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Author Topic: Ghosts.  (Read 8052 times)

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Offline lastlupin

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2011, 02:53:58 AM »
watch this and u will believe lol

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laQY0ECov_k" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laQY0ECov_k</a>
Lupin the 3rd!!!

Offline Ghast

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2011, 03:14:40 PM »
From my own experiences, yes I do.
Do tell.
I love you. Never go away.

I believe in ghasts.
Sometimes shit just disappears.
[ZE] Pfc =☆ q-bert™☆=: Ghast from minecraft
Ghast: fuck you q bert

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2011, 03:14:40 PM »

Offline (=CG=) DoomBringerDANTE

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2011, 03:17:52 PM »
I believe in ghosts and demons.
I also believe the abandoned house next to mine is haunted. But it also has loads of cool shit in it.

Quotes From/About Malkavians:
"Hee, hee! Watch it squirm! Now poke out its eyes!" - the last words heard by a victim of a Malkavian connoisseur.------
"When a Malkavian speaks, listen.  When a Malkavian acts, leave. 
When two Malkavians gather, run."
-Gangrel, on Malkavians------
"When you find yourself falling into madness, dive!" Malkavian saying---

Offline crypto

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2011, 04:42:52 AM »
I believe there's a family of miniature pink-skinned knife-juggling elephants on the roof of my house, but I can't prove it.

Offline Liam Neeson

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2011, 02:36:38 PM »
Ya ghosts don't exist its just in peoples head i mean there is no rational reason to think ghosts would be walking the earth simply because it wouldn't be possible without a body your emotions and personality wouldn't exist. Its hard to explain why ghosts don't exist if you believe in them nothing i say will change your mind you just have to come to a rational conclusion yourself.

Offline Nabe Gewell

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2011, 05:38:28 PM »
From my own experiences, yes I do.
Do tell.
Fathers house. To make it short, I'd set down a can, look at TV, and when I turned back it'd be in the kitchen. Objects always were moved. Me and my sister ofter heard voices, dad too. We have a recording of one time my dad was trying to catch proof after an arguing couple (my dad lives alone) kept her up. Cleaning lady comes in and starts up an old fashioned recorder. She leaves and comes back with a friend. Friends says she's going to the bathroom, a males voice can be heard over hers saying "Leave."\

This was apparently the man who lived there before dad's dream house, and had built it himself, his wife died there of old age, as did he. Dad left his name on the door as respect for the old coot.

tl;dr fathers house was haunted, I have proof

Offline (=CG=) DoomBringerDANTE

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2011, 07:45:58 PM »
Obviusly some people dont know all types of ghosts. Gabe\nabe here claims experience from a poltergiest. There has also been a claim that ghosts dont exsist because they would need a body and cant have emotions, well there are ghost recordings where ghosts repeat something they did in their life which requires no emotion. The other thing, extoplasm is their blood\body It allows them to become visible and move objects. But ghosts do not have psychic ablitys, thats just bull shit. Also it is unknown if they can posses you.

Quotes From/About Malkavians:
"Hee, hee! Watch it squirm! Now poke out its eyes!" - the last words heard by a victim of a Malkavian connoisseur.------
"When a Malkavian speaks, listen.  When a Malkavian acts, leave. 
When two Malkavians gather, run."
-Gangrel, on Malkavians------
"When you find yourself falling into madness, dive!" Malkavian saying---

Offline Raunky

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #22 on: May 20, 2011, 08:33:29 PM »
Okay, let's break it down.

There has also been a claim that ghosts dont exsist because they would need a body and cant have emotions,
First off, I have never before heard that claim. I have, however, heard claims that ghosts don't exist because it's a nonsensical idea, and that there has been no legitimate, thoroughly documented accounts of ghosts or hauntings ever happening.

The other thing, extoplasm is their blood\body It allows them to become visible and move objects.
Proof of ectoplasm's existence please. After you do some research, you will find that there is no such substance verified to exist.

Also, anecdotal stories are not proof and are backed up by no evidence. Saying that you have seen a ghost holds as much weight as me saying that the batboy and mothman just flew into my home through an open window, said hello to me, made out, and then walked out the front door. Seriously, it just happened. I have an audio recording right here. PROVE TO ME THIS RECORDING ISN'T THE MOTHMAN AND BATBOY.

Offline crypto

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2011, 08:41:24 PM »
From my own experiences, yes I do.
Do tell.
Fathers house. To make it short, I'd set down a can, look at TV, and when I turned back it'd be in the kitchen. Objects always were moved. Me and my sister ofter heard voices, dad too. We have a recording of one time my dad was trying to catch proof after an arguing couple (my dad lives alone) kept her up. Cleaning lady comes in and starts up an old fashioned recorder. She leaves and comes back with a friend. Friends says she's going to the bathroom, a males voice can be heard over hers saying "Leave."\

This was apparently the man who lived there before dad's dream house, and had built it himself, his wife died there of old age, as did he. Dad left his name on the door as respect for the old coot.

tl;dr fathers house was haunted, I have proof
Guess it runs in the family.

Offline (=CG=) DoomBringerDANTE

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2011, 06:43:44 PM »
Here is the problem we cant know if ghosts exsist or not, there is proof they exsist but the evidence is questionabe. AKA: Occult Tomes, Lore, Personal accounts and the recorded video evidence (Taps and stuff). You can't say they don't exsist because thats an opinion, if you still insist on saying they don't exsist then bring actual proof they do not exsist.

