I had an Idea for a game mode/map for fretta.
It is based off the Deadlands Series.
My Idea is this:
You play as a character or "Hero" in the 1880's your job is to hunt down the servants of the Reckoners. But not all of the servants are attacking openly. Some are attacking by rumors to raise the fear level of the local to make the area a Deadland. You are higherd by either Pinkertons Agency, Texas Rangers, Doc Holiday or Hoyle's Ghost to hunt them down. (This isn't included in the game its just background.) Your job is to rout out the Servants of the reckoners without letting the fear level get to 6. If it does.... Well welcome to hell on earth.
A random player is selected as a servant. For every 4 people the Servant become stronger. At 1-4 it is a normal person just like the other players. 5-8 The Servant becomes a Abomination. It gains Extra Armor, Health, and points to buy spells or equipment for their class. 5-8 with Fear Level 4 the The Servant becomes a Fearmonger It gains even more health and armor. 9-12 the Servant becomes a Servator which grants it a slow Regeneration on top of the additional Health and Armor. 13-16 Another Servator is chosen. 17-20 Yet another Servator is chosen. 21+ Again another Servator is chosen.
For every Hero killed the Fear Level goes up by 1 if there is 1-8 people. 9+ Fear level Goes up buy 0.25 per hero killed.
This is kinda like TTT except it involves a counter called a fear level (Where once it gets to 6 the Heroes lose. If a Hero kills another hero the fear level still Increases.), The players can have magic, spawn npcs that follow them and attack anyone who attacks him, special weapons, or health depending upon their class.
Huckster: These magic users make demons their bitches and force them to cast spells for the Huckster. They can levitate objects, Shoot Lightning, and figure out where everyone is (Basically a Radar.), and figure out where a murderer (Servant or Rdmer) is.
Shootist: This Magic user Is similar to huckster Except it can purchase upgrades to its gun. This Includes ignoring Armor, Dealing extra damage, and add on scopes/silencers.
Mad Scientist: Sorta like a shootist except it can spawn objects to make houses, forts, cars .etc
Voodooist: They can summon undead (Spawn Zombies) and track people with their magic (Dna Scanner, Radar), they also can damage a person from long range (Voodoo doll acting as a gun.)
Gun Slinger: They Can start with any gun they want, their accuracy with that gun is better than any other classes accuracy with it and has little to no recoil.
Texas Ranger/Agency Member: They start with a gun of their choice and can call in backup (Spawn Police).
Harrowed: "One of the nastiest people. These hombres are had to put down." They have double health and a bar that allows them to use harrowed magic. Harrowed Magic ranges from becoming immaterial (It basically has noclip but cant fly it just can walk through people and objects.) to Regenerating lost health when not moving or shooting.
Blessed/Shaman: This class can get the ability to deal extra damage with melee weapons and shoot Holy Fire. They also have abilities that range from creating Holy Water (Grenades that deal double damage to Harrowed, and any servant that is abomination level through Fearmonger.) to healing players (Medkit.).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeadlandsWhat do YOU think?