't like N*ggers, but that's free speech, and you can't do anything about it". And, there were about 4 or 5 admins in the servers, but i don't wanna frame anyone since you guys should know your admins, and they were basically not doing anything, and even one of them was laughing from the racist comments. So, i pretty much raged (not that i'm a moral**** or anything, but i don't like hypocrite admins, since i got banned for a having a nickname of "Digger Nick" the other day) and quit the server, changed my nickname into "Migger" and rejoined, to see their reaction. Guess what? "lol well... that's not really racist, so we can't do anything about it", exactly what they said about the other racist nicknames.

Oh, and i've made myself clear very long ago that i'm totally against racism of any kind.
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Offline CamperStrike

Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2011, 02:22:34 AM »
I banned a bunch of people who were trolling and spamming the console with props. It's not my fault you thought it would be fun, incite in racism, and get caught up in their bans for "multi-hacking" (since I didn't know what else to call it).

You technically deserve to be unbanned, but try finding a part of CG that would want to unban an obvious troll, who decided to troll along with other trolls. I used to not mind you, but then you started to become a detrimental part of the community. So insult people all you want, most people in CG resent racism and will think your week long ban will be appropriate anyway.

On top of that, I can't unban people. So get a Community Leader to unban you. You technically deserve it.

Read my quote, please.
Also, i'm pretty sure you'll deny it, but from times to times, you would say racist nicknames with the n-word replacing the word that was supossed to be "disguising it" saying "oh, please don't be so racist (i'll take an example from a guy's nickname), big n*gger dick... oh i mean, big nick digger", making you a big hypocrite. Also... I wasn't trolling AT ALL, hence the fact that i was asking the admins ALL the time to ban/kick/slay w/e people who had racist nicknames.
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Offline JALsnipe

Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2011, 02:23:22 AM »
I have to vouch for Shisa on this one.  He and I were both on the server when shit was hitting the fan.  He banned multiple people for prop spamming, racism, and glitching the exploding trap on Richland.  I'm sorry you thought it would be funny to change your nick to "Migger", but we just got tired of all the racism, rdm, and shit that was going on in the server.  You got caught up in the middle of it, sucks for you.
Encoder, Admin and OP at #ClassicNickShows on DejaToons, TF2 Player

Pretty sure Jal can just get whatever position he wants lol.
Some of WholeGrain's Brightest Moments:
Quote from: WholeGrain
I'm sitting in my underwear right now because my fucking buttcheeks itch!

Oh and now my ball sack is starting to get that feeling!

go retire before your knees turn from a solid to a liquid

Offline CamperStrike

Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2011, 02:32:36 AM »
Well, i'll leave it to other admins, then. But consider i was NOT the one with racist nicknames and shouting racist comments, rather just changed my nickname to see if admins were going to say ANYTHING, since i was clearly trespassing the "racism" line when i did.
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Offline Ashes Relandi

Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2011, 02:50:24 AM »
Well, i'll leave it to other admins, then. But consider i was NOT the one with racist nicknames and shouting racist comments, rather just changed my nickname to see if admins were going to say ANYTHING, since i was clearly trespassing the "racism" line when i did.
Why would you even think of doing that?

pretty sure if you didn't change it, you wouldn't be having this situation.

Offline JALsnipe

Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2011, 02:53:56 AM »
Like I said before, we banned everyone else with the racist nicks as well.  You weren't singled out.
Encoder, Admin and OP at #ClassicNickShows on DejaToons, TF2 Player

Pretty sure Jal can just get whatever position he wants lol.
Some of WholeGrain's Brightest Moments:
Quote from: WholeGrain
I'm sitting in my underwear right now because my fucking buttcheeks itch!

Oh and now my ball sack is starting to get that feeling!

go retire before your knees turn from a solid to a liquid

Offline Shisa

Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2011, 02:55:05 AM »
I banned a bunch of people who were trolling and spamming the console with props. It's not my fault you thought it would be fun, incite in racism, and get caught up in their bans for "multi-hacking" (since I didn't know what else to call it).

You technically deserve to be unbanned, but try finding a part of CG that would want to unban an obvious troll, who decided to troll along with other trolls. I used to not mind you, but then you started to become a detrimental part of the community. So insult people all you want, most people in CG resent racism and will think your week long ban will be appropriate anyway.

On top of that, I can't unban people. So get a Community Leader to unban you. You technically deserve it.

Read my quote, please.
Also, i'm pretty sure you'll deny it, but from times to times, you would say racist nicknames with the n-word replacing the word that was supossed to be "disguising it" saying "oh, please don't be so racist (i'll take an example from a guy's nickname), big n*gger dick... oh i mean, big nick digger", making you a big hypocrite. Also... I wasn't trolling AT ALL, hence the fact that i was asking the admins ALL the time to ban/kick/slay w/e people who had racist nicknames.

Yet again for all those who dispute that it's against the rules to be racist. It isn't. It's frowned upon, and may lengthen the duration of your ban. It's just one of those things to do to piss off admins.

"harshening factors
  minging and trolling, disrespecting admins and racism"

I quote that from the "Official Rules" thread in the TTT board. You have a problem? Post a suggestion.

As for you calling me a hypocrite, read here:

I do say racist terms because I frankly don't care about whether or not someone is hurt over the fact their great great grand father was a slave, or their great grand father was persecuted over the color of his skin. If you live off the legacy of others and let it dictate the way you live, the way you see life, if you let it control your emotions especially if it lets you relive history you didn't experience, then by all means it should become a commonality. For the more common something gets, the more accepted it becomes, and the less people feel pain over it. The more it becomes common, the more it becomes history, and just a piece of history. If I took offense to being called a gook or something related to WWII then I wouldn't have the peace of mind to continue to live freely within this society. It would become nothing more than a limiter as to the things I could achieve and the people I could meet. If I ever come across people who take offense to my partial nationality, or who take offense to my mother presence, I simply respond with "They are them and we are us" for I am not history, and neither is my mother (yet). So lets think. Is the hypocrite the one who tries to make it a commonality or the one who tries to shun it and make it illegal. Does change start with one person or a series of rule reforms. The reason why (I believe) racism isn't a rule to be measured as ban-able is because it puts certain test on the community to see how it acts when confronted with it. When someone says ****, will they respond with "Ay... Don't say that." or "I'm banning you for racism". Which one gives more incentive to change ways? To be social accepted? Or to be cast out?
If one wanted to really meld within the community they would simply stop talking like they've known.
The cast out will simply continue to drift until it finds a community worth tolerating him/her, so that he/she may change into a more acceptable part of the community.

Yet again, I do it because I find it wrong for it to be a rule, I voice it because it's something that shouldn't be a rule. This is my mentality towards the subject, and as long as it abstains from being a rule, I will continue to use derogatory terms.

Getting off of that you continually piss me off and insult me. That didn't put you on my good side to begin with. The reason why I banned a series of trolls was because I knew they were going to spam the console continually until the server crashed and I would not let that happen for the sake of the TTT server and Conjoint Gaming. If I'm there for moderate and protect that is what I will do. They won't post admin complaints or ban appeals because they know what the fuck they did wrong and won't bother to try and change their status in our community. Besides, they'll be back within a week and they know it. Like I said though, it wasn't my fault you decided to par-take in games and trolling to be cool like your friends. It's not my fault you got swept up in the fire storm of bans when I realized what was happening, and it's most certainly not my fault that you put yourself in a position of discrimination like you had.

Yet again, you didn't deserve your ban, get a Community Leader to help you out with your problems, if you can find any that will.
Well, i'll leave it to other admins, then. But consider i was NOT the one with racist nicknames and shouting racist comments, rather just changed my nickname to see if admins were going to say ANYTHING, since i was clearly trespassing the "racism" line when i did.
Why would you even think of doing that?

pretty sure if you didn't change it, you wouldn't be having this situation.

Ashes you read my mind.

Offline CamperStrike

Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2011, 03:20:41 AM »
Lol holy shit i just typed a huge text and my internet went off, lost it all.
So i'll just sum up what i typed.

Well, i admit a part of me getting banned was my fault, but not big enough to get me banned.
Well Shisa, isn't it ironic that a server that strictly forbids racism of any kind have an admin that "casually" shouts racism slangs, just for the "kicks"? Might as well remove the "No racism allowed" from the #10 rules.

But then again, it looks like (at least for me) that each admin makes their own rules. Once, in the same server, someone got banned from saying "if i wanted skin-melting-hot weather, i would go to Mexico!". I swear to god, no second intentions, just that single comment. And that person was banned. Again, i'm not trying to frame anyone here, because i don't even remember who it was, but it just shows the lack of cooperation from the team of admins.
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Offline Shisa

Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2011, 03:26:53 AM »
Lol holy shit i just typed a huge text and my internet went off, lost it all.
So i'll just sum up what i typed.

Well, i admit a part of me getting banned was my fault, but not big enough to get me banned.
Well Shisa, isn't it ironic that a server that strictly forbids racism of any kind have an admin that "casually" shouts racism slangs, just for the "kicks"? Might as well remove the "No racism allowed" from the #10 rules.

But then again, it looks like (at least for me) that each admin makes their own rules. Once, in the same server, someone got banned from saying "if i wanted skin-melting-hot weather, i would go to Mexico!". I swear to god, no second intentions, just that single comment. And that person was banned. Again, i'm not trying to frame anyone here, because i don't even remember who it was, but it just shows the lack of cooperation from the team of admins.

Lol yet again I told you that you didn't deserve the ban since you weren't helping flood the server. Find a community leader to unban you. Once again, my apologies.

The official rule thread is where I get my TTT rules. If it doesn't say "No Racism" then I won't care. lol. And I typically don't. I didn't ban them for racism, might I add, I banned them for flooding the server and trolling, and you happened to get caught in the mix.

Offline CamperStrike

Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2011, 03:33:38 AM »
Well, you don't need to apologize since there were a bunch of idiots being racist, and someone finally had the balls to ban them. I guess i'll wait for an unban, then.
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Offline TowerSheep

Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2011, 04:37:28 AM »

Please lock.

by Kwaurtz

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Camper Strike's Ban Appeal
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2011, 04:37:28 AM »


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