If you are going to be away for a period longer than 2-3 days, make a thread with the following information. Mkay, will do then.
Name: ÉŒed
Time you are leaving: not really "leaving" but after I finish this post..
In Which server you are admin on: Mostly Hidden..
Estimated time/date of return: 3-4 weeks at the most, 1 week at least
Additional Comments: Sorta tired of admining right now, I'm sure lots of you know what that's like. I've also gotten a bit "too" good at the game (no I'm not being big headed or trying to inflate my ego.. It's true), it's kind of tiring to constantly win over and over. I need to play other games for a bit (which is why I'm making this time away, since I won't be playing much Hidden).
Also, I'm writing this at 12 am and I have a massive headache so I blame that for any grammatical errors I have in my time away post...
Note for the other Hidden admins: