Infected protection: I like it but it needs to be configured well.
We would have to make sure that while the zombies couldnt kill the human for however many seconds the OTHER HUMANS can still infection check the infected and kill them when they find he is infected. The carrier should have the option to kill on, in case there is a good reason (human is still doing objectives and needs to be stopped, human is the last one and dont want to wait 2 minutes for a new round) etc.
Infected chat could be ok, but I dunno if it would be that great, not a lot of people really play infected like part of teh zombie team.
Character chooser just seems like a bad idea. Not only will there be a flood of CHOOSECHAR in the text chat since most people have no clue how to bind the console command to a button, it says changes will be instant. Meaning if I said theres a punk character who is almost dead, that guy could just hit a button bound to that and BOOM be someone completely different so noone can find the guy I mentioned. Also I'd be concerned if people spammed it it would lag some things.
And junk if you dont want so many plugins than take some off like the awful MEELEE HEALTH MOD
Id be happy with the quake sound plugin going away if it means we get infection preotection