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Author Topic: Mechdudes admin abuse  (Read 7348 times)

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Offline toast

Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2010, 07:49:28 PM »
So brain killed 5 other innocents at once with a  jihad bomb it’s the same thing but 5 time worse.  There’s no reason I should of been banned. I didn’t leave the game there mech dudes. There was so much rdming going on in that game with jihad bomb. Innocent blowing up dectectives, Innocents blowing up innocent, traitors blowing up other traitors.  But yet you target me because you hate me it obvious.

You obviously didn’t ask anyone because u banned me within 20 seconds. You obviously where looking for any reason to ban me.

Your tone changed because you knew I’d be reporting you. So you mentioned a bunch of bs trying to detour from doing it.

So black lama called you out. A couple people said kill mech dudes over the mic. I didn’t hear one person say not to kill you except you. You are known to lie while traitor same like brain. So why would I take a chance?  I was in the right to kill you. You hate me so you abuse your admin powers and slay me. Everyone else was telling you can’t slay me for that but you do anyhow. You tell me your going to slay me 3 times for that. This is clear admin abuse.

You told me to move I said I wasn’t letting you learn where the secret knife was. You then shoot me and walk in. You never said it 4 times for the record. Also you still couldn’t kill me for that. I wasn’t blocking from anything affecting the game off ttt. So that is rdm plain and simple.

After I explained everything to you even the rules on ttt and everyone else told you couldn’t slay me for that you still do. You then say that is your first slay of three. You then tell me after the round to go to forums if I wanna complain. I tell you I will your tone changes. Maybe i should of let you slay me 3 times. Because I know u had full intention of doing it. This really doesn’t matter the fact is you abused your admin powers by slaying me in the first place.

Offline Mechdudez

Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #16 on: November 14, 2010, 12:17:45 AM »
um toast, but at least they killed innocents with them... you on the other hand killed only me and btw yes i did ask brian lol.

Um yes I can kill you its against the rules to block... ask others. i've been playing a lot longer then you.

no my tone changed, because of my own choice lol, but if it makes you feel better ok.

um when I slayed you... neither dino nor darkemo said anything after it, so hmmmm what does that tell me. no one likes you around you rdm and troll I get plenty of complaints about you.

Dude are you stupid? How often do people do that at the beginning? hmm almost every round I believe, I'm pretty sure most people can agree on that oh wait you do it also how could I forget XD. all you've said is how I hate you... who doesn't hate you... I've slayed you once and banned you once...

fyi me hating you has nothing to do with the slay or ban. I would've banned you a lot longer if it was the case. like Remscar perm banning rebelmaster. I banned you 2 days btw not 3. again I only slayed you once ,remember the phrase actions speak louder then words... I may have said I was going to, but I didn't and wasn't after thinking about it.

P.S kwuarts you defended a troll and an idiot(rebelmaster), so what you say doesn't hold much.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #16 on: November 14, 2010, 12:17:45 AM »

Offline Dinomoto

Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #17 on: November 14, 2010, 12:20:16 AM »
P.S kwuarts you defended a troll and an idiot(rebelmaster), so what you say doesn't hold much.

he also perma banned him, so shush
Phim Bogason

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #18 on: November 14, 2010, 02:27:51 AM »
P.S kwuarts you defended a troll and an idiot(rebelmaster), so what you say doesn't hold much.

he also perma banned him, so shush

Yeah, I did permaban him, I also defended him because I knew that alot of people were getting personal feelings involved. Just like you are, just like I've done, just like every admin has done. Thats part of the reason I resigned my admin, because I knew I was getting my personal feelings involved sometimes. Also, who says you can kill someone for blocking? I've never heard such bullshit. You have a crowbar, and its called the secret knife because its a secret, if everyone knows where the secret is, then its not much of a secret.

You are failing to grasp the point that he said Brian killed five innocents with one jihad bomb AS an innocent.

He killed one traitor with a jihad bomb. That is a slay, maybe two at max, definitely not worth a ban.

I also know that during my course of admin that whenever I saw toast he never did anything terrible. Rebel is a troll, hell, I'm more of a troll then Toast is.

Offline toast

Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #19 on: November 14, 2010, 03:02:52 AM »
um toast, but at least they killed innocents with them... you on the other hand killed only me and btw yes i did ask brian lol.

