Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: (=CG=) Inject
In game name: (=CG=) Milkman-007
Link to your steam page:
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198081779238/What helpful qualities do you possess: I have like little to no life which means I'm playing video games a lot, don't tolerate BS, not annoying
What country are you from: U.S.
Age: 15
Microphone: Yup
Do you have past admin/forum experience: Nope, Iv'e been a trial admin on CG for like 2 weeks now and it's gone good and I know the stuff, but that's it. No Forum experience sadly
Do you use our TS server: Nope, could if I needed to.
Additional Notes: I wouldn't normally want to apply so early for a TTT admin since I'm still new to the forums, but I figure since I've played on CG servers for a while (before I had a forum account) and since we are on a low for admins Currently in TTT, I figure I might as well apply now and still be active and get a "name" in the forums as I go. I also didn't want to mooch my trial admin for too long considering I kinda just got it randomly and was told to apply later.