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Author Topic: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain  (Read 4666 times)

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Offline Leetgrain

[PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« on: November 07, 2013, 07:33:34 PM »
Hello there, I'd like to say two things: One, to ask to be considered for a promotion, and the second, an application to help out with any server that would like me to help out (Head admins should say whether they would like me to). I know this is breaking the norm by a long mile, but please read and consider everything below.

Spoiler for promotion:
Hey there, I'd like to be considered for a promotion, as I've been here for a LONG time, helping out on the TTT/VSH servers as much as possible - although I haven't been well enough to cope recently, I'd like to ask for a promotion to reg/vet, because as above, I have been here for quite a long time, and have been admin for almost as long (Albeit, twice resigned). And I think I'm long due for one.

It would also help me with the below application, to help out with all servers, I'd like to spread out wide with the servers I help on so that I don't get tired of one and just lose interest, I'd like to help out with the communities servers as much as possible, and this would be good for existing admins, to alleviate some of the pressure, and me, so that I can enjoy and play on our many servers, while keeping problems to a minimum.

Hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

Spoiler for application:
What server you're applying for: Any servers/HA that will accept me to help out whenever I'm on (with no req. time, just so I can help whenever I'm on.)

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: None, but if any HA would like me to help out, please state if you recommend me.

In game name: Ze Leetgrain (=CG=) (N★G)

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Leetgrain/

Steam ID:  STEAM_0:0:22925516

Do you have past admin experience: Yes, have had a LOT of experience, Have been admin here twice/thrice, on TTT and VSH, and I'd like to start helping out on other servers.

Why you wish to be admin: Because I'd like to help out across all of CG's server with no quotas or the likes, as it would help with anyone that needs it across all servers, alleviating a lot off of other admins, and allowing me to help out without any major stress (and stress is the one major thing I do not want right now).

What are some good qualities you possess: I'm mature, firm, but able to have a good time, I can help out a lot and will come on to the servers if anyone calls me to - and seeing as I'm in the UK I will be able to govern when there are no other admins available.

What country are you from: UK (GB)

Age: 17 in 11 days.

Microphone: Yes, but can't use at the moment.

Additional notes: Know this may be seen as a bit unfair to other admins, and I don't know what to say about that. But I'd like to help out with other servers, be it even just kicking, muting, gagging - the basics, I'd just like to spread out and help whenever I'm needed, basically.

Know this is not really the best way of enquiring about both, but it is the easiest and most efficient way to do so, as the head admins and CL's will see this on the forum much quicker.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 07:35:35 PM by Leetgrain »
Quote from: Inject OH 4
The whole point of CG is ruined if no one post.
I know what you would do you would hump the shit out of that car, then you would get run over  :D
Quote from: Inject OH 4
It's an ulgy dem file.
And you're do not look any thicker. I've had Creaps.

Offline Sejo Mino

Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2013, 07:45:32 PM »
Back in my days, In order to get a promotion you had to be here for about 2 yearz. Now it is handed out like candy on Halloween.

Also I +1 on the ranking on up.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 07:50:05 PM by Sejo Mino »

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2013, 07:45:32 PM »

Offline Pillz

Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2013, 09:04:23 PM »
Me and Death briefly discussed a sort of "mini-HA" rank that I believe Leet would be perfect for. You get some access to server FTP and stuff so dedicated "Vets" can learn how to take care of a server and that way they have the know-how to work as a HA or CL one day.

Like HA they'd get admin across all servers but they wouldn't be in control of the rules and taking care of the admins and whatnot; but could do simple things like restart a downed server or add/remove maps from rotation.

This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline crovv

Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2013, 09:20:09 PM »
Me and Death briefly discussed a sort of "mini-HA" rank that I believe Leet would be perfect for. You get some access to server FTP and stuff so dedicated "Vets" can learn how to take care of a server and that way they have the know-how to work as a HA or CL one day.

Like HA they'd get admin across all servers but they wouldn't be in control of the rules and taking care of the admins and whatnot; but could do simple things like restart a downed server or add/remove maps from rotation.

This sounds like a great idea, and Leet has the experience and, unless proved otherwise, I'd think you'd be great for it, Leet.

+1 (To your app/promo, but also to this new idea Pillz has)

Offline oobla37

Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2013, 12:19:18 AM »
Me and Death briefly discussed a sort of "mini-HA" rank that I believe Leet would be perfect for. You get some access to server FTP and stuff so dedicated "Vets" can learn how to take care of a server and that way they have the know-how to work as a HA or CL one day.

Like HA they'd get admin across all servers but they wouldn't be in control of the rules and taking care of the admins and whatnot; but could do simple things like restart a downed server or add/remove maps from rotation.

+1 for pillz being a genius, and +1 for leet becoming supreme commander. Leet has been around forever. Longer than most of us. Bounced around servers forever, and stayed a trial forever. Leet deserves much more than trial.

By kwuartz
Quote from: Inject OH 4
The Good, The Bad, The Ulgy!
Quote from: Old Crow
Give me all the lube ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Offline Old Crow

Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2013, 01:31:47 AM »
No promotions, no pay raises. GET BACK TO WORK!

Naw, Leet you deserve at least Reg, and maybe even a fast track to Vet. Cortez has been quite busy lately, but I'm sure he will see this soon.
I've proved people wrong on so many occasioans

Oh wow I do.Its because. I'm really active on the forum.

3 Days isn't log

Offline Lone Mudkips

Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2013, 03:33:38 AM »
(My choice of words and grammar is crappy. Deal with it.)

From my point of view, I'd say Leet deserves the promotion.

I honestly haven't gone to the other servers to see Leet in action since the transfer, but earlier Leet has been very responsible and does the admining well enough. Especially from the forums, the fellow here is very mature on topics and can be fun with other users here when it comes to random events. And personally, Leet here is a good friend.