Um yes I can kill you its against the rules to block... ask others. i've been playing a lot longer then you.

no my tone changed, because of my own choice lol, but if it makes you feel better ok.

um when I slayed you... neither dino nor darkemo said anything after it, so hmmmm what does that tell me. no one likes you around you rdm and troll I get plenty of complaints about you.

Dude are you stupid? How often do people do that at the beginning? hmm almost every round I believe, I'm pretty sure most people can agree on that oh wait you do it also how could I forget XD. all you've said is how I hate you... who doesn't hate you... I've slayed you once and banned you once...

fyi me hating you has nothing to do with the slay or ban. I would've banned you a lot longer if it was the case. like Remscar perm banning rebelmaster. I banned you 2 days btw not 3. again I only slayed you once ,remember the phrase actions speak louder then words... I may have said I was going to, but I didn't and wasn't after thinking about it.

P.S kwuarts you defended a troll and an idiot(rebelmaster), so what you say doesn't hold much.
Really you actually asked brain in that 20 second time period. I would like brain to actually say he agreed with this. Btw I only killed you not everyone that’s a slay I didn’t leave nor did I mass rdm. I never seen anyone get banned for 3 days for just 1 rdm. I’am sure mass rdming 5 people is still worse then 1 traitor killing another nvm the fact there was rdming going on every round with jihad bombs.

I never heard you could rdm someone from blocking a door way that had no value to the game of ttt. I wasn’t hiding a dead body in there. You can’t rdm someone just because he won’t let you see where secret knife was.

It was more like 20-30 seconds into the round all I heard was kill mech dudes on sight over the mic by a couple people. I killed you at the 1 min mark. You can kill a person 2 seconds into the round. I’ve been called randomly all the time and you always killed me for it I didn’t demand you slay yourself for it. But when I have a perfectly good reason to kill you. You try and slay me 3 times for it. If that’s not admin abuse what is?

Yes it has a huge thing with you hating me. Who bans someone for 3 day for  one rdm no one. Rebelmaster constantly trolled on the server and called people out randomly getting them killed. I’m nothing like rebel master. How the fuck can you permaban for 1 rdm. You would be the shittest admin ever if you did that. Wouldn’t surprise me through how you usually harass everyone as soon as you get killed. Demanding every detail on why you where killed.  If there any doubt you slay them.

Dino wasn’t there and dark emo wasn’t talking at the time so I‘m guessing he wasn‘t there either. You didn’t listen to anyone else in the server either telling you couldn’t slay me for that. Even the regulars. You ignored all them.

Only a few people hate me in the server and those usually the 12 year olds that scream rdm every time they get killed. Most of regulars all like me with a few exceptions.

I didn’t rdm all the time because I’am sure you would ban me hundreds of times by now. Considering you ban me for 3 days for 1 rdm. I always have a reason to kill someone. So stop saying rdm because I didn’t.

Offline Mechdudez

Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #20 on: November 16, 2010, 01:14:24 PM »
If some people think my emotions get in the way then fine I will no longer punish toast when he does anything. I will let the other admins do it. I think that would solve the problem. if im wrong so be it.

Offline Timmy

Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #21 on: November 18, 2010, 07:32:40 PM »
This should be locked... non of it got anywhere....

Offline triceratops

Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2010, 07:48:05 PM »
having been at the scene of the crime, i can attest that llama's calling out of mechdudez was pretty obviously in jest, but toasts killing of mechdudez was soon enough after blackllama's joke that it was clearly caused by blackllama. toast probably should have known that it was a joke, but it was pretty obvious that he did not as mech was shot almost immediately afterward. in blackllama's words "mech is the traitor, don't ask questions just shoot" or something to that effect. so really, what would you do? ponder the joke or take the shot?

also, while i enjoy mechdudez and think he is a decent admin, the fact that he complained for so long about it and claimed he was going to slay toast for three rounds is a bit abusive. the second i read that mechdudez was going to slay toast for three rounds i was immediately angered by it because it was really obvious that it was an accident. maaaybe worthy of a single slay. for blackllama.

i think that if mech jokingly claimed toast a traitor, kill on sight, and blackllama killed toast immediately after, there would be zero slays, little complaint, and continued fun on the ttt server. it was merely the fact that an admin's traitor round got ruined, complained about it over admin chat, threatened severe punishment (obviously tailored for crimes against said admin) and continued to push the hubbub for several rounds to the point where i just disconnected because it was annoying.

thank you.

