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Author Topic: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx  (Read 10211 times)

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Offline DBag

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2013, 01:48:56 PM »
The only thing I have to say is the GA position. From my understanding it was supposed to be a spot where a certain admin had admin powers across all of the servers. These powers vary by what commands the HA would allow for example Red to have. I did not think that GA had the ability to mess with servers, or sourcebans to the extent that Red is able to. I also don't remember reading that they had any powers on the forums. To me GA was supposed to be a step above Reg Admin but just below Vet Admin. GA would have a limited amount of commands at their disposal when on another server other than their original one, also with no forum powers. HA/a from the sounds of it doesn't have half of the access that GA does even though GA is supposed to be below it in the ranking totem pole. Nothing against you Red this is just what I remember reading somewhere.
My message of love is carved into every bullet I shoot at you <3

Offline Pillz

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2013, 03:15:43 PM »
The only thing I have to say is the GA position. From my understanding it was supposed to be a spot where a certain admin had admin powers across all of the servers. These powers vary by what commands the HA would allow for example Red to have. I did not think that GA had the ability to mess with servers, or sourcebans to the extent that Red is able to. I also don't remember reading that they had any powers on the forums. To me GA was supposed to be a step above Reg Admin but just below Vet Admin. GA would have a limited amount of commands at their disposal when on another server other than their original one, also with no forum powers. HA/a from the sounds of it doesn't have half of the access that GA does even though GA is supposed to be below it in the ranking totem pole. Nothing against you Red this is just what I remember reading somewhere.

Yeah and I was just kind of spitballing ideas then but if ANYTHING GA would be between HA/a and HA. Everything Red's been doing though has been via our orders though as far as sourcebans stuff goes, but he's incapable of accessing FTP or anything outside of Sourcebans. It'd be nice if he had FTP and could work on servers with HA's permission but people don't seem to like the rank so I guess we'll just throw it away and demote Red instead?

I would make him a CL, but Inject said we weren't going to need any other CL's anytime soon so I made due how I could, it was either what I've done so far or keep Red as a Vet and have him help me anyway; which would of been fine but I wanted to get him a spot where he could fairly operate SB and train to be CL so that's essentially what we've been doing, and I apologize if the things seem unfair or strange but we're still working on it. Death and Alpha are kind of busy with Thanksgiving stuff still I believe but we'll be back to scheming together soon enough.

Right now GA duties are simply: Watch over other admins, report inactivity, make sure servers are working optimally, and do FTP work if needed. Perhaps we could change the rank to Grand Coder or something neat.

We need to have public meetings like every week too, someone pick a day that looks pretty and deem it meeting day.

Because it has the potential of causing a shit storm the same way Wholegrain did when he made me a CL.

That's actually a good point. What do you propose our solution be, if we had to have one now, rather then wait?

At this point in time we need the communities opinion on this sitaution since it has evolved into what it currently is. Have the CL's make a thread so that everyone's voice can be heard, and from there we move on. There are three realistic things that can happen that come to mind. The biggest problem is that in CG everyone is afraid to be public with their opinion unless its the consensus already, thats why a lot of it comes down to being steam chats. CG has put this negative image that disagreeing is fighting and that it isn't allowed on the forums. Individuals are going to form their own opinion, and I've never been one to hold my tongue, all I ask is that hopefully others will let go of theirs too regardless of rank.

Well said, you should say this from the beginning instead of posting shit which just makes people discredit you.

So much this, everyone is allowed to say anything they want but not if you have to do it obnoxiously and disrespectfully. I've been spending the majority of my free time working on CG lately, and I'm just trying to help; so if you don't like something I've done don't throw a temper tantrum because I'm already stressed half the time now and it doesn't help to come home to a post like this one.. Formal complaints are cool, trollswaglolol is not.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 03:23:51 PM by Pillz »
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2013, 03:15:43 PM »

Offline Red

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2013, 03:48:33 PM »
It'd be nice if he had FTP and could work on servers with HA's permission but people don't seem to like the rank so I guess we'll just throw it away and demote Red instead?
All I wanted to do was help and so far I have helped, a lot. But if this is how you all see this rank/position, as a slap in the face and something you all hate, then yes I will resign/be demoted/have less power as GA, I don't mind I suppose. CG needs to be fixed (Because yes, it is broken right now.) and I've done my part so far, if my usefulness has ended then ok.
Need anything? Find me on steam and I'll be happy to help.

