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Author Topic: Pillz for Forum Mod?  (Read 9806 times)

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Offline artixloktar

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #30 on: August 05, 2012, 07:03:18 PM »
   After reading this thread and thinking it through, I must sadly say -1. Pillz is a good guy who means well and is chill for the most part, that i will give him. But I also have to remember that he has started some (not much) drama in the past and does not agree with some of the forum rules. This may go farther but there is no need to, i gave my input on the matter. Sorry Pillz :-\

Offline Pillz

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #31 on: August 05, 2012, 07:10:31 PM »

You're right.. I can't be forum moderator, I cause too much drama and partially have an issue with like 2 forum rules so I'll be completely unable to move posts to their correct sections and clean up. I'd just abuse that power way too much.

Seriously people, it's not that big of a deal; everyone says they see it going badly but I don't see how at all. Am I going to edit someone's post for my own benefit and take over the world? Again, if I'm unfit to do it, please suggest someone that can. Most of our CL's are away and nobody has the responsibility of cleaning up anymore.. I'm not applying for CL and I already have Head Admin, meaning I can lock and unlock threads, so what the deuce? How is drama an issue? Everyone's caused drama or contributed to it, from Jorgen to Inject to Wholegrain we've all fucked up once or twice, and pissed someone off somehow. It's the internet, it happens, but again, I've been trying to get better at it. I'm not going to be doing anything but helping, and if I do otherwise you can remove it.

Also for the record:


Not exactly sure on ones without any + or -; but yeahh.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 07:31:14 PM by Pillz »
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #31 on: August 05, 2012, 07:10:31 PM »

Offline artixloktar

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #32 on: August 05, 2012, 07:32:27 PM »
   I think you should re-read my post Pillz. I said you make a small amount of drama and do not agree with a few of the forum rules. That's not that bad at all really and I sure don't want you being forum moderator if you snap like that over a simple post such at mine. Please try and keep it chill like you are most of the time, blowing up is not going help you get forum moderator.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 07:47:19 PM by artixloktar »

Offline Pillz

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #33 on: August 05, 2012, 07:51:16 PM »
   I think you should re-read my post Pillz. I said you make a small amount of drama and do not agree with a few of the forum rules. That's not that bad at all really and I sure don't want you being forum moderator if you blow up like that over a simple post such at mine. Please try and keep it chill like you are most of the time, blowing up is not going help you get forum moderator.

I wasn't exactly blowing up but I apologize for my sarcasm, I just don't get how if it's not even that bad at all, why the -1? I just wanted to help out and now people are telling me I can't do it because of reason x and whatnot, and Idunno. I'm  just kinda bummed because I feel like people don't want me to be one and that might deter me from getting it. I didn't know forum moderator had so much responsibility, mainly due to the lack of one at all recently; Cadaver was the only one really.. and now he's CL. It doesn't have to be a path to CL; I don't want to be CL. I just want to clean up in my spare time. If it's a big deal, maybe someone could just grant me that power so I can help out anyway? Maybe make it so HA's can alter their admins status on the forum? I don't want to be Cadaver and I feel we're setting up an unreal standard for it; because again, I can't imagine many others being eligible if I'm not.. Sorry if that sounds big of me but I've been around about as long as wholegrain, I'm always on the forums and I haven't had a history of abuse; just some disagreements.

I guess it's really not that big of a deal, but I just want someone to be able to get it. I just thought I'd be able to, so I made this thread.. We talked about it in the meeting and Inject said HA's can't get moderator by default but they can feel free to apply for it, and given I've been CL/moderator before it makes sense to me..

I may act like a dick sometimes but that doesn't mean I'd abuse my powers; I mean Inject does a pretty good job, in all honesty and sometimes he blows up too. We all get irritated sometimes but that doesn't prevent us to being more helpful to the community than we are destructive. Again, I'll be working on it and if anyone feels I'm being a dick, force me to smoke weed.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 08:03:06 PM by Pillz »
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline artixloktar

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #34 on: August 05, 2012, 08:09:40 PM »
   I edited my first post to snap because blow up was the wrong word to use as I snapped as well and got a little PO'ed from the fast sarcasm. Not to say peoples vote don't matter but in the end it's all going to come down to a few people. Those people would be the CL's and other high ranking members of the community. There input will be a little more above what a normal input would be worth. (ex. my input for that matter) The other inputs matter because they help shape the bigger input, but i must point out cadavers post. The CL's will be the ones who make the final call. The way i would consider it (this is just me) is i would forget about all the votes. I would forget about the vote and focus more on getting CL support then making an app on the matter. Love you all, really do. But in the big shot, your best bet is to make a good impression on the CL's more then your average player like me.