Offline AlphaWeeaboo

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Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #23 on: November 18, 2010, 08:11:17 PM »
**Directed at Doombringer and Rebel**
I'm only going to say this once. Stop fucking going off topic. I don't care how much you hate each other. Get the fuck along and stop starting drama. NO ONE GIVES A FUCK. If you are going to continue posting stupid shit towards each other or other members then kindly GTFO and take your drama with you.

This is an admin abuse thread, not a whine about fellow members thread.

Offline toast

Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2010, 07:00:56 PM »
Mechdudes is at it agian. This time he tried a sting application with templerknight with team viewer or some shit. He sat there trying to catch me rdming through templerknight screen. When templerknight first came on he starts accusing me of rdming trolling ussually stuff he normally says when he plays in the game with me. There was about 6 people playing at the time the only person really playing seriously is templerknight. I'm just dicking around with stuff and shooting stuff randomly waiting for the server to fill up more.

I go into the bathroom and start shooting stuff. I told him not to come in here because I’m shooting stuff randomly and he might get hit. But he comes in anyhow. Saying i can't claim room blah blah most likely trying to get me to rdm him because mechdudes watching. So he end up hitting him 1 time for like 15-20 damage when he opened the door. So he starts crying rdm and whatever else telling people to shoot me. He then throws a incendiary grenade not really caring much i just stand there and the let the grenade killing me.

Next we where playing at island. Everyone’s dicking around people are throwing props. People are rdming other people almost every round. But templer continues to say that i'm a rdmer i always rdm when a admin not around blah blah. Ignoring the other rdm unless it involved him personal. So i'am dicking around with props. Templer following me trying to get me to hit him with it so he can cry rdm. I'm standing there he come towards me i move my mouse to the right as he's walking by he ends up getting pushed down a small cliff. I'm preaty sure he didn't get any fall damage his status still said healthy. He then crys i tried to prop kill him. Even through i didn't damage him. He then cries kill toast he's rdming. So some guy ends up shooting me i didn't really care much there only like 9 people playing so i just ignore it.
So a couple map changes i didn't even rdm one single person. Even through i had been rdm a couple times i hadn't really cared much. Eventually templer tells me etudes has been watching the whole time and i'm in big shit.  Mechdudes comes on calling me a mass rdmer saying that i mass rdmed 6 people yesterday. I’m like wtf are you talking about. He then tells me I’am sick of your shit. You always do this shit when admins are not around. I’m like wtf are talking about. I didn’t even kill 1 person by rdm in a 2-3 hour period. You’ve just watched me play for 2-3 hours and there was no admin on and templer kept talking trash saying I rdm. He spent  the whole fucking time trying to get me killed and I didn’t even rdm him. So how the fuck do I rdm all the time never mind mass rdm. Nevermind he got me killed by telling people I mass rdm and shit. Some idiot then think I mass rdmed the round before so he kills me. So wtf is this bs of me rdming the mech dudes.

I then proceed to ask him when he heard this. He doesn’t tell me when or where or how he knows.  I then remember the guys I reported yesterday said they where going to make up some bs to try and get me banned. So I remember I have the logs the from the couple round I played with them. So I tell mech dudes I have proof I haven’t done shit and the guy that told you this where the rdmers themselves. Mechdudes then refuses to talk to me. So I told him this is bs and if he doesn’t want to even have talk about this I was going to the forums. He still didn’t respond to me so I told him I was coming here.

I thought me and mech dudes where pass this. I had let this shit go but apparently he still trying to get me banned. 

I'll post the damage logs in my next post.

Offline toast

Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #25 on: November 19, 2010, 07:04:44 PM »
I have to post logs in 2 parts there over character limit.