Offline crovv

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2013, 04:19:56 PM »
Just my two cents:
Most people agree that Red has the potential to be CL. After getting to know him better, though not knowing what he does behind the scenes, I think Red is perfect for HA/a, HA, GA, or CL, wherever his rank currently falls (or will fall, if we do get rid of GA).

Kwaurtz, posting troll posts like this won't get us anywhere. You gained back all your credit when you actually voiced your opinion, so why couldn't you have done that in the first place?

As for GA, I think the CLs should write the "rank totem pole" and what each rank does, as right now it seems like even they are unclear. The community will voice its opinions, as people have suggested earlier, and then we change the ranks so that it fits a more comfortable view of the CLs and the community.

That being said, we need some change in CG. Keeping things the same will not make us go anywhere. If we tried things in the past, perhaps stay away from them, but do try something new. These changes are for the better, though they may not seem to be at first, because CG as it stood before the new CLs stepped up was not in a good place and we still need to make things better moving forward.

Offline Finniespin

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2013, 04:45:45 PM »
6/10 spam away topic.
Sould consider replying again.

You troll, I troll.

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #20 on: November 30, 2013, 04:50:39 PM »
You guys must be new to the internet, or life in general, or have never heard of the onion/daily show/colbert report.

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2013, 04:57:25 PM »
You guys must be new to the internet, or life in general, or have never heard of the onion/daily show/colbert report.

There's a difference between making a snarky poke at a problem and a half-added spam post that makes you seem more like a whiny troll.

You mean where I mention that its a satirical post, and also put it into the way off topic box so that the subject matter doesn't really matter.

Offline Guztav.

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2013, 05:13:34 PM »
This thread is getting out of control, and it's pointless. It's full of troll. This thread will be locked within the next hour unless a good reason is provided, excluding the fact it is in the way off topic box. Just because it's in way off topic does not mean you can fight and troll, it can damn well go somewhere else. ..

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2013, 05:14:49 PM »
This thread is getting out of control, and it's pointless. It's full of troll. This thread will be locked within the next hour unless a good reason is provided, excluding the fact it is in the way off topic box. Just because it's in way off topic does not mean you can fight and troll, it can damn well go somewhere else. ..

This thread was fine when we actually started talking on the first page of it, when people came in and all started saying 'TROLL TROLL OMG TROLL' it was fine.

Offline Guztav.

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2013, 05:15:42 PM »
This thread is getting out of control, and it's pointless. It's full of troll. This thread will be locked within the next hour unless a good reason is provided, excluding the fact it is in the way off topic box. Just because it's in way off topic does not mean you can fight and troll, it can damn well go somewhere else. ..

This thread was fine when we actually started talking on the first page of it, when people came in and all started saying 'TROLL TROLL OMG TROLL' it was fine.
I agree, it was fine but it's spinning out of control now. Alright, if it calms down then it won't be locked.

Offline Yahtzee

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2013, 05:30:31 PM »

Offline IrishBandit

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #26 on: November 30, 2013, 05:38:10 PM »

Offline Old Crow

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2013, 05:47:38 PM »
I'm confused. Tell me how Kwaurtz is "trolling" ??
I've proved people wrong on so many occasioans

Oh wow I do.Its because. I'm really active on the forum.

3 Days isn't log

Offline DBag

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2013, 05:57:50 PM »

Yeah and I was just kind of spitballing ideas then but if ANYTHING GA would be between HA/a and HA. Everything Red's been doing though has been via our orders though as far as sourcebans stuff goes, but he's incapable of accessing FTP or anything outside of Sourcebans. It'd be nice if he had FTP and could work on servers with HA's permission but people don't seem to like the rank so I guess we'll just throw it away and demote Red instead?

I would make him a CL, but Inject said we weren't going to need any other CL's anytime soon so I made due how I could, it was either what I've done so far or keep Red as a Vet and have him help me anyway; which would of been fine but I wanted to get him a spot where he could fairly operate SB and train to be CL so that's essentially what we've been doing, and I apologize if the things seem unfair or strange but we're still working on it. Death and Alpha are kind of busy with Thanksgiving stuff still I believe but we'll be back to scheming together soon enough.

