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Author Topic: Phreebird? Who the hell?  (Read 3077 times)

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Offline Commander Shepard

Phreebird? Who the hell?
« on: April 09, 2011, 12:04:54 AM »
Name of player reporting abuse: Commander Shepard of course

Admin who is suspected of the abuse: Phreebird

In which server did the abuse ocurr?: Dark RP

What ocurred, what did the abuse consist of:

What time and day did it happen (put down your time zone too): 8:40 PM (US: Centeral)

Additional comments: Who the hell is this kid and how did he get approved for admin? I checked his forum account, he has 15 posts, I have not seen him in ventrillo ONCE, in his application he admitted to only having played our dark rp server for two weeks, and he was hastily approved by Sadow without any real seniority reviewing his application.

This kid banned me for a day for "admin disrespect" after, well... I'll just let you see the conversation yourself. I neglected to screenshot the console before logging off Gmod, however I did manage to copy the relevant cnsl information.

NOTE: This has not been doctored or edited in any way shape or form.

(This is me coming back after being kicked for "rdming as a cop" even though I was shooting some sniping ass hat, and only killed him once.)

(OOC) (=CG=) Commander Shepard: which one of you was it?
(OOC) Phreebird: I did.
A lottery has started!
(OOC) (=CG=) Commander Shepard: and you are?
[Advert] Jeff: selling guns
Type /rpname <Name> to choose your roleplay name.
(OOC) SFlpm: its not guvnuh
(=CG=) Commander Shepard did not enter the lottery
(OOC) Guvnuh: I bet it is wesker
(OOC) Phreebird: Slow your roll, and quit random fucking sniping people.
(OOC) (=CG=) Commander Shepard: It was ONE guy who was RDMing
Player kylefiredemon has joined the game
(OOC) SFlpm: i bet youre right
Adam ( λ ✗treme Rebel ) has started a vote for the demotion of Jeff
(OOC) (=CG=) Commander Shepard: who the fuck are you, what's your non rp name?
(OOC) Phreebird: Phreebird.
LazyTree has been made a Blood!
crop has won the lottery! He has won $1100
(OOC) ๖ۣۜAnt (◣_◢): um k
(OOC) Jnash: Jeff isn't even a cop. lol
(OOC) (=CG=) Commander Shepard: side note, i shot a sniper, so chill your dick
Jeff has not been demoted(OOC) Phreebird: Uh, No.
crop has not been made Civil Protection!
(OOC) ๖ۣۜAnt (◣_◢): cant its too hot
[Advert] Jeff: does anyone wanna buy guns pl0x
(OOC) (=CG=) Commander Shepard: uh, yeah
(OOC) Adam ( λ ✗treme Rebel ): admin Jeff keeps random arresting me
Type /cophelp to see what you need to do as a cop.
(OOC) (=CG=) Commander Shepard: why dont i see your name on the forums?
(OOC) ๖ۣۜAnt (◣_◢): heeyy i wanna buy some guuunnss
Can not become S.W.A.T. Officer as the limit is reachedPlayer Ish has joined the game
(OOC) ๖ۣۜAnt (◣_◢): wut r u doing
(OOC) (=CG=) Commander Shepard: phree, who are you on the forums?
(OOC) Adam ( λ ✗treme Rebel ): me
(OOC) Mhatt: Just got robbed
(OOC) Phreebird: Beacuse, I dont play on the forums, and its phreebird
(OOC) Phreebird: Its universal.
Adam ( λ ✗treme Rebel ) has been released from jail!
Payday! You received $45!
(OOC) (=CG=) Commander Shepard: how the fuck do you have admin capabilities if you dont have a forum account?
Type /buygunlab - to buy a Gun Lab.
(OOC) Jnash: he may be a friend of the owner
crop has been made a Hobo!
 kylefiredemon( STEAM_0:0:18130787 )  connected from  CA ( )
(OOC) ๖ۣۜAnt (◣_◢): no ill kill u if you come anywere near me
 kylefiredemon( STEAM_0:0:18130787 )  disconnected from  CA ( )
Player kylefiredemon has joined the game
(OOC) ๖ۣۜAnt (◣_◢): lazy kill him
(OOC) Phreebird: First off, You need to calm the fuck down, Disrepecting a admin is a bannable offense, Secondly I have a forum account.
(OOC) ๖ۣۜAnt (◣_◢): AOLOAWL
(OOC) (=CG=) Commander Shepard: no, i know everyone in CG, I dont know this fucker.
 Ish( STEAM_0:0:21270589 )  connected from  US ( )
(OOC) Phreebird: Calm the fuck down.
(OOC) Jnash: /obscenity
(OOC) (=CG=) Commander Shepard: phree, try it and see how long it takes me to get your admin stripped
Mhatt has not been made Civil Protection!
Type /rpname <Name> to choose your roleplay name.
 kylefiredemon( STEAM_0:0:18130787 )  connected from  CA ( )
(OOC) Jnash: You just need to cool your jets
(OOC) Guvnuh: >Nope.avi
(OOC) Jnash: umad for no apparent reason
[Advert] Jeff: selling guns
(OOC) Adam ( λ ✗treme Rebel ): NO BLOODS