Heres the damage log

   *** Damage log:
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Innocent] damaged Tec [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Innocent] damaged Tec [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Innocent] damaged Tec [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Innocent] damaged Tec [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Innocent] damaged Tec [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Innocent] damaged Tec [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Innocent] damaged Tec [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Innocent] damaged Tec [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Innocent] damaged Tec [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   KILL:    Shablagoo [Innocent] killed Tec [Innocent]
   DMG:    AthlonZ><RoFlMaO [Innocent] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] for 20 dmg
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged Shablagoo [Innocent] for 30 dmg
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged Shablagoo [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Innocent] damaged A Teenage non virgin [Innocent] for 20 dmg
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged Shablagoo [Innocent] for 30 dmg
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged Shablagoo [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    Lemmiwinks [Traitor] damaged A Teenage non virgin [Innocent] for 80 dmg
   KILL:    Lemmiwinks [Traitor] killed A Teenage non virgin [Innocent]
   DMG:    Lemmiwinks [Traitor] damaged A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Innocent] for 80 dmg
   DMG:    Lemmiwinks [Traitor] damaged A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Innocent] for 20 dmg
   KILL:    Lemmiwinks [Traitor] killed A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Innocent]
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged Shablagoo [Innocent] for 30 dmg
   KILL:    Johnny K [Innocent] killed Shablagoo [Innocent]
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged AthlonZ><RoFlMaO [Innocent] for 20 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged AthlonZ><RoFlMaO [Innocent] for 20 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged AthlonZ><RoFlMaO [Innocent] for 20 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged AthlonZ><RoFlMaO [Innocent] for 20 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged Lemmiwinks [Traitor] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged Lemmiwinks [Traitor] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged Lemmiwinks [Traitor] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged Lemmiwinks [Traitor] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged Lemmiwinks [Traitor] for 30 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged Lemmiwinks [Traitor] for 30 dmg
   KILL:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] killed Lemmiwinks [Traitor]
   KILL:    <something/world> killed Annoying Backstabber [Traitor]
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged Butcher Pete [Traitor] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged Butcher Pete [Traitor] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged Butcher Pete [Traitor] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged Butcher Pete [Traitor] for 34 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged Butcher Pete [Traitor] for 34 dmg
   KILL:    raden is the traitor [Detective] killed Butcher Pete [Traitor]
   DMG:    {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 30 dmg
   DMG:    {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 30 dmg
   DMG:    {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 30 dmg
   DMG:    {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   KILL:    {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] killed [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent]
   DMG:    {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] damaged AthlonZ><RoFlMaO [Innocent] for 22 dmg
   KILL:    {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] killed AthlonZ><RoFlMaO [Innocent]
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged TGHD [Innocent] for 6 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged TGHD [Innocent] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    TGHD [Innocent] damaged raden is the traitor [Detective] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    TGHD [Innocent] damaged raden is the traitor [Detective] for 4 dmg
   KILL:    <something/world> killed TGHD [Innocent]
   DMG:    Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] damaged raden is the traitor [Detective] for 20 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Traitor] for 23 dmg
   DMG:    ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Traitor] damaged Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] for 27 dmg
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Traitor] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Traitor] for 30 dmg
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Traitor] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Traitor] for 30 dmg
   KILL:    Johnny K [Innocent] killed ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Traitor]
   DMG:    Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] damaged TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   KILL:    <something/world> killed dawnlussier [Innocent]
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] for 4 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] damaged raden is the traitor [Detective] for 20 dmg
   DMG:    Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] damaged raden is the traitor [Detective] for 20 dmg
   DMG:    Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] damaged raden is the traitor [Detective] for 20 dmg
   DMG:    Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   KILL:    Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] killed Johnny K [Innocent]
   DMG:    Co. Worker | Lagging [Detective] damaged TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] for 40 dmg
   KILL:    <something/world> killed TOAST(ninja) [Innocent]
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] for 4 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] for 4 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] for 4 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] for 4 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] for 4 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] for 24 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] for 24 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] for 4 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] for 4 dmg
   KILL:    raden is the traitor [Detective] killed {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor]
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Traitor] for 17 dmg


