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Author Topic: Still can't see the Homepage and the Shoutbox, did everyone forget about this??  (Read 7475 times)

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Offline JohnCyKlopZ

What does your page source say? Are there a bunch of missing div ids and such.?

How do I check?
??Mystery??: i think my bladder hates me
Klutonec: y
??Mystery??: everytime i go to take a piss
??Mystery??: and i think im done
??Mystery??: so i stick my stick back in my pants
??Mystery??: I AINT DONE YET
??Mystery??: and supports the rest of the village
??Mystery??: with water

Offline Doc. Mentalist S.

If you look for a div class called "shoutbox_body" that whole body is the shoutout box,
so if you dont have it, then you don't have the shoutout box
unless theres other coding around that line that doesn't let you see it in the site.

i think you just have to right click then click on view  source

And yea thats how you view the html coding of the current site page that you're at.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2010, 02:43:43 PM by Doc. Mentalist »

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Offline JohnCyKlopZ

This is what I got:

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I did CTRL   F, typed "shoutbox" and nothing came out.
??Mystery??: i think my bladder hates me
Klutonec: y
??Mystery??: everytime i go to take a piss
??Mystery??: and i think im done
??Mystery??: so i stick my stick back in my pants
??Mystery??: I AINT DONE YET
??Mystery??: and supports the rest of the village
??Mystery??: with water

Offline JohnCyKlopZ

Well I'm a normal member now so I guess it's fixed.
??Mystery??: i think my bladder hates me
Klutonec: y
??Mystery??: everytime i go to take a piss
??Mystery??: and i think im done
??Mystery??: so i stick my stick back in my pants
??Mystery??: I AINT DONE YET
??Mystery??: and supports the rest of the village
??Mystery??: with water

Offline Bjork

Shoutbox does not exist?

Is this only for me or is  trollface laughing at me  :(
(=CG=) Bjork! : Its an old cat aswell so its gonna look like a war vet
(=CG=) Bjork! : It also has a beard
Maurice Moss   : How old is it?
Maurice Moss   : Wait a BEARD?

Offline Dinomoto

doesnt exist, cus some1 fuxed with forums
Phim Bogason

Offline JohnCyKlopZ

It feels like I'm having a Deja Vu. Didn't the same exact thing happen before?
??Mystery??: i think my bladder hates me
Klutonec: y
??Mystery??: everytime i go to take a piss
??Mystery??: and i think im done
??Mystery??: so i stick my stick back in my pants
??Mystery??: I AINT DONE YET
??Mystery??: and supports the rest of the village
??Mystery??: with water

Offline Travis

Trials cannot see it either anymore.

Offline JohnCyKlopZ

Well, everybody is equal now, except us Veterans can't see the homepage AT ALL.
??Mystery??: i think my bladder hates me
Klutonec: y
??Mystery??: everytime i go to take a piss
??Mystery??: and i think im done
??Mystery??: so i stick my stick back in my pants
??Mystery??: I AINT DONE YET
??Mystery??: and supports the rest of the village
??Mystery??: with water

Offline JohnCyKlopZ

Problem fixed for the veterans! Now I can perfectly see the homepage and the shoutbox, for now.
??Mystery??: i think my bladder hates me
Klutonec: y
??Mystery??: everytime i go to take a piss
??Mystery??: and i think im done
??Mystery??: so i stick my stick back in my pants
??Mystery??: I AINT DONE YET
??Mystery??: and supports the rest of the village
??Mystery??: with water

Offline Inject OH 4

Problem fixed for the veterans! Now I can perfectly see the homepage and the shoutbox, for now.
Yep. I fixed the home page and shout box. It should now be viewable to all.
If anyones having issues tell me but I think all the stuff on the forum home should be displaying properly now :D

Thanks :)
Quote from:  Winston
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Quote from:  Zombie
Valuve Admin Steve: If not we at valve can act as a "guardian gateway".
Valuve Admin Steve: I will be your daddy.
Looking for graphic artist, Photoshopers, and other graphic related people. Hit me a PM if you can help!

Offline Jorgen

Shooting hot sperm on eachothers chests

Offline dirtylaundry022

It was broken for veterans??

I've never NOT been able to see the homepage OR the shoutbox....


Offline Inject OH 4

It was broken for veterans??

I've never NOT been able to see the homepage OR the shoutbox....

It was a permissions problem. Certain member groups could still view it, but most COULD NOT!
Quote from:  Winston
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Quote from:  Zombie
Valuve Admin Steve: If not we at valve can act as a "guardian gateway".
Valuve Admin Steve: I will be your daddy.
Looking for graphic artist, Photoshopers, and other graphic related people. Hit me a PM if you can help!

