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Author Topic: Derpa!*UNBANNED*  (Read 3885 times)

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Offline Curtis03

« on: October 14, 2010, 03:19:09 AM »
 chrisfavsmiley  laughface

OK so i recently started palying the TTT server, and i enjoy it quite a bit. But today i was banned by Remscar because i put a bock in the basment explosive trap and glitched it (Dm Richland). I did not know this was against the rules, and was never told anything of it. I only did this because earlier around 12:00-3:00pm i was on and so was WheatGrain, and another admin. While they were on some moron was doing it and killing peope with it, and kept spammin with his mic "Omf Whos radio is that? Some one kill the fuckign radio! What the fuck is wrong with that radio? (While laughing histerically)........ I just wanted to see how he did it and tred it myself. If you check the logs around the time 12:00-3:00 you will see that we were on that map (probably twice i believe(atleast)) and that wholegrain along with another admin (probably more) were on.

I do enjoy and respect the server, and have had a good time playing there, i was also hoping on joining CG before this incident. Anyways remscar told me to post!

« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 10:58:31 AM by CoolStoryOnizuka »

Offline Curtis03

Re: Derpa!
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2010, 03:19:44 AM »
BTW Its now 11:19pm!

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Derpa!
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2010, 03:19:44 AM »

Offline Remscar

Re: Derpa!
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2010, 03:38:17 AM »
Now for me to state my side:

I see him go into the room, put a brick in, and spam the button 10 times. I ban him for 1 week right before massive lagg hits.

I am later told that he would like to speak to me. I open a chat with him, and this is what happened:

7:51 PM - Hazzard: Why did you ban me
7:52 PM - Hazzard: I just had to run into it to stop it
7:52 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: Glitching the prop in trap
7:52 PM - Hazzard: And i didnt know it was against rules
7:52 PM - Hazzard: Its fixible!
7:52 PM - Hazzard: In a heart beat
7:52 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: its against the rules in all servers
7:52 PM - Hazzard: The two admins that wer on earlier today showed me it and did it several times
7:52 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: Really?
7:52 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: Names please
7:52 PM - Hazzard: And allowed several others to do it
7:52 PM - Hazzard: Wholegrain
7:52 PM - Hazzard: and another one
7:52 PM - Hazzard: I cant remember name if you gave me a list of names i could point it out
7:53 PM - Hazzard: But yeah
7:53 PM - Hazzard: I was killed by it earlier today cause peps were doing
7:53 PM - Hazzard: it
7:53 PM - Hazzard: And i mean that was my first offence ver on the server and its a week ban yet 70% of the server has rdmers constatnly
7:53 PM - Hazzard: and i love that server and was looking at joining the community
7:53 PM - Hazzard: and playing there server on other games
7:53 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: Dude
7:53 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: stop lying
7:54 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: Do you want a perma ban
7:54 PM - Hazzard: Im not lieingÉ
7:54 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: Wholegrain did not show people how to
7:54 PM - Hazzard: At all
7:54 PM - Hazzard: wtf
7:54 PM - Hazzard: Well he was one of the admins on when it happend
7:54 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: unless you can tell me the name of the other admin
7:54 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: your staying banned
7:54 PM - Hazzard: Give me a list of the names
7:54 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: no
7:54 PM - Hazzard: It started with l or i
7:55 PM - Hazzard: And thats a little harsh
7:55 PM - Hazzard: like you could of sayed something
7:55 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: Your lying to me
7:55 PM - Hazzard: No im not
7:55 PM - Hazzard: If i was lieing i wouldnt give to shtis right now
7:55 PM - Hazzard: and be talking to you
7:56 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: well i guess your momma is gonna die
7:56 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: Are you sure wholegrain was teaching people how to do it
7:56 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: i mean if so
7:56 PM - Hazzard: Wasnt teaching but i know he was one of the admins on and was standing right ther
7:56 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: we need to get rid of him
7:56 PM - Hazzard: He was on of the admins on
7:56 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: he was watching it?
7:56 PM - Hazzard: If you check logs to about 12-3pm my time
7:56 PM - Hazzard: its 856 now
7:56 PM - Hazzard: then you should see who was all online
7:57 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: stop lying to me
7:57 PM - Hazzard: Cause i was on that whole time
7:57 PM - Hazzard: Im not
7:57 PM - Hazzard: like i already said
7:57 PM - Hazzard: its nothing but the truth!
7:58 PM - Hazzard: Wholegrain was on the entire time i was on today
7:58 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: Dude
7:59 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: im permabanning you
7:59 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: maybe ifyou had stopped lying
7:59 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: i would of reduced ban to 1 hour
7:59 PM - Hazzard: WOW
7:59 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: but now
7:59 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: your gone forever
7:59 PM - Hazzard: Im not lieing
7:59 PM - Hazzard: how am i lieing
7:59 PM - Hazzard: and about what
7:59 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: go onto our forums and make a ban appeal then
7:59 PM - Hazzard: Fuck ill just post this on the forums then
7:59 PM - Hazzard: Wtf why
8:00 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: ok
8:00 PM - Hazzard: And i have no proof because i didnt know it was a Èbad thingÈ
8:00 PM - Hazzard: to do
8:00 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: ConjointGaming.com
8:00 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: ill give you my admin if im wrong
8:00 PM - Hazzard: Wtf am i supposed to post remscar is banning me for permanent because admins earlier were doing soemthing i got banned for
8:00 PM - Hazzard: how so are you owner
8:00 PM - Hazzard: Check the logs prove yourself wrong
8:00 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: Nope
8:00 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: im not owner
8:00 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: Go post on forums
8:00 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: if you want to appeal your ban
8:01 PM - Hazzard: But what do i post
8:01 PM - Hazzard: I am banned perma cause i did something admins were allowing earlier
8:01 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: Whatever you think will get you unbanned
8:01 PM - Hazzard: check logs
8:01 PM - Hazzard: thanks
8:02 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: cya later baby // Not the most mature thing for me to say
8:03 PM - Hazzard: Wtf
I go and watch Gamer... shitty movie
Hazzard is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
Hazzard is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
8:09 PM - Hazzard: Why are you being so ignorant towards me
8:10 PM - Hazzard: Why wont you just take what im saying under consideration
Worthless is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
Worthless is now Away.
Worthless is now Online.
Worthless is now Away.
Worthless is now Online.
9:42 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: If what you were saying
9:42 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: is true
9:43 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: then you would post a ban apeal
9:43 PM - Worthless: No point theres other ttt servers and if some one with your "authority" as you say then its pointless
9:43 PM - Worthless: And ive ben upstairs
9:43 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: i dont think thats a case
9:44 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: i meant honestly
9:44 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: if you think that you dont deserve to be banned
9:44 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: please do post an apeal
9:44 PM - Worthless: Well you were being quite ignorant and a little harsh on the matter
9:44 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: i will take that under consideration
9:44 PM - Worthless: But what is the point
9:44 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: prove yourself innocent
9:44 PM - Worthless: youll most likely say the same thing your saying now
9:44 PM - Worthless: How so
9:44 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: i will provide my evidence
9:44 PM - Worthless: If you check the logs yourself now you would see i am terlling the turh
9:44 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: and i will let the community judge you
9:44 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: i already have checked logs
9:44 PM - Worthless: Your evidence of what?
9:46 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: lying to me
9:46 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: and glitching props
9:46 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: and logs
9:46 PM - Worthless: No?
9:46 PM - Worthless: gltiching logs?
9:47 PM - Worthless: And i didnt exactly gltich prop, if it was made and never corrected its nothing but there for its use
9:47 PM - Worthless: technically
9:47 PM - Worthless: And it was my first offence
9:47 PM - Worthless: and i did not know
9:47 PM - Worthless: because admins set bad examples
9:47 PM - Worthless: and i am not lieing? What proof of this do you have that im lieing?
9:48 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: get me the name of that admin
9:48 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: our forums have a list of all admins
9:49 PM - Worthless: Ok!
9:51 PM - Worthless: Wher can i see the list?
9:51 PM - Worthless: And if you looked at logs Whats his face was on no
9:51 PM - Worthless: Wheat dude
9:51 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: http://www.conjointgaming.com/forum/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=23
9:51 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: that is regular admins
9:51 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: http://www.conjointgaming.com/forum/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=22
9:51 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: Trial Admins
9:52 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: http://www.conjointgaming.com/forum/index.php?action=groups;sa=members;group=27
9:52 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: Veteran admins
9:54 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: Any names?
9:55 PM - Worthless: hold on
9:55 PM - Worthless: had to leave game to apply on the forums
10:00 PM - Worthless: Do all of these admins have the same name as INgam?
10:00 PM - Worthless: ingame*
10:00 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: most
10:01 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: its usually similar
10:01 PM - Worthless: Then in the logs it should show (because i online remember the first character) Lenin or Leomire, IF they have the same as ingame names
10:01 PM - (=CG=) Remscar: Lenin is an admin
10:01 PM - Worthless: Besides if you rievewed logs you will know Wheatgrain and the other admin that was on

During the first section of this chat i contact wholegrain and make sure he wasnt fucking around and teaching people how to blow the trap up. He says he was on for all of 30 seconds and it wasnt even on the map richland.