Quotes From/About Malkavians:
"Hee, hee! Watch it squirm! Now poke out its eyes!" - the last words heard by a victim of a Malkavian connoisseur.------
"When a Malkavian speaks, listen.  When a Malkavian acts, leave. 
When two Malkavians gather, run."
-Gangrel, on Malkavians------
"When you find yourself falling into madness, dive!" Malkavian saying---

Offline Blood

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2011, 06:45:36 PM »
I believe there's a family of miniature pink-skinned knife-juggling elephants on the roof of my house, but I can't prove it.



Offline Raunky

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #26 on: May 21, 2011, 09:52:21 PM »
Here is the problem we cant know if ghosts exsist or not, there is proof they exsist but the evidence is questionabe. AKA: Occult Tomes, Lore, Personal accounts and the recorded video evidence (Taps and stuff). You can't say they don't exsist because thats an opinion, if you still insist on saying they don't exsist then bring actual proof they do not exsist.

First off, you said it yourself, the "evidence" is questionable. If ghosts were such a common phenomenon, they would have been properly explained by now, or a legitimate theory of how they could exist, when being in direct violation of the laws of this universe, would have been formed.

Now for your proposed evidence of occult tomes and lore, neither are factual. If you believe that an occult book is proof for existence of ghosts, then logically, every other creature detailed in that book would exist, and obviously that is crazy. Lore is also not proof. Lore is traditional and anecdotal "knowledge.' Implying that stories written by people hundreds of years ago can be used to explain a phenomenon still experienced is not logical. That argument implies that someone that lived hundreds of years ago had a deeper understanding of science and nature than we have now, and that is a ridiculous stance to take.
Personal accounts, are obviously not legitimate evidence, either. Anyone can make up an story about how they heard a strange noise and just assume that it was a ghost, when a much more logical explanation exists.

Photo and video evidence cannot be trusted either, because of how simple it is to put ghostly images on film. There's this neat little trick called double exposure that puts ghostly images on film, and has been a very popular trick used by photographers to create ghosts in photos. This is the technique used to create most of the famous photographed ghosts.

Now, if you would listen to reason just for a moment, instead of living in your fantasy world, you would also see that the laws of physics dictates that ghosts are an impossibility. Common ghost stories say that ghosts can walk and move objects, while at the same time being able to go through solid objects. This violates Newton's second law of physics, that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. They exert forces onto objects, yet they can pass through others. They cannot go from a state of being able to effect the physical world and not having any effect.
Now, if you use the argument that they can create "ectoplasm"(a nonexsistant substance) to interact with their environment, that is violating another law of physics by creating matter from nothing.

Everything we know about nature and science is in direct conflict with proposed "knowledge" of ghosts.

Now that that's out of the way, care to tell me why you believe in ghosts, or perhaps show me some evidence of their existence that you might have?

Can't believe I wrote all that for a guy who will probably refuse to listen to logic and come up with a terrible, terrible counterargument as to why legitimate science is wrong and why his baseless claims are correct.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 09:59:30 PM by Raunky »

Offline Blood

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #27 on: May 21, 2011, 11:19:54 PM »
Can't believe I wrote all that for a guy who will probably refuse to listen to logic and come up with a terrible, terrible counterargument as to why legitimate science is wrong and why his baseless claims are correct.
thats the internet for ya =P

Offline Holy

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #28 on: May 22, 2011, 03:17:44 PM »
Raunky you would be correct if ghosts were bounded by the 3rd dimension. The thing is, they aren't. You want explanations for ghost? It's actually quiet trivial once you understand dimensions.

A simple guide of the dimensions:

The first dimension [In math the x-axis only] is a single line, the ability to only more straight and backwards. A line straight line doesn't have the ability to go left and right as in the next dimension.
-Can't look/move up or down
-Can't look/move left or right
-Bounded by time

The second dimension [In math the x-axis and y-axis only] is a single plane (combination of all the lines.) The ability to move/look left and right has been added to your ability to move/look straight and behind.
-Can't look/move up or down
-Bounded by time

The third dimension [In math the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis] is many planes (combination of all the 2d planes.) Now we can ascend and descend as well as look in all directions. Beings of the 2nd dimension can't see us (unless we will otherwise,) and when they do, they only see a sliver of us when we allow them to. There is still a limitation present.
-Bounded by time

The fourth dimension [As science proclaims] is time. Consider we were in the fourth dimension: Not only would we be able to move, we are now everywhere at once, we cannot be seen (unless it is our will) by beings of the 3rd dimension, infinity is a part of us, we do not age, we do not sleep, glasses are full/empty/and in between at the same time, we are able to see all times and all things we have experienced at the same time. Sound familiar to ghosts/any supernatural being?

With all that being said, to say ghosts can't exist because of lack of "legitimate" evidence is pure ignorance to the dimension above us. Science, a study of the natural third dimension (specifically physics,) will not accept and will not explain beings of the fourth dimension. The laws of physics were made specifically for the third dimension.

3rd dimension equation:
Velocity = distance/time

4th dimension version:
Velocity = distance/infinity

You could only find the velocity in the 4th dimension by finding the limit of both sides through calculus, even then it's always going to be the same answer, the limit of any number over infinity is 1. Limits are still saying that there is a limit of time, which there isnt in the 4th dimension. It's really difficult to explain something we don't live in through our conventional means.

Offline Cadaver

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #29 on: May 22, 2011, 03:52:56 PM »
I like the fifth dimension, myself.

Simply put, are ghosts real?  Or can they be explained by the air conditioning unit, or the water pipes, or some other legit explanation.

So far, I would have to say, most things fall into the 2nd category. 

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Ghosts.
« Reply #29 on: May 22, 2011, 03:52:56 PM »


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