   *** Damage log:
   DMG:    ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] damaged Tec [Innocent] for 146 dmg
   KILL:    ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] killed Tec [Innocent]
   DMG:    dawnlussier [Innocent] damaged ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] for 20 dmg
   DMG:    TGHD [Traitor] damaged Maurice Moss [Innocent] for 34 dmg
   DMG:    TGHD [Traitor] damaged Maurice Moss [Innocent] for 34 dmg
   DMG:    TGHD [Traitor] damaged Maurice Moss [Innocent] for 34 dmg
   KILL:    TGHD [Traitor] killed Maurice Moss [Innocent]
   DMG:    TGHD [Traitor] damaged Maurice Moss [Innocent] for 17 dmg
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] for 36 dmg
   DMG:    ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] damaged dawnlussier [Innocent] for 20 dmg
   DMG:    dawnlussier [Innocent] damaged ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] for 30 dmg
   DMG:    ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] damaged dawnlussier [Innocent] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] damaged dawnlussier [Innocent] for 24 dmg
   DMG:    ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] damaged dawnlussier [Innocent] for 6 dmg
   DMG:    ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] damaged dawnlussier [Innocent] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    dawnlussier [Innocent] damaged ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] damaged dawnlussier [Innocent] for 6 dmg
   DMG:    dawnlussier [Innocent] damaged ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] for 30 dmg
   DMG:    ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] damaged dawnlussier [Innocent] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    dawnlussier [Innocent] damaged ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   KILL:    dawnlussier [Innocent] killed ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent]
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] for 36 dmg
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] for 144 dmg
   KILL:    Johnny K [Innocent] killed TOAST(ninja) [Innocent]
   KILL:    <something/world> killed dawnlussier [Innocent]
   KILL:    <something/world> killed A Teenage non virgin [Innocent]
   KILL:    <something/world> killed A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Traitor]
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged Lemmiwinks [Innocent] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged Lemmiwinks [Innocent] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged Lemmiwinks [Innocent] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Traitor] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged Lemmiwinks [Innocent] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged Lemmiwinks [Innocent] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    Lemmiwinks [Innocent] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 13 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Traitor] for 4 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Traitor] for 4 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Traitor] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Traitor] for 4 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Traitor] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Traitor] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    TGHD [Traitor] damaged Lemmiwinks [Innocent] for 6 dmg
   DMG:    TGHD [Traitor] damaged Lemmiwinks [Innocent] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    TGHD [Traitor] damaged Lemmiwinks [Innocent] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    TGHD [Traitor] damaged Lemmiwinks [Innocent] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    TGHD [Traitor] damaged Lemmiwinks [Innocent] for 6 dmg
   KILL:    TGHD [Traitor] killed Lemmiwinks [Innocent]
   DMG:    TGHD [Traitor] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 6 dmg
   DMG:    TGHD [Traitor] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Traitor] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Traitor] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Traitor] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Traitor] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    TGHD [Traitor] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 6 dmg
   DMG:    TGHD [Traitor] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 6 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Traitor] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Traitor] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Traitor] for 4 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Traitor] for 8 dmg
   KILL:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] killed TGHD [Traitor]
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Traitor] for 3 dmg
   DMG:    Hari Seldon [Traitor] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Hari Seldon [Traitor] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    Hari Seldon [Traitor] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    Hari Seldon [Traitor] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    Hari Seldon [Traitor] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   KILL:    Hari Seldon [Traitor] killed [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent]
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged Co. Worker | Lagging [Traitor] for 144 dmg
   KILL:    Johnny K [Innocent] killed Co. Worker | Lagging [Traitor]
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Innocent] for 8 dmg
   KILL:    Shablagoo [Detective] killed {D|O|L}_mark [Innocent]
   DMG:    Shablagoo [Detective] damaged {D|O|L}_mark [Innocent] for 4 dmg
   KILL:    <something/world> killed Annoying Backstabber [Innocent]
   DMG:    Hari Seldon [Traitor] damaged Shablagoo [Detective] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    Hari Seldon [Traitor] damaged Shablagoo [Detective] for 21 dmg
   DMG:    Hari Seldon [Traitor] damaged Shablagoo [Detective] for 21 dmg
   KILL:    Hari Seldon [Traitor] killed Shablagoo [Detective]
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged Butcher Pete [Traitor] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged Butcher Pete [Traitor] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged Butcher Pete [Traitor] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged Butcher Pete [Traitor] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged Butcher Pete [Traitor] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Detective] damaged Butcher Pete [Traitor] for 30 dmg
   KILL:    raden is the traitor [Detective] killed Butcher Pete [Traitor]
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged Hari Seldon [Traitor] for 136 dmg
   KILL:    Johnny K [Innocent] kille
This was the end of this one 2 it had been cut off as while.