This guy is still banned for a week. I don't care if he stays banned or not. I was going to reban him for only an hour till he started lying......

Neither Leomire or Lenin were on the server on the date specified.
Part of my pride was dead the second that you talked to me
And I knew that no matter what lied ahead you wouldn't walk with me
So alone I traveled

Offline Curtis03

Re: Derpa!
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2010, 05:17:18 AM »
Well, wholerain (=CG=) Wholegrain was on for quite a bit today, as far as i was on, they were ON the server. If they were afk or there they were. And when i stated at the top they showed i meant the moron that kept running around, If some one would just check logs around the time stated this would be solved, and you had no intention of rebanning for a hour as far as i was told and knew from you or bill!

Offline Curtis03

Re: Derpa!
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2010, 05:18:30 AM »
Oh was the other admin on Leetgrain? Check the logs youll see! Lol It was leo or lin i am pretty sure it was Leet who was on and playing!

Offline artixloktar

Re: Derpa!
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2010, 06:47:52 AM »
I love how fucked up this lie is. Wholegrain would not do that to the server first off. 2 i do not think lin is a admin on the ttt server and i know leo is not one on the ttt server. it is all a lie. Be lucky it is just a week dude and stop bitching about it. Next time do not glitch the trap. Simple

                                              :o MEOWMIXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-X

Offline AlphaWeeaboo

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Re: Derpa!
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2010, 09:50:46 AM »
Well, honestly I think you just pressured him to blow this all out of proportion. If he didn't know it was against rules, he doesn't know. Simple as that. No need to make a fucking brain game out of the whole situation.

Offline Dinomoto

Re: Derpa!
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2010, 10:29:29 AM »
maybe you could reduce it to a 2 day ban,
Phim Bogason

Offline Jorgen

Re: Derpa!
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2010, 10:36:10 AM »
dark that might be the worst thing you've said, he never once in that chat forced him to lie...
he might have triggered a lie, but never forced a lie. also if he saw it happen earlier he would know how anoying it is, and that in all probability is against the rules.
we have 3 pretty easy reasons for this, even a retarded kid should figure them out.
1: server side lag
2: blocks out C4 blasts and sounds completly making it impossible to hear, that pluss some weapons are hard to hear...
3: it is not uncommon for people to go to near and get blasted to oblivion, so rdm
those were 3 pretty easy reasons that even a retarded dog could see.

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: Derpa!
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2010, 11:17:28 AM »
This whole situation should not have been a ban, it should have been a slay. That would ahve sufficed as a warning. The amount of discipline needs to be cut down. Warning should be given before action is taken. Wholegrain is getting tired of getting messaged on Steam about the admins using their powers and whatnot. Leetgrain I could see doing something like that though. I know you guys wanna help the community by doing administrative details, but cut back on how much you use your power, you are driving people away.

Offline FearlessThor

Re: Derpa!
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2010, 11:27:47 AM »
he is fucking up the map i guess we want people coming in a crashing and lagging the server.

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: Derpa!
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2010, 11:34:01 AM »
he is fucking up the map i guess we want people coming in a crashing and lagging the server.

He was unaware of the sitaution and is new to the community. Give him the benefit of the doubt. Don't ban him for a week if you are gonna ban him, make it at max an hour. Its not a hard situation to fix either.

Offline FearlessThor

Re: Derpa!
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2010, 11:39:07 AM »
ya ya i see your point

Offline Remscar

Re: Derpa!
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2010, 02:49:12 PM »
I will check the logs to see if Leetgrain was on the server or not....

I was only planning on a 3 hour ban, till he lied.
Part of my pride was dead the second that you talked to me
And I knew that no matter what lied ahead you wouldn't walk with me
So alone I traveled

Offline Dante

Re: Derpa!
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2010, 05:37:42 PM »
This whole situation should not have been a ban, it should have been a slay. That would ahve sufficed as a warning. The amount of discipline needs to be cut down. Warning should be given before action is taken. Wholegrain is getting tired of getting messaged on Steam about the admins using their powers and whatnot. Leetgrain I could see doing something like that though. I know you guys wanna help the community by doing administrative details, but cut back on how much you use your power, you are driving people away.
Kwaurtz is right and it seems like you two started jumping at eachother. (Like me and Rebel did when I was still admin.)

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Derpa!
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2010, 05:37:42 PM »


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