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Author Topic: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP  (Read 7023 times)

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Offline TowerSheep

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2011, 09:27:18 PM »
FORMAL OFFER: If you would like I would step down from TTT admin and learn DarkRP. I'm a quick study and I'm on a lot, so I could be a frequent admin. I'm almost always on steam, so even if I'm not playing and they need an admin I'll be reached easily.

by Kwaurtz

Offline Wholegrain

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2011, 09:46:10 PM »
its not so much as stepping down as transferring over

one thing that it definitely requires is good common sense and knowing the rules and having a cool head

i want to see you a bit on the server and sure you'll get admin just play on it a bit

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2011, 09:46:10 PM »

Offline TowerSheep

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2011, 10:56:17 PM »
Alrighty, I was away for the weekend but I'll be on more this week.

by Kwaurtz

Offline Hells Angels

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2011, 12:32:11 AM »
In my personal preference. i think we should not make E2 an admin only tool. but make it to where NOONE can use it.. not even head admins..
pros: Fun, entertaining, friendly admins and people, not that much RDM, propblocking, and prop-killing.
Cons: Some RDM, propblocking, and prop-killing, radio abuse, ownable PD doors, not much RP(never really is much RP in a RP server on Gmod), and people tend to pres no on votes... ALOT
« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 12:40:19 AM by Hells Angels »

Offline Mindtrixx

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2011, 01:16:37 AM »
Perhaps some admins need to be given their powers.
Yeah that would be nice.
(=CG=) mindtrixx Man of Leisure: aww u wuved me
(=CG=) Blood: slightly
(=CG=) Blood: :3
(=CG=) Blood: was getting there
(=CG=) Blood: now its gone
(=CG=) mindtrixx Man of Leisure: YOU ADMITED IT
(=CG=) mindtrixx Man of Leisure: AND NOW I HAZ BONER

I'M A RAPTOR: I wanna become a chess master
(=CG=) mindtrixx Man of Leisure: ...?
I'M A RAPTOR: a master of chess
I'M A RAPTOR: a chess master can beat most chess experts, which can already almost always beat chess amatuers
(=CG=) mindtrixx Man of Leisure: lolk whytho
I'M A RAPTOR: ynot
(=CG=) mindtrixx Man of Leisure: idk
(=CG=) mindtrixx Man of Leisure: makes u look smart
(=CG=) mindtrixx Man of Leisure: which is misleading
I'M A RAPTOR: pfft
(=CG=) mindtrixx Man of Leisure: xD
I'M A RAPTOR: good one
I'M A RAPTOR: i must say
(=CG=) mindtrixx Man of Leisure: ty :D

Offline Holy

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2011, 03:31:56 AM »
If you guys need me for admin on the server I'd be glad to again. I'd have to find time between school work and my band but I can devote a few hours a week for sure when I need a break from studying.

With over 900 hours on gmod (70%+ being on roleplay) I am sure I can do a good job in holding the server down while on.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 03:35:46 AM by Holy »

Offline Dante

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2011, 02:20:39 PM »
I dont even know how to use the radio.  :'(

Offline slimd1995

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #22 on: January 31, 2011, 10:02:59 PM »
Pro: Entertaining, casual, friendly admins
Cons: Police Department is fucked up.

Offline Scotty

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2011, 10:39:08 PM »
pros: its great and fun when an admin is on cause theirs not much rdm, prop blocking, people  following rules better when admin on
con:when no admins on server sometimes gets out of hand with propblocking and rdm and prop killing and yes the jail needs to be fixed cause theirs the 2 front doors that dont say anything and noone can lock or unlock sometimes and sometimes it does say police and mayor only or something and the police and mayor can only lock and unlock and then theirs one jail door the first cell that doesnt have a name it can be bought by anyone and so unlocked by anyone so it needs a name and made so only police and mayor have acess to lock and unlock.
other than that its doing very good, people enjoy the server alot and it seems its brought in ALOT more people into the community slimd is new nice to see u active slimd and so far ive seen an increase of the amount of memebers here so ya so far its doing great

OH and i wanted to say i noticed we seemed to have a problem with the vent server the other day as in not having very many slots i think we need to increase it something like 32 or something so that we dont have that much of a problem with that.
and i also ask that when u are in game on any server that u are in vent especially if u are admin so that if ur help is needed u are contactable more easily and if ur online but not playing any games say ur studying or something but have ur computer on i still would like u to be on vent if ur admin so that if someone ever needs ur help u contactable, thats all i ask.

