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Author Topic: matthews slay without warrant  (Read 3724 times)

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Offline Commander Shepard

Re: matthews slay without warrant
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2011, 01:14:37 AM »
One accidental slay. Let's strip Matt's admin shall we? And while were at it, we can systematically demote our entire staff because ALL admins make fuck ups. Gee Lucifer, how many times do you have to be reminded?
You are a moron. Admin abuses add up, if this one was took into consideration in a later abuse thread it could result in a fitting punishment. However if we never post them because its "just one" then we'll never get any results.

Oh good, it was "took into consideration". Fun fact, calling someone a moron and then making yourself sound like a redneck who stumbled across a computer doesn't really help ya.
"Some say ya' troubled boy
Just because you like to destroy
All the things that bring the idiots joy
Well, what's wrong with a little destruction?"

-Franz Ferdinand "The Fallen"

Offline TowerSheep

Re: matthews slay without warrant
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2011, 01:31:19 AM »
I think we should give him a stern talking to and puddi puddi puddi puddi puddi.

Also, we really need to start doing suspensions instead of just talking if some one does something dumb.

by Kwaurtz

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: matthews slay without warrant
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2011, 01:31:19 AM »

Offline (=CG=) DoomBringerDANTE

Re: matthews slay without warrant
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2011, 03:01:42 AM »
Kwaurtz you know that admins dont need recorded evidince and/or pics. This might be an accident though, if you were spectating behind the bridge and the actuall person who was doing it dissapeared I can see why he would do it. He should check your side though.
@Artix What? I no understand post. do u see ore u not sea? do u no?

Quotes From/About Malkavians:
"Hee, hee! Watch it squirm! Now poke out its eyes!" - the last words heard by a victim of a Malkavian connoisseur.------
"When a Malkavian speaks, listen.  When a Malkavian acts, leave. 
When two Malkavians gather, run."
-Gangrel, on Malkavians------
"When you find yourself falling into madness, dive!" Malkavian saying---

Offline Vincent

Re: matthews slay without warrant
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2011, 03:23:48 AM »
(clap****clap****clap) oh good that's still working!!
I'm The Batman...

Offline matthew

Re: matthews slay without warrant
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2011, 01:45:29 PM »
and kwaurtz if you where right above the bridge when it happened why didnt you give me the name of the person in it?

Offline Kwaurtz

Re: matthews slay without warrant
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2011, 02:22:20 PM »
WAsn't paying attention, and when I triedto tell you it wasn't me, you never acknowledged me saying anything.

Offline matthew

Re: matthews slay without warrant
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2011, 05:44:17 PM »
I had been sitting over the bridge trying to get to posess it spamming e. So that people couldn't do this very thing since I had fell off of the side. There were four other dead people at the time. You never let me say anything or explain my side of the story. Only reason I'm posting this entire thing. You slayed me when I did nothing wrong.

im just wondering if you where sitting over the bridge spamming e how did you not see the name of the person in it?

Offline A.K Commando

Re: matthews slay without warrant
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2011, 12:06:46 AM »
I would like to point out that even if you are dead sometimes a person's name WILL NOT SHOW UP if he's possessing a prop, sucks I know but it happens. I would like to point out the obvious fact of this. the Admins are here to look at both sides of a story and provide a decent conclusion based on the EVIDANCE. The fact that Matthew ignored anything Kwuartz said and slayed him does not sit well with me, also if anyone says that I do the same I dare them to show me proof of it, every time I'v given out a slay it's after I'v looked at both sides or WATCHED IT HAPPEN!!!

Also an earlier statement is correct, if we let any abuse slide because "it's only one" then we will be ignoring admins that have no right having admin powers. If it was up to me I'd dismiss any further testimony from said user because it's obvious that he's either A) a 'friend' of the admin or B) someone who would benifet from having a retarded admin left alone.
To those who seek me out, beware. The Darkness is my friend and it shall aid me. Do not be distressed though as only those of evil intent need fear the writhing darkness. Only those of Pure intentions can find me and receive my help.

Offline Cadaver

Re: matthews slay without warrant
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2011, 12:10:47 AM »
Global Moderator Comment Ok. I think this has gone on long enough. Yes, you have to report any and all admin abuse, possible abuse, or perceived abuse, to ensure the admins are doing their jobs... We have gone over pretty much all the aspects here, so I am locking the thread, unless the Head Admins, or CLs wish to add their 2 cents...
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 11:17:57 PM by Cadaver »

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

Re: matthews slay without warrant
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2011, 12:10:47 AM »


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