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Author Topic: Boopie  (Read 2997 times)

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Offline Waffuls the Huntress

« on: June 09, 2011, 12:09:21 AM »
To better understand, let me explain first what happened, then post the chatlogs.


1st (I was not here for this.) - Monp slays Boopie for rdm'ing two innocents.

2nd (I watched this in spectate.) - Dimini claims a room near the two minute mark and warns Boopie to leave (about 10 times). Boopie doesn't, so Dimini shoots him and Boopie kills him. Boopie wanted Dimini slayed for this, but because he had claimed the room and warned Boopie to leave, we (Exul, Monp, and I) did not slay.

3rd (Exultion handled this.) - Boopie walks over an un-id'd body and the detective, Sealer, kills him for it. Boopie demanded a slay, but Exultion said that he watched what had happened and did not slay Sealer.

Eventually, Exultion kicked Boopie for disrespect, then after continued admin chat spam/disrespect, he banned him for 30 minutes.

Now, during all of this, Boopie spams up admin chat complaining that we did not deal with the RDM's, and once that doesn't work, comes to me in private chat and bitches me out. Against what I thought was right, I gave in and invited Exultion to the chat so they could fight it out. After Exultion leaves, Boopie goes off about how immature the CG admins are and how terrible of an admin I am.

Chatlogs: (I switched back and forth from talking to Boopie to talking to the other admins to get their sides, as well. I'll break up the chats to help show who I'm talking to at the time and mark which problem Boopie is talking about.)

[2nd] 7:34 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: He damaged me 0.13 seconds after the 2 minute mark. He had no time to claim in .13 of a second
7:34 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: I'm fine with dropping it if people bother to pay attention to the fucking log
7:46 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Do you just pick and choose who to slay?
7:46 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: You don't even bother to fucking discuss it with people you don't want to
7:46 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: the other admin (Exultion) told me it was dealt with
7:46 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Well its not

7:48 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: i heard everyone saying he did claim and shot him cause he was in his area
7:48 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: hes the only one objecting to it
7:48 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i was there
7:48 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: he claimed like two seconds before two minutes
7:48 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: which is allowed
7:48 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: then told him to get out like ten times
7:48 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: and started to shoot
7:48 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: ok then
7:48 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: then boopie killed him
7:48 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: because he was a fucking T.
7:49 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: well thats boopie's fault

7:50 PM - (=CG=) Monp: boopie is being a cry baby because I slayed him earlier for killing 2 innos and he just started treating me like shit also.

[3rd] 7:52 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Exultion was talking about dimini, He knew nothing about sealer. Bother to fucking check before its "dealt with"
7:53 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: If you're going to bitch and moan that you're just wanting to play then just play,  Don't pick and choose which rdms you want to handle because you want to punish certain people

7:58 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: seal WATCHED him stand right next to an unid body
7:54 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: and so he killed him
7:55 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: hes mad cause he got caught

8:01 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Thats a lovely fucking way to handle shit
8:02 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i didnt do it.
8:02 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Then bring exultion into a chat
8:02 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: no.
8:02 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: were done with it
8:02 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: go to forums if its such a problem
8:02 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Its a problem when you're kicking me for admin disrespect and hardly being admins
8:03 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: go to forums
8:03 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i didnt kick
8:03 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i didnt ban
8:03 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i didnt deal with your rdms
8:03 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: exultion did
8:03 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: for all of them.
8:03 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Then be an admin and let me discuss it with the one who did
8:03 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: go to forums
8:03 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: But you won't do that
8:03 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: and stop bitching to me
8:03 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: no
8:03 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Then bring me into a chat with exultion, Its less time then it takes to fucking type
8:03 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: why would i do that? its a fucking game
8:04 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: monp says youve been in a shitty mood since you got slayed for killing two innocents one round
8:04 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: and then you fucking go off at me
8:04 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i didnt fucking do shit okay?
8:04 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i dont play this game to get bitched out at, i play to help the server and to have fun
8:04 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: go to forums
8:04 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Good for you, I don't care. If you want to blame exultion then bring me into a chat. Don't avoid letting me actually talk it out
8:04 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Thats far from helping the server
8:04 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: excuse me? avoiding the chat?
8:05 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: im talking to you right now arent i?
8:05 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i cant do anything to help you that is what i am saying
8:05 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i am not bringing him into chat just so you can piss him off more
8:05 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i didnt handle the rdm, i didnt handle the slays, i didnt handle the kick or the ban
8:05 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: exultion handled all of them
8:05 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: really, if you think he did it wrong
8:05 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: go to forums
8:05 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: You only didn't handle it because exultion told you he dealt with it
8:05 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: cause then it can be dealt with, but right now, i cant do anything
8:05 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: yes, why handle something thats already been handled?
8:06 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Except it wasn't, He was talking about something else and you don't bother to check

8:08 PM - (=CG=) Monp: Boopie is fucking stupid exultion even told him why sealer killed him like 5 times since i was there.

8:06 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: You just try and pass it off like he handled it all so you can ignore it
8:06 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: no
8:06 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: he used your name
8:06 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: he used sealers name
8:07 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: he said "the rdm with sealer is done with"
8:07 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: and no, have you watched me as admin?
8:07 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i bust my fucking ass to deal with shit
8:07 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i come into a server when im called, i drop all of my shit to deal with a possible rdm
8:07 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: You pick and fucking choose what you want to handle
8:07 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: and most the fucking time, nothing is wrong
8:07 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i dont pick and choose
8:07 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: when there is more than one admin on, we share the rdms
8:07 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: he dealt with yours
8:07 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i dealt with the one before
8:07 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: When there is more then one admin on you pass it off

[2nd] 8:07 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i showed you time stamps and damage logs
8:08 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: So much for him handling all of my rdms now?
8:08 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: and i watched the thing happen
8:08 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: I was the one who showed you the logs
8:08 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: and i looked and i saw
8:08 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: .13 of a second after the 2 minute mark is when he damaged me
8:08 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: then i said they work backwards
8:08 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: There was no way you saw 1:52
8:08 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: no, i watched it happen as well i told you that
8:08 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: So 6:00:13 would be 2:00:13
8:08 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: then i got the time messed up, but i know it was after when you said
8:08 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: because when people claim, i check time to make sure
8:09 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: You claimed it was 1:52 when he damaged me
8:09 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: no
8:09 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i checked it myself
8:09 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: and the logs proved you wrong
8:09 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i said that before i checked
8:09 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: it was around 1:50 is what i said
8:09 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: not 1:52
8:09 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Whatever, If you're going to handle it then let me talk to exultion. Otherwise I'm done. You pick and choose what rdms you are and use the multiple admin excuse to pick and choose who you want to get to slay
8:10 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i do not pick and choose
8:10 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: when they said "im going to ban him"
8:10 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i fucking said dont
8:10 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: i said "dont, he stopped"
8:10 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: then you bitch more and he banned
8:10 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: want me to fucking show you?
8:10 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: I'd prefer you to let me talk with the admin you keep claiming dealt with my case
8:10 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: But you keep saying no and tell me to take it to the forums because you love drama
8:11 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: (ADMINS) (=CG=) Exultion: im banning him
(ADMINS) (=CG=) Exultion: for 30 mins
H.P. Lovecraft's Racism: nevermind
(ADMINS) (=CG=) Exultion: everyone good with that?
8:11 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Way to change the subject
8:11 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: (ADMINS) LT4 ain't no Waffuls: he stopped
8:11 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Did I ask for you to post it?
8:11 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: No, but you avoid the fucking subject
(Exultion joined our chat.)
8:15 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: boopie im done dealing with it
8:15 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: he watched you run past an UNID he killed you
8:16 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Dealing with it by discussing with one person and saying its over?
8:16 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Thats a great way of handling things
8:16 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: I was nowhere near that unided body
8:16 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: I came from the opposite direction and he was already there
8:17 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Hell, Maybe it would of been fine if you still believed him. But your way of fucking "Dealing" with things doesn't even include listening to both sides
8:17 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: You didn't bother to even talk it out or ask me about it
8:17 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: i banned you cause your fucking bitching to me that i told both of you to drop because both you have 2 diff stories
8:18 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: i told you guys to drop
8:18 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Does it matter when you don't even hear both stories
8:18 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: and you still continue to spam the admin chat
8:18 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: your in a pissy mood cause monp slayed you earlier for rdming 2 inno's
8:18 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Considering you're not admining you're picking and choosing I doubt its a big deal
8:18 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: im done dealing with you
8:18 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: your crying about 1 fucking rdm
8:18 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: drop it
8:18 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: and let your ban run out
8:18 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: cause im not unbanning you
8:18 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: I'm complaining about an admin who won't even handle things like an admin
8:18 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: kk
8:18 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: done
8:18 PM - (=CG=) Exultion: bye!
(=CG=) Exultion left chat.
8:19 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: There you are, The great respectable admins
8:19 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: That certainly shows the maturity of CG Admins
8:25 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: Next time you share the rdm cases, at least bother to check that the admin handling it actually does shit
8:28 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: he talked to sealer
8:28 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: sealer said you walked over an un idd body
8:29 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: And how could anyone ever doubt sealer! Glad to know you talk to one side of all the rdms andhandle it how that one person thinks it needs to be handled
8:30 PM - LT4 ain't no Waffuls: 8:30 PM - BoopieDoopie-Pillz!: If you want to keep pointing out how un admin like the shit on the server is handled by him or other admins let them tell me themselves

If you're going to ban for longer than 30 minutes that would be alright with me. If someone can't get over how we dealt with RDM's (especially when we dealt with them correctly), then I don't think they should be playing on our servers.

