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Author Topic: Your Views on Marijuana  (Read 31307 times)

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Offline Pillz

Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #90 on: May 03, 2011, 02:17:51 PM »
To me, it kinda smells like my armpits when they stink. Although the smell is kinda good, just a little repulsive.

I would like to sniff your armpits good sir.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline san445

Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #91 on: May 03, 2011, 03:20:12 PM »
it reminds me of blue cheese deeped in cat piss  trollface

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #91 on: May 03, 2011, 03:20:12 PM »

Offline Fullmetal Megadave

Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #92 on: May 04, 2011, 08:50:01 PM »
It smells a little bit like skunk, but that might have to do with that skunk I ran into earlier.

Offline crypto

Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #93 on: May 06, 2011, 12:53:20 AM »
Everyone that I know that smokes weed are retards. They act more retarded when they're stoned.
Then you should surround yourself with less retarded people.

Offline Blood

Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #94 on: May 06, 2011, 12:54:04 AM »
Everyone that I know that smokes weed are retards. They act more retarded when they're stoned.
Then you should surround yourself with less retarded people.
and i don't think it helps that hes on the internet

Offline crypto

Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #95 on: May 06, 2011, 12:58:23 AM »
Shit, sorry, for some reason I made the mistake of thinking he was referring to real life friends.

Offline Blood

Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #96 on: May 06, 2011, 01:00:52 AM »
Shit, sorry, for some reason I made the mistake of thinking he was referring to real life friends.
he was, im just saying that hes complaining about his real life friends...i think, being retarded and yet hes on  the internet...but there are more retards on the internet than in real life

Offline crypto

Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #97 on: May 06, 2011, 01:02:07 AM »
Uhh, okay, let's just agree to shut up and keep making fun of him. He probably deserves it one way or another.

Offline Blood

Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #98 on: May 06, 2011, 01:03:19 AM »
Uhh, okay, let's just agree to shut up and keep making fun of him. He probably deserves it one way or another.

Offline AlphaWeeaboo

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Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #99 on: May 06, 2011, 01:04:39 AM »
Internet people are more front up with their stupidity. While in real life they piss you off slowly with little their quirks.

Anywho, hurr durr smoking a plant makes people retards.

Offline slimd1995

Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #100 on: May 07, 2011, 02:46:14 AM »
I'd like to side-step my way into this argument and express my opinions on it.

First, to whoever was talking about it killing brain cells, it doesn't. This has been disprooven 100%. In recent studies, marijuana has shown to possibly stimulate brain cell growth.

On the addiction thing, marijuana is less addictive than coffee. Marijuana is classified as non-addictive, which basically means that a user will not experience withdraws. It is not physically addictive. It is, however, psychologically addictive. The thing is, every substance in psychologically addictive. Psychological addiction is basically just a strong craving for something. You are probably psychologically addicted to many things at this very moment. Does that mean these things should be illegal?

About cancer, marijuana has not been proven, ever, to cause cancer. At all. There has not been a single case of somebody getting cancer due to marijuana use alone.

This is widely known, but it's worth stating anyway: Nobody, in the vast history of marijuana use, has ever died it. It is physically impossible to overdose on marijuana.

Now: to the benefits. Marijuana has shown to treat a WIDE range of illnesses, from a common migraine to Parkinson's. The potential money from marijuana regulation is ridiculous. What's arguably better, is that the DEA's budget would focus more on drugs that actually harm people, such as crack and heroin. 90% of the DEA's budget is currently focused on marijuana only.

Murders and rapists are being let out of jail to make room for people who were put in jail for possessing a plant. YOUR tax dollars are going towards punishing people who possessed a plant. Billions of dollars.

Marijuana can be abused. Somebody can have the "SMOKE WEEED ERRYDAY' mindset, and they can mess their lives up. This isn't marijuana's fault though. These people were going to ruin their lives anyway. You don't see the 40 year old father of two who occasionally smokes pot ruining his life because of it. It's always the lazy guys who would have never made anything of themselves anyway.

So yes, marijuana can be abused. But so can cheeseburgers. I can take a fork and jam it in my eye, but does that mean we should make forks illegal? We should make it illegal because some dumbasses don't know how it use it properly? No.

I guess that wraps things up for now. I'll gladly talk more about it if you guys want me to, though.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 02:55:43 AM by slimd1995 »

Offline Jorgen

Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #101 on: May 07, 2011, 05:17:37 AM »
I'd like to side-step my way into this argument and express my opinions on it.

