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Author Topic: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe  (Read 7311 times)

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Offline lucky7id

Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« on: October 23, 2013, 10:09:45 PM »
Who were you banned by: Echo

Why were you banned: "Bad spray Logo"

What server where you banned from: ConjointGaming.com | Hidden: Source #3 | PS=ON |...

What date and/or time around were you banned: Today 10/23/2013 5:00 PM

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:54632137

Your in game name: GaymerTwinks4Lyfe

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198069530002/

Additional comments:

Permaban? Without a warning? Is this admin new? Seems pretty homophobic to me. And also, a permaban, from a server I have been playing on plenty, *really*?

Offline lucky7id

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2013, 10:24:22 PM »
additional info: never been warned or had any trouble on any of the conjoint servers. So permaban, really?

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2013, 10:24:22 PM »

Offline Echochrome4

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2013, 10:29:10 PM »
You and your friend were both spraying sprays that are not allowed on our server.  You got slapped 3 times and in chat warned by the console.  I also said out loud that you need to stop spraying your spray.

Your friend was smarter and got the message the first time as he stopped spraying his.  We do not tolerate sprays like that on our server, that is why you were perma banned. 

Offline lucky7id

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2013, 10:39:48 PM »
You certainly did not "slap" me, our names are similar so it's possible you got us confused. Also, I am connected to a mumble server when I am playing and neither of us heard you. Also did you take into account the fact that the sprays don't change until the round ends?

I am not sure how you are justified in a permaban though, when blantant team killers only get a temp 1-3 day ban. Again, this just seems like a manifestation of homophobia.

I mean *seriously* a permaban? How does this make any sense, other than personal issues?

Offline HerpDerpMike

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2013, 10:45:08 PM »
Please explain how you think the ban was "homophobic"?


Offline Echochrome4

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2013, 10:50:49 PM »
I warned you 3 times.  I am possitive, I have to type in the command everytime.  The command removes your spray from were it was sprayed, along with slapping your for damage and displaying a message in chat.  This message may be missed as I think it is in the light gray color font.  But the thing that made me mad was that you sprayed this spray over 4 rounds.  That means I had to remove it 4 times, the 4th one being a perma.  I even said it over voice chat.  Why is it that your friend got the message and you didn't?  I know I didn't warn the wrong person because it dispays the name of the person I'm warning.  And finally, over 4 rounds, "Sprays dont change until the next round" I gave you 4 rounds to change it, and you never did, just sprayed it in the same location every time.  This is really making mad, porn sprays are not tolerated AT ALL on our server. 

Offline Tictactoe360

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2013, 10:52:15 PM »
You certainly did not "slap" me, our names are similar so it's possible you got us confused. Also, I am connected to a mumble server when I am playing and neither of us heard you. Also did you take into account the fact that the sprays don't change until the round ends?

I am not sure how you are justified in a permaban though, when blantant team killers only get a temp 1-3 day ban. Again, this just seems like a manifestation of homophobia.

I mean *seriously* a permaban? How does this make any sense, other than personal issues?

First off, the admin warned you several times, it's you're fault if you were using something that blocked out what they were saying. Secondly did you ever take into account that you could stop spraying until the map changed?

Third, drop the "Homophobia" plea, I'm assuming you spraying gay porn in an attempt to get a rise from people on the server so don't try to spin this around. Had you been spraying normal porn and ignoring the admin you would have still been banned.

TL:DR You got banned for most likely spraying shock porn got banned and are now trying to use the "Homophobia" claim to get away with it.

Offline lucky7id

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2013, 10:56:54 PM »
The spray was of a homosexual nature ( a cartoon) , whereas people spraying naked women all the time results in no ban, and no one says anything.

Seeing as this admin is not only a pretty new admin, and also being 17, it seems the only explanation for applying the harshest punishment available. Plus, not even waiting for a game change so I could change my spray, makes no sense

Replying to Echo's post which was posted as I write this:
The sprays change when the map changes, not at the end of each round, sorry if I mispoke, but anyone playing The Hidden long enough would know what I meant. Again our names are *very* similar, so again they are easy to mistake. And if you said anything over voice, it was impossible to hear anything over the player who was yelling over the mic, and you know that.

And 4 rounds, please. I was only in there for 2, my friend was in there for 4 >.>

Also, you still have yet to justify a permaban, when I have never had any problems on any of the servers until you showed up.

Offline lucky7id

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2013, 11:02:38 PM »
TL:DR You got banned for most likely spraying shock porn got banned and are now trying to use the "Homophobia" claim to get away with it.

I am gay for 1, and I feel like it has a motivation in this, so I am going to make it known.

It was a cartoon, no worse than most sprays that are used anywhere else. But I am glad that you took the time to object here.

This is really making mad
- Echo.
See, how can trying just to appeal this make you mad? Seems pretty fair to say that he's a bit quick and harsh with his admin powers.

Offline Christovski

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2013, 11:10:18 PM »
All porn of any kind is banned from the entire community, bar freaking none.  All of it, any kind, banned.

Permaban seems harsh but regardless what you did was bannable.  Maybe if the head admin feels its too harsh he might reduce it, but its a pretty valid ban seeing as how you did it multiple times.

