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Author Topic: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)  (Read 8083 times)

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Offline Inject OH 4

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2011, 12:06:08 AM »
From what I heard. Kwartz Said you offered admin to players if they would kill Kwartz. In which he was then attacked by innocents and killed.

This is highly unexceptional behaviour.

I believe the ban was necessary, and even perhaps more punishment.

Administrator Comment Admins should keep a professional mannered attitude at all times.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2011, 12:07:44 AM by Inject OH 4 »
Quote from:  Winston
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
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Valuve Admin Steve: If not we at valve can act as a "guardian gateway".
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Offline TowerSheep

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2011, 12:08:53 AM »
I never said I was innocent but it was too much. I'd have taken 2 slays for it, i'd say that would have been just. But you have me a day ban. That's just excessive. Now you can't even unban me.

Really inject, I was laughing the whole time. The entire server was laughing with me. Even Kwaurtz is saying he went too far.

Also, inject, is constantly calling another admin "****got" professional? If not then talk to Kwaurtz.

by Kwaurtz

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2011, 12:08:53 AM »

Offline Leomire

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2011, 12:10:19 AM »
Thats why I banned you, because if you had been a player, it'd have been a slay, but you are an admin, bottom line, you aren't here to get people rdmed as 'counter trolling' as you said int he shoutbox.
Just because you are an admin does not mean you get another punishment for an offense. It may be worse that we are admins and being punished, but that does not mean you give a different punishment. This was admin abuse as everyone follows the same guidelines for punishment, I have not seen any published document saying we admins receive different punishments than regular players. And no one better say "Well Wholegrain said this" type of shit as I am sick of hearing claims like this and finding them to be false.

Bottom Line: This was abuse on Kwaurtz part

How should we not get stricter punishments as admins? We are there to enforce the rules, we are there to make sure they are to be followed. What does that say about us when we fucking incite them? When we are the sources to cause them to be broken? That doesn't give a very good message. Sure, I may have flown off the handle a bit too, but Towersheep is by far not a victim here. He knows the rules, he threw bait to the trolls, they took it, and I flipped at him for it.
We should not as that is when we start taking away the fun from being an admin. When we start losing the ability to joke around, that is when we will lose more and more of what this community is here for. Stupidity is bound when you throw a joke out to a crowd, and sure you will be punished and take the consequence as any another player. But if it becomes a repeat offense you should be banned, but for a first offense? That is wrong

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2011, 12:12:59 AM »
Towersheep, the ****got rule was removed as you will see, we've been just calling everyone ****gots and everyones been happy about the rule being removed. If you didn't like it, you could have said 'Kwaurtz, don't call me that'. You didn't, you went and got me rdmed on my traitor round. I did fly off the handle a bit, I'll admit that, however, that did piss me off considerably.

Offline TowerSheep

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2011, 12:18:26 AM »
Towersheep, the ****got rule was removed as you will see, we've been just calling everyone ****gots and everyones been happy about the rule being removed. If you didn't like it, you could have said 'Kwaurtz, don't call me that'. You didn't, you went and got me rdmed on my traitor round. I did fly off the handle a bit, I'll admit that, however, that did piss me off considerably.

Why would you start calling me ****got (and no one else) repeatedly when i was on. I only heard you direct it towards me. Are you gonna play dumb and say that you didn't think I'd get annoyed?

by Kwaurtz

Offline A.K Commando

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2011, 12:32:46 AM »
I will have to agree that the ban itself was abuse because it went too far. The Joke was before round and Tower didn't expect anyone to follow it (Thus the joke part comes into effect). When someone did shoot Kwuartz I feel the right thing to have done would have been to slay the offender and given Tower and the offender a talking too about taking jokes too seriously. I might have also given tower a slay or two for it but going straight to a ban is bullshit. Also Kwuartz just because it's not a rule anymore doesn't mean you can just go around calling a single person a ****got just because your happy/angry at it, it's disrespectful and as Admins we have a duty to not only unhold the server rules but to make our servers a nice place to play.