Offline Hair Slut

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #35 on: August 05, 2012, 08:13:55 PM »
Which is what clans do, so CG is a clan now.

Offline Jorgen

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #36 on: August 05, 2012, 08:19:31 PM »
Which is what clans do, so CG is a clan now.
CG very much so evaluates input from all sides, but however comments like "hey is a cool kid" or "good guy" don't really say much so we can't really base our decisions of them, which is why I have urged CG members to leave reasons (real reasons) for why they think the person would be good for the job.

Offline artixloktar

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #37 on: August 05, 2012, 08:25:07 PM »
Which is what clans do, so CG is a clan now.
I have never been in a clan, so i really cant say yes or no to that question. I don't think you understand what i mean though so let my give you an example. Say we had a regular admin in CG who most of the people on his server did not like him that much so he got some hate. Thing is he was a really good admin and the CL's knew it. Even if you get trashed over and over by people from the server when he makes an app to change admin to another server. The head admin has the final say on the matter. In this app, you got to put the CL's in the place of head admins. They get the final call because there is no head admin for forum moderator (cadaver would be the closest to that). This is not a communist type group, or I would not be here in the first place. But the CL's have the final say in this matter.

[Edit] I forgot to proof read.

Offline Pillz

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #38 on: August 05, 2012, 08:36:01 PM »
Which is what clans do, so CG is a clan now.
I have never been in a clan, so i really cant say yes or no to that question. I don't think you understand what i mean though so let my give you an example. Say we had a regular admin in CG who most of the people on his server did not like him that much so he got some hate. Thing is he was a really good admin and the CL's knew it. Even if you get trashed over and over by people from the server when he makes an app to change admin to another server. The head admin has the final say on the matter. In this app, you got to put the CL's in the place of head admins. They get the final call because there is no head admin for forum moderator (cadaver would be the closest to that). This is not a communist type group, or I would not be here in the first place. But the CL's have the final say in this matter.

[Edit] I forgot to proof read.

Not to be rude, but I believe everyone knows this Artix. Hair Slut was joking, kind of. Things are getting off topic..
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline artixloktar

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #39 on: August 05, 2012, 08:44:19 PM »
Which is what clans do, so CG is a clan now.
I have never been in a clan, so i really cant say yes or no to that question. I don't think you understand what i mean though so let my give you an example. Say we had a regular admin in CG who most of the people on his server did not like him that much so he got some hate. Thing is he was a really good admin and the CL's knew it. Even if you get trashed over and over by people from the server when he makes an app to change admin to another server. The head admin has the final say on the matter. In this app, you got to put the CL's in the place of head admins. They get the final call because there is no head admin for forum moderator (cadaver would be the closest to that). This is not a communist type group, or I would not be here in the first place. But the CL's have the final say in this matter.

[Edit] I forgot to proof read.

Not to be rude, but I believe everyone knows this Artix. Hair Slut was joking, kind of. Things are getting off topic..
Approved, lets try and keep this thread on topic then.

Offline Blackllama

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #40 on: August 05, 2012, 08:56:29 PM »
He may have participated in causing drama in the past, but that really doesn't mean he can't do this.  The forum needs to be cleaned up.  He really wouldn't be getting much more power then he already has, it's just a side job.  It needs to be done.  Not many active CLs who have had time to do this.

I think he'd be good for the job.  This isn't a huge deal IMO it's just some janitorial work.

Offline artixloktar

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #41 on: August 05, 2012, 09:21:38 PM »
He may have participated in causing drama in the past, but that really doesn't mean he can't do this.  The forum needs to be cleaned up.  He really wouldn't be getting much more power then he already has, it's just a side job.  It needs to be done.  Not many active CLs who have had time to do this.

I think he'd be good for the job.  This isn't a huge deal IMO it's just some janitorial work.
   This is what Jorgan was trying to point out on his post (I think) but i will point it out in a simple way. The forum moderator also has to deal with drama in thread and keep the peace. I know Pillz can move post around here and there. Why I give him a -1 is because i don't think he can deal with the drama part of being a forum moderator. Whoever the CL's think is best for being a forum moderator must be able to deal with both parts of the job, not just moving post from place to place.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 09:23:44 PM by artixloktar »

Offline Pillz

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #42 on: August 05, 2012, 10:35:18 PM »
He may have participated in causing drama in the past, but that really doesn't mean he can't do this.  The forum needs to be cleaned up.  He really wouldn't be getting much more power then he already has, it's just a side job.  It needs to be done.  Not many active CLs who have had time to do this.