Offline toast

Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #26 on: November 19, 2010, 07:05:18 PM »
   *** Damage log:
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Traitor] damaged (=CG=) Finniespin [Detective] for 19 dmg
   DMG:    raden is the traitor [Traitor] damaged (=CG=) Finniespin [Detective] for 136 dmg
   KILL:    raden is the traitor [Traitor] killed (=CG=) Finniespin [Detective]
   DMG:    тRUSт [Innocent] damaged raden is the traitor [Traitor] for 24 dmg
   DMG:    тRUSт [Innocent] damaged raden is the traitor [Traitor] for 6 dmg
   DMG:    тRUSт [Innocent] damaged raden is the traitor [Traitor] for 6 dmg
   DMG:    тRUSт [Innocent] damaged raden is the traitor [Traitor] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    тRUSт [Innocent] damaged raden is the traitor [Traitor] for 24 dmg
   DMG:    тRUSт [Innocent] damaged raden is the traitor [Traitor] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    тRUSт [Innocent] damaged raden is the traitor [Traitor] for 6 dmg
   DMG:    тRUSт [Innocent] damaged raden is the traitor [Traitor] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    тRUSт [Innocent] damaged raden is the traitor [Traitor] for 6 dmg
   KILL:    тRUSт [Innocent] killed raden is the traitor [Traitor]
   DMG:    Lemmiwinks [Innocent] damaged Annoying Backstabber [Innocent] for 37 dmg
   SAMPLE:    A Big Fat Horse Cock! retrieved DNA of raden is the traitor from corpse of (=CG=) Finniespin
   DMG:    Lemmiwinks [Innocent] damaged Annoying Backstabber [Innocent] for 20 dmg
   DMG:    Lemmiwinks [Innocent] damaged Annoying Backstabber [Innocent] for 37 dmg
   KILL:    Lemmiwinks [Innocent] killed Annoying Backstabber [Innocent]
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged sir "vendetta" dark1thought [Traitor] for 35 dmg
   DMG:    [M-F] Fouf [Innocent] damaged Adam Mcnubbins [Innocent] for 28 dmg
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged sir "vendetta" dark1thought [Traitor] for 35 dmg
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged sir "vendetta" dark1thought [Traitor] for 140 dmg
   KILL:    Johnny K [Innocent] killed sir "vendetta" dark1thought [Traitor]
   DMG:    TGHD [Innocent] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    TGHD [Innocent] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    TGHD [Innocent] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 15 dmg
   DMG:    Maurice Moss [Traitor] damaged Co. Worker | Lagging [Innocent] for 2000 dmg
   KILL:    Maurice Moss [Traitor] killed Co. Worker | Lagging [Innocent]
   KILL:    Brother Chaplain [Innocent] killed Brother Chaplain [Innocent]
   SAMPLE:    A Big Fat Horse Cock! retrieved DNA of Johnny K from corpse of sir "vendetta" dark1thought
   DMG:    Maurice Moss [Traitor] damaged A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Detective] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    Maurice Moss [Traitor] damaged A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Detective] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Detective] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 26 dmg
   DMG:    Maurice Moss [Traitor] damaged A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Detective] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    Maurice Moss [Traitor] damaged A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Detective] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    Maurice Moss [Traitor] damaged A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Detective] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    Maurice Moss [Traitor] damaged A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Detective] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    Maurice Moss [Traitor] damaged A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Detective] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    Maurice Moss [Traitor] damaged A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Detective] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    Maurice Moss [Traitor] damaged A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Detective] for 11 dmg
   DMG:    Maurice Moss [Traitor] damaged A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Detective] for 11 dmg
   KILL:    Maurice Moss [Traitor] killed A Big Fat Horse Cock! [Detective]
   DMG:    ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] damaged Maurice Moss [Traitor] for 62 dmg
   DMG:    ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] damaged Maurice Moss [Traitor] for 62 dmg
   KILL:    ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] killed Maurice Moss [Traitor]
   SAMPLE:    тRUSт retrieved DNA of ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man from corpse of Maurice Moss
   DMG:    Zoe Ralla Oneil [Traitor] damaged Adam Mcnubbins [Innocent] for 200 dmg
   KILL:    Zoe Ralla Oneil [Traitor] killed Adam Mcnubbins [Innocent]
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged Zoe Ralla Oneil [Traitor] for 40 dmg
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged Zoe Ralla Oneil [Traitor] for 257 dmg
   KILL:    Johnny K [Innocent] killed Zoe Ralla Oneil [Traitor]
   KILL:    <something/world> killed {D|O|L}_mark [Innocent]
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged Hari Seldon [Traitor] for 180 dmg
   KILL:    Johnny K [Innocent] killed Hari Seldon [Traitor]
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged TGHD [Innocent] for 140 dmg
   KILL:    Johnny K [Innocent] killed TGHD [Innocent]
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] for 31 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 6 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 10 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 10 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 10 dmg
   DMG:    Johnny K [Innocent] damaged TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] for 42 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 10 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 10 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 13 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 10 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 13 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 10 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged Johnny K [Innocent] for 10 dmg
   KILL:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] killed Johnny K [Innocent]
   DMG:    [M-F] Fouf [Innocent] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 14 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged [M-F] Fouf [Innocent] for 23 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged [M-F] Fouf [Innocent] for 13 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged [M-F] Fouf [Innocent] for 13 dmg
   DMG:    [M-F] Fouf [Innocent] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 50 dmg
   DMG:    ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 23 dmg
   DMG:    [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] damaged [M-F] Fouf [Innocent] for 25 dmg
   DMG:    ^2{*CS*}^8Ganja^2Man [Innocent] damaged [M-F] Fouf [Innocent] for 23 dmg
   DMG:    [M-F] Fouf [Innocent] damaged [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent] for 50 dmg
   KILL:    [M-F] Fouf [Innocent] killed [PatLane] ROIDTANK [Innocent]
   KILL:    <something/world> killed [M-F] Fouf [Innocent]
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged ??Mystery?? [Traitor] for 6 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged ??Mystery?? [Traitor] for 10 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged ??Mystery?? [Traitor] for 10 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged ??Mystery?? [Traitor] for 23 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged ??Mystery?? [Traitor] for 10 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged ??Mystery?? [Traitor] for 6 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged ??Mystery?? [Traitor] for 10 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged ??Mystery?? [Traitor] for 10 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged ??Mystery?? [Traitor] for 10 dmg
   DMG:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] damaged ??Mystery?? [Traitor] for 10 dmg
   KILL:    TOAST(ninja) [Innocent] k

