I know what happened!!!!!
It was not April, it was August the 23rd. We were on Roy the ship. The round had just begun. I was a Traitor, Pankakes was an Innocent. I had spawned in the captains room, and climbed down to the deck. I did nothing Traitorous on the way. As I walked onto the deck, A smoke grenade goes off behind me, and bullets start flying out at me, killing me with only eneough time to see that someone was shooting from the smoke. Once spectator, I flew around and saw that it was Pankakes who killed me THROUGH THE SMOKE. After the round, Pankakes was bragging about the kill, saying, "Did you like that Sigoshi?" As I was a spectator, I noticed that Agent Orange was online. I needed to turn off my computer then, so I told Agent the story, and left right as the map switched to Richland. He ruined my traitor round, possibly by hacking, and should not be unbanned.
TL;DR: Pankakes should not be unbanned. He was either hacking, or made one CRAZY lucky rdm.