I think he'd be good for the job.  This isn't a huge deal IMO it's just some janitorial work.
   This is what Jorgan was trying to point out on his post (I think) but i will point it out in a simple way. The forum moderator also has to deal with drama in thread and keep the peace. I know Pillz can move post around here and there. Why I give him a -1 is because i don't think he can deal with the drama part of being a forum moderator. Whoever the CL's think is best for being a forum moderator must be able to deal with both parts of the job, not just moving post from place to place.

What makes you think I can't deal with it? I'm really not understanding your argument or why you think I'm so incapable for the job. Please, someone give me a hypothetical situation in which I fuck up and cause problems with Forum Moderator. I don't think any of you understand how petty the job really is, I don't know why Cadaver called it one of the two paths to CL. When the job was first created in CG that was not the idea, that's just what happened to Cadaver. I'm not going to be the dramaqueen, but I could be. Either way I just want to clean up, not rule the forums.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 10:52:46 PM by Pillz »
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Offline Leetgrain

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #43 on: August 05, 2012, 10:40:40 PM »
Artix, I really do have to side with Pillow (Pillz, I say pillow because in france there's AZERTY keyboards so I get my W's and Z's mixed up) here,

Pillow's a good friend and a good player, He's probably one of the best people on the forums, to be honest, He does get into debates sometimes, but that's no different to you or I, like we're in one now.

You have to remember, Pillow's not going to be the only mod, he will have to talk to others before he makes decisions, just to clear it up with the rest of the 'mins, and I'm sure that pillw can be trusted with forum moderator, and as I say, he may get into debates a tad easily, but how does that seperate him from you or I?

Quote from: Inject OH 4
The whole point of CG is ruined if no one post.
I know what you would do you would hump the shit out of that car, then you would get run over  :D
Quote from: Inject OH 4
It's an ulgy dem file.
And you're do not look any thicker. I've had Creaps.

Offline artixloktar

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #44 on: August 05, 2012, 10:57:00 PM »
Artix, I really do have to side with Pillow (Pillz, I say pillow because in france there's AZERTY keyboards so I get my W's and Z's mixed up) here,

Pillow's a good friend and a good player, He's probably one of the best people on the forums, to be honest, He does get into debates sometimes, but that's no different to you or I, like we're in one now.

You have to remember, Pillow's not going to be the only mod, he will have to talk to others before he makes decisions, just to clear it up with the rest of the 'mins, and I'm sure that pillw can be trusted with forum moderator, and as I say, he may get into debates a tad easily, but how does that seperate him from you or I?

But a forum moderator cant get into debates when there trying to stop drama. And you don't know if were going to get another moderator or not leet. For the longest time Cadaver had been the only moderator in CG. Moderators are not there to debate as much as there there to stop the instant drama, the debate comes after mostly.
He may have participated in causing drama in the past, but that really doesn't mean he can't do this.  The forum needs to be cleaned up.  He really wouldn't be getting much more power then he already has, it's just a side job.  It needs to be done.  Not many active CLs who have had time to do this.

I think he'd be good for the job.  This isn't a huge deal IMO it's just some janitorial work.
   This is what Jorgan was trying to point out on his post (I think) but i will point it out in a simple way. The forum moderator also has to deal with drama in thread and keep the peace. I know Pillz can move post around here and there. Why I give him a -1 is because i don't think he can deal with the drama part of being a forum moderator. Whoever the CL's think is best for being a forum moderator must be able to deal with both parts of the job, not just moving post from place to place.

What makes you think I can't deal with it? I'm really not understanding your argument or why you think I'm so incapable for the job. Please, someone give me a hypothetical situation in which I fuck up and cause problems with Forum Moderator. I don't think any of you understand how petty the job really is, I don't know why Cadaver called it one of the two paths to CL. When the job was first created in CG that was not the idea.
I just don't think you can deal with the large amount of drama you would have to deal with. The job also requires you always be the middle guy. Seeing how many people like you and respect you. It's hard to really be the middle guy if you have a positive look on every person. Even though everyone has a positive look on Cadaver, he does not have a positive look on everyone. This is why I do not think you would be the best for forum moderator.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Pillz for Forum Mod?
« Reply #44 on: August 05, 2012, 10:57:00 PM »


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