My judgement (for what it's worth) is Thus: You acted in a selfish and disrespectful manner over a joke. Now we have hurt feelings all around which may develop into drama and I know we all wouldn't like more drama on here.
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Offline Inject OH 4

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2011, 01:02:21 AM »
I never said I was innocent but it was too much. I'd have taken 2 slays for it, i'd say that would have been just. But you have me a day ban. That's just excessive. Now you can't even unban me.

Really inject, I was laughing the whole time. The entire server was laughing with me. Even Kwaurtz is saying he went too far.

Also, inject, is constantly calling another admin "****got" professional? If not then talk to Kwaurtz.
Well I wasn't there I am only taking things from the side of the story I heard. That's the point of this. Show both sides of the story. Go ahead...
Quote from:  Winston
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Quote from:  Zombie
Valuve Admin Steve: If not we at valve can act as a "guardian gateway".
Valuve Admin Steve: I will be your daddy.
Looking for graphic artist, Photoshopers, and other graphic related people. Hit me a PM if you can help!

Offline Harper

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2011, 01:23:03 AM »
Okay. This is going to be a long post. This comes from an unbiased, honest player that has really no ties to either of them, also my "evidence" or observations only come back as far as a month or so since Ive been here.

Im really bad at posting on forums but here goes.

I honestly believe kwaurtz went to far, but I don't believe he should lose his admin.

First of all, after this incident I believe kwaurtz will realize his admin is at stake with all of his behavior. I believe he will become a better admin by default after this incident.

Second of all, I also believe we need more admins like him. I don't mean to offend anyone when I say any of this. Im trying to make a unbiased claim here. From what Ive observed (And I see a lot when I play). Ive noticed that the admins that "Push back" more. They tend to stop "trolling" in its track. Much faster then someone too lenient. Its simple psychology. Someone pushes you. You push back. Kwaurtz has been going a-bit far and punching people in the face as of recent and he needs to stop.

He realizes that now, which goes back to my first point. He knows hes on thin ice now, let him gain respect back. Other then allowing his character to take over sometimes, hes usually a rational, reasonable admin. He says ban, he usually does ban but then. No one does it again. It stops general idiotiy, lying, hatred, mic spamming, rdming. You know, those type of people that just cause trouble and directly lie to you?

Im not saying he should be-able to perma ban whoever he wants or ban on simple shit. What Im saying is he needs to use his rational side more then his emotional. He knows when to push, and when not to push but sometimes he goes to far.

yeah, you push those type of people and they stop. They push you, you push them. Other admins don't seem to really notice that and as an admin you MUST push back. Even slightly, or they will keep on pushing and then chaos will ensue with chain reactions of trolls trolling good players of trolls trolling trolls. If that makes any sense.

Kwuartz is someone that stops "Trolling" almost instantly.

As an admin you must push back, except like I said earlier. Kwuatz has been metaphorically punching people in the face instead of pushing back.

He needs to realize that he needs to hold his character and after this I think he will.

This is what I believe, but then again I'm just some random player trying to give an unbiased opinion. I have no power.

I just believe theirs no point in not giving him a second chance, he can prove himself either as a good admin or a bad. We will be watching and he knows that.

If anything, this incident solves some problems and creates a better admin. As long as no grudges are held. I talked to tower and he doesn't seem to pissed, He knows kwuartz went to far and kwaurtz knows it as well.

"Whatever kills you only makes you stronger" I think.. that applies here.

If he goes to far again, I say its the end but I'm expecting that wont happen.

I realized I didn't even talk about the incident. Kwaurtz went to far on banning him, but I believe kwaurtz should of at leased kicked tower for getting him RDMed as a traitor. Hell I would be pissed too.

