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Author Topic: Religion Thread  (Read 47907 times)

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Offline Sniper no Sniping

Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #135 on: November 16, 2010, 06:55:40 PM »
i actually want to know how a T-rex evolved into a chicken...

Offline AlphaWeeaboo

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #136 on: November 16, 2010, 08:53:01 PM »
Agnostic Theist here.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #136 on: November 16, 2010, 08:53:01 PM »

Offline Raunky

Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #137 on: November 16, 2010, 08:55:15 PM »
So I heard that hating on religion is a cool thing for teenagers to do.
^^ c wut i did thar?

Offline AlphaWeeaboo

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #138 on: November 16, 2010, 08:57:31 PM »
So I heard that hating on religion is a cool thing for teenagers to do.
^^ c wut i did thar?
Don't you know all the cool internet kids are atheists.

Offline Raunky

Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #139 on: November 16, 2010, 08:58:23 PM »
Well yeah....
That's kinda what I said. ._.

Offline Holy

Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #140 on: November 18, 2010, 02:59:56 AM »
Cool internet kid is an oxymoron. 90% of the people who claim atheism have no idea what they hell they are talking about and what atheism really is. It's mainly people trying to be trendy and excepted among the majority so they can finally be excepted at something. Atheism is not being able to come to the final conclusion that there is or isn't a god and sides on the side that there is no god. Me, a Christian, knows more about atheism than poser atheists do.  laughface That's pathetic.

God, not bound by time or space, making the universe makes WAY more sense than matter creating itself from nothing, which is impossible according to science... oo I see a contradiction. Nice fail at trying to explain our existence science. Silly naive science will never be able to explain everything. It should stick to numbers and building blocks.

lol.gif wanna make a flaw in religion, the bible.

and that's it, i mean have you read it "God created the heaven and the earth" doesn't even go into detail

Obviously you haven't even picked up a bible and bothered reading ALL OF GENESIS CHAPTER 1 (the first thing you read in the bible) which is 31 verses going into detail of how heaven and earth was made. To denounce the bible without opening to the first page or even reading it speaks your level of intelligence on the matter loud and clear.

Billy Ruben knows religion. This is what he has to say about it:

You're either a Theist, or an Atheist.
You're either Gnostic(Knowing), or Agnostic(Unknowing).

You MUST be a combination of the TWO choices.

Gnostic Theist = There is a God, and I KNOW this. (Hardcore biblepushers.)
Agnost Theist = There is a God, and I believe this is true. (Your average Christian/religious person.)
Gnostic Atheist = There is no God, and I KNOW this. (Scientifically illogical, this is what most posers claim to be. Then again, they just say atheist because they don't really know /shit/.)
Agnostic Atheist = There may or may not be a God. I am unable to prove either case, and thus go with the latter - which has more 'soft' evidence - and say there is no God. (tl;dr, most logical "religion".  Can't fuxx wittit.)

I myself am an Agnostic Atheist. I don't know if there really is a God or not, but tbh, I couldn't care less.

That is all.

Billy is a wise person. What he says is true. This is what I was talking about above.. poser atheists are all over the internet trying to be cool and fit in with the crowd.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2010, 03:21:23 AM by Holy »

Offline Jorgen

Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #141 on: November 18, 2010, 10:36:03 AM »
Cool internet kid is an oxymoron. 90% of the people who claim atheism have no idea what they hell they are talking about and what atheism really is. It's mainly people trying to be trendy and excepted among the majority so they can finally be excepted at something. Atheism is not being able to come to the final conclusion that there is or isn't a god and sides on the side that there is no god. Me, a Christian, knows more about atheism than poser atheists do.  laughface That's pathetic.

God, not bound by time or space, making the universe makes WAY more sense than matter creating itself from nothing, which is impossible according to science... oo I see a contradiction. Nice fail at trying to explain our existence science. Silly naive science will never be able to explain everything. It should stick to numbers and building blocks.

lol.gif wanna make a flaw in religion, the bible.

and that's it, i mean have you read it "God created the heaven and the earth" doesn't even go into detail

Obviously you haven't even picked up a bible and bothered reading ALL OF GENESIS CHAPTER 1 (the first thing you read in the bible) which is 31 verses going into detail of how heaven and earth was made. To denounce the bible without opening to the first page or even reading it speaks your level of intelligence on the matter loud and clear.