This was the last round I play after I killed mystery the round ended. It got cut off when I copied pasted from console.


Offline Finniespin

Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #27 on: November 19, 2010, 07:29:29 PM »
Srsly, you need to know the difference between an obvious troll and an UnObvious troll.

Clearly TOAST is a obvious troll that likes to make fun and the server, and does not annoy, irritate, distract nor ruïning my gameplay.

Sometimes admins aren't right. (I am just sayin').

No I don't have hate on any admins, but you need to stick to the general procedure.

Offline AlphaWeeaboo

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Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #28 on: November 19, 2010, 07:58:42 PM »
TOAST isn't even that bad anymore as stated by himself.

Offline Pillz

Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #29 on: November 19, 2010, 08:12:20 PM »
I'm pretty sure I've played some ZPS with toast... He's never a problem at all there.. Unless it's a different toast.. but I saw him a few times so I think it's him..

Regardless, based on what Mechdudez has been saying, and what Toast has been saying, this is my conclusion.

RDMing is wrong. When an Admin does it, he simply slays himself for a few rounds and apparently that makes it Ok. I would like to point out, that that doesn't make it OK. If you're going to punish another person with a ban for repeated RDM's, admins should ban themselves after repeated RDM's also. If not, don't RDM.

I haven't read any real reason for him to be banned. He obviously likes playing there and doesn't intend to destroy the server with his.. toastiness.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Mechdudes admin abuse
« Reply #29 on: November 19, 2010, 08:12:20 PM »


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