I know I`ve been gone for a while know, I apologize. I just can`t get my time back, specially lately. School is ending, and teachers and going mad. They are having a hard time making it to the end of the year with all the grades they need, so they are quite literally raping us with tests. Next week, we are having 5 tests and 2 writing tasks in 3 days, since Monday and Friday are No-school days.
Now, I`m aware of how little of an excuse this sounds, but its the truth. I am (hopefully) traveling on an extended exchange program to Aspen (3 months) and I need to have the highest grades I can get. That means really little PC time.
When those ass-raping 3 days are over, next week, my holidays begin (at least until I leave for the US), and I will be able to come on a lot more often.