First, to whoever was talking about it killing brain cells, it doesn't. This has been disprooven 100%. In recent studies, marijuana has shown to possibly stimulate brain cell growth.

On the addiction thing, marijuana is less addictive than coffee. Marijuana is classified as non-addictive, which basically means that a user will not experience withdraws. It is not physically addictive. It is, however, psychologically addictive. The thing is, every substance in psychologically addictive. Psychological addiction is basically just a strong craving for something. You are probably psychologically addicted to many things at this very moment. Does that mean these things should be illegal?

About cancer, marijuana has not been proven, ever, to cause cancer. At all. There has not been a single case of somebody getting cancer due to marijuana use alone.

This is widely known, but it's worth stating anyway: Nobody, in the vast history of marijuana use, has ever died it. It is physically impossible to overdose on marijuana.

Now: to the benefits. Marijuana has shown to treat a WIDE range of illnesses, from a common migraine to Parkinson's. The potential money from marijuana regulation is ridiculous. What's arguably better, is that the DEA's budget would focus more on drugs that actually harm people, such as crack and heroin. 90% of the DEA's budget is currently focused on marijuana only.

Murders and rapists are being let out of jail to make room for people who were put in jail for possessing a plant. YOUR tax dollars are going towards punishing people who possessed a plant. Billions of dollars.

Marijuana can be abused. Somebody can have the "SMOKE WEEED ERRYDAY' mindset, and they can mess their lives up. This isn't marijuana's fault though. These people were going to ruin their lives anyway. You don't see the 40 year old father of two who occasionally smokes pot ruining his life because of it. It's always the lazy guys who would have never made anything of themselves anyway.

So yes, marijuana can be abused. But so can cheeseburgers. I can take a fork and jam it in my eye, but does that mean we should make forks illegal? We should make it illegal because some dumbasses don't know how it use it properly? No.

I guess that wraps things up for now. I'll gladly talk more about it if you guys want me to, though.
Actually I am pretty sure no1 has said it kils brain cells, what has been said however is that it does lower the production of endorphins in the pituitary gland (We have a completely different name for it so if my spelling is bad just don't think about it). Whiiich means if you become a lazy bum who smokes every day 24/7 for a year you'll have a hard time stopping because the usage of marijuana is your main release of endorphines by now, which also means this can be met with two responses anger and depression. I am pretty sure that one was never proven wrong, since I am pretty sure i've seen a chemical reason for this.

Offline san445

Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #102 on: May 07, 2011, 07:13:08 AM »
I'd like to side-step my way into this argument and express my opinions on it.

First, to whoever was talking about it killing brain cells, it doesn't. This has been disprooven 100%. In recent studies, marijuana has shown to possibly stimulate brain cell growth.

On the addiction thing, marijuana is less addictive than coffee. Marijuana is classified as non-addictive, which basically means that a user will not experience withdraws. It is not physically addictive. It is, however, psychologically addictive. The thing is, every substance in psychologically addictive. Psychological addiction is basically just a strong craving for something. You are probably psychologically addicted to many things at this very moment. Does that mean these things should be illegal?

About cancer, marijuana has not been proven, ever, to cause cancer. At all. There has not been a single case of somebody getting cancer due to marijuana use alone.

This is widely known, but it's worth stating anyway: Nobody, in the vast history of marijuana use, has ever died it. It is physically impossible to overdose on marijuana.

Now: to the benefits. Marijuana has shown to treat a WIDE range of illnesses, from a common migraine to Parkinson's. The potential money from marijuana regulation is ridiculous. What's arguably better, is that the DEA's budget would focus more on drugs that actually harm people, such as crack and heroin. 90% of the DEA's budget is currently focused on marijuana only.

Murders and rapists are being let out of jail to make room for people who were put in jail for possessing a plant. YOUR tax dollars are going towards punishing people who possessed a plant. Billions of dollars.

Marijuana can be abused. Somebody can have the "SMOKE WEEED ERRYDAY' mindset, and they can mess their lives up. This isn't marijuana's fault though. These people were going to ruin their lives anyway. You don't see the 40 year old father of two who occasionally smokes pot ruining his life because of it. It's always the lazy guys who would have never made anything of themselves anyway.

So yes, marijuana can be abused. But so can cheeseburgers. I can take a fork and jam it in my eye, but does that mean we should make forks illegal? We should make it illegal because some dumbasses don't know how it use it properly? No.