Luna started the rover's engine.  "AEIOU!" She shouted as she slammed the gas and crashed through the wall.
whenbananasattack: Hot stuff is my life
Toukun: I wanna rock the fuck out.
Ninja Bunn3h: !sex @all

Offline lucky7id

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2013, 11:14:23 PM »
I am not in disagreement with this, he would certainly be within what would be fair. Even though I got confirmation from the friend that he indeed was slapped, I never had any notification for this, nor was I given the ability to wait for a map change to modify my spray. Just outright permaban.

That's why I am hoping to get this seen by a senior admin. All I am asking. Conjoint servers account for most of my playing time when I am not on other servers or our own gaymers server.

It just seems rash, and not fitting with other punishments.

Offline Fluffalupagus

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2013, 11:15:58 PM »
The spray was of a homosexual nature ( a cartoon) , whereas people spraying naked women all the time results in no ban, and no one says anything.

Seeing as this admin is not only a pretty new admin, and also being 17, it seems the only explanation for applying the harshest punishment available. Plus, not even waiting for a game change so I could change my spray, makes no sense

Replying to Echo's post which was posted as I write this:
The sprays change when the map changes, not at the end of each round, sorry if I mispoke, but anyone playing The Hidden long enough would know what I meant. Again our names are *very* similar, so again they are easy to mistake. And if you said anything over voice, it was impossible to hear anything over the player who was yelling over the mic, and you know that.

And 4 rounds, please. I was only in there for 2, my friend was in there for 4 >.>

Also, you still have yet to justify a permaban, when I have never had any problems on any of the servers until you showed up.

First off. This is a rule on the MotD. The very last one I believe. Just because you're somewhat a regular does not mean you can get away with breaking rules whatsoever. In fact, it should probably warrant a harsher punishment in and of itself. If you've been around as long as you believe you have, you should know the rules and the admins and the fact that they do not tolerate breaking of rules of any kind.

Second, Echo is definitely not new. He's one of the older admins on the Hidden admin list and I wholeheartedly trust his judgement, along with the rest of the team. Just because he's 17 does not mean he's not cut out for the job nor that his bans would be any harsher than the rest of us. Age isn't a factor in this. Maturity is. Spraying porn of any kind shows a blatant lack in that area, and we would appreciate the players on our servers to have some level of maturity. This ensures everyone enjoys themselves.

Third, regardless if you could not hear over voice, the console warnings - which are displayed in very large font across each player's screen - should have been adequate if you weren't able to use voice. If you didn't see the warnings, that is on you. From what I've read, Echo took every avenue he could to issue a warning.

Fourth, I don't have access to the logs, so we'll have to wait for Red or Pyro to confirm how many rounds you were there for.

Fifth, making comments about any of the admins being homophobic or attempting to demean them based on age, will NOT help your ban appeal. A ban appeal is an apology. It is the recognition of your offense and the willingness to atone. It is not another way for you to make an admin's job harder. Echo has done his job and to be honest, now this is a personal opinion, if this is how you were acting in game and now how you decide to go about "fixing" it, I would have probably issued a very lengthy ban as well.

Lastly, I hope you enjoyed your stay on the servers.

Offline Echochrome4

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2013, 11:18:54 PM »
No, it was 4 rounds, your friend left after you got banned because he wanted to play with you.  I even saw both of you try and join our other servers later on but he would leave as you would be kicked.  I removed your spray 4 times, you don't have to spray your spray every round!  In the MOTD is says no inappropriate sprays, yet you continued to spray yours.  You get the message about not spraying your spray and then you stop, there was no reason to continue spraying it every round.  "I couldn't change it until the end of the map" doesn't mean you need to keep spraying it. 

Also I have been an admin for close to half a year.  One of the second longest admins for hidden, shorter than Red.  (Not including Pyro as he is HA)

Offline Fluffalupagus

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2013, 11:20:48 PM »
I am not in disagreement with this, he would certainly be within what would be fair. Even though I got confirmation from the friend that he indeed was slapped, I never had any notification for this, nor was I given the ability to wait for a map change to modify my spray. Just outright permaban.

That's why I am hoping to get this seen by a senior admin. All I am asking. Conjoint servers account for most of my playing time when I am not on other servers or our own gaymers server.

It just seems rash, and not fitting with other punishments.

Modify your spray, then stop spraying until it changes. Quick fix to that.

You're free to your own personal life. There is no judgment on homosexuality here.
There is, however, judgement on people who feel the need to share their sexual content with others. Do not spray guy-on-girl. Do not spray girl-on-girl. Do not spray guy-on-guy. Do not spray beastiality. Do not spray cartoon versions of any of these types. They all warrant bans.

Offline Leninade

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2013, 11:29:53 PM »
Well, this wouldn't be the first time that I've disagreed with Echo handing out perma bans. Definitely a bannable offense, but unless it was something borderline illegal (child porn or something of the like), I don't see why you didn't just week ban him or something similar instead.

Guy is obviously deserving of some of it, but you gotta stop acting so rashly.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Ban Appeal (Hidden) GaymerTwinks4lyfe
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2013, 11:29:53 PM »


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