Name of player reporting abuse:
(you may be anoynmous)
Admin who is suspected of the abuse:(=CG=)Pwned
In which server did the abuse ocurr?:In the gmod TTT server.
What ocurred, what did the abuse consist of:Kicking and banning.
What time and day did it happen (put down your time zone too):3:26 monday est.
Additional comments:He kicked and banned me bcuz he was a traitor and i had killed him,plus he came outta nowhere,sat there for like a minute aiming at my head,i killed him,checked his body,"TRAITOR" then i lag badly and im kicked and banned for 1 hr,i told him my details and evidence that he was a traitor,and i saw som1 kill another person b4 i was kicked and banned so i knew it was him,but instead he says "im digging myself deeper" WDF????.