In a single sentence: Yes, Leetgrain gets my vote. +1

Quote from: Lone Grey
TTT is like a radio station, they always play the same damn thing every day.
In Memory of BladeTwin
I almost made it
Fuck you Scooby
From Organ Trail Stream

Offline Red

Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2013, 03:55:24 AM »
No promotions, no pay raises. GET BACK TO WORK!

Naw, Leet you deserve at least Reg, and maybe even a fast track to Vet. Cortez has been quite busy lately, but I'm sure he will see this soon.

I hear that regular admins get double what trials earn and veteran admins make double that.

Anywho. Before I go to bed and forget. +1, I've been waiting for this for a while, I thought you have at least been made a regular a long while ago
Need anything? Find me on steam and I'll be happy to help.

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2013, 06:34:53 PM »
I'm going to have to say no. Because not only are you hardly active on the server you currently administrate for. Being here for a set amount of time shouldn't mean squat when it comes to a promotion for your administration rank, it should be what you actually do as far as being an admin. Now, if you showed more activity on ANY of the community servers, sure, I'd say rank up. But for the same reason that I resigned my own admin, you are hardly active on CG servers. For all intents and purposes as a trial admin you should have been warned about this inactivity on the server anyway, however, I know Cortez has been busy with his own time away.

Offline Tictactoe360

Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2013, 06:41:52 PM »
I'll go with yes, Leet has been with us longer than most regular admins and even some of the veteran admins. Sure he's changed between servers, but he's done the work in the past and put in the effort to help improve the community and keep the peace.

I see no reason why he shouldn't be promoted to regular and placed on watch for a quick promotion to vet, he's been with us long and enough has done more work for the community than most.

Offline HerpDerpMike

Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2013, 07:33:08 PM »
If you prove you'll be more active then yeah go for it Leet, you'll be perfect. You just gotta show us you have the time for it :/


Offline Guztav.

Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2013, 07:46:56 PM »
Why should you be promoted if you're not active on the servers? I know you've been here for longer than a load of people but I thought promotions were given for hard work and being active...

Offline Leetgrain

Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2013, 01:04:53 PM »
I understand. But I was massively active before for years long, and I'd like to get back into helping with anything I can, everything's in my first post, and Pillz' and Death's idea is exactly what I would like to do to help with CG where needed. And of course, with all this, I will be massively active with all servers that need it, I'd be able to help out when the servers need fixing, and I'll be able to come on and help out when people need. So very active, and I will be able to help do much more than I will ever be able to do helping out small-time on one server for years. (Which I have been doing.)

I hope you understand, and I hope you can tell I'm going to pull my weight if all goes as planned.
Quote from: Inject OH 4
The whole point of CG is ruined if no one post.
I know what you would do you would hump the shit out of that car, then you would get run over  :D
Quote from: Inject OH 4
It's an ulgy dem file.
And you're do not look any thicker. I've had Creaps.

Offline Pillz

Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2013, 04:05:51 PM »
Even if she WAS active on ALL servers for the past two weeks, that doesn't mean she wouldn't stop playing as much as soon as he got this promotion. We all know Leet's played most every game we have, and I agree she should be more familiar with the server's admins but whether she gets admin on the specific server is 100% up to that HA. Since she doesn't play much ZPS, I would ask her to get her total playtime up to X before I add him. I'm sure her would gladly oblige to do so, anything to help.

All I'm saying is how active the person is currently is a silly thing to judge on. Perhaps a window just opened and Leet will have the next month or two to dedicate to playing across all servers.

If she's denied, it'll have to be another few months before she attempts something like this and that window and drive to help might vanish. That's how my situation went. I was ready to play on all servers and do anything I can to help, but after a month of it not happening I just gave up. I haven't really felt the drive to do anything for CG since, and I kind of don't even know why I'm still here.

CG has been offered A LOT of help and has turned a blind eye to most people trying to help; so I don't really expect much to happen here but I give Leet a +1000 on this.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 04:23:00 PM by Pillz »
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2013, 06:31:41 PM »
Even if she WAS active on ALL servers for the past two weeks, that doesn't mean she wouldn't stop playing as much as soon as he got this promotion. We all know Leet's played most every game we have, and I agree she should be more familiar with the server's admins but whether she gets admin on the specific server is 100% up to that HA. Since she doesn't play much ZPS, I would ask her to get her total playtime up to X before I add him. I'm sure her would gladly oblige to do so, anything to help.

All I'm saying is how active the person is currently is a silly thing to judge on. Perhaps a window just opened and Leet will have the next month or two to dedicate to playing across all servers.

If she's denied, it'll have to be another few months before she attempts something like this and that window and drive to help might vanish. That's how my situation went. I was ready to play on all servers and do anything I can to help, but after a month of it not happening I just gave up. I haven't really felt the drive to do anything for CG since, and I kind of don't even know why I'm still here.

CG has been offered A LOT of help and has turned a blind eye to most people trying to help; so I don't really expect much to happen here but I give Leet a +1000 on this.

Like any promotion in the world, its not what you say you can do, but what you've done and what you can demonstrate you can do over and over again. Helping the community does not warrant an immediate promotion to all ranks. If it requires admin on all servers or a certain rank of admin to help the community, then we are screwed. And looking at what Leet has said versus her play record of times, too me, it just looks like an easy way to jump through the loops so that she doesn't get punished for not being as active. I know in the end she means well, but I just have to say no to this. This is something that should have been addressed via pm's, that and promotions shouldn't really be asked for unwarranted. Like I said, time in itself is not a good enough reason for promotion.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: [PROMO/ALL] Ze Leetgrain
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2013, 06:31:41 PM »


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