Offline Muffinz

Re: Boopie
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2011, 12:11:44 AM »
This is all true i even talked with boopie and he just wouldnt listen, and waffuls i didnt see what happened with sealer and boopie i heard both of the stories and i said im not slaying, but for this guy has caused he deserves atleast a week-1 month ban

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Boopie
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2011, 12:11:44 AM »

Offline Waffuls the Huntress

Re: Boopie
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2011, 12:53:45 AM »
This is all true i even talked with boopie and he just wouldnt listen, and waffuls i didnt see what happened with sealer and boopie i heard both of the stories and i said im not slaying, but for this guy has caused he deserves atleast a week-1 month ban

I must have heard it wrong over mic-chat then. :(

Offline Monp

Re: Boopie
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2011, 01:46:38 PM »
As far is the 2nd one goes I wasn't there for that exultion told me through that chat that it was a mad house on the server so I was in the queue trying to get it. When I finally get in I hear Sealer explaining his side about how boopie was with an unid body and he killed him for it, boopie side is that he just got there and didn't have time to id the body before dying. Boopie then begins to spam admin, saying how all the admins pick and choose which rdm complaints they want to deal with, and continues to berate waffuls and exultion. Once exultion kicks him for disrespect he came back in, just spamming admin chat once again. Exultion ends up giving him a 30 minute for disrespectiing admins.

Offline Cadaver

Re: Boopie
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2011, 08:20:05 PM »
Steam id?

Offline Muffinz

Re: Boopie
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2011, 08:30:42 PM »
STEAM_0:1:20440019 ID converters FTW

Offline Yahtzee

Re: Boopie
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2011, 12:12:49 AM »
perma ban him :O

Offline Waffuls the Huntress

Re: Boopie
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2011, 12:58:33 AM »
I was actually going to delete this request. I know that Boopie had a "scene" in-game, but after returning from his 30 minute ban, I didn't hear anymore about him from the admins who were still playing.

He's fine to me normally when we chat, but it just seems that he has a temper and I don't hold grudges. I know that this was a terrible tantrum he had, but I don't think it deserves a perma at all. I think that we should ban him for a week or so as a warning, and if he blows up like this again, we perma. To jump directly to a perma over one outburst is too radical; there should always be a step in-between for something like this.

I hope you agree with this, I'll talk to Boopie and see if he's willing to offer an apology for all of this. I just hate seeing regular players be banned over a few simple arguments.

Offline Acecool

Re: Boopie
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2011, 01:16:26 AM »
1st (I was not here for this.) - Monp slays Boopie for rdm'ing two innocents.

2nd (I watched this in spectate.) - Dimini claims a room near the two minute mark and warns Boopie to leave (about 10 times). Boopie doesn't, so Dimini shoots him and Boopie kills him. Boopie wanted Dimini slayed for this, but because he had claimed the room and warned Boopie to leave, we (Exul, Monp, and I) did not slay.

3rd (Exultion handled this.) - Boopie walks over an un-id'd body and the detective, Sealer, kills him for it. Boopie demanded a slay, but Exultion said that he watched what had happened and did not slay Sealer.

Heres my view.
1st: Good job slaying him.
2nd: Were they both in the room when Dimini claimed? If so, Dimini needed the slay if Boopie wanted him slain as per the rules of claiming. If Boopie came in AFTER Dimini claimed, then Dimini had every right to shoot after warning, unless Boopie was detective or 100% confirmed innocent.
3rd: Correct call on this one as well, it is not rdm if they walk over un'ided body.

Offline Muffinz

Re: Boopie
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2011, 02:00:58 AM »
Ace make sure you read as to what i said about the whole unid'd body and not slaying

Offline Waffuls the Huntress

Re: Boopie
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2011, 04:04:24 AM »
For what Acecool responded:  To be honest, they both were in the same room when he claimed. Normally, I don't have many problems with claiming unless if it's before the two-minute mark, so I did not know exactly what to do in this type of situation. But, when Boopie was complaining, he did not give specific details besides "he claimed before two minutes," which, Dimini claimed roughly two or three seconds before the two-minute mark and did give Boopie multiple warnings before shooting. If Boopie would have mentioned what Ace had just said, then I would have slayed Dimini for the RDM. However, as I said before, he was only concerned about the time of claim.

Offline Wholegrain

Re: Boopie
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2011, 06:50:04 AM »
I haven't read this much since I graduated from high school

oh wait... i didn't read too much to read just skimmed and seems admins are doing a great job so keep up the good work!

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: Boopie
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2011, 06:50:04 AM »


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