Hey guys,
So I have a bit of an issue.
My laptop is a Mac and I haven't gotten the money together to buy my replacement yet; the FastDL, I have learned, does not work for Macs. This is because GMod *might* use IE for FastDL. I haven't confirmed that yet, but having FireFox, Chrome, and Safari on my computer does not help the problem.
The solution:
Find all the files I can on different sites, or from the FastDL link.
The problem:
Not all the files the server thinks are on the FastDL are on the FastDL. This is especially true with maps/graphs/[map_name].ain
If someone could either tell me a way to get past the FastDL with a Mac or link me to the files I'm missing, it would be much appreciated, as I've had this problem for a while and now some of my .ain files cause models to be invisible.