I guess that wraps things up for now. I'll gladly talk more about it if you guys want me to, though.
Actually I am pretty sure no1 has said it kils brain cells, what has been said however is that it does lower the production of endorphins in the pituitary gland (We have a completely different name for it so if my spelling is bad just don't think about it). Whiiich means if you become a lazy bum who smokes every day 24/7 for a year you'll have a hard time stopping because the usage of marijuana is your main release of endorphines by now, which also means this can be met with two responses anger and depression. I am pretty sure that one was never proven wrong, since I am pretty sure i've seen a chemical reason for this.
thanks for the help for my essay hopefully I'll get A*

Offline slimd1995

Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #103 on: May 07, 2011, 01:56:19 PM »
I'd like to side-step my way into this argument and express my opinions on it.

First, to whoever was talking about it killing brain cells, it doesn't. This has been disprooven 100%. In recent studies, marijuana has shown to possibly stimulate brain cell growth.

On the addiction thing, marijuana is less addictive than coffee. Marijuana is classified as non-addictive, which basically means that a user will not experience withdraws. It is not physically addictive. It is, however, psychologically addictive. The thing is, every substance in psychologically addictive. Psychological addiction is basically just a strong craving for something. You are probably psychologically addicted to many things at this very moment. Does that mean these things should be illegal?

About cancer, marijuana has not been proven, ever, to cause cancer. At all. There has not been a single case of somebody getting cancer due to marijuana use alone.

This is widely known, but it's worth stating anyway: Nobody, in the vast history of marijuana use, has ever died it. It is physically impossible to overdose on marijuana.

Now: to the benefits. Marijuana has shown to treat a WIDE range of illnesses, from a common migraine to Parkinson's. The potential money from marijuana regulation is ridiculous. What's arguably better, is that the DEA's budget would focus more on drugs that actually harm people, such as crack and heroin. 90% of the DEA's budget is currently focused on marijuana only.

Murders and rapists are being let out of jail to make room for people who were put in jail for possessing a plant. YOUR tax dollars are going towards punishing people who possessed a plant. Billions of dollars.

Marijuana can be abused. Somebody can have the "SMOKE WEEED ERRYDAY' mindset, and they can mess their lives up. This isn't marijuana's fault though. These people were going to ruin their lives anyway. You don't see the 40 year old father of two who occasionally smokes pot ruining his life because of it. It's always the lazy guys who would have never made anything of themselves anyway.

So yes, marijuana can be abused. But so can cheeseburgers. I can take a fork and jam it in my eye, but does that mean we should make forks illegal? We should make it illegal because some dumbasses don't know how it use it properly? No.

I guess that wraps things up for now. I'll gladly talk more about it if you guys want me to, though.
Actually I am pretty sure no1 has said it kils brain cells,
One person did, but I can't remember who they are. They said something about not wanting to try marijuana because they don't like the idea of dead brain cells.

what has been said however is that it does lower the production of endorphins in the pituitary gland (We have a completely different name for it so if my spelling is bad just don't think about it). Whiiich means if you become a lazy bum who smokes every day 24/7 for a year you'll have a hard time stopping because the usage of marijuana is your main release of endorphines by now, which also means this can be met with two responses anger and depression. I am pretty sure that one was never proven wrong, since I am pretty sure i've seen a chemical reason for this.
The pituitary gland controls sex and reproductive functions. It has no control over the endorphins passing through your brain, IIRC. Maybe you just named it wrong.

Like I said, marijuana is scientifically classified as non-addictive. This means that a user will not exdpierence withdraws. When you say that marijuana as the main release of endorphins causes either anger or depression, where are getting this information? Because this is withdraws. That's what being physically addicted to something does, but marijuana is not physically addictive.

Let's say you're right though. Let's say that if you smoke marijuana too often, it can give you wild mood swings. I still don't think ti should be illegal. Like I said before, you CAN abuse it, but you can abuse anything. These people who fuck their lives up because of marijuana, they were going to fuck their lives up anyway. It's just part of the marijuana culture. 

To the post above me, if you're trying to make a joke about how long my post is, then get the hell off the debate section. You don't belong here.

Offline san445

Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #104 on: May 07, 2011, 01:59:16 PM »
 calm down buddy, I was not Making fun at the amount, I was simply saying that I used some of yours and Jorgen's post to make an essay for college. 

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Your Views on Marijuana
« Reply #104 on: May 07, 2011, 01:59:16 PM »


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