Here are some general suggestions for the betterment of the community (particularly the website)
Some of us, do not live in the same timezone as the server/host, and although most standard computers have built-in clocks/time-trackers, it'd be nice if we could see the correct time displayed on the site, according to the timezone we live in.
More slots. That's pretty much the only thing it needs. Earlier today, people weren't able to join because it was too full.
Those who are willing to learn, should learn, and some should be drafted to be taught. In a month, CG could have well over 20 coders, trained and ready to serve, instead of just waiting for a coder to stop by CG,help out for a while, then leave. (which seems to be the trend. Will probably never happen)
Instead of completely deleting posts that contain pornographic or just graphic material, the website should (depending on the age[used to register on the forums] of the user viewing the post) censor the post with another image. If the user is above the age requirement, they may view the post (the users will be prompted whether they want to view the post or not)
Inject, creator of the arcade add-on to the site, should give public access to which games should be added (preferably a poll/voting system). Users may nominate various flash games (that are not licensed) and users can choose whether or not it should be added. Users may also submit some of their own content to the site.
Although this is REALLY asking for much, I feel that each CG member is unique and what better way to broadcast our uniqueness than a customized profile page? We could add custom background images, custom text, and even custom music that plays whenever you visit the page. I'm just saying.. the avatar and sig. aren't enough !
Awards/Medals given to users on the forum who accomplish certain goals/requirements. (e.g, 500+ posts, Alcohol/Drug Abuser, for saying a 'secret phrase', etc.) It'd be cool to see on your profile and it'd give users more of a reason to use the forums.
I know many of you use Social Networking websites or services and that may be the key to attracting people to the community! For example, if CG were to have a Twitter account, Wholegrain (or whoever) could tweet major updates to the site, things being added to the store/servers/arcade, and various events, like Movie Night. Other examples are, a Facebook/Myspace Group, a Twitter, or even a Tumblr (fuck this shit).
Instead of the shoutbox (although I'll dearly miss it, if it gets removed) why don't we use IRC(internet relay chat). I'm sure many of you have heard of this service that allows users to have real-time text conversations with each other. I'm pretty sure Cadaver will know how to configure/use this.
If you have any other suggestions, or would like to comment/add on to the ones aforementioned, feel free to do so in this thread.
**Requesting a sticky and thread supervision (deleting irrelevant/unrelated comments[posts] ) **