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Author Topic: Dantes Repost of ZM app. *DENIED*  (Read 4270 times)

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Offline Cadaver

Re: Dantes Repost of ZM app.
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2011, 04:28:06 PM »
"had to send it in so they can tinker with my mic."

Sounds painful...

Hmm. Everyone here knows my view on Drama. So, I will stay neutral.

Offline Timmy

Re: Dantes Repost of ZM app.
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2011, 04:32:20 AM »
No, I highly disagree with him having ANY administrative powers. He has fucked up majorly in the past and it would be a insult to me as a admin who is kept up to standards then have someone who has messed up terribly and continues to be immature considered being made a admin.

Ok, me being blatantly honest. No restraints just being honest.
Bad Qualities:
He  flips out for the wrong reasons. Repeat offense.
He can't handle trolling in the slightest degree. He can't take any picking on or criticism in the slightest.
He has hardly any grammar or spelling skills

Partial evidence:
He slayed a guy for saying his microphone was bad.
He completely handle rebelmaster's case wrong and banned him for "Hacking his facebook" then after when told to stop and he was unbanned he went directly against wholegrain's advice and rebanned him.
He labeled my name under a flame topic as "Timy" not Timmy.

He has messed up MAJORLY in the past. Having him as a admin would insult me and all of the admins who currently in CG. Basically stating you can pull a doombringer and still get admin back.

Bad qualities, Fucked up in past, Insult to the standards I'm held up to, and overall stupidity.
No no and no.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Dantes Repost of ZM app.
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2011, 04:32:20 AM »


  • Guest
Re: Dantes Repost of ZM app.
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2011, 04:40:20 AM »
From what I have seen from you I would also say no (Not gonna list anything up because it was listed by other admins)

Also offtopicish
Basically stating you can pull a doombringer and still get admin back.

I would never

Offline Dante

Re: Dantes Repost of ZM app.
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2011, 02:26:33 PM »

Ok, me being blatantly honest. No restraints just being honest.
Bad Qualities:
He  flips out for the wrong reasons. Repeat offense.
He can't handle trolling in the slightest degree. He can't take any picking on or criticism in the slightest.
He has hardly any grammar or spelling skills

Partial evidence:
He slayed a guy for saying his microphone was bad.
He completely handle rebelmaster's case wrong and banned him for "Hacking his facebook" then after when told to stop and he was unbanned he went directly against wholegrain's advice and rebanned him.
He labeled my name under a flame topic as "Timy" not Timmy
lots of things wrong with that. I have stated before I have been using my kindle so I can post on the forums. If I use my cpu my gramar will be better. I NEVER slayed a guy for saying my mic was bad. I know every now and then its bad. Agent said it Yahtzees said it. I know its gmod and ttt making it screw up every now and then. When people say to me my mic is bad im like ok. its either because im yelling in real life or am laughing so much my voice is high or gmod is doing the screech background again. Whole never even had to unbann rebel. Rebel was always in the server when it happened. I attempted to ban him but didnt go through.(He was ban immune for some reason.) I didnt think I was trying to start a flame I FELT like I was just asking u to stop. I deleted it right after people started responding. but it took forever since my kindle would keep updating. Again on kindle I tpyed Timy because it is hard to type on here. I admit that i did something wrong when I do. And theres a fine line between disrespect and trolling Timmy. My friends troll me when ever I see them . "Hey percy Jackson!" "I think your done eating(after one bite)" "Hey go hit on that slipper.( they mean a litteral slipper.)" "Youl never get that chick." "STOP TALKING TO A PORN SITE.(They say that now since I was playing ttt neer them and ducky rushed me with the phys cannon.)" We mess around like that occasionaly I get a reall good one on them but I mostly leave myself open. None of you have seen me "Flip out" I do that at home. Mostly since my brother is trying to destroy my stuff and hit me sending me off. Then its a whole batlle. Idk why that kid does it when all it does is hurt him. Lastly I called whole In there myself when everything happened and after failing told wholegrain I was going to post a resign.

Offline Dante

Re: Dantes Repost of ZM app.
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2011, 02:52:33 PM »
From what I have seen from you I would also say no (Not gonna list anything up because it was listed by other admins)

Also offtopicish
Basically stating you can pull a doombringer and still get admin back.

I would never
Who are you? I dont renember ever seeing you. even once.


  • Guest
Re: Dantes Repost of ZM app.
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2011, 03:25:35 PM »
It does not matter who I am, I have seen you in game I have seen how you react in certain situations.

Offline Dante

Re: Dantes Repost of ZM app.
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2011, 03:33:04 PM »
It does not matter who I am, I have seen you in game I have seen how you react in certain situations.
Which are? If its just Timmy's list its about 90% wrong (Ten percent being rebel which I dont know how many times I have explained about us two.).
If your able to tell me whats wrong that allows me to try and do better. If you say nothing then theres nothing I can do.


  • Guest
Re: Dantes Repost of ZM app.
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2011, 03:37:45 PM »
He  flips out for the wrong reasons. Repeat offense.
He can't handle trolling in the slightest degree. He can't take any picking on or criticism in the slightest.

These are the major ones

Offline Dante

Re: Dantes Repost of ZM app.
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2011, 03:40:30 PM »
He  flips out for the wrong reasons. Repeat offense.
He can't handle trolling in the slightest degree. He can't take any picking on or criticism in the slightest.

These are the major ones
Can you give me an example?

Offline Raunky

Re: Dantes Repost of ZM app.
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2011, 06:26:10 PM »
How about the one time you played ZM?

Offline Dante

Re: Dantes Repost of ZM app.
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2011, 06:57:06 PM »
That wasnt trolling nor critisism that was disrispect.
Again though with that one I deleted the post because It became a flame war when I wasnt inteding it to be one.
(And why is every con- first 30 min of me being on ZM server. or either an incorect version of me and rebel master or another version with stuff left out?)
Errr- Scratch that. Im locking this I totaly fergot about deficancy notices. Even If I am approved I wouldnt be able to spend time checking stuff for atleast a month. (I hate if I get one C I lose CPU for a month.)

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Dantes Repost of ZM app.
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2011, 06:57:06 PM »


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