(I was then banned for a day for "admin disrespect")


Strip him of his admin, he was hastily approved, and has no apparent history or real involvement in CG outside of lording over the dark RP server like an abusive little demi God.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2011, 10:19:03 PM by Dark Emo »
"Some say ya' troubled boy
Just because you like to destroy
All the things that bring the idiots joy
Well, what's wrong with a little destruction?"

-Franz Ferdinand "The Fallen"

Offline AlphaWeeaboo

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Re: Phreebird? Who the hell?
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2011, 12:15:25 AM »
Last I recall, admin disrespect is certainly not a bannable offense. Plus a kick for one RDM? Did he even bother to talk to you about it or just a kick on the spot?

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Phreebird? Who the hell?
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2011, 12:15:25 AM »

Offline Inject OH 4

Re: Phreebird? Who the hell?
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2011, 12:16:20 AM »
Most you should ban for disrespect would be 30 mins.
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Valuve Admin Steve: If not we at valve can act as a "guardian gateway".
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Looking for graphic artist, Photoshopers, and other graphic related people. Hit me a PM if you can help!

Offline Phreebird

Re: Phreebird? Who the hell?
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2011, 12:19:11 AM »
First off, It was a kick. Hes come back in so angry and start flaming me. I saw him snipe people 3 times. And maybe the ban is a little long but defiantly justified. "phree, try it and see how long it takes me to get your admin stripped" Who are you to act so high and mighty. You may be CG but you are not above the rules.

Offline SFlpm

Re: Phreebird? Who the hell?
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2011, 12:21:51 AM »
This man shot down about 3 people and was probably going for more. Then he began to flame Phree quite excessively. I believe Phree is in the right here.

Offline Lazytree

Re: Phreebird? Who the hell?
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2011, 12:27:41 AM »
i know i have absolutely no say in anything but he is the only admin on 99% of the time and you shot 3 people not 1 thats bs also he just kicked you and you came back yelling at him he was doing his job theres 20 people on who are all breaking rules it was an easy quick fix to a big problem then you did dis respect him you threatened him and then you get mad cause you get bent? i think your just angry because you thing being an active forum member gives you immunity to the rules

Offline Dinomoto

Re: Phreebird? Who the hell?
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2011, 12:33:28 AM »
It wouldn't hurt if you were active on forums Phreebird.

You acted like a child Lucifer, threatening gets you no sympathy from me.
Phim Bogason

Offline Phreebird

Re: Phreebird? Who the hell?
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2011, 12:42:50 AM »
I don't see how me posting a couple of lines of text every couple of days affects me being a admin. I don't like posting on forums. I'm active in the darkrp server everyday. I'm the most active admin on there. Wholegrain said it himself. I'm not going to post a couple of lines of text to Appease the people.