With all the name-calling, that was just blowing steam off. Theres no reason to hold grudges here, Kwaurtz is reasonable and if hes not in the future we can hold this over his head. Tower you realize now you need to be more professional as an admin.

In this incident everyone wins, Kwaurtz just needs to realize hes on thin ice.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2011, 01:25:23 AM by Harper »

Offline TowerSheep

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2011, 01:28:50 AM »

Well I wasn't there I am only taking things from the side of the story I heard. That's the point of this. Show both sides of the story. Go ahead...

My side is the first post. The story has not changed.

Also, I agree with harper. I only posted this to give Kwaurtz a wake up call that he can't go around being a dick. He  is a good admin, but he is a loose cannon some times and that is when i have a problem. This is just evidence of that. If he controls that, I believe he'd be the best admin we have.

by Kwaurtz

Offline Atom

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2011, 01:37:41 AM »
It was just fun and games, lets all forget about it and pretend everything is rainbow, sunshine, lolipops and fucking unicorns!  smug

Offline Whitellama

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2011, 03:38:34 AM »
It was just fun and games, lets all forget about it and pretend everything is rainbow, sunshine, lolipops and fucking unicorns!  smug
Yes this is definitely what we should do, but I just felt like asking...

who the heck is dumb enough to think they'll get admin for killing another admin? Or were they just jumping on any minuscule excuse to RDM someone? What sad days these are.

Offline Timmy

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #26 on: January 26, 2011, 03:57:38 AM »
I'm not going to pick sides with this one or be friends with one guy. I think this is a fuck up on both your guy's parts.

Towersheep as a administrator you should know that getting someone RDM'd especially if it's their traitor round is not OK. No matter how hard this admin has trolled you or made fun of you. Be professional and take it up with him or a community leader.

Kwaurtz a day ban is a bit harsh although I did hear you unbanned him shortly after you may want to talk about it before instantly banning the guy. Also I know you and brian liked to provoke other admins calling me "retarded" and obviously him a "****got."

Just try to get along... this isn't average day relationships where you can say whatever the fuck you want to the guy face to face. This admining of a community meaning that we should be nice towards each other and have respect and tolerance for other people especially our fellow admins who can relate to us the most.

So, if someone pisses you off a higher rank then you try not to rage and flip out at the person. Take demo's screenshots and show the un-biased evidence to a Community Leader. Also you should both TRY to get along meaning If some admin is pissing you off TRY to have tolerance for his behavior and TRY to respect him and his ways while playing on the TTT server.

As admins we have responsibilities when we are doing our jobs. One of those is respecting a fellow player and admin. This topic goes to show our community weak points you see arguing amongst our own staff in our own server. This could have been dealt with alot easier if you had used steam chat and ventrilo to be honest with the way someone is bugging you.

Timmy's opinion: Both admins effed up

Requesting a lock due to excessive flaming.

EDIT: For grammar
« Last Edit: January 26, 2011, 04:03:11 AM by Timmy »

Offline crypto

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #27 on: January 26, 2011, 04:20:47 AM »
Tower makes a joke. This joke breaks no rules.

Some people may have taken the joke too seriously and broken rules.

Kwaurtz drops a harsh ban hammer on Tower for making a joke which breaks no rules and which some people may have taken too seriously.



BUUUT as usual Kwaurtz will retain his admin happily ever after BECAUSE life sucks and then you die.

Offline pwn3dl1fe

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #28 on: January 26, 2011, 06:50:48 AM »
It was just fun and games, lets all forget about it and pretend everything is rainbow, sunshine, lolipops and fucking unicorns!  smug
fucking unicorns interesting :D never seen any :D:D:D:D:

and yea its just a game :D

Offline Dinomoto

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #29 on: January 26, 2011, 06:55:48 AM »
It may have been abuse, but in all fairness, Towersheep should know better.
Phim Bogason

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Kwaurtz Admin Abuse (TTT)
« Reply #29 on: January 26, 2011, 06:55:48 AM »


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