Billy Ruben knows religion. This is what he has to say about it:

You're either a Theist, or an Atheist.
You're either Gnostic(Knowing), or Agnostic(Unknowing).

You MUST be a combination of the TWO choices.

Gnostic Theist = There is a God, and I KNOW this. (Hardcore biblepushers.)
Agnost Theist = There is a God, and I believe this is true. (Your average Christian/religious person.)
Gnostic Atheist = There is no God, and I KNOW this. (Scientifically illogical, this is what most posers claim to be. Then again, they just say atheist because they don't really know /shit/.)
Agnostic Atheist = There may or may not be a God. I am unable to prove either case, and thus go with the latter - which has more 'soft' evidence - and say there is no God. (tl;dr, most logical "religion".  Can't fuxx wittit.)

I myself am an Agnostic Atheist. I don't know if there really is a God or not, but tbh, I couldn't care less.

That is all.

Billy is a wise person. What he says is true. This is what I was talking about above.. poser atheists are all over the internet trying to be cool and fit in with the crowd.
Atheism never said anything about matter spontaniously coming out of nowhere, it simply sais energy has always existed much like your god has always existed, and that matter is created out from energy given what einstein proved trough mathematics.
There are many theories however on how energy came to be here in this universe trough the big bang, for example M theory (membrane theory) which involves several membranes splitting one universe from the next. One of theese 2 theoretically bumped into eachother and created a energy surge, which then went on to create Hydrogen, which turn into a hydrogen fog. that then again starts fusing when it gets concentrated enough and creates a star. this was the scientific birth of the universe. (however flawed my version of it is, given 1. i am not a physicist and 2. i am tired)

out from this we will continue towards the scientific birth of earth, comets bombard a molten sun trapping its molten core, after long bombarding earth comes out. with a magnetosphere and so forth, i am to tired to write anythig more elobrate seriously.

out from this carbon bindings are born, with first several really simple ones, which then become longer and more elobrate carbon strings, binding in alitle NH3 and COOH into it weaving the first amino acid, which can naturally occur. after millions of years theese carbon strings, were binded into a primitive bacteria which then could get more properties trough "digestion" of other primitive cells (once again i am not fully eduacated on the subject as of yet i can not write the full story) primitive cells then bound together and so forth until you got the first very primitive fish or something similar. which then acording to where it were born and so forth were breeded on according to what the fishes of its same species needed in that area. for example if a mutation were to make it's mouth longer (and this was usefull for feeding or so forth in it's natural habitat) it would be somewhat an alpha male/female. so forth evolution took its toll.
this is what some of us believe.
besides I hate both kinds of people in this thread, honestly why do any off you need to push your beliefs on the other?
so people rather than taking jabs a eachother take a chill pill and relax

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #142 on: November 18, 2010, 11:57:57 AM »
I have a quote that I live by "Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones." - Marcus Aurelius

Offline Dinomoto

Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #143 on: November 18, 2010, 03:03:30 PM »
you people make no sense AAAAAAAH *jumps out window*
Phim Bogason

Offline A.K Commando

Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #144 on: November 18, 2010, 06:38:36 PM »
First of all being an Average non-church-going Christan I believe that there is a god and that he wtches over us, though he doesn't often touch our lives unless he feels that we really need it. Anyway Jorgen I have found a flaw with your theory and it is this, It counts on the fact that another Universe already existed for the membrane to split from, thus if the universe in it's entirety came from this theory at the very start of the universe trillions and trillions of years ago (because noone can scientificly prove just how old this universe is and I believe that Humankind itself would take up a meer eyeblink in the vast timeline of the univserse as a whole) Then what started the first universe for such a theory to exist? That in my mind is the Million dollar question for those that don't believe in God in any form (Buddism, Christanity, Non-extremist Islam, Etc.)