Right now GA duties are simply: Watch over other admins, report inactivity, make sure servers are working optimally, and do FTP work if needed. Perhaps we could change the rank to Grand Coder or something neat.

We need to have public meetings like every week too, someone pick a day that looks pretty and deem it meeting day.

Just to say this I am not saying anything against him having the position but I did like the original idea of GA to be an overseer of everyone in the event that the HA didn't catch something. I do think Red is doing a good job and have nothing negative about his powers, although the position of GA in my opinion should be kept as the overseer seat of power. Otherwise as it stands he is technically an HA and a CL with just a few limitations. I would also like to suggest that everyone should be limited to 1 to 2 positions on the forums and on the servers.

Spoiler for Hidden:
For example: Say I wanted to be an admin for Hidden and ZM that would be my limit for server limitations, and if I was able to get a forum spot say moderated of the Way Of Topic board, yes I know it's taken, I could only have that, and maybe one other board.

I really believe that people should only be allowed to have 2 positions period as to allow people who have worked hard and shown that they are ready can move up in the event that say an HA becomes a CL. Now these are just some ideas of mine so take them with a grain of salt
My message of love is carved into every bullet I shoot at you <3

Offline Pillz

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #29 on: November 30, 2013, 06:32:59 PM »
Kwaurtz wasn't trolling, the first post was obnoxious and like Cortez said should of been Kwaurtz's structured opinion to begin with so people wouldn't get whiny.

Yeah and I was just kind of spitballing ideas then but if ANYTHING GA would be between HA/a and HA. Everything Red's been doing though has been via our orders though as far as sourcebans stuff goes, but he's incapable of accessing FTP or anything outside of Sourcebans. It'd be nice if he had FTP and could work on servers with HA's permission but people don't seem to like the rank so I guess we'll just throw it away and demote Red instead?

I would make him a CL, but Inject said we weren't going to need any other CL's anytime soon so I made due how I could, it was either what I've done so far or keep Red as a Vet and have him help me anyway; which would of been fine but I wanted to get him a spot where he could fairly operate SB and train to be CL so that's essentially what we've been doing, and I apologize if the things seem unfair or strange but we're still working on it. Death and Alpha are kind of busy with Thanksgiving stuff still I believe but we'll be back to scheming together soon enough.

Right now GA duties are simply: Watch over other admins, report inactivity, make sure servers are working optimally, and do FTP work if needed. Perhaps we could change the rank to Grand Coder or something neat.

We need to have public meetings like every week too, someone pick a day that looks pretty and deem it meeting day.

Just to say this I am not saying anything against him having the position but I did like the original idea of GA to be an overseer of everyone in the event that the HA didn't catch something. I do think Red is doing a good job and have nothing negative about his powers, although the position of GA in my opinion should be kept as the overseer seat of power. Otherwise as it stands he is technically an HA and a CL with just a few limitations. I would also like to suggest that everyone should be limited to 1 to 2 positions on the forums and on the servers.

Spoiler for Hidden:
For example: Say I wanted to be an admin for Hidden and ZM that would be my limit for server limitations, and if I was able to get a forum spot say moderated of the Way Of Topic board, yes I know it's taken, I could only have that, and maybe one other board.

I really believe that people should only be allowed to have 2 positions period as to allow people who have worked hard and shown that they are ready can move up in the event that say an HA becomes a CL. Now these are just some ideas of mine so take them with a grain of salt

Well Vet admins are allowed admin on all the servers they can handle, but ideally if someone's active enough to do more than others; they should be allowed to do all they can. Kwaurtz is scared/upset that more people will want to help and have their own place in CG, asking for their own ranks or whatever; but the more people wanting to help the merrier as far as I'm concerned. People who don't want to help and are just going to complain about every change that happens though, we need to find a place for you too. We can call them CG analysts. :p

I just want more people to be able to climb the "totem pole(since we're all native americans here today)" and at the time I wasn't sure if HA/a or GA would be the better stepping stone towards becoming an experienced leader in CG. Now that we've got HA/a's and have that more clearly defined and understood, maybe we can just improve upon that and HA and remove the GA rank.

I really would rather alter the GA rank/name than remove it completely, so again ideas area welcome.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Kwaurtz for xXSSJXXADMIN420360NOSCOPEXx
« Reply #29 on: November 30, 2013, 06:32:59 PM »


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