Offline Dinomoto

if you didnt like miley cyrus, i would give you "special treatment"
Phim Bogason

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]


* ShoutBox!

Refresh History
  • Careful what you post. Forum rules still apply in the shoutbox!
  • Pyro: happy birthday Tyber
    July 14, 2024, 01:55:16 PM
  • Finniespin: More of a Patrick Hernandez guy - Born to be Alive
    June 16, 2024, 09:14:27 AM
  • Sly: Aaron Hernandez was a legend of a man
    June 14, 2024, 01:46:02 AM
  • Finniespin: how? what?
    June 01, 2024, 06:28:43 PM
  • Inject OH 4: Lost my discord rip
    May 30, 2024, 12:14:57 AM
  • Finniespin: yoooooooo!
    April 03, 2024, 05:32:48 PM
  • Coreybush11: bump
    April 01, 2024, 10:59:48 PM
  • Finniespin: wut
    March 28, 2024, 05:01:26 PM
  • Inject OH 4: And yes thank you very much Finnie! You are a champion xP
    March 22, 2024, 05:59:12 PM
  • Inject OH 4: Hey abrys agreed we should.
    March 22, 2024, 05:59:02 PM
  • Finniespin: Totally not a spam-bot, also totally not a limited time offer
    March 03, 2024, 05:25:06 PM
  • Finniespin: Anyone looking for a datacenter technician job? We got postings available around US and Europe (EMEA)
    February 17, 2024, 07:23:12 AM
  • Finniespin: https://www.google.com/about/careers/applications/jobs/results/118336179041903302-data-center-technician-global-server-operations
    February 17, 2024, 07:20:25 AM
  • Finniespin: Gave Inject 50 euros to pay for fees ^^
    February 17, 2024, 07:17:42 AM
  • xXArbysOvenMittXx: we gotta get the crew together again one day and hang, add me on discord: ogarbies
    February 12, 2024, 06:52:07 PM
  • xXArbysOvenMittXx: yo who is still paying for this lol
    February 12, 2024, 06:19:47 PM
  • Klondor: wow CG still lives, mind blown
    February 09, 2024, 05:13:53 AM
  • Finniespin: The website is back online!!!
    February 06, 2024, 03:17:05 PM
  • Inject OH 4: xD
    January 14, 2024, 05:55:44 PM
  • Finniespin: Get a load of this guy
    December 16, 2023, 09:16:03 AM
  • Inject OH 4: Sure
    December 09, 2023, 07:22:27 PM
  • HailToTheKing: cum shot . and cum shot. an d cum shot
    December 01, 2023, 01:54:12 PM
  • Finniespin: ffuck
    November 24, 2023, 03:43:47 PM
  • Inject OH 4: ee
    October 12, 2023, 01:13:56 AM
  • Sly: dd
    August 09, 2023, 03:13:48 AM
  • Inject OH 4: cc
    August 03, 2023, 09:51:36 PM
  • Finniespin: bb
    August 02, 2023, 06:12:50 PM
  • Inject OH 4: aa
    July 04, 2023, 10:29:35 PM
  • Shikaru: Been a very long time
    February 20, 2023, 05:42:04 PM
  • Shikaru: Oh wow my account is STILL active :)
    February 20, 2023, 05:42:00 PM
  • Napoleon BonaPARTY: yooo we got a lovense sponsor???
    December 16, 2022, 03:45:43 PM
  • Napoleon BonaPARTY: holy shit
    December 16, 2022, 03:45:24 PM
  • Napoleon BonaPARTY: oh wow its still here
    December 16, 2022, 03:45:21 PM
  • HailToTheKing: legends never die
    October 16, 2022, 01:28:09 PM
  • Live Bait: Oh wow. Still remember my old password.
    September 23, 2022, 08:37:38 AM
  • Mr_Rainbow: Still alive. Hope all is well with everyone this Christmas
    December 09, 2021, 03:31:04 AM
  • SlyWilliam: Much love, from our MC server to our ZPS server <3
    December 07, 2021, 10:23:37 PM
  • SlyWilliam: For the record, I don't REALLY remember all of you, but goddamn do I MISS all of you <3
    December 07, 2021, 10:23:10 PM
  • Pyro: parrot
    September 07, 2021, 05:23:18 AM
  • Inject OH 4: Do you mean for people that haven't come on in a long time and have to reagree?
    August 02, 2021, 11:39:42 PM

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