(tell me what u think about that wholegrain i was thinking we should make it almost madatory that if ur online ur on vent so that ur always contactable)
(and yes im probably going to assume we've tryed this before so i suggest i know this would be a bit strict but if ur in game and not in vent ya we can remind u for a while but if it becomes a habbit that we have to remind u to go on vent then we warn u that if u dont start going on vent (without our reminders) u well be suspended without ur admin powers for 1 day and 2nd time 1 week and 3rd time one month and the forth u lose ur admin powers. what do u think wholegrain) just so we can always contorl the rdm, abuse, prop killing, prop blocking, and racism and all that and of course all the other things in ttt, zps and etc)

ps:sorry about the length lol
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 10:44:20 PM by scottytabs »
keep it kool, keep it simple, and keep it on the down low.

Offline Whitellama

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #24 on: February 02, 2011, 12:50:22 PM »
if server is over 15 people i couldnt give less of a fuck if you are there
if it is under 15 people the server pretty much needs a few people to help get it to that point where it reaches a threshold where alot more players join and then stay and it gets full
Yeah, I was playing for quite a while last night, and at one point literally EVERYONE but me and mindtrixx were afk. We roleplayed for a while, even during the great afk crisis, but then we both just got bored and left. This was with 7 players on. I'm surprised not one more joined. (And it wasn't like we joined when they were afk, but we were playing and one by one players had to do something.)

And while E2 should be a respected tool, I am curious about restrictions. As we all know, knowing how to work E2 essentially gives you the hands of a god, and there are ways to abuse it. (Or, some people just say, E2 is allowed for them so they can do what they want with it...) But I've seen teleporters and I've seen these things called "Fairies" that will rape whoever tries to kill you. These are only two examples, definitely not adding to RP, so there should be certain restrictions. However, there are beneficial things. Like running an automatic shop like someone said, or creating a drug-sniffer/printer-hunter. (Whether those two are allowed is debatable, maybe for Police force only or something.)
« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 12:55:19 PM by Whitellama »

Offline Scotty

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #25 on: February 02, 2011, 10:15:34 PM »
YA if the police had some blood hounds (u know what i mean lol) that would be really kool and i think help attarct people to our server BUT if we did that all i have to say is first we need a limit of 8 police and second people would have to stop saying NO to people just because u dont know them and their new and they kinda want to see the dogs or what ever, but ya especially dogs for the lockdown to make sure the streets are clear u know good idea lamma :D
keep it kool, keep it simple, and keep it on the down low.

Offline DrOctapu

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2011, 08:05:41 PM »
Pros: Often times you get a lot of cool people.
Cons: Prop blocking, prop killing, people can copy others' names, needs votekicking.

Offline Zukuto

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #27 on: February 09, 2011, 02:45:32 AM »
I'm new to the forums, but I've spent plenty of time in the server. Here's my take on the Pro's and Con's

Great Mods
Wire mod is awesome
CG Admins are good
Jobs are beautifully done

Not enough props(15 is too low, maybe like 50)
The admins are great, but there needs to be more on
Some things should be unblocked, like wire thrusters
I think there should be some type of Respected status, so good players get rewarded

Theres MUCH more I could list, but this is a more generic list,
the server is amazing, but It could use a little bit of improvement.

Offline Dinomoto

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #28 on: February 09, 2011, 06:57:42 AM »
I think there should be some type of Respected status, so good players get rewarded

We did think about getting a respected status, but we decided not to in the end.
Phim Bogason

Offline Zukuto

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #29 on: February 09, 2011, 05:19:30 PM »
I think there should be some type of Respected status, so good players get rewarded

We did think about getting a respected status, but we decided not to in the end.

Why? I think it's a great idea, maybe so many playing hours and you get rewarded. Just so people can have more fun building and RP'ing. AND you can also block alot of things so greifers don't ruin the server.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« Reply #29 on: February 09, 2011, 05:19:30 PM »


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