Also Kwuartz that is a nice Quote you have :O
To those who seek me out, beware. The Darkness is my friend and it shall aid me. Do not be distressed though as only those of evil intent need fear the writhing darkness. Only those of Pure intentions can find me and receive my help.

Offline Raunky

Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #145 on: November 18, 2010, 08:40:36 PM »
Just want to say you guys used the word Gnosticism wrong. Just because it looks and sounds like Agnostic does not mean it's related to it.
Gnosticism is a very...strange belief to say the least. Now if one of you were to theoretically read "Against Heresies"(or at least just Chapter 1) by Irenaeus you might understand, not just what a Gnostic is, but how crazy and far fetched their creation story is.

Offline Jorgen

Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #146 on: November 19, 2010, 05:33:20 AM »
First of all being an Average non-church-going Christan I believe that there is a god and that he wtches over us, though he doesn't often touch our lives unless he feels that we really need it. Anyway Jorgen I have found a flaw with your theory and it is this, It counts on the fact that another Universe already existed for the membrane to split from, thus if the universe in it's entirety came from this theory at the very start of the universe trillions and trillions of years ago (because noone can scientificly prove just how old this universe is and I believe that Humankind itself would take up a meer eyeblink in the vast timeline of the univserse as a whole) Then what started the first universe for such a theory to exist? That in my mind is the Million dollar question for those that don't believe in God in any form (Buddism, Christanity, Non-extremist Islam, Etc.)

Also Kwuartz that is a nice Quote you have :O
it is hardly a flaw it is just me not telling it corectly, i did not go far enough into the membrane theory. it is a part of string theory the most believeable part of string theory if anything. anyways it builds on the fact that it can be as long as it is but very thin, once again i am not good at explaining M theory. so i will let theese chaps do it
Part 11: M-theory it is old and it is part 11. but it is still better at explaining it than i will be.

Offline Finniespin

Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #147 on: November 19, 2010, 05:46:47 AM »

Guys, This is just endless. Everyone is trying to convince each other. And thats not GOING to work, EVER!


Instead. I believe in raptor jezus /troll

Offline A.K Commando

Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #148 on: November 19, 2010, 06:06:44 AM »
I'm not out to convince anyone just point out what seems like a fact. Also for those that don't want to waste nine minutes of their lives watching the above clip here's the basics, though this Assesment is incomplete since I obviously havn't seen the entire PBS show.

1. That String theory believes that there is an extra dimension and that (according to what I peiced together from Jorgen) Vibrating strings and 'membrane' float from that side to this side to create matter in this universe.

2. That also according to String theory Lighter Particles (Like Gravity etc.) have a heavier counterpart (which has not been found yet as far as I know)

3.  String theory still does not answer the question of where da hell Everything came from in the beginning, But that is to be expected as it is a new theory and has not yet been proven or disproven (to my knowladge) Thus refer to my Earlier question, if in the very beginning of time (which must exist though there is no way in heaven or hell that we'll find it in any of our life times or even our species lifetimes.) what started the ball rolling?

Also Finnie I'm sorry to say but Raptor Jesus is just your form of Worshiping God, though he may look different from another's God >:3
To those who seek me out, beware. The Darkness is my friend and it shall aid me. Do not be distressed though as only those of evil intent need fear the writhing darkness. Only those of Pure intentions can find me and receive my help.

Offline Jorgen

Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #149 on: November 19, 2010, 06:12:34 AM »
YAAAY for a logical mind =D
but i did somewhat explain the begining of life in my other post. it is just incomplete ofcourse, seeing that m-theory is a begining theory of everything.
I am neither in no way trying to force this upon you i am just trying to counterbalace the last of what holy said, which was in basics "science shut the fuck upp, i have religion" which is not debating it is claiming.

anyways, it is my belief if i can say that. So taking a dung on that is as if i were to take a dung on your religion =P

gravity in string theory comes from a quart called a graviton, it is a massless particle that can travel trough theese so called membranes. if string theory gets proven it also is the reason for early suns and so forth.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #149 on: November 19, 2010, 06:12:34 AM »


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