Offline A.K Commando

Re: Phreebird? Who the hell?
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2011, 12:47:19 AM »
While I shall not comment on the abuse right now, I would like to ask one slightly important question. With only fifteen (seventeen now) posts how was he accepted? I know I was accepted with low posts because many of the people here knew me from CTC. Now it's not my place to say who does or does not get accepted but this person was quite litterally unknown to me until this thread appeared. I did not know him in Dark RP (which I don't go to often anways) nor on the Forums.

As to the abuse, I would have muted him first so that he could chill out (But this is of course, just me), instead of banning him straight off for a day. Then I would have unmuted him after a bit (maybe five-ten minutes) and if he was still disrespecting then it would have been a ban for about an hour or so. Again I would like to point out that I do not go to the Dark RP server often (Since I'm not much into RP on Garry's) But I would like it if one of the other Dark RP admins could acually teach new admins about basic punishments (like I sorta was for TTT) or better yet have another admin on to moniter each other.

Also I would like to point out that Activity is a part of being an admin so that you can learn up on anything going down. I will quote Finnie on this from your app.

Quote from: Finniespin
Please be aware, that (most) admins like to have active admins on the forums.

Me and Dino are such people, so please try to be more active on the forums.
To those who seek me out, beware. The Darkness is my friend and it shall aid me. Do not be distressed though as only those of evil intent need fear the writhing darkness. Only those of Pure intentions can find me and receive my help.

Offline Phreebird

Re: Phreebird? Who the hell?
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2011, 12:50:52 AM »
I keep myself up-to date with the admin department and the darkrp section. I don't post. I lurk. And as Ive stated before, I'm not going to post a few lines of text to appease a couple of fellow admins.

Offline A.K Commando

Re: Phreebird? Who the hell?
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2011, 12:57:26 AM »
I would like to point out that no matter how many times you say you 'lurk' it doesn't prove that your on. Hell I could say that I lurk around the site 24/7 but that doesn't make me an active member of CG. If you really want to score points with some of the older guy's around here I'd suggest posting more often (even if it's in the Spam box) so that we can get to know you better. Also It might be best to keep appeased with admins, you never know when your gonig to need their support for something...
To those who seek me out, beware. The Darkness is my friend and it shall aid me. Do not be distressed though as only those of evil intent need fear the writhing darkness. Only those of Pure intentions can find me and receive my help.

Offline AlphaWeeaboo

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Re: Phreebird? Who the hell?
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2011, 12:58:13 AM »
Well, for now let us focus more of the topic at hand. Forums activity and posting has always been something that has been debated amongst admins and the CL's alike.

Offline Phreebird

Re: Phreebird? Who the hell?
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2011, 12:59:01 AM »
I'm not trying to "score points" I'm just trying to admin my favorite Dark-rp server. Plain and simple.

And i agree with Darkemo.

Offline Commander Shepard

Re: Phreebird? Who the hell?
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2011, 02:08:48 AM »
That is an abject LIE I shot one not three person. He kicked me, and then proceeded to ban me.

In addition to this, you still have no excuse for the fact that you were RUSHED to an admin promotion, have less than 20 posts on the forum, and are NEVER in ventrillo. You do not deserve your admin. You have done NOTHING to merit your position! Hell, your admin was so rushed that you still have not even had your account status brought up to date.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 02:19:15 AM by Commander Shepard »
"Some say ya' troubled boy
Just because you like to destroy
All the things that bring the idiots joy
Well, what's wrong with a little destruction?"

-Franz Ferdinand "The Fallen"

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: Phreebird? Who the hell?
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2011, 02:25:55 AM »
Locking this thread untill Cadaver comes along and does his clean up.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Phreebird? Who the hell?
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2011, 02:25:55 AM »


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