Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: No, not yet
In game name: [MAU5]_V_
Link to your steam page:
http://steamcommunity.com/id/qwerty1331/homeSteam ID: STEAM_0:1:28273929
Do you have past admin experience: Yes, Owning a minecraft server, Moderating Multiple Minecraft servers, Admin On a Jail Server, and Admin on this TTT server about a year ago.
Why you wish to be admin: I am back and playing garrysmod regularly, and am always on my home server Conjoint Gaming
, and there is hardly any admins on when i am on.
What are some good qualities you possess: Good patience, abilitly to multitask, work fast when i need to, and good judgement.
What country are you from: United States of Murica
Age: 17
Microphone: (yes or no) yes
Additional Notes: I am back for good:) no more comp crashes, no more leaving, i am here to stay:D